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7180932 No.7180932 [Reply] [Original]

Norse Warrior Ladies edition


>What Fantasy and Sci-Fi are you reading right now?
>What are the best SF/F inspired by Norse myth?
>Who are the best Not!Vikings in Fantasy?
>Who are the best Not!Norse-Pantheon in Fantasy?

>> No.7180945

>re-reading BotNS
>Honestly I've only read Tolkien in that regard
>I... I don't get the question
>Same applies

>> No.7180952

Fuck yeah, The Sword.

>> No.7181107

Currently reading Children of Dune, I enjoyed Dune Messiah more than Dune, but CoD is a little dry so far.

>> No.7181443

Foundation or The Demon Princes?

>> No.7181485
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This was actually pretty entertaining

>> No.7182369

Is writing short fantasy stories set in the same universe a good way of world-building?

>> No.7182397

Depending on the world building you put into it and how well you write.

>> No.7182400

>What Fantasy and Sci-Fi are you reading right now?
The last book in Stephen King's Dark Tower series (still). I'm about half way through, it's slow going but I've just got to an action bit.
>What are the best SF/F inspired by Norse myth?
I don't think I've ready any off the top of my head. Got these on my shelf:
Wolfsangel by MD Lachlan
Age of Odin by James Lovegrove
All the Windwracked Stars by Elizabeth Bear
Anyone read any of them?
>Who are the best Not!Vikings in Fantasy?'
The Ironborn
>Who are the best Not!Norse-Pantheon in Fantasy?
Don't know of any.

>> No.7182412

>What Fantasy and Sci-Fi are you reading right now?
Going through Book of the Long Sun like 30 pages a week and Lankhmar series which is quite fun.
>What are the best SF/F inspired by Norse myth?
>Who are the best Not!Vikings in Fantasy?
I have no idea, where do you come up with these?
>Who are the best Not!Norse-Pantheon in Fantasy?
The Wizard Knight had a really cool norse pantheon for that matter.

>> No.7183110

I' also reading Children of Dune. I though Messiah was really bad but enjoyed Dune.

I think i left my copy of CoD on the train, i haev to get another on my lunch break.

>> No.7183115

Started reading WoT then started hearing about how Robert Jordan is a hack fraud (rip). Anyway, should I keep reading?

>> No.7183210

Odd question; anything like Dwarf Fortress?

>> No.7183213

a book akin to dwarf fortress? have you looked into the parts of the silmarillion mentioning dwarves? some pretty brutal shit happens

>> No.7183227


why are the pictures always so small in these thread ops

>> No.7183236

Nobody likes it. There are also hundreds of books shorter than 10k pages worth your time.

>> No.7183269

Broken Sword by Poul Anderson in all fields.

>> No.7183512

I think I enjoyed it mostly because the world was already built so Herbert could just add a couple new concepts and get on with an intriguing story. It didn't hurt that it was pretty short.
I'm about a third through CoD now and things are starting to pick up.

>> No.7183547

I liked them when I was younger but when I went back recently to try to finish them now that their all out I couldn't. You're not missing much.

>> No.7183738


Lionsgate now owns TV, film, and video game rights to Rothfuss's "Kingkiller Chronicle".

>> No.7183741

Do Lionsgate even make videogames?

>> No.7183856

Anyone read the Rick Riordan Norse series yet?

Finishing a Bv Larson book, starting Cinder Spires tomorrow, then new Mistborn next week.

>> No.7183885
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>waiting on the Mistborn game

>> No.7183990

>a little dry so far

that never gets old

>> No.7184153
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Fuuuuuug that shit.

>> No.7184396

Lets hope the eventual movie sucks thick cocks

>> No.7184571

I reread the entire series when the last part came out. Enjoyed it a lot, same as I did when I started reading it over 15 years ago. Sure, there is a lull (especially book 10 is rather slow), but the series as a whole is awesome.

>> No.7184590

So, i plan on reading through ASOIAF because i want to know on my own why it's shit instead of parroting what i read everywhere else, but after doing so, i wanna read one of the recommended fantasy series from here to clean my mind.

What was it called the one you guys love so much? The Dark Tower i think? What about Discworld?

>> No.7184597

>What Fantasy and Sci-Fi are you reading right now?
Richard Matheson Complete Short Stories Volume 1
>What are the best SF/F inspired by Norse myth?
The Broken Sword by Poul Anderson
>Who are the best Not!Vikings in Fantasy?
>Who are the best Not!Norse-Pantheon in Fantasy?

>> No.7184602

>30 pages a week
why so slow?

>> No.7184726

If we're being honest, BotLS is pretty damn slow at parts, especially coming off of BotNS. Though I wouldn't call it "30 pages a week" slow I still had to force myself through some parts.

>> No.7184862
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I've read the New Sun twice in a single month.
I really dislike the constant change of character perspective from Auk to Mint to Silk. It's annoying and constantly leaves cliffhangers which I haven't enjoyed since high school. Non Silk plotlines are also rarely as interesting. And unfortunately I have to read it on my cellphone.

>> No.7184865

Lord of the Rings
Lankhmar series
Amber Chronicle
The Wizard Knight
Book of the New Sun
All good fantasy series, in quality going from quality entertainment to literary masterpiece.

>> No.7184869

Bad books make good movies.

>> No.7185065

Just finished Shadow, loved it. About to start Claw.

>> No.7185070

I wonder how many people have read it due to me spamming it for over a year.

>> No.7185111

I like the Dark Tower but ASOIAF is certainly better than it.

The series that everyone here loves is The Book of the New Sun by Gene Wolfe.

>> No.7185178


You mean it inspires awe? At what, how one person could have wasted the majority of their life on doing something as worthless as writing those books?

>> No.7185206

>because i want to know on my own why it's shit instead of parroting what i read everywhere else
What are you doing on 4chan?

>> No.7185209

Put Earthsea on that too

>> No.7185212

>hurr durr I better stick my hand in the fire to find out why I shouldn't instead of just parroting what I heard from my parents

>> No.7185255

I don't like putting things that I have yet to read on the list.

>> No.7185465

But it's not shit, if you have the capacity to look beyond the prose.

But if you're set on convincing yourself that a work is bad before reading it, best not to even bother with it at all.

>> No.7185720

Aight, will read.

It's not exactly like that, i heard praise about it everywhere but in 4chan, and i like you guys too much to not take your opinions seriously some times, so rather than going in with the mindset that it's going to be bad, i'm just rather skeptic.

>> No.7185738

It's just not what people tell you it is. It has bad prose and heavily relies on cheap tricks, but in context of fantasy has good characters and an entertaining plot.

