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7174576 No.7174576 [Reply] [Original]

I read two studies that says by 2025 nearly 25% of all American jobs will be replaced by robots.

another that says 47% of all jobs replaced by 2035.

as of today it's nearly 10%.

how in the hell will so many millions of people survive this?

is there a book that explores this idea? maybe sci fi with some good philosophy at its core?

>> No.7174587
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>> No.7174589

It's effectively genocide.

Those with family connections, the elites, will continue to thrive and prosper, securing female mating partners (as well as numerous sexual conquests and hangers on) while the masses become unemployed, the men turning to depression or masturbation, the women either refusing to lower their standards and marry one of the few low-paid workers left, or competing for the minority of elite males. This is the future you chose.

>> No.7174593

I, robot (or something like that) by asimov

>> No.7174596

Maybe Unabomber's manifesto?

>> No.7174600

The fault in our stars

>> No.7174606

>how in the hell will so many millions of people survive this?
They won't be able to unless the state discourages replacing humans with machines with some kind of law or tax. There are other solutions but this would be by far the easiest.

>sci fi with some good philosophy at its core

>> No.7174610

Universal basic income

>> No.7174612

oh fuck off you pseudo-intellectual plebs. this is so dumb. we used to all work on farms ffs

>> No.7174618


the alienated young male psyche is boring

to be honest

>> No.7174620

Well, first of all, stop reading unsubstantiated pop-science

Post-work society is still interesting as a concept though. Iain Banks's Culture novels and Corey Doctorow's Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom are probably the two most famous examples (both are not just post-work, but also post-scarcity).

>> No.7174624

you have silicon valley guys ensuring politicians it's all for human benefit but how??

it will ruin our economy. it is more productive but capitalists won't share property so we all can survive easy. i enjoy working and having a schedule. it's healthy psychologically. but at the same time many will get fucked. hard.

>> No.7174638
File: 250 KB, 817x517, revolution[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7174643

The working class is horribly subjugated until they revolt or until they become elite as well. The middle-class disappears entirely as the world becomes a split between who works and who doesn't, possibly being absorbed into the elite but more likely being shoved down into the worker class.

The working class maintains robot plants, are gradually phased out entirely by machines. Hundreds of millions die/revolt.

Eventually the robot plants are entirely self-sufficient. The rest of the world is entirely automated apart from inventors, educators and other creative positions, since the robots never achieve consciousness as we know it. The working class becomes useless and kept alive by humanitarian aid. Eventually their conditions become deplorable and there are scattered uprisings worldwide. Most of them are swiftly put down by the robots. Think revolutions of 1848.

Luxury and modern medicine results in an unprecedented population boom followed by strict regulations on who can produce and when. This becomes universally applied to the working class as well. Things become more desperate.

Eventually scientism, with all its evidence for providing lives of luxury, takes over the world and eugenics becomes commonplace. This lack of morals leads to a worldwide culling of the working class. It's impossible to resist. The world becomes elite, but unrecognizable as human. The creative class don't see any reason to continue their crafts. People's entire days become spent in recreation.

>> No.7174652
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we should work towards a singularity where only two people have jobs and all the money. and then abolish money.

>> No.7174659

This tbh. The last time a majority of people in the west had strictly necessary jobs must have been a couple of centuries ago by now. People have been creating unnecessary jobs to fill the gap for ages, and I don't see why that can't continue.

>> No.7174675

>People have been creating unnecessary jobs to fill the gap for ages, and I don't see why that can't continue
The problem is, those jobs being created aren't enough to replace the ones that are disappearing.

You know why people don't work on farms anymore? Because agriculture has become hugely industrialized. One one hand we have cheap food, on the other, we have mass abandonment of the rural areas by people who don't have jobs

>> No.7174678

Warum gerade Badenweiler?

>> No.7174698

humanity is a disease
robots are the cure

>> No.7174715


I for one do not welcome any robot overlords

>> No.7174730

The Conquest of Bread

Losing your job is a desirable thing, it means you get to choose a better one.

>> No.7174738

>tfw you realize the guys who dressed like they were in the matrix in the early 2000s were right to do so and you made fun of them

>> No.7174767


titilating title. the rest of this post is retarded

>> No.7174892

>how in the hell will so many millions of people survive this?

Seperate income and work

>> No.7174904

in the 1800s, 90% of americans were unemployed.

