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7195822 No.7195822 [Reply] [Original]

How does one pronounce pynchon's name? pin-yoan? That's how my professor does it, I thought it was pinch-on. It could be pinch-un too apparently.

>> No.7195826

I say pinchin'

As in "pinchin' a loaf".

>> No.7195829

use the catalogue next time

>> No.7195833
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>> No.7195839

It depends on your accent

Anyway, in my broad Australia accent it is pronounced pinch on

Take the early posters advice about starting threads

>> No.7195843

It's not Pinch-in, it's not Pin-yoan, it's not Pinecone, it's Pinch-on.

>> No.7195846

i say it like pinch-un

>> No.7195850

It's Pynch-ON. Listen to the way he said it on The Simpsons.

>> No.7195851

Pyncheon is an old English name, which Pynchon derives from. Pynchon comes from rich ancestors, so you know he'd never debase such a name. It's the same way you would say dungeon.

>> No.7195866


>> No.7196234
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>It's the same way you would say dungeon.

>> No.7196238


>> No.7196247

thomas pynchon does not exist

>> No.7196283


It's a pen name.

>> No.7196387


It's a penis name.

(source: me)

>> No.7196394

There is a trick; it's about emphasising the second rather than first syllable. It's easy enough:
Instead of "Pynch-On", say: "Pyn-Chon". This will get you the effect this anon's trying to describe:

>> No.7197085

I just call him pinch-kun

>> No.7197711


>> No.7197723

Yes but and he's called Apynchon in Spanish

>> No.7197754

Pinchón, cabrón maricón.

>> No.7197762

It's MEANT to be Pinch-on, but nobody's going to correct a guy that says Pinch-in. Anything else is bad.

>> No.7197780

It's korean in origin I believe Pon-jeon

>> No.7197862

No, it's Ancient Greek, it's pronounced Pün-Khawn.

>> No.7197869

I call him pinecone

>> No.7197887

How do you pronounce Cthulu?

>> No.7197900


>> No.7197933


>> No.7197941

I call him pinecone chan and i imagine he looks like a cute anime girl

>> No.7197949

it's Japanese in origin and it's pronounced as 4chan

>> No.7197993

In the far future, he will be known as Apu-Punchon. Screencap this.

>> No.7198023
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I say Pie-chon kek

>> No.7198030
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>> No.7198055


>> No.7198093

kekd tbh

>> No.7198891


He pronounces it as such on The Simpsons


>> No.7198913