>> No.7185772

4chan hates everything though, and is full of contrarians.

>> No.7185783


More authors like Vance please.

Just finished reading everything he ever wrote.

>> No.7185791


When I was in 8th grade, I read the first 6 Dragonlance novels and loved them dearly. I still remember them very well.

Has anyone else here read them? I'd like to hear some opinions on them, especially now that I'm older.

>> No.7185798

Is there a book series similar to the Dark Souls games?

Dark, mysterious, dangerous world; somewhat bleak and depressing; strange, weird environments inspired by the artwork of Zdzisław Beksiński, etc.

>> No.7185818

People say Book of the New Sun but I doubt it.
Also never played DS

>> No.7185859

I did just about the same thing, but I know in my heart if I were to reread them again, I would be appalled by the prose. That said, I don't remember anything sticking out that would suggest they're horrible trainwrecks, so Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman will live on in my heart.

>> No.7185945

All of it? Damn man, that's a lot.

Try Matthew Hughes and Michael Shea, the latter of whom actually wrote an authorized Cugel sequel. Also, read the Dying Earth anthology.

>> No.7185956

Same. Weis & Hickman, early Drizzt, the Magician, and the Belgariad and Elenium... I'm afraid to re-read any of them. Or to be more precise, I tried to read Magician again and couldn't, so now I don't want to contaminate the others.

Deathgate Cycle and Rose of the Prophet I'd re-read, though.

>> No.7185969

Then why did Eragon suck?

>> No.7186085


>What Fantasy and Sci-Fi are you reading right now?

Small Gods by Pratchett. So far (about 30% in) it's not living up to its reputation.

>What are the best SF/F inspired by Norse myth?

It's not a book, but I really enjoyed the sci-fi/norse mythology mix in the Too Human video game (despite the game itself not being very good). I wonder if there is something like this in a book form?

>> No.7186155


Seeing the illustrations for the Dragonlance novels still warms my heart; even today I can point out each of the characters by name, race, etc.

I'm not sure how good the prose is, but it definitely can't be denied that for basic D&D fantasy, the novels are very memorable with great characters.

>> No.7186158
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For my image.

Raistlin and Sturm rule.

>> No.7186280

I went and did some search, and found that there were many books from the same author, but which ones are the ones from the BotNS saga? Shadow and Claw, Sword and Citadel, and Urth of the New Sun? Or are there more?

>> No.7186320

Books in order. They are one book split into volumes.
Shadow of the tortuerer
Claw of the Conciliator
Sword of the Lictor
Citadel of the Autarch

You are most likely to get it in a two volume edition, Shadow and Claw, and Sword and Citadel.
Urth is not a necessary reading. It's an optional 5th book if you didn't get it. Editors forced Wolfe to write it. It's still good.

>> No.7186360

Thanks, but what about the Long and Short Sun's ones?

>> No.7186383

They are vaguely related, but very different, in almost every aspect.
Long Sun is basically the opposite of New Sun in many regards (you'll see the paralles) and Short Sun, well going to finish it by the end of the year probably.

>> No.7186401


Started shadow of the tortuter

Was super edgy, bland, and dense.

Does it get better?

>> No.7186415

No. It's brilliant from the start.

>> No.7186459
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>ASOIAF better than Dark Tower

Death Gate Cycle was so fucking cool.

>> No.7186477

All fans of Wolfe and/or Hellenica/Classical History should read Latro in the Mist

>> No.7186482

Wolfe has large and taxing novels so getting to Latro usually takes a while. Also isn't it unfinished?

>> No.7186502

I've actually started with Latro ;)

There's 3 complete books in the 'series' so far; I'm not sure if he intends on making more.

>> No.7186519

I know there are 3 so far, but the question is is it finished as a story?

>> No.7186549

Oh sorry, I misunderstood you. 'Course not mate, but that's all part of the enjoyment. There's a heavily mysterious feel to the books due to the nature of the protagonist and the format he (Latro) wrote the books in, I doubt the story will ever be completely 'complete'. It's not wrote in a way that the first book couldn't stand alone either.

>> No.7186603

So I'll be satisfied with what I've read after it?

>> No.7186616

Satisfied that it's a good book? Yes; definitely.

Satisfied you've solved all the mysteries and there's no unanswered questions? Heh... Sorry kid....

>> No.7186832

kek, are you me? Except I ended up reading way more than the first six, several dozen at least. Anyway, they're way better than shit like Rothfuss and Martin, just straight up good vs evil fantasy with compelling characters and no laughable pretensions to the status of "literature."

>> No.7187110

Honestly the best thing that happened to the series is that Jordan died. Callous perhaps. His problem seems to be an utter inability to manage storylines, the book spiraled out of control and it was really evident by book ten.

Plus they say - Martin sucked us in with mediaval politics and sucker punched us with high fantasy. Jordan sucked us in with high fantasy and sucker punched with politics.

But yeah, book 1 and 2 can be skipped and you won't miss anything.

>> No.7187117

They say that but /lit/ recommends BotNS for everything. It's nothing like the Souls games.

Demon's Souls was very inspired by Lovecraft, but I've never read a book that was like Dark Souls.

>> No.7187123

>MULTIPLE posts in this thread asking for books similar to videogames

toppest of keks

>> No.7187134

They usually make full threads. This is better.

>> No.7187141

>Norse Warrior Ladies edition

>> No.7187167
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Is anything in the Xanth series actually worth reading past Night Mare?

>> No.7187451

>>ASOIAF better than Dark Tower
Tasteless Sanderson fanboy isn't allowed to critique things,

>> No.7187455

ASOIAF is one example where the majority opinion here on /lit/ is generally wrong. Bandwagon-ing, herd mentality, and memes have nearly completely warped many posters' views of these books.

>> No.7187548

They're both worthless turds. I can't believe this is the kind of fantasy discussed on /lit/ of all places. Have you plebs even heard the name Dunsany?

Nope, they are shit, and I have read them all.

>> No.7187718

>Zdzisław Beksiński
No idea who this is, sorry.

Last Dragon by JM McDermott maybe?

>> No.7187747
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I just finished Dune. I liked it quite a lot. Now I'm wondering, are the sequels near as good as the first entry in the series?

>> No.7187751

up to god emperor is pretty good, the last two are meh, but fun to read

>> No.7187877

I recently reread the Belgariad and Magician, still enjoyed them a lot.

