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7174947 No.7174947 [Reply] [Original]

Why is Marxism so attractive to the academic class?

>> No.7174957

Because it's counter-culture so they have to actively pursue it in order to learn about it instead of just learning it via internalizing their environment.

>> No.7174986


So they can seem radical while in reality doing absolutely fuck all to change things.

>> No.7174988

Couldn't be more wrong. It isn't the counter-culture but it is marketed and represented as the counter-culture because, at the current time, it is always preferrential to be part of the counter-culture, underclass, oppressed etc.

>> No.7175000

because the Marxist state gives a lot of power to the academics

>> No.7175004



>> No.7175013

Is it really though?

>> No.7175039

What university did you guys go to?

Mine was full of smug upper-middle class white (or completely white washed) Marxists.

>> No.7175053

I hate this meme. I went to a New England liberal arts college and there were a totally inordinate number of professors who were it front with their Marxist sympathies. I know your community college nursing professors aren't so radical but try opening a book or academic journal every now and then.

>> No.7175072

Because it makes a great criticism of capitalism and Marxism provides the most reasonable alternative

>> No.7175076

literally nothing to do with socialism everything to do with the haughty babble

>> No.7175078

Because it's fantastic feel good politics.
>we have to end this unfair system
>poor kiddos in china are being exploited
>look at this starving african girl
>damned wall street bankers
Whilst not noticing that Marx himself was an awful, disgusting person.
Marxism also puts a lot of focus on big state, what we s today in US and most of the world is some form of socialism (yes in the US, you read that right). In a true capitalist society everyone freely competes on the market to sell their goods and services and only the best will earn big money.
These "academics" know that their fields of study are not very much sought after so most of them (not consciously I hope) turn to marxism in order to latch onto the state and suck taxpayer money whilst trying to rid the world of the injustices.
And let's not mention that all communist and heavy socialist countries are shitholes, whereas the capitalist and some light socialist countries are much more pleasent places to live in.

>> No.7175086

They are too busy drinking fair trade organic coffee to take care of a dog, so they adapt a romanticized idea of the working class, or other social groups they deem oppressed, as a sort of ideological tamagotchi.

>> No.7175092

Yeah Scandinavia is a shitty part of the world bloody backwards socialists the US is much better

>> No.7175093

This was true for me even in community college. Many professors and students had raging hard-ons for socialism/Marxism and would regularly derail lectures to talk about it in some capacity. Hell, I got so sick of hearing about it all the time that I went so far as to start researching and supporting fascism for a time.

>> No.7175094

>economic system that utterly failed its people harder than MONARCHISM
>reasonable alternative
Look, some people aren't as prosperous as others, and I know you think that's bad, but they're better off than peasants under the Ancien Regime, and even those guys were better off than peasants in the Warsaw Pact.

>> No.7175097

When you make a living critiquing things it's obviously more sensible to be opposed to the status quo than to be in favour of it or else you're going to run out of things to say.

This isn't just marxism but any deviation of common ideology. Conservative or reactionary academics are the different sign of the same racket, for example.

>> No.7175100

who /lit/ here

>> No.7175105

I saw that video. She's 12. Notice that the font on the right is different from the font on the left. I don't know why somebody would go through the trouble of making this change.

>> No.7175118
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Dayuum! What a refreshing outsider opinion on academia and their hypocrisy. You sure set them straight.

>> No.7175126

this nigga thinks your reason for hating something has to be "original" for it to be valid ayy lmao

>> No.7175128

Scandinavian countries aren't heavily socialist.

>> No.7175133




>> No.7175134

Aren't the "capitalism is bad memers" the de facto status quo in academia?

>> No.7175137

What you don't understand about Scandinavia will be explained now. It's simple really.
Sweden was one of the most capitalist and the freest places in the world in 18th and 19th century. Their wealth and hardworking habits are slowly eroding away now (not to mention the influx of third worlders). Expect them ti be very poor in aproximately 30 years.
Norway was always a genuine shithole until they discovered oil.
In Denmark you pay effective 90% tax when combined. Danes are slaves to their government. Danes also have the highest suicide rate in EU.
Finland has a similar story to Sweden but they have always been slightly more shitty because of Russian influence.
Hope I cleared that for you.

Thank you. I do my best.

>> No.7175138

reading is fuckin gay dude

>> No.7175140

With the exception of my Trump supporting prof (who doesn't shove his beliefs down our throats by any means) none of my professors ever bring up religion, politics, economics, etc.

Marxist college profs are a meme just like statistics being partisan.

This too

>> No.7175142
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No need for all that fancy talk. I call it like it is. mmmhh hmmmph

>> No.7175143

/pol/ here to redpill you.

Actually we're run by marxists. marxist professors lead universities and subvert civilization through its students, who are encouraged to interbreed with blacks to breed out whiteness. We'll then be genocided by Jews.

>> No.7175147

where do the space lizards fit in

>> No.7175149

He's right though. Most career academics have no marketable skills so they latch onto Marxist ideology because they think their cushy union salaries aren't enough.

>> No.7175153

>Danes also have the highest suicide rate in EU.
That's not true at all.

In fact Danes are continually declared to be the happiest people in the world, whatever that means.

>> No.7175154

*jewish space lizards

>> No.7175156
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in your mommas gaping ass
along with muh dick
checkem btw lad

>> No.7175158

>/pol/ here to redpill you


>> No.7175159

This is basic redpill stuff. It's objective scientific truth. Come to /pol/ and we'll sort out your liberal brainwashing with relevant and non-ideological infographics and jpgs.

>> No.7175160

Check what?

>> No.7175161

>We'll then be genocided by Jews.

Jews can be white, though.

>> No.7175162

Can you link it? I need a good laugh.

>> No.7175163

>Norway was always a genuine shithole until they discovered oil.
Common misconception, there's nothing to back this up except a mantra pushed by the oil industry.
>Danes also have the highest suicide rate in EU.
Source? Everything I get when googling shows that this is blatantly wrong. Do you mean suicides on Greenland? Because those are high, but it's not because of "socialism" (quite the opposite actually)

>> No.7175166

It's because Denmark legalized regulated bestiality.