It's called getting off your ass and growing your own shit.

>> No.7174905


>computers man

until the private ownership of wealth and means of production changes, I don't want armies of enslaving robots

>> No.7174916

not enough separate work will be around for income. I think people can only be so creative with bullshit jobs for so long. maybe we have enough room to continue for a while but not forever. eventually we will need a foundational paradigm shift in our society the likes of which we've never seen as it will be focused on people first.

>> No.7174919


that's literally communism

viva la rev

>> No.7174921

the highest unemployment # from 1869-1899 is a little over 8% you have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.7174929

is star trek communism? they don't necessarily have property because no one has any real "wants" since everything is provided via computers creating shit. I think picard even said this in next gen although he didn't say "communism."

I wasn't thinking that. just a hardcore socially progressive form of economics. not full blown communism but capitalism with crazy progressive taxation where it gets close but isn't quite communism.

>> No.7174951


"full blown capitalism where it's almost communism" is a contradiction

the tendency of capital is to grow more capital, not to create use-values to satisfy human wants

no capitalist system will give rise to an association of free men exploring space for the sake of diplomacy and getting their wants and needs satisfied automatically

going into this thoroughly is difficult as I'm not a scholar

>> No.7174955
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>> No.7174992

>I'm not a scholar
neither am I in the econ department.

but we're just chatting here. nothing serious. we have laws and programs that are socially progressive. just nowhere near what it needs to be imo.

also after the great depression laws were created to limit the wild west atmosphere of wall street/financial institutions and give more to consumer protection. we still have some around many have vanished. I think it'll take a hard realization for a creation of similar laws on a much further level to happen. but they will either have to happen or things will get really shitty fast.

>> No.7175006

Is it a meme or actually an interesting read?

>> No.7175057

its an interesting read and relevant. i dunno if i'm just a pleb but i was pretty blown away by it, i'll have to read it again.. first read i was in awe for about a week, but my critical capacity is not that great

>> No.7175081

the Communist Manifesto tbh fam

>> No.7175088

will check it out then

>> No.7175327

>we used to all work on farms ffs
yeah and the displaced farmers could just go to another unskilled sector like manufacturing
now that robots are automating pretty much every low skilled production where the hell will the burger flippers and cashiers go when they're out of a job
>t-they can all just become programmers and engineers!11!!1
fuck off retard

>> No.7175431

>not enough separate work will be around for income. I think people can only be so creative with bullshit jobs for so long. maybe we have enough room to continue for a while but not forever. eventually we will need a foundational paradigm shift in our society the likes of which we've never seen as it will be focused on people first.
I don't know what you mean by seperate work. What I was trying to say is we need to seperate income and work as in pay people who don't work >>7174610 . If we did this then robots taking jobs would not be a problem.

>> No.7175492

ah. yeah that'd be great. honestly most people WANT to work. having a routine and being in a social environment away from home is great for psychological health.

universal basic pay would allow people to pursue what they want. we would still have doctors and innovators imo.

>> No.7175892

Ya if your retarded. Have you reds solved th economic calculation problem yet?

>> No.7175899

Ya know, that's how you raise prices and I will be damn pressed to further be robbed of my money to provide for some fucking NEET.

>> No.7175903

>still believing in revelution

Have your balls dropped yet?

>> No.7175912


>> No.7176473


Learn how to spell before trying to critique capitalism


Are you in high school?

>> No.7176488


>the state should just keep making laws to further regulate capital

not how it works


true stupidity

>> No.7176509

Just watch that episode of Spongebob where they go into the future.

>> No.7176535

You know whose jobs aren't disappearing? The Amish. Just stop playing the game.

>> No.7176562

Haven't been in high school in awhile fam. So have you reds solved the economic calculation problem yet?

>> No.7176565

Study the humanities, they will provide the final jobs. Look past their temporary slumber.

>> No.7176616

i read studies that says by 2006 there is a 100% chance that op is a raging faggot

>> No.7176646
File: 113 KB, 580x412, cultural revolution best day of my life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how in the hell will so many millions of people survive this?

>> No.7176682
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>freshman in college
>have no skills
>probably going to major in something useless

fuck bros, im gonna be the first to go

>> No.7176875


>the economic calculation problem

this shit isn't even worth discussing

learn the difference between central planning and revolutionary socialism, for one

>> No.7178756

>90% of americans were unemployed.
that's not even economically possible you dolt

>> No.7178838

Same shit different pile, answer the question.