>> No.7187890

>16 books over the summer
>tfw I haven't finished or even made serious progress on a book in the past three weeks

man I'm so disappointed in myself

>> No.7188052

Dark Souls is partly inspired by the manga Berserk so that gives you something to work with. Kentaro Miura says his influences include Hellraiser, The Name of the Rose (the film and not the book, sadly) the Japanese fantasy novel series Guin Saga, and Grimms' Fairy Tales.

It isn't fantasy but The Name of the Rose is simply worth reading. Can't speak for the others. I've literally never seen Guin Saga discussed on /lit/ and would be curious to know if anyone here has read it.

>> No.7188329
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I'm surprised nobody has recommended The Legend of the 10 Elemental Masters.

>> No.7188674


Well,you know, as crazy as that sounds, there are actually people who enjoy both.

>> No.7188681
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If anybody is looking at an easy sci fi read, then give this book a shot. I just finished reading it, and I found it quite an enjoyable read.

>> No.7188908

Is your pussy wet for the new mistborn Tuesday?

>> No.7188982

I have been reading quite a lot of fantasy the last two months.

I am currently reading Fool's Quest by Robin Hobb and i must say that i really enjoy her farseer books.

Before that i read through the First Law trilogy by Joe Abercrombie. I did enjoy them but i am not in love with the format of jumping between so many different characters.

I also the three books in the gentlemen bastards by Scott Lynch. I found the first book to be really enjoyable, the second one two be okey and the third one to be quite disappointing.

>> No.7189067

Literally a fucking anime monster

>> No.7189097

Decent taste tbh m8.

>> No.7189237
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>tfw modern Sci-Fi is infested with STEMlords, and modern Fantasy is infested with RPG gamers

>> No.7189418


> Sci-fi is infested with someone who actually knows about "sci" in sci-fi

Oh, noes

>> No.7189430

Huh? SF was always "infested with STEMlords". It used to be even more so than today, now writers can write fantasy with aliens and have it filed "science fiction".

>> No.7189433

There's a difference between a Scientist and a STEMlord.

>> No.7189451

Any *good* alternate history that isn't nazi/civil war based? Something like "What if Christianity never rose, and Roman Paganism was fully reformed by the Apostate" or "What if Alexander went west"

>> No.7189588

I want a good coming of age science fiction book with a young protagonist going on adventures, meeting aliens, and flying through space.

Why isn't there a better book searching site out there than fucking goodreads?

>> No.7189594


Vorkosigan series? Has everything you listed except aliens (which is a good thing IMHO).

>> No.7189612

anything with a mesopotamian influence? or good historical fic set in old mesopotamia?

>> No.7189844

To be honest, some of the human cultures are so alien, they might as well be aliens.

>> No.7190162

Robin Hobb is a master of character driven writing.

Her Farseer books aren't epic sprawling sagas, but you bloody well CARE about the people.

Her other books kind of bore me though.

>> No.7190258
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I need to finish the current book I'm reading before then which I don't know if I can make happen but I need to force myself to. I don't know anything about Shadows of Self other than a rough summary so I hope there are some important new facts gleaned.

>large scorpion-ish monster with spikes
You gotta experience more media, anon.

>> No.7190438

>refusing to acknowledge that Sanderson makes Western Shonen

The sooner you accept you're a fucking weeb the better.

>> No.7190696

Ender's Game? It has everything you talked about.

>> No.7190699
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Is it just me or is this book really good?

>> No.7190714
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>Geralt is a hunter
I dunno, but there is something hilariously understated or something about that line.

>> No.7190893


>> No.7191290

Please lord Jesus tell me this is bait

>> No.7191341

How so? Eragon is a bad book, and it made a bad film.

>> No.7191360

Foundation has a better premise, Demon Princes is better written.

>> No.7191386

I clearly misread. My apologies. Both are awful, you're correct.

>> No.7191398
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Reading the Sandman Slim series right now. Kinda meh. It bills itself as a dark, antihero detective fantasy, but it just comes off as edgy tryharding and the 'darkest' thing about it is that Satan is kind of nice while God's actually a bit of a jerk.

Fucking Jane Yellowrock is darker than this. And somehow despite apparently the whole world hanging in the balance and god and angels and whatnot, I felt like the stakes were higher in Midnight Riot. And why the hell, with all these badass creatures around, does the author make the main villain a generic, boring, lulzevil wizard human?

>> No.7191694

Snow Crash
The Book of All Hours

>> No.7191696

It's just you. That book is awful. Couldn't make it to 100 pages before I dumped that pile of shit.

>> No.7191729

Foundation is a little bit simplistic in its writing, but the ideas are pretty weighty even after so many years.
Also, the original trilogy a cinch. You can finish in a few days easily.
Don't read the sequels or the prequels unless you become an absolute die hard fan.

>> No.7191731

If they reveal enough about the world, then sure.

If you have your generic, Tolkien-esque world, then your reader probably won't pick up on it though.

>> No.7192415

can anyone recommend some good old comfortable adventure-fantasy?
less politics and armies, more magical weapons and forgotten mysteries etc.
you probably get what I'm looking for
someone suggested "wheel of time" some time ago. is that good?

>> No.7192537

Yes she really succeeds in making you care about her characters. I have only read her farseer books so far so it is a bit sad to hear that her other books are not as good.

>> No.7192624

Go for the classic sword and sorceries; Conan, Lankhmar, etcetera

>> No.7192910

she made me really fucking hate her characters in the last book

>> No.7192992

Conan is pretty accessible, really bare bone sword-and-sorcery fantasy. The Wheel of Time does contain a lot of mystery and quite a few magical artifiacts/weapons and is entertaining, but incredibly wordy (14 books, 600-1000 pages a piece). Some people hate it (for various reasons). I enjoyed it immensely, although it does slow down in a couple of books. There's a bit of politics and armies etc, though. If you want comfortable and easy going, you could try something like The Belgariad by David Eddings

>> No.7193270

>maze, labyrinth, tower, ruins, empty city
>not hogwash
I just pulled these out of my ass, is there a good fantasy that has some of these? By rational I mean that people just don't throw spells around in the style or Mr. Bean.

>> No.7193294


yes, this if you havent read it

>> No.7193473

>i heard praise about it everywhere but in 4chan, and i like you guys too much to not take your opinions seriously some times, so rather than going in with the mindset that it's going to be bad, i'm just rather skeptic.

I like you.

>> No.7193489


It's possible that a lot of the readers on here are unfamiliar with fantasy other than video games and possibly Tolkien, so it's not absurd that they would ask for recommendations based on the kind of settings and tone they know they like.

>> No.7193496
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>>Zdzisław Beksiński
>No idea who this is, sorry.

He was a polish painter. Search his name on Google.