>> No.7175169
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Because it allows for infinite theoretical masturbation while simultaneously allowing the masturbator to feel like he is engaged in an epic battle on behalf of the oppressed against a tyrannous adversary.

>> No.7175174


Because academics are intelligent and reasonable people.

Kill me if you must.

>> No.7175175

>ideological tamagotchi
This guy gets it. It's all about self righteous wealthy white charlatans sitting in their ivory tower masturbating over how to liberate those stupid poor working class shitskins.

>> No.7175182


>> No.7175184
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>academics are intelligent and reasonable people.


>> No.7175188

old meme might as well post DESU

>> No.7175190


>> No.7175194

>Kill me if you must.
The actual working class will do that for you, after the revolution.

>> No.7175196

lol at all the discomforted people watching from the sidelines

>> No.7175202
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I could not have worded that better.
There are two kinds of people who support marxism.

>useful fools
people who actually think communism or socialism will bring them anything other than poverty and misery
>the elite
people who intend to go grab power for purpose of "equality" or "justice"

>> No.7175203
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>academics are intelligent and reasonable people.

>> No.7175208


Yes we are. We just call it social democracy. What we have would be construed as extremist communism in the US. I pay half my paycheck in taxes. For that, I get healthcare, education, financial support while doing my education, a very tight social security net, very good benefits should I ever become unemployed, and a whole host of other goodies.

Danes consistently rank among the happiest people one earth.


Thanks for your poor and aggressively uninformed analysis of Scandinavian politics. I'm a Dane, and I love everything about Denmark.

By the way, social mobility is way higher in Scandinavia compared to the US. In the words of Richard Wilkinson, if you want to live the American Dream, move to Denmark.

While it is true our taxes are extremely high, we are not really slaves to our government as much as Americans are slaves to their feudal overlords who were born into wealth. American social mobility sucks, and the American "Dream" is a very apt name.

>> No.7175213


>> No.7175215

You are about to see your safety net crumble under the weight of refugees.

We warned you.

>> No.7175216

Yeah they make it too easy to get a degree these days. Thats because universities are some of the biggest businesses in america.

>> No.7175218 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.7175220

for you

>> No.7175232

The correct answer is because Marx posed a scientific analysis of contemporary socioeconomic conditions, and a scientific solution to the percieved issues therewith, which gives it's proponents a little more clout and authority than readily admitting "nobody really has any idea what they're doing ever".

Any other answer is loaded with bias.

>> No.7175256


We took more refugees after the second world war than we are doing now. Didn't collapse. We did the same with ex-Jugoslavians. Didn't collapse. Same story with Iraqi and Afghanistani refugees. Didn't collapse.

I find it remarkable how conservatives can be so utterly devoid of historical knowledge. One would assume it to be one of their fortes.

>> No.7175259


The labor theory of value is about as scientific as the bible.

>> No.7175271

austrians plz go

>> No.7175276

The problem is the population getting benefits keeps increasing while the population financing them decreases.

You already accept a 100% tax on new cars. Are you ready for 200%?

Socialism will fail with open borders.

>> No.7175297
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>We took more refugees after the second world war than we are doing now

>European refugees are the same as Muslim refugees

top cuck m8

>> No.7175306


If you actually believe this (which I don't)

>tfw America's unjustified and idiotic wars in the middle east caused the collapse of western civilization


>> No.7175312
File: 55 KB, 681x407, don't tread on me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not our fault them dumbass Mudslimes ain't want no Freedom

>> No.7175318

It's been talked about more and more for the past decade.

Currently some scandanavian legislators are considering cutting their benefits to refugees. They're realists who are familiar with basic economics unlike you idealist gommies.

>> No.7175320


Productivity increases account for this. Back in the 50's it took 4 working people to support one person on benefits. Today it's 2. It keeps decreasing due to increase in productivity. This is pretty basic stuff bro.


A considerable amount of the Yugoslavians we took were Muslims. We also took a bunch of Muslim immigrants back in the 70's from Turkey. We're not really having any trouble with them.

Do elaborate on how Muslim immigrants are going to collapse our civilization. History shows they don't.

(Protip: The Daily Mail doesn't count as a source)

As a small aside, does anyone else find it interesting how conservatives seem so obsessed with cuckolding?

>> No.7175334

>As a small aside, does anyone else find it interesting how conservatives seem so obsessed with cuckolding?

You can tell what kind of porn someone watches by their political fixations.

>> No.7175339
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>Do elaborate on how Muslim immigrants are going to collapse our civilization.

Do you honestly believe that Islam will ever become reconciled with classical liberalism?

>> No.7175343


>> No.7175346
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>watching pornography

Good goy.

>> No.7175348

easy way to feel righteous and victimized, a la identity politics, even when they're privileged, sheltered children

>> No.7175354
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Why is classical liberalism (or any form of liberalism) a good thing?

>> No.7175363

I don't watch porn, but it's clear that /pol/lacks are waist deep in jizz from watching cuckoldry porn.

These fuckers keep making me aware of fetish crap I've never heard of, so it's obvious that the trendsetters of /pol/ are heavy porn watchers.

>> No.7175376
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Whether it is good or not is another discussion.

You asked me how Muslim immigrants are going to destroy Western civilization and the reality is that foundational Western concepts such as free speech and freedom of religion are not tolerated by Islam. This means that by importing huge amounts of Muslims, either the West will repel Islam (as it has countless times throughout its history) or the West will cease to be "the West."

>> No.7175378

Quoting Al Goldstein to support the concept Global Zionism (or whatever term is in vogue these days) is not unlike quoting Zizek to support Stalinism. Anyway, here's your reply.

>> No.7175379

>projecting this hard
Yeah nah, it's the faggots at /gif/ obsessed with that shit.

>> No.7175387

People on /gif/ have to come from somewhere. You can't have that as your main board unless you're watching porn 24/7

>> No.7175388


concept OF Global Zionism*

>> No.7175393
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>> No.7175398

Does that make the mainstream the new underground; the privileged, the new... not privileged?

>> No.7175402

>foundational Western concepts such as free speech and freedom of religion
>Thinks Enlightenment bullshit is the "True West" rather than the beginning of our ruin.

>> No.7175408

>Productivity increases account for this.
But it doesn't. Technology alone can't make up for a lack of skilled labor.

