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7186103 No.7186103 [Reply] [Original]

What is the Ubermensch?
Does Nietzsche give a clear and distinct definition?

>> No.7186104

It's when arrogance meets a self comparison in a compadre

>> No.7186114
File: 97 KB, 490x750, Twiggy27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is a clue

1 master + simple
2 slave + complex
3 master + complex

>> No.7186131

>I need everything spelled out for me
Did you actually read Nietzsche?

>> No.7186134

>"Man must become better and eviler"—so do I teach. The evilest is necessary for the Superman's best.
Certainly the Übermensch must be an edgelord of unimagined proportions

>> No.7186145

why is this board obsessed with nietzsche? has it always been?

>> No.7186146 [DELETED] 
File: 20 KB, 600x300, groundhog_day_68538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine bill murray at the end of groundhog day. plus augenics and social darwinism.

>> No.7186148

Someone who lives for an ideal and is willing to suffer, sacrifice, do anything for it

>> No.7186152

>Certainly the Übermensch must be an edgelord of unimagined proportions
This should be taught in classes

>> No.7186162

>obviously never read Nietzsche

>The Superman is the meaning of the earth. Let your will say: The Superman SHALL BE the meaning of the earth!
>I conjure you, my brethren, REMAIN TRUE TO THE EARTH, and believe not those who speak unto you of superearthly hopes! Poisoners are they, whether they know it or not.
>Despisers of life are they, decaying ones and poisoned ones themselves, of whom the earth is weary: so away with them!

>> No.7186166
File: 20 KB, 600x300, groundhog_day_68538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine bill murray at the end of groundhog day. plus eugenics and social darwinism.

>> No.7186169

We don't know because Nietzsche was a faggot who wrote poetry instead of prose, so his work is wide open to interpretation and nobody knows wtHell he really meant to say. Don't let some pointy nosed Jew academic tell you otherwise.

But since he was such an edgelord, it's safe to conclude that ubermensch meant whoever he felt was acceptable and untermensch = people who tickled his autism.

>> No.7186171

>why does this board have 0-2 thread a day about one of the most important and fun philosophers in the last 200 years

>> No.7186180

>We don't know because Nietzsche was a faggot who wrote poetry instead of prose, so his work is wide open to interpretation and nobody knows wtHell he really meant to say.
But Anon, that makes for the best philosophical works of them all.

>> No.7186185

interesting non-sequitur

>> No.7186187

>ubermensch meant whoever he felt was acceptable and untermensch = people who tickled his autism.
Nope, he's very explicit that there has never been an Ubermensch, and that pretty much everyone is contemptible:
>Never yet hath there been a Superman.
>Naked have I seen both of them, the greatest man and the smallest man:—
>All-too-similar are they still to each other. Verily, even the greatest found I—all-too-human!

>> No.7186188
File: 84 KB, 800x579, nietzsche-old.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have trouble with dialectics. "Have you even read Hegel?"
>I have trouble accepting the Cartesian conception of God. "Have you even read Descartes?"
>I don't understand what a language barrier is. "Have you even read Wittgenstein?"
Yeah. I've read Nietzsche.
The problem is that I've never come across a perspicuous illustration of what the Ubermensch is, but only examples of them - e.g., the Dude, Falstaff, etc. So, yeah, I've done some work in Nietzsche.

>> No.7186197

You have to extrapolate information for yourself. Like a previous poster said, Nietzsche wrote in poetry, not prose. It's up to your interpretation.

>> No.7186203

Just read Ecce Homo, he pretty much explains his other books there.

>> No.7186205
File: 1.49 MB, 2112x2816, Friedrich_Nietzsche_drawn_by_Hans_Olde.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, basically, is the Ubermensch just whoever wasn't a nihilist (in the Christian sense), or is it a step further? Like, whoever doesn't conform to slave morality, ressentiment, etc.?
ty, anon's.

>> No.7186241

>So, basically, is the Ubermensch just whoever wasn't a nihilist (in the Christian sense), or is it a step further? Like, whoever doesn't conform to slave morality, ressentiment, etc.?
Definitely a step further. The Übermensch at least has to be a "transvaluator of values" and have a profound love of life, with chaos and passion, to be "of a free spirit and a free heart", "whose soul is so overfull that he forgetteth himself", to quote Nietzsche again. The Ubermensch is the antithesis of complacency and stagnation in safety and comfort.