>> No.7194098

Heinlein's juveniles:
- Have Space Suit - Will Travel
- Starman Jones
- Space Cadet
Almost anything by Andre Norton, it's one of her favorite stories to tell.

>> No.7194420

>It's nothing like the Souls games.
Turning a corner and suddenly facing something really weird was a cornerstone of both. The feeling of the world dying, the value of sunlight, morose conversations with supernatural beings you never expected to meet and probably won't again, Gothic aesthetics. The game that reminds me of New Sun most is PS:T, though.

>> No.7194449

There is literally nothing wrong with anime.

>> No.7194462

Years of Rice and Salt is my favorite, though if you stay away from Turtledove you should be fine. When I was a kid my library had an alt-hist short story collection. I remember one where Genghis Khan led the Crusades, another where aliens refused contact because the Romans made it to space flight without giving up slavery, and... I'll have to find it again.

>> No.7194468

>And why the hell, with all these badass creatures around, does the author make the main villain a generic, boring, lulzevil wizard human?
So you can insert.

>> No.7194648

>inb4 pleb
Neil Gaiman does this in every book he's ever written.

>> No.7194687

I can see it in Stardust and Neverwhere, yes, but Shadow... wait... there's got to be a better example. Good Omens... no, even with Pratchett, he managed to slip Newton Pulsipher in there.

In Graveyard Book he just uses Mowgli, so I guess that's different.

>> No.7195270

can I get a book recommendation?

I recently read and loved The Golem And The Jinni, The Grace Of Kings, and Throne Of The Crescent Moon

>> No.7195335
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Any non-detective fairy books? I've got Mick Oberon and October Daye (and lots of The Dresden Files) but I'd like more books that are specifically about fairies. Bonus points if it takes place primarily or entirely in the fairy world, whatever they call it in that book.

I'm also open to anything else that has that sort of beautiful misery feeling that some fairy fiction has, like pic related or Pan's Labyrinth.

>> No.7195858

War of the Flowers by Tad Williams is mostly about fairies. Doesn't feature detectives as far as I can remember.

>> No.7196209
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>> No.7197241

I will be reading either Wolfe's Latro "trilogy" or Vance's Dying Earth next. Which one first?

>> No.7197249

So basically, which is better?

>> No.7197419
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Just finished Live Girls. Aside from the obvious Frankenstein and Dracula, what are some other must-read genre defining books?

>> No.7197551

Who's read 'The Emperor's Blades'?

What did you make of it?

I thought it was a bit straight forward, almost like it was his first novel. 4*/5*

>> No.7197569

Just started 5th head of Cerberus. Can't believe I waited this long to read Wolfe

>> No.7197570

oh wait it was the authors first novel.

>> No.7198073

It's an amazing story. Really, excellent concept and execution.

>> No.7198089

Tolkien, Howard, Leiber, Herbert, Wells, Verne, Dick, Asimov, Gibson. They are not necessarily great, or even good, but they all shaped sff as we know it today.
Before you ask, Gibson and Howard are not particularly good and got ran over by time while Wells wrote some of the dryest, most dreadfully dull novels I've ever read. Fuck you War of the worlds.
The best sff authors on the other hand are Zelanzy, Wolfe, Tolkien, Dick, Le Guin and Leiber with Wolfe being by far the best.
This list is based only on the novels I have read.

>> No.7198556

I'll have my fantasy equivalent of Japanese-McDonalds and you can't stop me from eating it.

>> No.7198572

Just finished Children of Dune, it got much more interesting about a third of the way through and kept up the intrigue. I haven't got a fucking clue who was playing who or why at the end though.

>> No.7198652
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Does anyone have a rec for which of the Iain M. Banks' Culture novels I should start with? I've heard that Consider Phlebas is weak and only read because it's the first - should I start with Player of Games or Use of Weapons first?

>> No.7198858

*hoot hoot*

>> No.7199151

Nigga Howard is god tier

>> No.7199198

Player of Games is the general rec. I started with Consider Phlebas and the nihilism was so heavy I didn't want to read another one.

>> No.7199545

there is literally nothing wrong with having shit taste

>> No.7200047

The ending flew completely over my head the first time I read it. So I was quite disappointed until I looked things up afterwards.

Even on re-reads, it's still so vague that there is no confirmation as to what actually happened, but there are enough hints to make you piece it together since you know the novel can't just end there without some sort of climax or twist. Good shit.

>> No.7200471

I maintain that you can read the end of the 3rd story as either the kid was a native and shapeshifted into the visitor OR the visitor went crazy and convinced himself that he was the kid shapeshifting into himself. Fun book though, thinking about it now makes me want to read it again. I have to admit I much prefer it to BotNS but that seems to be a minority opinion here.

>> No.7200475

Is house of suns worth reading?

>> No.7201006

Just finished reading Childhood's End. It was pretty good. Ending could've been more climactic but it wasn't bad.

>> No.7201176
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Just finished this. pic related

Going for The New Mistborn next

If you got questions about the book imma see what I can answer.

>> No.7201244
File: 197 KB, 1280x667, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reccomend me a book that fits this pic you cucks

>> No.7201395
File: 13 KB, 177x285, download (17).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Game of thrones springs to mind immediately, obviously.

But for a more helpful recommendation, I get a strong Black Company feel for some reason. Maybe the snow?

>> No.7201436

Talk to me about black company

>> No.7201460

best series, i didnt post origionaly but saw the black company on the home page and had to come see why it was posted

>> No.7201781

Hard to be a God.

>> No.7201949

I've only read the first, but it's pretty good dark fantasy. The first one is far from perfect, but it's definitely good, and judging by the praise it gets, it's probably one of those series that gets better as it goes. Kinda like a straight fantasy 40k instead of science fiction/fantasy, though it didn't seem that grimdark and ends on a pretty positive note.

The first one's all about a company of mercenaries as they join a war between living gods.

I think why that picture reminds me of it is because the picture is pretty gritty fantasy, and at the end, there's this big spire that the climactic fight takes place in, which looks like it could be that pyramid thing in the background. And then there's a pretty important scene where the black company is holding out in town trying to coax the people into killing one of the guards. I remember it snowing in that scene.

>> No.7201998
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>Shadows of Self up on Bibliotik

Black Company exudes badassery, is all you need to know.

>> No.7202139

Hey, /lit/. What can you recommend in the way of...