My father is a muslim. Your society will not collapse because of islam, in fact it will probably improve when the muslims teach you cucks about morality and social conservatism.

It will collapse because of socialism.

>> No.7175413

my secondary/high-school had a few students like that but everyone soon became self-aware of the fact that socialism had essentially become a meme amongst the young, educated upper-middle-class

I'm at university now doing a liberal-arts degree and it is incredibly diverse in terms of politics, which surprised me given I had been sold this image of an extreme-left/liberal/PC-gone-mad echo chamber full of self proclaimed socialists and staunch feminists

>> No.7175414

Unless /pol/tards are hanging out at gif how are they even learning about this shit?

I sometimes see images on pol where they photoshop someone's head onto gay porn. That means you have gay porn on your hard drive, and looked at it long enough to shop something into it.

>> No.7175415

Is there literally any historical figure that isn't today considered to be an "awful, horrible person"?

>> No.7175417
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That's a fair critique.

So fine, change free-speech and freedom of religion to drinking alcohol and eating bacon.

My point stands either way.

>> No.7175425


Yes I do. Indeed, many Muslims seem business-savvy and become small business owners.

A recent poll here in Denmark showed that there were actually marginally more Muslim immigrants than ethnic Danes who believed in free speech and freedom of religion. I know you're going to retort with that part of the Quran that mentions something about fifth-column deceit being a Muslim doctrine, so I'll ask you kindly to remove the tin-foil hat and reflect a bit on how modern religious people don't slavishly follow every religious doctrine.

Now you're probably going to make a greentext going:


But do refrain from that also. The Daily mail isn't reality. /pol/ isn't reality.

>> No.7175428

>freedom of religion
>using "freedom of religion" as a reason to not allow a certain religion

>> No.7175435
File: 157 KB, 406x793, Consider.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yes I do.

That is because you are a brainwashed cuck.

Please watch this video:


>> No.7175440


>But it doesn't. Technology alone can't make up for a lack of skilled labor.

Except it has. Again, lack of history. No points awarded.

>My father is a muslim. Your society will not collapse because of islam, in fact it will probably improve when the muslims teach you cucks about morality and social conservatism.

Your false flag is lame and transparent.

>It will collapse because of socialism.

We'll see. As it stands, Danes are the happiest people on earth, have the lowest amount of corruption, extremely high social mobility, high standard of living, and show no sign of stopping. Reality contradicts your beliefs, but being conservative, I'm sure that wont stop you.

>> No.7175448

I like how /pol/-mongrels can only argue through the posting of youtube videos and infographics.

>> No.7175449

>Uses footage from Salafi conference
>Salafism is only allowed to proliferate as a doctrine because of America propping up Saudi Arabia

That being said, I don't see anything wrong with believing that adulterers or fags should be killed.

>> No.7175452


The prejudices that lead you to have such an image in your head of academia are the same prejudices that lead you to think such stupid things as socialism exclusively being a fanciful plaything for privileged idiots.

As some anon in this thread has been explaining to some other complete mong, large scale socialistic policies are the norm in many parts of Europe, particularly in Scandinavian countries which rate so highly on so many things: healthcare, education, average wealth etc etc

It's fucking crazy the things well meaning Americans say about the socialism boogeyman as it delivers such things that America lacks.

>> No.7175464


>Marxism isn't the counterculture
>Marxism is "marketed"

You must not live in America. And if you do: newsflash, tumblr and reddit do not constitute "mainstream culture." Most people don't even know what those things are.

>> No.7175472

>downplays the influence salafism on contemporary islam
>proceeds to agree with salafist positions

I'm beginning to think you aren't a cuck but are just a Muslim.

>> No.7175480


Oh shit. I see it's named "What Normal Muslims Think". Holy shit, the youtube title says it right there. Oh my fucking god, you were right all along. It says so right in the title.

I am, unfortunately, not surprised that this is the level of critical reflection presented by /pol/tards.

>> No.7175501
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>> No.7175520

Fuck off yuroserf. Muslims in America voted overwhelmingly republican before 9/11.

>shows no sign of stopping
Christ, do you even pay attention to your own media?

>> No.7175524

Killing fags and adulterers is pretty justifiable in general, unless you're a liberal.

>> No.7175526


You're responding to someone who's just told you that "there are actually marginally more Muslim immigrants than ethnic Danes who believed in free speech and freedom of religion". Do you think that posting examples of contrary attitudes negates that? Do you think these two things cannot exist in tandem?

Have you ever met a Muslim in your life? Honest question.

>> No.7175533

ah yes the political spectrum as we all understand it

liberal ------------------- edgy

>> No.7175537

Yes, we will see.

It's kind of surprising how ignorant you are to the problems in your own back yard.


>> No.7175544

Jesus Christ my liberal detection levels are off the charts!

>> No.7175548

Isn't that the political spectrum as commonly understood by 4chan?

And executing sodomites isn't so much "edgy" as "traditional."

>> No.7175556

the "/pol/"-posters in here are just leftist imposters trying to make us look bad.

>> No.7175563

You're really taking the "everything is a conspiracy!!!!!!" idea to new heights. Bravo.

>> No.7175564


>doesn't want to kill gay people and adulterers
>"lol brainwashed marxist get redpilled bro"

bravo /pol/



>> No.7175567

JIDF confirmed.

>> No.7175636


I'm at Evergreen, which is THE radical leftist hub of the region. There is a sizable contingent of anarchist students on campus, but they are derided by pretty much everyone else. My focus is political economy and economics, and I've had exactly one (ONE) professor that considered themself a Marxist. Half the business faculty has Sowell's Basic Economics as a core text, and the other half just can't be bothered.

>> No.7175663
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>> No.7175701


>> No.7175709

You couldn't be more of a fucking idiot. Every college student in America has heard of both and either has one of those.

>> No.7175713

That's why. It's the last bastion against the bolshevik menace because no economist takes marxism seriously.

>> No.7175722
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>> No.7175727

It's funny how according to the neonazi part of /pol/ academia is full of marxists due to a conspiracy, and according to the libertardian part of /pol/ marxism is rejected in academia because it was refuted.
Both are intellectually dishonest attempts to dismiss marx's work a priori instead of engaging in arguments based on his writing (which they haven't read).

