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/lit/ - Literature

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7191680 No.7191680 [Reply] [Original]

>Dad rings me
>"Hey son I'm getting you a gift and I know you like reading so I'm getting you a book"
>"The bookstore clerk here is recommending me this book "The Fault in our Stars" by some green guy, you dig it?"
>Shit, gotta think of something, and fast
>"Uh not really, get me something from a latin american author, surprise me"
>"Uh sure thing son"
>He ended up getting me Gabo's "In Evil Hour"

Have you ever dodged a bullet this hard, /lit/?

>> No.7191689

My dad left when I was ten.

>> No.7191692

My parents think books are a waste of time and money unless they're for school.

>> No.7191695
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sorry to hear it son

>> No.7191739

my dad never got me a gift

>> No.7191750

My dad left me to be raised by a Korean man. Not kidding.

>> No.7191756

One of these days I'm going to read a JG book just to see what it's like. No one can stop me from being a pleb if I want to.

>> No.7191871

All my family and friends are patricians, so no.

>> No.7191939

Did you learn kung fu?

>> No.7191959

Closest I could say is turning in the GOT box set I got for Xmass to get store credit which I used on V. and GR.

>> No.7191960
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Story time?

>> No.7191976

tell us?

>> No.7192018

Everyone is just using this thread to talk about their fathers so i'm going to join the bandwagon.

My father made me make myself mentally sick when he wasn't proud of me for starting a "wrestlingclub" at my school. He basically told me i couldnt be myself(this was just when puberty had started to hit) and i wondered how i could please both him and me(because how could i be different to how i was?). So i decided to make myself mentally sick, repress the memory of it(only remembered years later) so that i would have a chance of Enlightenment(the only thing that would change me) after years of suffering -- because poets that have suffered know the most.

>> No.7192027

I don't understand a single thing in this story.

>> No.7192041

Wtf mate? What is "mentally sick"?

>> No.7192047


>> No.7192050

>> when he wasn't proud of me for starting a "wrestlingclub" at my school

>be father
>son starts a wrestling club at school
>immediately imagine oiled up adolescents dry-humping each other
>will my son continue the family-line?
>years later
>son is obviously mentally ill and writes semi-coherent posts on Taiwanese Mobile Suit Gundam enthusiast image boards

>> No.7192066

Yes, I was his clerk for a few years at his martial arts school

>> No.7192088

i'm too pleb for my dad. he has two rooms with the walls stacked with good books. He has pretty much every good book I could think of: hegel, virgil, umberto eco etc.

we've always been distanced from each other because i grew up playing video games and smoking weed while he's a bit of a renaissance man, studying history, politics, physics, painting etc.

>> No.7192091


>> No.7192102

Where were you daddy?

>> No.7192124

I never knew my real father, but my sister's dad is a real patrician who introduced me to books like 2001: A Space Odyssey, The Lord of the Rings, Dune, The Motorcycle Diaries, and introduced to Star Wars as well. It's just such a shame we're so distanced now.

>> No.7192133

>real patrician
>2001: A Space Odyssey
>The Lord of the Rings
>The Motorcycle Diaries
>Star Wars

>> No.7192139

u got trolled my man

>> No.7192149

noone were oiled up. It was just a fight club of sorts where the objective was to get the other dude out of "the ring" first, and he who did won. Noone were hitting the other, therefore it was a "wrestling club".

I simply started it since i thought everyone were faggots, fighting ennobles the spirit etc.

Everyone joined, a bunch of aunties("teachers") started talking shit(too "violent" i suppose) and my dad instead of being proud of me, went off on a tirade on how I couldn't do this, blablabla.

>> No.7192191

Is this the plot to fight club as written by John Green?

>> No.7192198

This is my life. But instead of starting a fight club when i was an adult i started one when i was just starting puberty. This was not ok with society, just as fight club in the book and the movie was not ok with society.

Eat a dick.

>> No.7192207

My dad was never there and he sent me a football which I put a knife in because I was mad and edgy when I was young.

>> No.7192230

cool story bro. it actually is kind of cute.

>> No.7192234

I had to go to the post office to pick it up and it was this huge box parcel and it was one of the first things I had ever gotten from him but my mother has spoken to him on the phone about what we were liked and stuff when me and my twin sister were younger.
I was pretty excited to get home and open it and basically took a tantrum when it was a football and goalie gloves.
t-thanks for saying my story was cool..