>Anything where relatively powerless humans kick powerful beings' shit in just by being clever (the Hellblazer comic books are probably the best example)
>Anything that prominently features paladin-esque warrior women
>Anything fucking grim as all fuck but with a happy ending that feels like it fits (see True Detective season 1)
>Anything that is or is influenced by Lovecraftian "weird fiction" that's more modern, actually good, and isn't as 100% "there is no hope" as Lovecraft
>Anything that tackles serious philosophical themes in an interesting way

Mostly interested in fantasy but won't shun sci-fi. Also, anything that combines either with the hardboiled genre a la Dresden Files is especially welcome.

>> No.7202149

See >>7201395
Not even kidding, that hits everything except the paladin women.

>> No.7202185

Sounds kickass. Thanks.

>> No.7202312

Got the Audiobook.
>it's only 12 hours

Why isn't this book a doorstopper like TWOK?

>> No.7202328

because he's busy writing Oathbringer
and he can't be busy enough with it

>> No.7202673

Anybody got the new Norse Series is it good?

I never finished that Roman series he went full tumbgay and pandered to gay shit in the second to last book, dropped the series after that

>> No.7202702
File: 34 KB, 300x475, Deed_of_Paksenarrion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Anything that prominently features paladin-esque warrior women

If you haven't read the Deed of Paksennarion you don't know SHIT about paladins

>> No.7202745

>not knowing gay shit went on in ancient Greece and Rome all the time
>being horrified at the mere fact that two people of the same sex have any attraction to each other even though you aren't being forced to fuck anyone of the same sex or anything

>> No.7202754

>I never finished that Roman series he went full tumbgay and pandered to gay shit in the second to last book, dropped the series after that

Do you know anything about ancient Rome?

>> No.7202794
File: 112 KB, 730x1043, jorg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am amazed by the fact that no one ever mentions this here. the trilogy is amazing. is there some sort of secret conspiracy of silence about it?

>> No.7202803


What is it? Reverse image search just got me the artist's name.

>> No.7202806

shh, we ignore those books here

>> No.7202840

It's a meh book. Honestly, I never understood the hype.

>> No.7202873

My nigga. Probably my favorite series of all time.

>> No.7202878

Price of thorns. Mark Lawrence. >>7202803

>> No.7202885

Cinder spires is just okay. And that's giving it a lot. Stick to dresden, and the codex alera

>> No.7202889

Never forget.

>> No.7202899

I read "matter" and that was pretty good. As good a place up start as any

>> No.7202912

Anyone got anything young adult-tsy in the vein of The Magicians, Neverwhere, or Ocean at the End of the Lane? I love me some coming of age fantasy.

>> No.7202935

The American English translation is a hell of a lot better.

Also, it is a better book when you know who the fuck everyone is, and how the plot came to the point it's at in the first place. It is the third book in the series, and makes little sense if you read it without reading Sword of Destiny.

I'm reading The Black Prism by Brent Weeks right now. It is pretty good, I like the characters a lot. The female characters are a tad weak in development, but I feel they have room to grow. The main two characters are wonderful. I'd say the pacing is inconsistent--sometimes it flows so well I read over 100 pages in one sitting. Then I reach a block and put it down a few days, only reading a few pages a time until I get to the next exciting part. The magic system is well thought out and unique. Anyone else read it?

Also finished Causal Angel of the Quantum Thief series recently. It was a good ending, lots of shit happening the whole time.

>> No.7202951
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Why would this book be as long as SA novels? Mistborn was always shorter, and there will be more Mistborn books than SA books.

>> No.7203007

Serious question: why are there dozens of you people perfectly fine with asking for books that fulfill shallow aesthetic requirements that the reader has already decided they like? What kind of shameless anti-artistic bullshit is this? What the hell is even the point of reading if it's to fulfill your desires as opposed to expand your horizons? Go play video games instead smh

>> No.7203009

Because fantasy and science fiction are genres that involve heavy escapism. Why would you want to escape for hours at a time to somewhere you wouldn't want to be in?

Go back to the philosophy thread and pretend you're still relevant in today's world.

>> No.7203015

Escapism is, at its core, self destructive. I'm only trying to help you guys stop committing intellectual suicide.

>> No.7203021

I knew they loved their boipussy, what Riordan did was take someone who was a loner/emo and him gay, because he was a loner/emo.

>> No.7203027

How is it self destructive? Escapism requires a very vivid imagination to truly delve into it. Healthy imagination is a sign of strong mental cognizance.

I would argue that people who are unable to invest themselves in a literary character are mentally stunted.

>> No.7203039
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I have read the following /lit/:
The King of Elflands Daughter - Lord Dunsany
The Worm Ouroboros - E.R. Eddison
The Emperor of Dreams - Clark Ashton Smith
Conan the Barbarian - Robert E. Howard
The Mabinogin - Evangeline Walton
Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser - Fritz Leiber
Jirel of Joiry - C.L. Moore
The Dying Earth - Jack Vance
The Broken Sword, Three Hearts and Three Lions - Poul Anderson
Earthsea - Ursula K. Le Guin
Lord of Light, Amber - Roger Zelazny
Viriconium - M. John Harrison
The Drawing of the Dark, Anubis Gates, Declare - Tim Powers
BotNS, Latro, Wizard Knight - Meme Wolfe
Little Big - John Crowley
Mists of Avalon - Marion Zimmer Bradley
American Gods - Neil Gaiman
Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell - Susanna Clarke

I've also read but did not like: The Well of the Unicorn, LotR, Elric, Thomas Covenant

What are some works you would recommend?

>> No.7203042
File: 58 KB, 173x197, ufookinwutm8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw im writing the greatest scifi epic ever put to page atm

>> No.7203050

finished words of radiance in a midnight binge, now i have nothing more to keep myself occupied with

>> No.7203089

first one really is nothing in comparision to the later books

>> No.7203144

Return to Nevèrÿon
The Vorrh

>> No.7203572

All I know is that the books are extremely edgy, people act like the book being apocalyptic is some amazing twist, and Mark Lawrence is a tool.

>> No.7204349
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pls respond

>> No.7204669


Books of the North and Silver Spike are worth reading. The Kina books have terrible pacing, writing, characters. Just not worth reading at all. The ending is pretty shit too. Everything after it switches from Croaker sucks ass.

>> No.7204687
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it will be with me tomorrow. cant stop the hype.

>> No.7204746

Getting this too, I hope it's better than the last one. Tea plantation drama just wasn't cutting it.

>> No.7204749

Anyone else reading the Malazan books? I'm up to Toll the Hounds. I'm not really sure if I like them, or if I'm just coasting on momentum. The characters and prose aren't very good, and there are pacing issues with the first half of every book. Really flat characters, and dialogue always seems kind of stilted and awkward. There's a lot of contrived drama. It has some pretty intelligent moments, and the world building is good when it gets around to it, but it's hit-or-miss for me right now. It's dragging everything on with the crippled god, and it's almost getting to the point where I don't really care anymore.