>> No.7175734


except I would have written it as 'counter-culture' because it isn't counter-culture anymore, just like all the other hip sjw shit

>> No.7175755

Didn't Christianity?

>> No.7175762

>according to the libertardian part of /pol/ marxism is rejected in academia because it was refuted.
That's not true. Marxism is accepted in academia because most career academica are pseudo-intellectual losers who couldn't make it in the private sector.

>> No.7175790

Every society makes it own constraints and limits of the, dare I say, overarching "double think"

/pol/ isn't any different, and it's even more apparent because of the extremist nature and desire to push their unwanted ideological aggregate of policies and taboos on their community and those around them

>> No.7175803

Pseudopsychological profiling of groups of people that have opposing positions is another of /pol/s prefered methods to avoid honest discussion.

>> No.7175846


I can't for the life of me figure out what this pic is supposed to imply.

>> No.7175847

>doesn't deny the 'hasn't read marx' part

Proving him right.

>> No.7175852

>Pseudopsychological profiling of groups of people that have opposing positions
>according to the neonazi part of /pol/ academia is full of marxists due to a conspiracy, and according to the libertardian part of /pol/ marxism is rejected in academia because it was refuted.

>> No.7175864

The progressives at the top (XOXO fest, some shit about feminism and queer PoCs in vidya) are all upper class white people while the bottom (fighting game tournament) is like half black and a quarter mexican.

>> No.7175879


thats not an attempt at a psychological profile though is it

>> No.7175880

X says Y is not psychological profiling if that is what you are implying.
Surely you can see the difference between saying "/pol/ says X" and "career academics are losers who couldn't make it in the private sector".

>> No.7175883


>> No.7175888
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>> No.7175889

>Marxism also puts a lot of focus on big state
>US and most of the world is some form of socialism
>Implying the market isn't free (it is, just not for a poorfag uncle tom like you)
>implying you have any fucking authority on declaring anyone whatsoever academic or not
>implying US colleges are state funded
>social democracy produces shitholes, like Scandinavia
>every latin american country, after a century of heavy american capitalism, adopts some form or other of social democracy and start to get better

holy shit, murrica, get your shit together, you cucks

>> No.7175891

No offence, but Evergreen the the hub of a very specific and American sort of leftism that grew out of 60's counterculture, the sort of thing that the rest of the world's left (rightly) derides for all of it's new-agey and typically American bs. Beyond the fact that it has zero international (or even national) standing in political science or philosophy or anything similar, it's really not surprising that it doesn't house many Marxists. I think you'd have to go to the east coast or to Chicago if you wanted to find significant numbers of Marxists in America.

>> No.7175920

Your posts in this thread are garbage

Please fuck off and dont come back

>> No.7175926

Isn't it kinda obvious now in 2015 that Marx was right, at least about his central theses? Capitalism is right now producing the means by which it will become obsolete. With the free distribution of intellectual property over the internet, the mechanization of all production, the rise of a disposable bureaucratic and administrative class, etc., it seems that capital will soon no longer be the best way to distribute goods.

And even if these predictions about the future are wrong, it seems sort of obvious that the great productive forces of capitalism will sooner or later innovate some form of technology to make capital obsolete.

>> No.7175960

If you have read from history, and what a shit show red ideals where, and still are still a red then you are some kinda retarded.

>> No.7175975

which of Marx's specific ideas do you believe led to these atrocities?

>> No.7175983

Economics is the study of how to exploit the working class most effectively, so there's no surprise there.

>> No.7175988

But he's right.

>> No.7175998

>/pol/ says X
They don't though.

>> No.7176005

The whole kit and kaboodle.

>> No.7176007


His philosophy of history was utterly BTFO by Arthur Danto. Much of Marx's philosophy is theological, despite his atheism. Marx is very, very important to the history of economics and political philosophy, etc. and some of his work still retains a good deal of merit and is worth reading, but as a complete world-outlook it is sorely lacking. His popularity has SOME merit, but I wouldn't say his ideas are as valid as Kant's, Schopenhauer's, those of many other Hegelian's, Schiller's, etc.

>> No.7176024

i hope you meant teleological

>> No.7176026

At my school, there are strains of Marxism popular in Anthropology, Sociology, and English. Philosophy and Economics acknowledge and teach Marx as a major figure, but they don't shove it down your throats. There are many critiques of capitalism, etc. and Marx's is not the only one.

>> No.7176036

Same. Those people are very loud and obnoxious, but they are fairly easy to ignore. And also they're pretty easily shut down in class.

>> No.7176044

Because students are often spoiled retards with no clue as to how the world works.

>> No.7176046

>Being taken seriously

Danto is such a fucking cunt that my art history professors (that's right, this happened in two classes) read his texts mocking him, because, despite his importance, he was pretty much just lucky to trip over his transubstantiation of the common place idea.

He was a utter retard who managed to crap out two important texts during a nearly-100 year life.

>> No.7176053

Because in a Marxist society academics who interpret Marxism are the a clerical ruling class, like the Brahmin in Vedic India or the Magi of Sassanid Persia.

>> No.7176065

his criticisms of german idealism were responsible of the failure of communism in the 20th century? that's a very bizarre view you have.

could it be that you're reluctant to answer my question with any specificity because you're not familiar with any of Marx's ideas?

>> No.7176066

You just activated the trap card of 20th century marxism. Guys like Lukacs and Kotsch were assblasted about the fact that the later Marx (and subsequently people like Kautsky) saw marxism as an independently operating science, which could even be acknowledged as ''true' by non marxists (for instance, a capitalist could agree with the theory of historical materialism). marxists in the 20th century tried to disregard this component of marxist thought by laying an emphasis on the hegelian origin of marxistic thinking; the importance of marxism isn't in creating an objective way of understanding the world, but in growing towards a marxist society (Lukacs), and marxism could only be understood in direct relation to the actions of the proletariat, the unity of knowledge and practice (Korsch).

>> No.7176069

>art history professors
Oh boy.....