>> No.7178846

Ha, no.

>> No.7178848

>liberals actually think like this

>> No.7178851

>that's not even economically possible you dolt

Didn't the very same country have ~100% employment during WW2?

>> No.7178881

Well, let's see: in the OP scenario, if capitalists maintain their status then they will control robotic labor as a means to gain more capital through the exploitation of workers. If capitalists are overthrown, the workers can use robotic labor for the good of the commons, since there is no profit motive and labor exploitation.

>> No.7178896

Literally never going to happen without some kind of massive paradigm shift. At least in America. To divorce income from work would be ideological blasphemy. In the American mind to live is to work and to work is to live. To accept that the income and work are to separate things would seem to invalidate the efforts of those who have worked to live. That others have to work to live to justifies their own suffering.

And then they push the burden they believe justifies their existence on the next generation and then they on the next and so on and so forth.

>> No.7178897

>The world becomes elite, but unrecognizable as human. The creative class don't see any reason to continue their crafts. People's entire days become spent in recreation.
That sounds like the surface world on Texhnolyze

>> No.7178997


Wrong, answer the question, have you reds solved the economic calculation problem?

>> No.7179015

There is so much wrong here, goddamn. It's like you fucks are deliberately ignorant of economics. Having robots will not outmode people, it will only shift labour into different markets, stop it with the Luddite fallacy. And no, no one is being exploited, so grow the fuck up.

>> No.7179021

Also no, there will be never a revolution, because surprise surprise most people don't want that! I sure as hell no however that if for some astronomical reason it does happen, I will have a great smile on my face as I gun you red fucks down.

>> No.7179032

Everything will so abundant and available most people won't need to work.

Pretty simple.

>> No.7179043
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It's cure that liberals think they know anything. First of all, not all "reds" are into centralized planning. In fact, no "reds" are into centralized planning as anything but a temporary situation. (You wouldn't know this, you've never read anything.) Second, "reds" historically don't rely on just central planning. (You wouldn't know this, you've never read anything.) Third, there is literally nothing pointing to central planning being worse than free market economies, but there is ample evidence of free market economies being completely terrible for people, which is exactly why all liberal regimes today have a combination of central planning and free markets. (You wouldn't know this, you've never read anything.)

>> No.7179047

>letting capitalism blind you this much

>> No.7179054

Lol calm down guy

>> No.7179055

>how in the hell will so many millions of people survive this?
survive what? having to work less?

>> No.7179064
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Did you miss the part where it was entertaining the OP? Why are liberals so illiterate?

>there will be never a revolution
>because surprise surprise most people don't want that!
Right, because it's not like history isn't composed of revolutions! It's not like there aren't revolutions happening right now! Jesus Christ, anon... do you even try?

>> No.7179075

>oh boy anon u suer r dumb, pls ignore that I'm not actually addressing anything

>> No.7179081

I forgot by who, but I remember it being quoted in a more serious work on the philosophy of technology. It has serious parts apparently

>> No.7179129

You are one dumb mother fucker you know that? Red ideals invetibly in action entail a command economy, centralized economy. Remove private property and trade and that is what you get, you will get a state because it is a state that is needed to ensure such economic limitations. This is what happens in action, in reality! Also yes fucker, everything points to a central economy being bad, are you blind to history? Ever heard of Holodomor, economic calculation problem, cultural revolution? All those things result in shortages in red nations, result in dire situations for those nations. While the opposite is true in capitalist nations. Ever thought why the majority of the world operates in a capitalist economy? Because it ducking works! But you wouldn't know this because you haven't read a damn thing about economics or history. Seriously fucking kill yourself you red faggot, you and your kin are a waste of human space. Fuck, you know I almost wish for some fucking red dominance so you faggots can know what real hell is. But you'd go along with it because you are to cucked to think otherwise.

>> No.7179137

Fuck off and die red

>> No.7179202

I'd agree with most of your assessment. I think America's fetishistic notion of work stems from our Puritanical roots, to the point that idleness is equated with hedonism. In the great words of ATHF: Idle hands spend time at the genitals.