>> No.7204790

I have read and liked Ringworld and the Neutron Star stories. Only fault was shite female characters, which is hardly unique in SF.

Question is are the Ringworld sequels really as terrible as people say? I've heard there's a lot of inter-species sex, vampires, and other ridiculous shit.

>> No.7204801

i kinda like it, but first one was so much better. If goodreads reviews dont lie, third book will be all about cuddling, sounds very promising

>> No.7204822

how would you describe the first one/who would you compare it to...I thought it looked great just from reading a review or two

>> No.7204830

Yeah Sword wasn't terrible, just very limited in scope compared to the first.

>> No.7204896

but concidering that author revealed all cool ideas (everybody is a she, main character is a ship) in first book, i was pleasantly surprised of second one not beeing a disaster

>> No.7204919

Thats a very dank meme of a picture friend

>> No.7205609

Does anyone have any recommendation for fantasy series that take place during a longer time period and perhaps even follow multiple generations?

I am not talking about thousands of years or anything like that. Just a story that closely follow characters who age, have kids and etc etc.

I just find stuff like that really enjoyable when done right.

>> No.7206094

The Silmarillion.



>> No.7206221

The only thing that I can think of is the Tao trilogy, but just barely and only in the third book.

Maybe the Redwall series if you like more YA?

>> No.7206276

So I finished Shadow's of Self

That fucking ending with Lessie, and is Odium trying to fuck with Harmony now considering that metal?

>> No.7206326

Better than Dune? Or not comparable because Dune was basically fantasy?

>> No.7206721

right?? Its fucking amazing, totally got me by surprise; I like you already Brother!

Dude, I chose to read it mostly based on some of it`s mixed reviews (and partially because the hardcover I got is wonderfully put together) and completely loved it.

yeah, I read some of the "its edgy, le sociopath main character is mean, blablabla and shit" and decided to see what it was all about. Maybe because I was partially prepared for the main character being an "asshole", but I totally loved him. His character development is fantastic. definitely worth the read, even if its just to know why some people hated him so much.
And why would you say that about Mark Lawrence? Genuinely curious.

>> No.7206725

care to explain or just troll?

>> No.7206908

Le Guin's Hainish novels. Dune.

>> No.7206992

oh yeah read Gormenghast, dont know how I forgot that.
thats SF

>> No.7207003

Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser, when the stories are arranged into internal chronological order they start as teens and end approaching their twilight years

Robert E. Howard intended this with his Conan stories and some of them are at the beginning of Conans career as a thief and some at middle age as King, but he didn't manage to write enough to capture the progression

>> No.7207007


Dragonlance. A few people have already mentioned it in there. Read the first two trilogies and then there's a bunch of books afterward that you can read in any order from all different times and sometimes involve children or grandchildren of characters from the first trilogy.

It's really entertaining. Check it out.

>> No.7207010

Where do I get started with Conan the Barbarian?

>> No.7207017
File: 38 KB, 333x500, gollancz-chroniclesofconan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The single omnibus Gollanz have published
Or the 3 volume set Del Rey published

Don't read the old pastiches that Lin Carter & L. Sprague de Camp and then dozens of other authors wrote from the 50s-90s
They were shit and warped Conan

>> No.7207020
File: 141 KB, 1036x520, conan-books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7207024

In fact during that time you couldn't even find Howards original stories.
Carter and de Camp basically suppressed them while rewriting his short stories, unfinished drafts, and incomplete notes in Conan novels.
And then rewrote other non-Conan stories into Conan!
Then wrote their own material and stuck Howards name to it!!

They're also the source of all the myths about Howard being crazy and having serious mommy issues

>> No.7207036


Thanks guys. I've been reading pulp nonstop recently (a lot of hardboiled detective novels especially) and I'd like to branch out into some other genres of "pulp"

>> No.7207059

In that case you'll also want to read Fafhrd and the Grey Mouser. Probably the best pulp of all time.

>> No.7207063

it began publication what were pulp publications, in the printing sense of using cheap wood pulp for their paper, but they were not 'pulp fiction'

>> No.7207302

>They're also the source of all the myths about Howard being crazy and having serious mommy issues
Then why'd Howard kill himself fam?

>> No.7207722

a wide range of reasons
read the biography Whole Wide World written by someone who actually knew him

>> No.7207750

How do the writers of these things come up with non-retarded sounding names
When I try I end up keyboard mashing and get names like Xecrax and Phelrephorma and jkxsafc

>> No.7208357

Surprised you've got that far into them tbh if that's how you feel. I read the first 4 and while there was some good stuff in there, it was far outweighed by the bad and I couldn't bring myself to invest any more time into the series.

>> No.7208367

The Long Price Quartet by Daniel Abraham
Robin Hobb's books

>> No.7208508

The long price quartet is like a history novel with a few folklore thrown in. Regretted that I wasted my time on that shit.

>> No.7208516

where the fuck is locke lamora going I mean the direction the author is taking is retarded now locke is suddenly some chosen one reincarnated wizard?

Just make a prequel series with chains and be done with it.

>> No.7208528

I have a feeling he will find a way back to magic use, even if the body he's currently in is not magic compatible.

If the falconer can get metal hands Locke can get a magic body.

Just hope there isn't any more of that horrible angst.

>> No.7208587

I'm reading king of thorns, I'm having a hell out of fun and no amount about whining about
>muh edginess
can stop me.

What fantasy series feature similar main characters?

>> No.7208711

Already read that one.


Thanks will check those out.

I have already read some of Robin Hobbs books and i greatly enjoyed them. Will check out the other one.

>> No.7208714

I wasn't a fan either tbh but it fits what that guy was after.

>> No.7208719

I haven't read Lawrence but The Dark Griffin by KJ Taylor maybe? I must warn you though, it is deeply shit.

>> No.7208805

Where do you find your pulp?

>> No.7208850

Anyone here read the Riyria books? Never heard of them before but their ratings are high as fuck

>> No.7208947


I'm not reading actual pulp magazines or anything. I'm mostly reading detective novels that were also or originally serialised in those magazines (Chandler, Hammett), stuff that some people on here consider pulp (Fleming) and Lovecraft. I might be using the term loosely, I'm not sure. I get all of my stuff through the university library or via the interlibrary loan system that they offer.

>> No.7209139

>get part time job to turn life around, abandon NEET status and start pursuing hobbies
>full time hours leave me too burnt out to write or draw
>too tired to even read, still haven't touched the Elric of Melniboné despite it looking like something which would have defined my childhood

>> No.7209234

Yep I read them all.