>> No.7176072

>Marx says that capitalism will end in a certain way
>Capitalism ends in a other way

>> No.7176085
File: 6 KB, 214x235, gramsci.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ists in the 20th century tried to disregard this component of marxist thought by laying an emphasis on the hegelian origin of marxistic thinking; the importance of marxism isn't in creating an objective way of understanding the world, but in growing towards a marxist society (Lukacs), and marxism could only be understood in direct relation to the actions of the proletariat, the unity of knowledge and practice (Korsch)

This is exactly the phenomenom that /pol/ calls "Cultural Marxism", and you laugh at them when they do that.

>> No.7176091

Your labor is an asset. Get over it and grow up buddy.

>> No.7176093

It's his economic ideals that are the worst. His use of labor theory of value to name one thing. Another factor is that by centrelising the economy, by getting rid of property and money and trade for that matter, yourself up for disaster.

>> No.7176094

Academics either love overly complicated and impenetrable ptolemization or overly simple ideas that allow them to build some stupid pet theory

>> No.7176099
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Finland had a war where the communists lost. Compare it with the rest of the former Russian Empire, where communism won, and see who fared better.

What you have in Scandinavia is welfare capitalism. Sweden has one of the highest rates of private property of the means of production in the world, in fact, a single family owns almost everything, which is a problem by itself, but no one complains about them the way people complain about the Koch family.


>> No.7176120

It's kind of funny. I've seen a lot of SJW types identify as marxists and many more as communist sympathizers. Many historical civil rights activists associated with communists as well, so "cultural marxist" seems like a badge they would wear with honor. But because the term was coined by right wingers the phrase gets spun as a nazi conspiracy theory.

>> No.7176134

>marxists in the 20th century tried to...
Huge generalization.

That has absolutely nothing to do with any of the policies /pol/ associates cultural marxism.

Marxism sees labor as a commodity under capitalism, your post is pretty retarded.

>> No.7176141

No, theological, which is the terminology utilized by Danto.

""It is, I think, instructive to recognize that Marx and Engels, although they were materialists and explicit atheists, were nevertheless inclined to regard history through essentially theological spectacles, as though they could percieve a divine plan , but not a divine being whose plan it was. Whatever the case, the substantive philosophies of history, in so far as I have correctly characterized them, are clearly concerned with what I shall term prophesy." page 9, Narration & Knowledge. I can post more of the passage if you want to read it. It's really interesting.

a little later in the chapter:
"Using just the same sense of siginificance as historians do, whih presupposes that the events are set in a story, philosophers of history seek for the significance of events before the later events, in connection with which the former acquire significance, have happened. The pattern they project into the future is a narrative structure. They seek, in short, to tell the story before the story can properly be told." p. 11, Narration & Knowledge

>> No.7176148

Oh, his philosophy of art is TOTAL fucking garbage. I wouldn't even say I agree entirely with his philosophy of history (which I'm still reading). I'm just claiming that his argument against Marx's philosophy of history IS valid.

>> No.7176149

>Another factor is that by centrelising the economy, by getting rid of property and money and trade for that matter, yourself up for disaster.

don't know whose ideas those are, but they're not Marx's. None of his writing had anything to do with "planning" some ideal society, and he regularly mocked the utopian communists who thought you could some how imagine a society and then put it into actualization. I mean, one of his major contributions to the history of philosophy is his argument that consciousness springs from material conditions, rather than being creative of material conditions, as (he alleges) the german idealists saw it.

>> No.7176153

It's very important for a political group to have the power to define itself and the others, why should they want to give their political enemies that power?

>> No.7176160

didn't the frankfurt theorists call themselves cultural marxists way back in the day? I figured that's where the right got the term from, thought obviously they use it in a totally confused and incoherent way.

>> No.7176164

As it has been explained countless times to /pol/tards, cultural marxism is an oxymoron, similar to saying creationist darwinism.
Some anon posted a great paper a few weeks ago about this:

>> No.7176173

do you mind posting the rest of that first passage. that criticism on it's own seems really bizarre, since Marx makes it clear that this "divine plan" is actually the material dialectic, of which it is a bit of a stretch to call "divine," crazy as dialectal materialism is, since the moving force is quite explicitly material in nature.

>> No.7176180

The only people who feel the need to read Danto outside of traditionally analytic departments, tbh

Even then, with a huge fucking grain of salt

>> No.7176188


>>7176180 Here, forgot to mention, most of my professors are between center-right and scandinavian social democracy, so, art school isn't really the marxist breeding ground you'd think it is

>> No.7176189


>commodities can't be assets

Which fucking world do you live in?

>> No.7176192

I thought OP's thumbnail depicted Daniel Radcliffe in a wig. As to OP's question, I don't know.

>> No.7176193

Right. Marx said the proletariat would have to leave their differences in race/culture behind to have a communist revolution.

But i always thought cultural marxism is when marxist class theory was applied to gender/race/sexuality "class"

>> No.7176196

That was the point, retard.

>> No.7176200


I'm not the one missing the point, you stupid cunt.

>> No.7176225

Because academics rarely live in the real world.

>> No.7176236


It's a small college. Still, Stephanie Coontz is based here. And Peter Dorman is fairly well known among academic economists in the US, and he does a lot of work with the UN regarding child labor.

I think the fact that you have to break the US down by region as a control to find a significant amount of 'Marxist' professors--and I believe most people in this thread have been conflating 'generally leftist' with 'Marxist', which is unfair--is telling.

>> No.7176258

Not even that.

It's just pure ideology.


>> No.7176279


Yes it is.

I've noticed that almost no History or Political Science professors are Marxists, it's the "newer" fields like anthropology, sociology, diversity studies, and so on where Marx has made his... mark.

>> No.7176378

Sounds like /pol/

>> No.7176383

- The literature is pretty forceful and compelling, people who read it, tend to have strong opinions on it.

- At the same time it's also not highly technical so people in the humanities can into it.

- It advocates on behalf of the poor, which is something that 2000 years of Christianity have primed us to sympathize with.

- It is highly political, and provides a way for academics to exercise political influence instead of just being irrelevant nobodies cloistered away in a library somewhere.

>> No.7176384

I know this is just, you know, an unbelievably wild notion, but--anyone actual done a survey of 'academia' to determine the proportion of professors, adjuncts, administration, and students thatactually 'identify' as Marxists? Because until this is done, everyone here needs to shut the fuck up and cease arguing about the presence our absence of a tea kettle in orbit between Mercury and the sun.