I think a paradigm shift is bound to happen given the upward drive of our economy. It will approach a point where automation will be much cheaper than paying salaries and benefits and much more efficient. Parts of this has already happened, look at the modern assembly-line and the reports of the operation of Amazon's warehouses. I think a Basic Income is almost inevitable. What I'm more worried about is it widening the gap between middle and upper classes.

>> No.7179325

Do contemporary Americans really use that expression

>> No.7179341

everybody cool uses that expression you fucking square

get with it grandpa

>> No.7179347

only hardcore memers

>> No.7179352

Only the most radical of cats.

>> No.7179353

>no one is being exploited
If you believe this..................

>> No.7179401

How is a voluntary contract exploitive? Hint, it's not.

>> No.7179433

Seems like stuff only old ppl say tbqh fam

>> No.7179483

Please tell me in your own words what the economic calculation problem is? How have capitalists solved their own problems in comparison?

>> No.7179484

It can be exploitative if the employee has no leverage or alternative

>> No.7179487

I don't really know, but have you solved it yet? Therefore, pinkos are dumb.

>> No.7179489


What you 'volunteer' for is strictly defined by your economic options

>> No.7179491


Maybe you should learn to spell before critiquing capitalism.

>> No.7179541
File: 47 KB, 534x476, bigraphene.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how in the hell will so many millions of people survive this?

Deflationary spiral;

1: Robots put people out of work,
2: Jobless people have no money to buy,
3: Companies that use robots go bankrupt,
4: Now, no jobs, and no goods on the shelves,

There's no way out of this spiral, save for propping up the economy. As businesses go bankrupt, you bail them out. If consumers don't have the money they need, you increase minimum wage.

But this won't work. A failing business becomes a black hole for your currency's dollar - value goes into the business, and produces nothing that can be sold to break even. Increasing wages means the employers can just charge more to make up the difference.

This has happened many times in history. The typical result is a few decades of mass poverty and starvation, followed by a glorious revival.

However, this time is different. Before the 20th century, 90%+ of the population was employed in agriculture. There was no joblessness. Today, in the 21st, we're approaching double digits, or have attain them. At the same time, technology has allowed incredible powers at very cheap prices.

When the spiral starts to destroy the current powers, the rebound will be dampened. The people who will be rebuilding civilization from the favelas won't need large numbers of people for labor. New infrastructure will be built for personal use - there will only be self-serving palace economies. Due to the ready availability of the technology needed to lift yourself up by your bootstraps, everyone will agree that you don't need help.

Bioprinting will take us beyond biology, diversifying humanity into countless subspecies. None of these will recognize each other as people, and humanity may well replace the rest of the ecosystem after we kill it.

This is a graphene molecule shoved up the bandgap of another graphene molecule. The two molecules floating in each corner are Sodium Fluoride. As you can see, the resulting molecular energy is enormous - that's 98,958.33J/g. Fluorine atoms would be used as 'nubs' for the bare carbon arms, preventing oxidation and thus preventing the production of graphene oxide - which has a much lower sublimation point than non-oxidized graphene.

>> No.7179552

The following is how a voluntary contract could be exploitive.
I have a choice between contracts but
I have to choose one to make any money for
food and shelter. If all of the available contracts
are in some way exploitive then my choice is between starve to death in the streets or be

>> No.7179573


>Maybe you should

>repeating someone else's post but making it ironic

>> No.7179578
File: 53 KB, 372x512, tedk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the book childhoods end the aliens replace everyone with robots so everyone wastes their days becoming philosophers and artists.

I imagine you could easily write a book were the ultra rich live in gated communities guarded by drones while the starving masses live outside the walls.
But then of course there is a revolt, robots destroyed, "kaczynski was right" spray painted on walls.

>> No.7179586

A typo is not indicative of being unable to spell. However, highlighting typos and other spelling/grammatical errors instead of addressing the points raised is the one of the last refuges of the ignorant, emotional mind.

>> No.7179640

Human work will shift the way it did during the Industrial and Technological revolutions. Robots are simply tools we use to improve our work. If automation does take over the majority of manufacturing or technology, I think we'd just shift to more social work that can't be automated or another period of expanding our nation's infrastructure like we did during the Great Depression. If there is a large able-bodied workforce, expect lots of shit to be rebuilt. Our nation's current energy, transportation, and educational systems are severely outdated and need to be addressed. It seems scary but it may open the door for our more creative types to help reshape society.