>> No.7192241

My dad has another family but why wouldn't you just say 'John Green is a moron and that book is for 15 year old girls'

>> No.7192245

Are you by any chance Australian?

>> No.7192246

He sounds like a fuckin nerd

You ever cuck him?

>> No.7192307

My dad was is your typical general ripper type military man, even killed people in our country's war. Only difference was he is an atheist and not like a devout christian.

He never spoke to me, still doesnt speak to me. We used to fight a lot and time he told me he didn't love me and another time he did this martial arts kick to my chest that sent me flying across the kitchen and left me feeling lile my chest had been crushed. I honestly cant describe that pain. We dont talk now.

I am now an ambiguously marxist hermit and he is still a typical stoic silent military man.

>> No.7192320

My father is well-read and get me awesome books every week or so. Last present was a neat edition of Racine's “Athalie”.

>> No.7192323

What's your mother tongue, mate? Also:

>how could I be different to how I was?
What you are isn't static.

>> No.7192392

Some things are static enough. For example the testosterone content in your body, or your perfectly proportioned "athletic build" leading to a certain form of behaviour...

I know nothing in this world is static. In fact this has mainly been the reason I have adopted buddhism, and i have spent a considerable amount of time thinking about this, but that doesn't mean some things are not static for a long period of our life. Perhaps you should look up different dog races if you have been sold on the "everyone's the same" programming.

>> No.7192414
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>he did this martial arts kick to my chest that sent me flying across the kitchen and left me feeling lile my chest had been crushed

>> No.7192423


What a piece of shit (no offsense)

>> No.7192434


I started a fight club thing with my cousin and a couple of other guys and we recorded it and put it on youtube. The videos still exist but i just made them private some time ago because it was embarrassing as fuck.

My cousins dad eventually found out about this and furiously shut it all down. Some of the fights were fucking brutal.

>> No.7192474

My dad died when I was 10
I never saw him before that anyway so it was fine, but then my mom died when I was 15.

>> No.7192478

your dad's an ASSHOLE (no offense)

>> No.7192481


>> No.7192485

Shit nigger
Hope you're doing ok

>> No.7192489

>Having a Dad in 2015

Lucky guy I guess.

>> No.7192493

My dad wouldn't let me read Brave New World until I had finished Gulliver's Travels, supposedly so I would understand satire. I'm living in his house while he's overseas for work, and his books are pretty good, if almost all non-fiction. Mostly history.

>> No.7192497

>Brave New World


>> No.7192500

Maybe it was Animal Farm, that was many years ago.

>> No.7192509

>haven't spoken with my father in 8 years

>> No.7192511

My dad left when I was five.
>tfw 27yo mum's boy

>> No.7192512

It was, and they're different authors, genres, and overall themes.

>> No.7192514

My dad does nothing but smoke weed all day. Whenever I see him he just goes on about UFOs and /x/-tier conspiracy shit he saw on YouTube. I feel rather worried about him tbh.

>> No.7192518

Okay, Dad, jeez. Thanks for leaving Shelby Foote's Civil War books behind though.

>> No.7192534

>yfw I haven't spoken to my dad since he didn't show up for his allotted weekend with me in august 1995

>> No.7192551
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>mfw everytime I smoke weed at home i stay up until 5am watching shit like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3piEWf2OZAE

>> No.7192556

tfw my dad is a "religious people are sheep and stupid" type of atheist and I'm a Christian

tfw he doesn't know yet

I should just keep it to myself, right?

>> No.7192563

because he's trying to get you a present and probably doesn't actually want to know your opinion on john green

>> No.7192636

My mother and I left my father when I was 4 because we moved to a different country. So then I had a new father. He was an arsehole and he smacked me. Then we moved again and I had another father. He was alright. Sometimes he lived with us, sometimes he didn't. The next time we moved, we moved together.
At the tender age of 14 my darling mother suddenly decided to tell me, during a pleasant walk in an autumn park, that the man who I had originally believed to be my father, was in fact not my father. He was impotent. My real father had been father no2. Naturally, this was quite shocking to me, however she just laughed it off as though it was nothing.
So yeah, I would probably say that I have no father either.

>> No.7192703

My dad was physically and mentally abusive to my mother. I have one memory of my dad dragging her around the house by the hair and destroying all my stuff after my mom accidentally backed into his car. He cheated on her several times and even brought me and my brother to visit his mistresses.