>> No.7176397



>> No.7176401


If you do an arts degrees at least 40% of your profs will be far left demagogues. They're influenced by Marx to one extent or another whether they realize it or now.

>> No.7176433

Yes yes, lap it up.
lol, what atrocities?

>> No.7176478

You are now aware of the horseshoe theory.

Welcome to the real world.

>> No.7176528


Sayyid Qutb.

There will be a conflict between "The West" and Islam. The only thinkers who stand a chance of mediating such a conflict (Tariq Ramadan) have faced so much opposition from the US Government and more conservative branches of Islam that I don't think large-scale war was ever avoidable. I don't want to sound like some sort of iron-pill dork, but the simple fact is that the "Western" (I hate the term the West because it doesn't actually make much sense and the idea of unified "western" culture is largely a myth... but that's another story) way of life and Qutbist Islam are not in any way reconcilable. This is a process that began a long time ago.

>> No.7176587


Interesting theory. Now prove it.

>> No.7176595

I don't have to and don't want to be familiar with his ideas. the facts don't lie, just look at history

>> No.7176663

One of the most important reasons that classical liberalism is a good thing is your post. Classical liberalism or any form of liberalism is allowed to be questioned. Your post implies that some kind of absolutism or conservatism existed before classical liberalism, but rather absolutism and conservatism came after, as a reaction.

The idea of free speech and equality under the law (at least for men) was an idea dating back to the early middle ages and beyond. Trappings of what would become classical liberalism are all throughout the history of western societies, even the strongest kings in the high middle ages weren't above the law, even the most heinous of offenders had a fair "trial" before the laws of the land.

Despotism and tyranny are eastern inventions, inventions born out of a surplus of disposable people, and (in the case of most of the middle east, india and china) easily unifiable lands.

>> No.7176694

>my literature professor admitted he liked Marx
>DAE victim of college brainwashing?! :'(


>A girl on the internet made me mad
>She namedropped Marx despite being an obvious idealist
>DAE survivor of oppressive hegemonic culture?

Either way, you're a guaranteed retard.

>> No.7176699

That has nothing to do with your professors, matey, you're just retarded.

>> No.7176758

Fuck off and die red

>> No.7176782

>Marx was an awful, disgusting person.
Ad hominem. That's fallacious. Try harder.

>> No.7176788
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Christ never instructed His followers to behead people so things were a bit smoother.

>> No.7176792

Jesus literally says "Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's"

>> No.7176804

fuck off redditor

>> No.7176808

>people do not know what these things are
Do you live in a Harmony Korine movie?

I attended American public schools all my life
>inb4 no wonder I'm retarded
Marx was taught at the high school and university levels, alongside Plato and Freud. If you're in fields outside of the humanities then you simply wont be exposed to it head-on except in high school readings. I was at a city-wide mandatory government workshop recently where I and a group of others were given booklets that asked up to identify the characteristics that encompass us and then to label those characteristics with a 'P', if they gave us 'privilege', and explain how. 'Middle class' and 'caucasian' were given as examples, in case the directions were not clear enough to those participating. This isn't tumblr or reddit; try going outside and living in the real world before you talking about it on malaysian text based virtual conference rooms.

Did I hurt your self-esteem?

>> No.7176824

Because smart people are attracted to smart things.

>> No.7176846

I don't know you and don't want to know anything about you but you are the source of all evil in the world. Don't believe me? Just look at all the evil things in the world, facts don't lie.

>> No.7176847

Are you fucking dense? The entire Middle-East was textbook secular liberal before your cold war bullshit massacres gave Muslims only bastardized fundamentalist bullshit to draw personal strength from. THIS IS WHAT YOUR DADDY WANTED YOU DUMB CUNT. This is the price Americans have paid with their horseshit education, holy fuck. No fucking idea.

>> No.7176848

Some thoughts:

The academy is not a for-profit enterprise. So academics often look down upon or even resent people in business.

Special snowflake rebelliousness

Marxism and critical studies give some interesting tools for analyzing culture and society.


Many others in the academy do it so it's kind of a herd thing.

Their job is to be critical of the status quo and Marxism is theory that does that.

The ruling and scholarly classes have always looked down at merchants. Things are no different now that merchants are so essential for generating wealth.

>> No.7176858

a perfect example of >>7175803

>> No.7176894

>bastardized fundamentalist bullshit to draw personal strength from.
This is atheism's fault really. We need God in our lives. Dawkins doesn't count.

>> No.7176904

Marxism has a "solution" to understanding history, the present, and future. This way it has the same appeal as religion, but with a temporal, academic focus.

>> No.7176919

As a UCLA student I can confirm what this poster is saying is true on the west coast. I've had a number of Marxist professors. More than that, politically correct culture is completely out of control here. One professor was protested and accused of racism for correcting a student's grammar.

>> No.7176956

>it's atheism's fault that the Middle-East is in the situation it's in not the Holy American Empire
>American "education"

>> No.7176957

I study visual arts and most of my teachers are center-left to center-right, though I do have a teacher who studies Debord and post-anarchism. I also have a teacher who's a self-declared conservative and neoliberal, so, you know, you're wrong.

>> No.7176965


>> No.7176986


>> No.7176991

Also a UCLA grad. Can confirm what anon said. I was a literature major and you would be surprised how often professors can find an occasion to make quips about "conservatives" in an AfroAm Lit class.

>> No.7176992


Why Intellectuals Drift Toward Socialism

>> No.7177004

>I was a literature major and you would be surprised how often professors can find an occasion to make quips about "conservatives" in an AfroAm Lit class.
I'm not surprised at all to find quips about conservatives in an AfroAm Lit class considering conservatives are the oldest and greatest thread to African-American livelihood. It's entirely reasonable, in fact.

>> No.7177015


liberal programs have literally destroyed the black family and black economic mobility in the united states

>> No.7177023

What Marx accomplished was to produce such a comprehensive, dramatic, and fascinating vision that it could withstand innumerable empirical contradictions, logical refutations, and moral revulsions at its effects. The Marxian vision took the overwhelming complexity of the real world and made the parts fall into place, in a way that was intellectually exhilarating and conferred such a sense of moral superiority that opponents could be simply labelled and dismissed as moral lepers or blind reactionaries. Marxism was – and remains – a mighty instrument for the acquisition and maintenance of political power

>> No.7177024

Raymond Aron - The Opium of the Intellectuals

>> No.7177026

Utter nonsense.

