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7186977 No.7186977 [Reply] [Original]

I think that I am having an existential crisis.
I don't want to have an existential crisis.
What book should I read?

>> No.7186985

my diary, tbh

here's an entry
>Saw a thread today. Guy having existential crisis. Told him to read my diary, tbh

>> No.7186990

write a day in "my diary, tbh" style

>> No.7186997

Feeling Good by David D Burns

Don't bother with famous existential shite. Most existential works that are revered are dated and flawed. And the likelihood that the fundamental thing causing an existential crisis has to do with your conception of metaphysics or absurdity is unlikely as it is certainly possible to be happy and to have a strong knowledge of these concepts. The problem underneath is usually negative thinking patterns and unresolved shit in your past/subconscious.

Give yourself CBT i.e. this book, don't listen to le i'm too deep to feel anything other than despair brigade i.e. the 90% of lit and get out of this feeling (which deserves no pride or respect) as quickly as possible

>> No.7187021

The Bible

>> No.7187025

Just go talk to your nearest Baptist preacher and beg to be converted.

>> No.7187058


>> No.7187060

I don't actually have any books I would recommend on this.

Filling that dread with mysticism or metaphysical philosophy will do you no good.

Just take comfort in the fact that as you grow old your body will slowly prepare you for death. In your old age you will embrace the void with a faint smile.

>> No.7187067

Babi's first existential crisis, lemme redpill u

EASTERN PHILO (if thats your thing)

>> No.7187072

Nothing helps, all life is utterly bereft of meaning and all life is nothing but suffering, the only true palliative is to be rich enough to afford distractions from the agony of existence or the sweet release of death. Take these truths however you will.

>> No.7187169
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>> No.7187175

that's okay OP, i'm on my fourth existential crisis right now, we'll get through it

>> No.7187212

this is the only correct answer

>> No.7187243


And predicted the response rather well

>> No.7187250


Allow me to expand

Fear and Trembling
Myth of Sisyphus
The Brothers Karamazov
Don't bother with Sartre. Unless you want to be nauseous LOL
Aurelius. Epictetus if you really dig Aurelius.
>EASTERN PHILO (if thats your thing)
Tao Te Ching
Beyond Good and Evil. If you like that, check out The Gay Science.

>> No.7187316

The trial will get you through at least one crisis. It will help if you really get into the mood of it.

>> No.7187325

Just think yourself through it. It's worth the struggle.

>> No.7187354

Billy's Bath Salt Boogie

>> No.7187423

Just read Heidegger. Feel the wonder every time you pick up a hammer.

>> No.7187459

Is it really? I'm asking sincerely. I initially tried to deal with my first existential crisis the way you're describing: Think it through until you finally figure it out. The result was attempted suicide. The solution for me was stop trying to figure everything out via meditation and introspection, and actually do stuff and don't give a fuck about it. Just sharing my experience, maybe OP will overcome his crisis by thinking it through, but if it only makes you worse then I suggest you simply take a break from thinking about it at all.

>> No.7187473

fuk off m8

>> No.7187886

Good advice right here. I've been through my own existential crisis which was honestly just over-thinking stuff for the most part.
You could always also not read a book, walk into nature and meditate frequently. It really helps. Also raw food.

>> No.7187888

Get on some celexa and say goodbye to your libido

>> No.7187894

it sounds dumb to hear but eventually you'll just grow out of it

>> No.7187900

I got my way through thinking it out. Don't ask for tips though, I barely remember any of it.
But it's given me a new outlook on life.

I think of nihilism as the very first step from which all things are from here on out based off of and it will continue to exist until the day you die. Only after making peace with it do you realize there's nothing that bad about it. Create your own purpose for all these purposeless things, but let it come about naturally. Fueled by your passion and what you believe to be immutably true.

>> No.7187901

Just be yourself

>> No.7187959


>> No.7187964


>> No.7188001
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>> No.7188002

Learn to stop thinking

>> No.7188024

watch some louis ck videos. seriously.

>> No.7188025

>taking your philosophy from a cartoon

man that whole show was always trying to slip in edgy little nuggets of nihilism

It's not impressive, deep, or even cool. It's wrong, and it's fucking boring

>> No.7188058

relax bud I'm just memeing around

>> No.7188082

You're only saying nihilism is wrong because you can't refute it

>> No.7188314
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You should watch Neon Genesis Evangelion. It's my favorite piece of Japanese animation. Make sure you read up on your Qabbalah first, though--there's a lot of important symbolism in the series that relies on it.

>> No.7188333


I kind of second this, but just watch it, you don't need to care about the symbolism. The heavy existentialist theme is so blatantly obvious by the time you watch the end of the series, but its done extremely well, the guy wrote it while depressed too so it's really easy to relate when you're feeling down.