Hes since been married 4 more times (engaged many more times to other women).

>> No.7192720

ITT: Reddit

>> No.7192732

describe them pls?

>> No.7192740

What I've learnt from this thread

>/lit/ posters are mostly insecure guys trying to full the void of not having a father by being really pretentious on a message board a pretending to read books.

Sounds about right. I'm going to go over to my parents house right now whom are both married and live a stable, happy life. Sure feels good being a normie!

>> No.7192762

Sounds like your parents have successfully hidden their human faults from you. Enjoy your trip.

>> No.7192766


>assuming this hard

haha, yeah, alright buddy!

>> No.7192771

Having divorced parents is hardly a traumatic or even noteworthy experience.

>> No.7192784

Cancer, go back to /b/. Everyone who has posted in this thread is everything that's wrong with this board right now.

>> No.7192794

Something like 50% of marriages end in divorce and some children are born outside of marriage so probably the majority of people have issues with their parents in some way so it's not exactly normal to have a perfectly functional and we'll adjusted family

>> No.7192796

Thought you were leaving.10 minutes ago...

Think about it while you're talking to them. Listen to the way they talk and the things they talk about or don't talk about. Try to compare your mental construct for each of them individually with your construct for them as a unit, then with your construct for yourself. Are they flat characters or real people? Do their individualities match their collective identity?

I hope you enjoy your visit. I know I don't see my parents nearly as often as I would like.

>> No.7192802

Data's not entirely valid. Not all marriages result in children and marriages which end in divorce are less likely to result in children than those that don't. You'd be better off finding statistics about the proportion of people who were raised by divorced parents.

>> No.7192803

My dad was an alcoholic and moderately below average intelligence/mentally impaired. He was too simpleminded to deal with a child, let alone raise one, and so he often beat me because he couldn't think of any other response. Never being sober, he never spent any quality time with me, apart from sitting beside me and blubbering about how he failed at life and raising his child. To make up for his abusive behaviour he bought me a constant stream of crap food which made a fat little shit until I was 17 years old. When I was 9, encouraged by my usually apathetic mother, and to escape from my dreary mediocre everyday life, I made my first foray into literature by reading the famous five series, along with Treasure Island, White Fang, Call of the Wild and other similar children's books. None of these answered the questions and doubts I had about life and myself. By 11 I had serious depression and a plethora of other issues, so I attempted to hang myself with the belt I was beat with, only to fail. At 14 I became interested in studying various religions, and then political ideologies, and after that philosophy.

I don't hate my dad, because he was clearly incapable of doing much better, but I still find it hard to come to terms with the mediocrity of my life so far.

>> No.7192805

just because something is common in a population doesn't mean it's not traumatic.

>> No.7192806

i have never seen my father reading anything in all my life

>> No.7192813

>tfw father was always absent in another country when I was 11+ years old and raised myself on the internet

feels sad, man.

>> No.7192819

Parents divorced when I was a babby I hardly ever saw my dad but he was old as shit (and he was in Vietnam so he seemed even older than he was). Moved across the country with my mom at 15 and my dad died a few months later. He wasn't really mean but just a terrible parent who couldn't do anything for myself so me and my brother had to take care of him all the time since we were in middle school.

>> No.7192832

A quick google search indicates that as of last year approximately 30% of children were living with only one parent. That data doesn't incorporate divorce rates/remarriages, however and a simple google search didn't turn up anything that didn't have obvious commercial or ideological bias.

>> No.7192853

My father was a kind man who understands literature and history better than I am ever likely to. He was a very introverted academic type, but as the primary breadwinner of the family he took a less active role in my rearing than my mother, who worked part-time and managed most of the childcare tasks. My father was always kind and supportive, but was at times passive or passive-aggressive and he had difficulty resolving conflicts, a trait which I have shared for much of my life. Neither of my parents particularly prepared me for socialization, but they did encourage me to read and learn and develop an ability to cope with things independently. As I moved into school, reading became a coping skill as well as a hobby and I developed an interest in fantasy and science fiction which helped me cope with bullying and the stress I felt when interacting with my classmates. As I matured and began to develop a greater ability to deal with normal people, I read less fiction and developed an interest in philosophy and psychology.

>> No.7192873

I think I might be friends with your dad.