>> No.7177030
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kek like this word has any meaning in the context of a uni lit class. It's simply a buzzword.

If you want to play the buzzword game, then I think it's actually liberals who have been the greatest enemies of black people because they adopt a patronizing and paternalistic attitude towards them rather than holding them to the same standard they hold themselves.

>> No.7177048


sounds like you could use some cream for that sore anus

>> No.7177128

Marx didn't say capitalism will birth the robot economy. He said the effects of its contradictions, essentially reducible to an actual inability to birth the robot economy, will get so severe that, in order for the historical trend of the productive forces' progression to continue, a new system will be under pressure to break through. But yes his central theses were right. Capitalism has peaked and is now in terminal decline. Real productivity growth rates are falling off. The information "revolution" was necessarily a fart in the wind. Industry fled to the untapped labor hordes on the backward Asian frontier. The "service" economy is nothing but speculators and parasitic distribution-level blobs competing at low profit-margins. The system is incompatible with the automation of all production, and while it's always under pressure to do exactly this, what actually happens is the brakes come on as that logical endpoint comes in sight. You get the relative stagnation we're seeing today.

>> No.7177133



>> No.7177145


>> No.7177154
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Time to put the foot down tbh.

>> No.7177217

I was in a Starbucks the other day and this moron Liberal Arts major walked up to the counter wearing his dumb-as-all-fuck Che shirt. He ended up getting in an argument with the lady at the register over the higher price of his soy milk versus the real stuff, all while the line kept growing. Two minutes into his bombast, I think he was on something about "charging me more for not being a cow-killing cunt" when I pulled his pants down and wiggled his flaccid dick a little with my index finger.

"Woah, shocking," I said. "I wasn't expecting to see anything down here. Might want to trim the branches, though, mein fuhrer doesn't like an idle prole, as you folks say in college."

He started crying like the pinko bitch he was, ran out of the shop in a hissy. "Real milk for me, m'am, with my Pumpkin Spice. Make it a venti. Frap, of course."

>> No.7177244 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7177280
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>> No.7177288
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You have a gift, anon. With all sincerity

I say

'tis an honor 2 be posting w/


>> No.7177289




>> No.7177298

it's attractive to people who don't want to work (academics, and liberal arts students)

>> No.7177301
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> tfw at the end of the day Marxism will never win

>> No.7177302
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Karl Marx - Jew

Vlad Lenin - Jew

Leo Trotsky - Jew

Read a history book ya dumb goy!

>> No.7177306

socialism will

>> No.7177308

Colleges are mouthpieces for thinktanks

>> No.7177309
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>> No.7177316


>three of the most interesting and legitimately relevant social actors in history were Jews

they were all anti-Semitic too

>> No.7177328
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>implying all Jews aren't anti-semitic
>implying all Jews don't subconsciously hate themselves for killing Jesus
>implying this self-loathing isn't the root of Jewish neuroses

>> No.7177329

Two of the three recanted their antisemitism.

>> No.7177351

Only countries "better" than America are countries that are more white.

Lel why not one of the Socialist Black Nationalist countries in Africa? Huh?

>> No.7177362

I dunno, m8, did I trigger you?

>> No.7177363




>we're sad because dead Jesus


>> No.7177367

>Marx was taught at the high school and university levels, alongside Plato and Freud.
lol what the fuck

all high schools get with any of these people is that they're mentioned as being influential intellectuals. at the absolute most, you get to read something so short that they don't really get to the gut to any of them

>I and a group of others were given booklets that asked up to identify the characteristics that encompass us and then to label those characteristics with a 'P', if they gave us 'privilege', and explain how
what kind of fucking school did you go to?

Niether Lenin nor Trotsky was anti-semitic. Both, and the majority of the Bolsheviks, frequently denounced anti-semitic pogroms. And Lenin never knew in his lifetime that his great-grandfather was jewish.

>> No.7177370

ahahaha he was inspired by Sartre's revolutionary Marxism at University!

>> No.7177385
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>we're sad because dead Jesus

Then answered all the people, and said, His blood be on us, and on our children.
- Matthew 27:25

Your fathers murdered YHWH m8 and there are consequences for that.

>> No.7177400
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>> No.7177405
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>> No.7177408


My bloodline hasn't been near Jewish territory in long enough for me to look as typically Aryan as I do

Never quote scripture to support an extrascriptural thesis

>> No.7177417
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>an extrascriptural thesis

m8 the NT is practically an instructional manual for how to deal with kikery.



>> No.7177437
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its always the educated upper and middle class self hating leftist type.
The type who says they defend the lower class but then spit on rednecks.
The left doesnt defend th lower class anymore but is more obsessed with identity politics and Negroes and gays, and immigrants.
They dont care for their own people and would rather be the henchmen of the globalist capitalist system.
Are you really counter culture, a rebel if everyone at collge is also a leftist?

Wouldn't it be more rebellious to do something that isn't accepted?

Like religion, or reactionary politics.

right wing, tradition, sincerity is the actual counter culture.
It has been ever since the hippie degenerates took over in the 60's

>> No.7177458


Instructions written by slaves to empire and burgeoning religious statehood probably shouldn't be taken literally while neglecting the history of social and political development entirely

just my opinion

>> No.7177464


>like religion, or reactionary politics
>right wing, tradition, sincerity is the actual counter culture

you had me 100% up until here

fuck off moron

>> No.7177465

because class doesn't intersect with any of those issues

>> No.7177466
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>just my opinion

>> No.7177470



BTFO again

how does he do it
and does he do it for free

>> No.7177473


economic class is the basis of all social activity

>> No.7177484
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>Instructions written by slaves to empire

The gospels were written by Greek scholastic members of the church.

>neglecting the history of social and political development entirely

The Gospels accurately reflect the historical period. Caiphas was the high priest in Jerusalem at the time and Pontius Pilate was the regent. Have you ever heard of Flavius Josephus?

