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718049 No.718049 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people confuse moral ambiguity with depth?

>> No.718064

Just wanted to share this with you guys. Awesome method, but we always need more people :3 ..67
nook.dk/47dollar_DatingMethod.pdf <--- Link - 85

>> No.718063

Because it's the lazy man's depth.

>> No.718065

Just wanted to share this with you guys. Awesome method, but we always need more people :3 ..78
nook.dk/47dollar_DatingMethod.pdf <--- Link - 60

>> No.718066

Just wanted to share this with you guys. Awesome method, but we always need more people :3 ..21
nook.dk/47dollar_DatingMethod.pdf <--- Link - 60

>> No.718072

wait - what kind of depth?

your statement confuses me, elaborate.

>> No.718073

Just wanted to share this with you guys. Awesome method, but we always need more people :3 ..27
nook.dk/47dollar_DatingMethod.pdf <--- Link - 8

>> No.718076

Because they find it hard to understand.

>> No.718078

I think he means:
- "A thing happens, this is what it means."
- "But wait a second, it could also mean this."
- "Woah... that's deep man."
- "I know. Buy me books mate"

>> No.718087


Ah. Heh, that is an odd thing to confuse with moral amiguity. I've never had anyone do this though.

>> No.718088

Just wanted to share this with you guys. Awesome method, but we always need more people :3 ..70
nook.dk/47dollar_DatingMethod.pdf <--- Link - 86

>> No.718098
File: 57 KB, 800x600, really deep shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cause most (like me) are shallow. but you set the hook where you can catch the most fish. boy that sounds cynical and I did not mean to...

>> No.718642

says the guy who posted the gate of auschwitz

>> No.718652


That isn't moral ambiguity...

>> No.718678

did you guys know a couple of months ago someone stole the sign over the gate?
what a kickass wall hanger that would be.

>> No.718693

yeah. and they found it. some retards stole it. now they can use picture of it to hang on their walls in prison...

>> No.718688

fuck that, im putting it in my front yard

>> No.718767

people confuse moral ambiguity with depth because most people do not question their beliefs on a daily basis.

if you want more poof sit in a Freshman ethics class. shit was painful to her dumb kids stumble over defending the death penalty while being against abortion. BUSH COUNTRY

>> No.718792

i dont see any reason you couldn't hold both those views.
having a single blanket idea of anything is pretty silly, life and death included.

>> No.718838

Because even the most idealistically devout people in modern society are morally ambiguous.
Within man exists forces that both contradict and are at battle with one another, thus a realistically written person showcases doubts and fears, character growth and even idealistic changes. If I'd want to go witness black and white ideals given human form, I'd go look at the animatronics at Disneyland.

>> No.718847

>people who kill people should be killed
>people(children) who dont shouldnt be killed

Those dont seem like very conflicting views, perhaps you are the one who doesnt question your own beliefs and calls everyone you disagree with "dumb"

>> No.718889

Furthermore, everyone is a slave to situational factors. I am not the same person with the same set of morals at both point A and B in time. I do not were the same mask at a war zone or in a peace time, at my friends or at my parents. I might hold onto some ideals that I believe that are hardcoded within me, but they are not.
Do not confuse moral ambiguity with nihilism, for it to is an abstract ideal that betrays moral ambiguity.

>> No.718903


>implying a justice system can be sure 100% of the time that the person is actually guilty

>> No.718931
File: 50 KB, 400x394, batmanusedsplash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying implications
I wasnt arguing for the death penalty I was just pointing out that >>718767 was pretty close to going full retard.

>> No.718933

>Implying that was implied.
Obviously not, but if you have a better system you'd like to propose as opposed to being the kid sitting in the back of the biology class shouting "EVOLUTION IS ONLY A THEORY DURRRRR" then let's hear it.

>> No.718942
File: 17 KB, 731x491, ICANSEEFOREVER.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your trolling taints the credibillity of my argument.

>> No.719063

I fail to understand the operational definition of moral ambiguity and its relationship to depth in this thread. It is kind of ironic that the sentence used to bring up the topic of moral ambiguity is ambiguous. But on the topic of abortion and the death penalty, it is different to kill a person who has committed a crime than a potential child. However, to demand the right to life for one group while simultaneously denying it to another group is a paradoxical argument. To make both claims shows conflicting moral views. If each person has the right to life than you cannot take it away from one person without sanctioning the right to take it away from anyone.

>> No.719075

Why do people confuse depth with pretentious writing?

>> No.719117

>implying you can be sure anything you sense is real

>> No.719201

>Implying it matters.

>> No.719235

So don't bother putting anyone in jail because you might be wrong and take away years from their life.

>> No.719246

Also, why do people confuse moral ambiguity with character flaws?