>> No.7186257

So can you contrast the two (Thesis and Anti-thesis) with examples?

>> No.7186277

You should read Zarathustra's prologue, sections 4-5, it's pretty much exactly what you're asking for

>> No.7186294

alright, m8.
Also, :dubs:

>> No.7186301

He talks about it in all of his books, if you understand nihilism and "amor fati" you can pretty much conclude what is an übermensch

>> No.7186310

i don't think you can get the creator of new values part from that

>> No.7186396

That could be a consequence of amor fati, since an übermensch would inevitably influence those around him with so much love.. Just as not being a nihilist causes the same outcome, after you've understood one of his principles the others are a matter of coherence

>> No.7188205

>The Ubermensch is the antithesis of complacency and stagnation in safety and comfort.

So the opposite of NEET's

>> No.7188238

also the opposite of wageslaves

>> No.7188647

So in essence it is very anti-American.

>> No.7190077

>Does Nietzsche give a clear and distinct definition?
No, Thus Spoke Zarathustra in its entirety is more or less the definition, with the rest of his books being helpful guidelines for understanding that one book.

It's not a complicated concept though. The Overman is spiritually better than the rest of humanity. It's a relative concept and the Overman at one time will be overcome by an Overman of the future and so on. The Overman has reached the height of human philosophical consciousness and spiritual maturity, which possesses a number of traditional traits that have been the case for thousands of years and will continue to change at the same rate that we evolve as a species, i.e. fairly slowly. This is why Thus Spoke Zarathustra is filled to the brim with symbolism used in literature for thousands of years, because it calls forth the wisdom about the human spirit that has been known every generation for the thousands of years we have so far had literature. Understanding these traits and phases of maturity that have been known for so long is part of the rungs of the ladder the Overman must climb in order to get to the top and above everyone else, and it is because most do not bother to understand their roots so deeply that they never reach even close to the same level of maturity as the Overman ends up achieving.

The concept is loathed and rejected by many because it implies that there is an objective history and understanding of the world. The implication is really not there however, and just falsely projected by those of lower intelligence with inferiority complexes who are moreso fearful of the idea that someone can be more spiritually mature than them. None of this implies that there is an "objective" reality, per se. What it does state, however, is that perspectivism does not exempt you from being judged: on the contrary, perspectivism makes judging HARSHER, perspectives can and should be compared and they can constantly overcome one another and themselves. The concept of subjectivity implies inequality in its finest form, not equality like so many incorrectly assume. The weak fear the Overman.

>> No.7190101

if we accept that values/morals are relative to a given culture/time period, wouldn't it also make sense that whatever an ubermensch is is also relative to those conditions?

>> No.7190123

I hope your joking about the dude and falstaff

Goethe is a close example to ubermensch

Although ubermensch is not an important concept to Nietzsche

I repeat


It is a word used in one book a handful of times to give an image to man's ascent

>> No.7190139

He also uses it in Ecce Homo and he cites Byron's Manfred as an example of the Overman's appearance in society.

>> No.7190142

So he'd be a green anarcho-traditionalist, like Ted Kaczynski?

>> No.7190143



>> No.7190165
File: 91 KB, 853x719, 1420335268765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anywhere near Nietzsche

>> No.7190172

No, Ted Kaczynski had rancor and bitterness at the core of his attacks and used the press for his manifesto (when he should have been bombing them).

>> No.7190196

How you got such a specific ideology from non-NEET, non-wageslave i have no idea.

>> No.7190364

traditionalism also has eternal recurrence

btw does anybody know what's the contemporary consensus: is consciousness of eternal recurrence part of the übermensch or is it a contradicting doctrine which creates a fundamental paradox in nietzsche's philosophy like for example karl löwith argued?

>> No.7191338


Here watch this,

>> No.7192730

>pop philosophy

>> No.7192935

i feel like nietzsche is something you should grow out of by like, 16 or so, fam.

>> No.7193012

The Übermensch is one more educated than a wageslave but works as a NEET does. He is smarter than a nerd but as strong as a jock. He is a king and a philosopher.

>> No.7193437