It's like Locke Lamora, in medieval times. They still live in castles and have Barons, Lords, etc etc.

The two protagonists are thieves, one would cut your throat to rob you, the other would try to take it without bloodshed.
One tries to live his life with as much honour/morals as possible the other just wants cunny, wine, bloodshed and the protection of those he finds dear(only has 2 friendsa whore and the other thief).

I enjoyed them, but to explain any more other than the vaguery I gave you would be to give away the novel.

I didn't realize shit till the last book(6 books in the Original Series).

>> No.7209875

How is Starship Sofa's Sofanaut section?

I am trying to figure out how to listen to back issues of protecting project pulp and Crime City Central.

>> No.7210082

Give me a book that matches this song in tone or otherwise

>> No.7210320


what other folk metal bands do you like?

>> No.7210369


The Little Country by Charles de Lint.
Also Lud-in-the-Mist by Hope Mirlees

>> No.7210379


Start with Player of Games. After that it doesnt really matter, the book works as a good general intro to the universe. The best ones, in no particular order are: Player of Games, Use of Weapons, Surface Detail, Excession. Do try the non-culture books if you find yourself liking him, Feersum Endjinn is bloody brilliant, and Against a Dark Background is pretty decent too.

>> No.7210769

Any Anon's have recommendations that aren't on the last regarding fantasy books that have interesting magic systems?

>> No.7211311

just elvenking and skyclad
maybe agalloch? i'm not sure they qualify as folk

>> No.7211337

2/10 plebilicious

>> No.7211360
File: 494 KB, 934x2665, The Most Awesome Mayor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lit/, I'm looking desperately for a high-fantasy book that I cannot, CANNOT recall. I can bring up a few points...

1) The main characters name starts with K.
2) The first book goes from the future (Where he runs a tavern and has no powers), to the past, showing his rise to power (In a magic school, exploring the world.)
3) There's a part where he gets sucked into a dream world by a dryad or something, and she bangs the hell out of him and then gives him a badass star cloak.
4) In the future-ish part, there are these black spider-like metallic (?) creatures that attack people.
5) Also, he's some kind of amazing, insane hero that people talk about constantly.

Please help me find this series! Thank you!!

>> No.7211381

The Kingkiller Chronicle by Patrick Rothfuss

>> No.7211382
File: 578 KB, 632x927, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damned I'd be, that's it! Thank you, anon! Thank you so much. Sorry that I had to beg for a source, but I've been looking and trying for a bloody damnation of a time to no luck.

Honestly, thank you!!

>> No.7211386

I'm really looking to completely lose myself in something with a deep setting, ideally similar to europe sometime between the renaissance and WWI (modern diplomacy, nationalism, the fashions of those eras, that whole jazz).

>> No.7211621
File: 53 KB, 532x686, dgray-man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I, for one, fucking love shounen.
>tfw you can't find Hoid anwhere in Shadows
Read all of Sanderson's stuff, then Brent Weeks' Lightbringer (it's pretty similar with all the plot tweests) and the Powder Mage trilogy is literally written by Sanderson's protege.

Then Rothfuss' Kingkiller trilogy is pretty good. And I love the Locke Lamora and Long Price Quartet too.

I actually like the fantasy spin but I hope it won't drop into full on magic because right now the power imbalance is a bit ridiculous.

>> No.7211664

Can't this be named speculative fiction general? There's often a few questions about Historical Fiction and Horror so we may as well spread out a bit more

>> No.7211757

Just finishing The Venging, by Greg Bear. Next I'll be starting book V in the Dark Tower series.

>> No.7211850

>tfw you can't find Hoid anwhere in Shadows

Wax's cab driver is literally referred to as being named Hoid.

Speaking of SoS, I'm figuring Kelsier is the villain? He seems to have fucked off somewhere and everything fits his MO

>> No.7211872

>all dat shit taste

>> No.7212480


>reddit: the taste

>> No.7212497

People with a taste as shitty as yours should be banned.

>> No.7212525

well I for one don't think these generals should be banned

>> No.7212645

Audiobooks, m8, you can hear them while you go to work and back.

>> No.7212666


I enjoyed it right up until the end of the final book which I thought was a tad predictable.

>> No.7212796
File: 66 KB, 750x500, mb01_symbols-webres.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>responding to shitposting
>seriously recommending Rothfuss filth to others
Stop posting, turbonerd.

>> No.7212927
File: 167 KB, 655x562, alloy_symbols.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thought Lessie was the first to say 'God Beyond'
>look it up
>completely forgot about Wayne saying it in the first book
Fuck me I don't remember all these little details. Now I've gotta go read and finish SoS today.

>> No.7213372

You're literally just as bad as him

>> No.7213543

I have 3 more hours to complete.

I miss being a NEET. Wage Slave gets you stuff, but I can't binge read(/listen) a book in one sitting.

>> No.7213965

What's that Anon ? You know a good sci-fi book I haven't read ? Pffhh. As if.

>> No.7213978
File: 79 KB, 1492x1080, char-char-aznable-20221769-1492-1080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sure hope he isn't going to become evil but you make a pretty good point.


>> No.7213991

>and heavily relies on cheap tricks
It barely has anything of the sort.

>> No.7214086

Not them, not sure how to describe it. You should read it. You'll like it.

>> No.7215001

Wax was fucking prime Kondrah mature pussy

>> No.7215025

Just about finished with it. Love every part with Ciri, find Geralt boring but will keep reading.

>> No.7215050

"Stores breath and investigor", so when are people going to come back to life and awaken objects?

>> No.7215108

I've been reading "the lightbringer trilogy" by Brent weeks. It's as corny as the title but I liked it[\spoiler] anybody want to talk about it?

>> No.7215172

There's no breaks on the Gavin Guile suffering train.
Pushing the girl over the balcony was such an asspull, though!

>> No.7215180

Is it Odium though? Could also be Bavadin/Autonomy?

>> No.7215580
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I'm still reading myself but I moused over your spoiler.

Odium has no influence on Scadrial. Odium is still currently trapped in the Roshar System.
Didn't know about the Autonomy reveal; fucking NEAT.

>> No.7215641

Autonomy was apparently quite a recent reveal but some people think that it's a red herring on Sanderson's behalf because of the recency.

>> No.7215682

Where my Raymond E. Feist fam at?

>> No.7215838
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Yeah, I looked it up on Coppermind and it was during a SoS signing. No reason for it to be suspicious although I didn't bother to look for the context of the reveal yet, if it was anything other than a standard question/answer.

