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7191176 No.7191176[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw I accidentally left my diary in her car when she drove me home from the park

>> No.7191284


>> No.7191288

> carrying your dairy around

Shit nigga, what are you doing?

>> No.7191289
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>having a diary

>> No.7191297


>> No.7191300


What my nigga?

>> No.7191303

I don't know what I'd do without my diary, tbh

>> No.7191317

I've kept an electronic diary since I was 11. That's 12 years of stuff. Feels good to read it back. See what I was doing the day after my 15th birthday. Do you remember? No, you don't. I do.

>> No.7191323

Masturbating and posting on /v/, I'm guessing.

>> No.7191328

>The days of my life are unique enough that I find value in keeping a diary
>tfw will never know this feel

>> No.7191333


You lads don't even understand the bantz

>> No.7191342

there are 0 days of my life i'd like to remember

>> No.7191346

That's not why people keep diaries. They do it because they're self-absorbed faggots who can go on and on about themselves even if there's nothing even remotely interesting going on.

>> No.7191354

It's almost like the only lives people can live is their own!!!!!!!1!! So self-absorbed to go on about that.

>> No.7191355

You don't remenber it either, you wrote it down, if it was that dear to you, you wouldn't need to write it down to remenber it

>> No.7191357


thanks fam

>> No.7191358



>> No.7191364

Jesus Christ.

>> No.7191365

that's not how memory works

>> No.7191366

>Dear diary,

>Today, anon was mean to me ;_;... I'm going to masturbate myself to sleep again tonight.

Truly valuable records you're keeping there, champ.

>> No.7191368

I masturbate to furry porn.

>> No.7191376

>reflecting about your life privately without bothering anyone else with it is self absorbed


>> No.7191378

>You can't be self absorbed if you aren't bothering anyone

>> No.7191385

>implying i said that

the meaning of that statement is that you can't gauge someone's level of self absorption unless they themselves make it apparent. nice try at being a pedantic cunt though, you're pretty decent at it.

>> No.7191388

You're making it apparent by keeping a diary like a little faggot baby bitch boy

>> No.7191391

how would you know someone was keeping a diary unless they told you? oh yeah, you fucking couldn't.

the fact that you're mad at people keeping diaries just shows that you have a level of autism not yet to be seen on such a scale.

>> No.7191397

>how would you know someone was keeping a diary unless they told you?
He'd be a self absorbed little faggot baby bitch boy as I stated before. That's hard to miss.

>> No.7191402

>He'd be a self absorbed little faggot baby bitch boy as I stated before. That's hard to miss.

I'd say that I'm surprised that you're this retarded but I'm on 4chan so it's not like I should be.

>> No.7191406
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>> No.7191408

>Can't do anything but call me a retard
Hah QED how does it feel to get btfo?

>> No.7191409

Yeah really time well spent mate you got him good that diary writing fag

>> No.7191413

I do remember, but your point stands. I recently looked through my language arts journal from 9th grade where we wrote a response to some question on the board or whatever. I remembered doing it but nothing of what I wrote, and was really surprised at what I had written.

Care to share some of your entries?

>> No.7191418

Why would you actually want to remember the dumb shit you wrote as a kid? That's like being your own grandparent who proudly tells everyone in earshot embarrassing stories about you.

>> No.7191429
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>read through my ipod notes section from when I was a socially isolated 14 year old egomaniac
>everything is absolute nonsense

feels bad man

>> No.7191435
File: 1.07 MB, 4450x1061, 20151004_001147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm reading it right now and it's hilarious

>> No.7191440

>carrying your diary around

nigga you're supposed to hide that shit under your bed, smh

>> No.7191462

sounds spook'd tbh

>> No.7191487
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my teacher tried to bait

>> No.7191515

mod(s) wake the fuck up

>tfw can't report threads because of the legacy captcha

>> No.7191546


>> No.7191571
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>not writing your diary in a language nobody speaks among your family and friends
>not having penmanship so atrocious, words look more like hieroglyphs or chinese texts than latin letters
>not needing ~20 minutes to decipher a single word in your diary
>in 2015

You fucking amateur. it's like you WANT to be caught.

>> No.7191576
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>imlying someone could read my diary written in my own characters/language in dochmiacic octameter

>> No.7191578

What are you writing that you need to hide it so badly? Your child rape fantasies?

>> No.7191590

When I wrote in my journal for three-ish years, it was in an alphabetical cipher in which every letter was represented by its number place in the alphabet and enclosed in parentheses.

Take some precautions, at least against prying eyes.

>> No.7191602

That seems way too paranoid to just be about "prying eyes".

>> No.7191607

You have no idea how fucked up I was in high school. It was really bad.

>> No.7191608

This. My caligraphy is so bad already this might actually work. Thanks anon.

>> No.7191612

how bad was it?

>> No.7191620

Bad enough that I was writing my thoughts down in a cipher so that no one could read them.

No drugs or anything.

Just a major depressive episode.

>> No.7191624

haha fagger

>> No.7191625

I almost wish someone would find mine. It's nothing but pseudoreligious musings about killing myself juxtaposed with animal facts.

>> No.7191631

mind sharing an excerpt?

>> No.7191637

Everyone who isn't one of the cool kids in high school is a massive edgelord faggot though. It's typically a phase that people grow out of. Most people have the sense (or luck) to not decide that extensively documenting that period of their lives is a good idea.

>> No.7191644

Having a major depressive episode is not the same as not fitting in or not being cool.
Don't take that as "oh woe was me", it's just a fact.

And the journal did not start out as a documentation of my feelings, though it did sort of turn out that way towards the end.

>> No.7191647

>One can quantify the goodness of a man by measuring the ratio of animals he has touched in good faith to the of the sum of all money that has passed through his hands. Taxidermists may be the exception to this rule.

>> No.7191655
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>> No.7191890
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>What are you writing that you need to hide it so badly?
This, again? I don't have to justify anything.

>> No.7191926
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>> No.7192366

I wish I could write about the different topics I'm researching or the projects I'm working on, instead it seems to always degrade to musing over depressive episodes and shit.

Never seen someone so irrationally upset over something so pointless. Did your abusive step-mother use to keep a diary? Is that why you're so rustled?

>> No.7192390

Did Bart and Lisa watch Homer shower?

>> No.7192424

>accidentally left my dairy in her car
>i will never meet my macros now

>> No.7192425

You're missing the point. I'm not saying you should want people to read it. It's personal and that's fine.

What I'm saying is that there's a line between not wanting your privacy invaded and being paranoid. Even then, paranoia is at least understandable if you legitimately have something to hide. If you don't, that's when you're crazy.

You come off like the type of guy who thinks OBUMMER's going to send GUBMINT jackboots to take your guns and lock you in a FEMA death camp.

>> No.7192450

Same tbqh fam

>> No.7192454

Holy shit good to know other people remember this.

>> No.7192458