>> No.7192905

patrish tbqh

>> No.7192921

Actually, the only reason I'm pretentious is because of my dad, my mom worked weird shifts while he was in a high-danger job, so he'd work a day and have two off, so he pretty much raised me, introducing me to the sci-fi stuff he'd read as a teen, stuff like Aasimov, Clarke and Dune, Asterix comics, good-tier dadrock and mid-level cinema, like Kurosawa and Hitchcock, besides introducing me to some of my favourite authors, like Cortázar, García Marquez and Graciliano Ramos.

We sort of grew distant during my teens, but we've been getting closer again, I actually introduced him to Pinecone and gave him the Foundation trilogy (he always wanted to read it but the translations were expensive as fuck back then).

>> No.7193125

Last time I spoke to my dad (over email) he asked me to change my surname.

>> No.7193178

I don't know my father.

>> No.7193184

black lives matter!

>> No.7193191

Go to hell!

>> No.7193211

yep my dad can be pretty chill sometimes, he has a natural storytelling ability even though he only reads occult/conspiracy stuff. But for the same reasons my upbringing was pretty weird, I learned to question everything and rely on no one from an early age, which meant I was rather isolated and neurotic for much of my teenage years. Besides he ends up tangled in his own proyects and get rich quick schemes pretty often, so it's almost like I have to watch over him like he was an irresponsible younger sibling of sorts

>> No.7193233

is your dad named thomas?

>> No.7193241


>> No.7193252

I actually have a solid relationship with fadda. My mom tried to kill me and my siblings though.

>> No.7193255

>mfw this confused mess of a post is the epitome of /lit right now

Gotta straighten up your thinking a bit m8, learn math or some shit.
This. My dad is patrish and nice and was always proud of me. We have so many books at home I have stopped buying books now.
Some people are fucked up.

>> No.7193272

i have lasciviously fucked my mom in my dad's casual absence.

>> No.7193279

I love incest. Pls share greentext.

>> No.7193284


Damn son

>> No.7193378

My dad's just plain weird. My parents divorced when I was young, and for much of my childhood I lived with my mom. When I was around 16 I moved in with him and my grandmother, and he was more of a roommate than a father. He worked until around 3p, then spent most of the afternoon at the bar. Once he got home he would just watch movies or TV series from the huge collection he had, and just do that for the rest of the night.

Around me and the rest of our family he's just quiet, and prefers to do his own thing. He seems to be most at peace when he's at home, or out with his friends. If you ask him to go to an event like a graduation, or a family get together he'll just stay for the minimum amount of time needed before taking off.

I remember when he met my wife for the first time and he made a pawing motion with his hand (I don't know how else to describe it) and made a cat sound. It was really bizarre, but not entirely unexpected. Like, I don't know. He's a nice guy, and will always help out when you need it, but he's just really odd.

>> No.7193393

Does he have PTSD? Did he ever see a psychologist?

>> No.7193403

Oh, he also had his car catch on fire in the driveway recently which resulted in it getting totaled, once I had heard of this I called him to check in and see how he was doing, and the conversation went pretty much like this:

>Hey dad, how's it going? I heard you car caught on fire, how the hell did that happen?
>Hey Anon, yeah it did. Pretty cool, huh?

>> No.7193415

Your dad doesn't sound like a dad

>> No.7193420

My dad was a pretty cool guy.

>> No.7193542

My dad is good. He cheated on my mom when I was two. My sister hates him for it, but it's all I really know, so I've come to terms with it. He married his mistress and she's basically a second mom for me, although my mother and sister clearly resent her. I feel like it's because I'm a boy, somehow.

My dad has shit taste in nearly everything, but he is intelligent when it comes to practicalities. This doesn't bother me, I onlu wish we had more common ground.

>> No.7193557


>> No.7193585
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My dad was cucked often so I do not know if he was really even my true father

>> No.7193609

We need more wars so men like this can disappear

>> No.7193614
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>> No.7193795

Yeah, i get that it was a confusing post. I'm just a bit reluctant to go into the topic and am quite emotional about it, like nothing else in my life... and this was also the first time i told it "in public" in addition to it just being confusing to begin with. So i'm sorry i confused you cunt.

>> No.7193820

i thought the circle on the rug was a pizza

>> No.7193844

Oh damn, thank you for introducing me to this. This is so fucking retarded.
Also this:

>> No.7193858

Is it still immoral to cuckold a man if he wants to be cuckolded?

I just noticed that circle on the rug is not a pizza.