Ashyn was an accidental reveal.

>> No.7215849

primary school

>> No.7216079


>> No.7216343

This makes no sense

When is the next book? Is he still on the boat?

If I gave you my arc of bands of mourning, would you give me your boipussy to decimate?

>> No.7217251
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>> No.7217272


Ok faggots
Im currently thinking of writing a dark scifi/dystopian scifi mixed with some feudalistic elements setting

What would be the craziest plot to go along with this?

>> No.7217524

Seeing that you are obsessed with Sanderson, I was wondering if you would trade your sweet boipussy to get an advance readers copy.

What is a Kondrah?

>> No.7217608

The ending of the third book where he is thrown into his own chromatic prison was definitely an "Oh shit" moment for me.

>> No.7217614

He's gotten off the boat but his situation isn't better really

>> No.7217739

Your idea is pretty vague

>> No.7217782
File: 183 KB, 923x1384, elantrismaplarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not obsessed with him in the least.

Still only halfway but goddamn does he use "Rusts!" and "rusting" way too fucking much. I thought he was improving from his repetitious nature yet I notice this shit cropping up again. Goddammit you had this kind of novice business going on in ELANTRIS and you should have quashed it by now.

>> No.7217914

Just finished House of Chains. I agree that the books are hit and miss, some parts have me on the edge of my seat, but long parts are also very dull. I feel like the story is too broad, with many parts that I just can't give a fuck about - and sadly these parts seem to be taking over the main story.

The Bridgeburners, Cottillion, Toc and Tool, and a couple of other characters is comfy, and I would have been more thrilled had the story been more centered about the empire, but I honestly don't give a fuck about the Andii, the Crippled God and so on.

House of Chains was the worst one so far, and if Midnight Tides isn't any better I doubt I'll be giving The Bonehunters a chance.

>> No.7217997

Remember that rust and rusting, is his version of fuck and fucking.

It's only logical that another world would use something that is very bad to them as a cuss word.

Remember that hell is a curse because of Christianity, going to hell is bad.

Rust is bad because in a world that depends on metals, it damages your precious resource .

Fuck is just a vulgar utterance, used to "shock" people into believing that the book is mature.

>> No.7218063

Yeah, what a shitty fate. Gavin did nothing wrong ;_;
Andross should have died!

>> No.7218160

Anyone have any good reference books for faeries and celtic mythology? I'm reading a lot of fairy fiction, but it's hard to tell what's made up and what really comes from mythology, and I don't want to inadvertently steal anything when writing my own stories.

>> No.7218299

The only thing Gavin did wrong was letting Dazen defeat him and usurp his identity.

>> No.7218303

I mean original Dazen did nothing wrong. Gavin was an ass, but should have seen it coming.

>> No.7218316

I just ordered this book two days ago. Any thoughts on it? I'm thinking of trying the other series from him (The Dagger and the Coin)

>> No.7218411

What do u guys think about guy gavriel kay

>> No.7218414

LPQ? The andats are very interesting

>> No.7218429

Thank you all for your recs, I'm sorry I didn't use them because the one in the used bookstore was "Look to Windward" for $3 so that's the one I got. Looking forward to reading the rest if I like it though.

>> No.7218477

You didn't specify, and there's a few SF books/authors in your list.

>> No.7218528

Just torrent it or Overdrive it or XDCC it off the IRC m8.

>> No.7218716
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What do you guys think about these?

>> No.7218739

>Gardens of the Moon much lower quality
I see what you did there.

>> No.7218786

Did they increase the bump limit? Thread doesn't look like it's autosageing.

>> No.7218808

>Editors forced Wolfe to write it.


>> No.7218823
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Which writer is closest to Giger that is not named Watts?

Any biomechanoid scifi? I can read trash.

>> No.7218840
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>> No.7218845

Nihei's great, but I was expecting an answer related to /lit/.

>> No.7218899

The Interference I and II Doctor Who books are bit Watts-ish in delivery espeically if you like sentient space ships and mindscrews.

It's a bit more into the voodoo/cult stuff than Nihei's Knights of Sidonia. Setting is like Echopraxia minus the vampires, but it's not really standalone.

>> No.7218910
File: 238 KB, 500x675, 1440886538374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking for a Sci-Fi series that features

>Tavelling to multiple worlds
>Various Alien species
>Space battles
>Fantasy/Swashbuckling elements like swordfights and mysticism
>(Optional) A non-cringeworthy romance

>> No.7218914

Thanks but can't really read Doctor Who, have nightmares from those shitty threads spammed on /tv/.


>> No.7218918

Already read the first Hyperion. Loved it, but there weren't really any directly featured space battles and aliens. Do the sequels change that?

>> No.7218939

I found them mediocre tbh but they're highly rated in the internet SFF community.

>> No.7218944

sequels are shit

you can try the forever war though

>> No.7219183

They wanted him to write a followup that explained New Sun more than almost not at all (at first glance)

But like the other post said, it is very good. I would think more people would consider it non-optional. There are some very beautiful moments, and the last third of the book is heartbreaking.

>> No.7219203

Yeah I couldn't even get past the first fifty pages
Le edginess and I am le asshole sociopath just bore me
Also why I can't stand Kingkiller though at least Kingkillers writing style allowed me to get over my hatred of the mary sue protag and finish the books

>> No.7219237

Mark Lawrence's King Of Thorns, for anyone else's reference.

>> No.7219331

I have read a lot of them. Some hold up well, most do not. Interestingly enough, the ravenloft book that had Lord soth in it was excellent. Most of the ravenloft novels are pretty good.

>> No.7219355

Seventh son of a seventh son. Yw.

>> No.7219753
File: 401 KB, 1024x634, warbreakermapsmall.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Remember that rust and rusting, is his version of fuck and fucking.
I'm fully aware. I've read all the cosmere books. I know he uses different terminology for curse words then proceeds to beat them into the fucking ground with a dead horse.
I found it neat how 'cosmere' was namedropped in SoS.

Revelation Space universe but it doesn't really have the fourth request.

>> No.7219759

I actually barely notice it because of how overused fuck and shit are in plenty of books.

>> No.7220299

Gotta read it

>> No.7220613

Can anyone recommend me some slower burning low fantasy in the vein of the Farseer trilogy? I don't mind series with the Brandon Sanderson style powerlevels and epic battles of good and evil from time to time, but they tend to all blur together. I'm in the mood for something that puts more emphasis on character development and worldbuilding, with a smaller scale plot. Something comfier.

I'm currently reading the Fafhrd and the Grey Mouser books, It's pretty good, but It's not really scratching the itch.

>> No.7221317