I do it /for free/

>> No.7177492


>x accurately reflects the historical period

not how it works

>> No.7177499
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>not how it works

Um yes it is???

>> No.7177501

social activities intersect with other issues

>> No.7177532


which are in turn always determined by the economic base in the last instance



>> No.7177544

>The white liberal differs from the white conservative only in one way. The liberal is more deceitful than the conservative. The liberal is more hypocritical than the conservative. Both want power, but the white liberal is the one who has perfected the art of posing as the Negro’s friend and benefactor, and by winning the friendship and support of the Negro, the white liberal is able to use the Negro as a pawn or tool in this political football game. Politically the American Negro is nothing but a football, and the white liberals control this mentally dead ball. Through tricks of tokenism and false promises, and they have the willing cooperation of Negro leaders. These leaders sell out our people for just a few crumbs of token recognition and token gains
Malcolm X

>> No.7177547

where's your evidence/proof of that?

>> No.7177554


it's an immutable law of social organization

>> No.7177559



>> No.7177563
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>> No.7177568
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>> No.7177572


>didn't read the article
>doesn't know what 'history' is

>> No.7177576
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>is a schmuck
>and a putz

>> No.7177579

Do you consider the communist manifesto something so short that you don't really get to the gut? I was assigned that as a high schooler in an American public school, along with civilization and its discontents, and several socratic dialogues. These were not assigned in any elective class but a mandatory humanities class. Unfortunately, most students do not continue reading theory outside their exposure inside the classroom. So when you've taken a handful of humanities courses in college, you'll find any number of students referencing the same excerpts from Foucault or Marx or Derrida because that's all they were exposed to as freshmen or sophomores regardless of what books you're discussing. The USA is a huge country, though, and thankfully we don't have a homogeneous curriculum. So it's possible your experience in public schools was nothing like mine. Probably depends on whether or not you're more East or West and if you're in a major city or not.

The booklets asking us to identify our privilege was a mandatory workshop hosted by a city employer. To continue working from year to year as a city employee you attend workshops, funded with public money. It has nothing to do with the school you attend.

tbh no

>> No.7177593

there are plenty of marxist historians and marxist-sympathizing ones...

>> No.7177604

i didn't know whig historians still existed lel

>> No.7177612

>ideological tamagotchi.
excuse me

>> No.7177617
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>> No.7177639
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Because having the ability to tell children what is right while they develop appeals greatly to people whose ideas cannot withstand actual scrutiny.

>> No.7177654

It's an astoundingly good metaphor. The Leftist ideology values "minorities" as proofs of their moral highground, but not as actual people. To the Leftist, blacks really only exist to provide moral leverage over the Right, proof that the Left is more "progressive." Yet even the must cursory investigation of the facts shows that the best way to improve your life as a black person is to run as far away from Leftists as possible, and live in a state where their policies have not yet taken hold.

In other words, Leftists do not think of blacks as actual people with needs that must be met and issues to be addressed, but rather as a virtual oppressed people whom they can use as a shield to deflect accusations of incompetence. Pocket Victims. Moral Tamagotchi.

>> No.7177660


this entire post is unfiltered ideology

>> No.7177667

Mm, accusations of bad faith, convinced that his political opponent is actually evil instead of just a subscriber to different theories of sicioeconomics.

Where have I seen this before?

>> No.7177683

>Do you consider the communist manifesto something so short that you don't really get to the gut?
Yes. The Communist Manifesto barely even introduces the theoretical basis of Marxism and the majority of the demands were outdated, as Engels notes, less than three decades after they were put forward.

>several socratic dialogues
When I was in High School, the dialogues that were given were just the Apology and Crito, and they were glossed over.

> civilization and its discontents
What school did you go to? I've never heard of this before.

>not you're more East or West and if you're in a major city or not.
I lived in LA , and I attended both a relatively large public school for everyday people and a cram private school.

>To continue working from year to year as a city employee
What city did you live in?

This is wrong. It seems most people's exposure to the Left have been 'left'-liberal college intellectuals.

The most adamant supporters of black self-determination during the post-Civil War south in the 1800s and early 1900s was the Communist Party. Black radicalism and militancy has always had a connection to the Left, and can find it's heritage in the radical abolitionists. Throughout the Civil Rights era, the Communists were the most vocal and militant proponents for equal rights for blacks. For instance, the old Black Panthers were dominated by Communists.

>> No.7177807

Bard College, liberal arts school in New York, is extremely leftist and Marxist. Several of my professors were open about their Marxist views

>> No.7177811

I am an American student trying to learn Danish right now, actually. Jealous of anyone who can afford to live in DK though, which could deter me from fully immersing in the culture.

...not only that, but finding resources to learn Danish beyond old books is pretty hard

>> No.7177882

Get this man to the gulag.

>> No.7177896

Thanks for the picture, this speaks to me on many levels

>> No.7177981
File: 292 KB, 802x1024, Why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well said

>> No.7177982

mein gott! this ish pure ideology

Also OP, stop pushing this rejected /pol/ meme

>> No.7177996

Except this is exactly what nazbols do when claiming to want to free the white man from da joos.

Why can no one just accept that peoples political beliefs come from other fundamental beliefs about the world that we all vary on.


>Is it important to consider emotions in moral decision making?
>Is inequality necessary in society?

etc etc

Although I would maintain it is because people are becoming frustrated with late stage capitalism and humanities and social sciences academics don't get any kickbacks from the system.

STEM professors sure love them capital bux though.

>> No.7178007

Based on the universities mentioned in this thread most of you are Ameriturds which explains your ridiculous sense of left versus right. You polarise yourselves at extremes of the political spectrum just to alienate the "opposite" party. This is your democracy. Learn to have a meaningful fucking dialogues plz.

>> No.7178011

So what if it's pure ideology? The only valid concern is if the statement corresponds with reality.

How did you manage to internlize this thought terminating cliche? How is this not obvious to yourself as a rationlization trick, a way keep your ideas safe from the data and trends they are incompatible with?

>> No.7178027

>Why can no one just accept that peoples political beliefs come from other fundamental beliefs about the world that we all vary on.
Because it various groups differe in how they engage with facts, there is a reson for why you will need an endless amount of statistics and nearly mechanical explantion of economics when engaging a right-libertrian. On the other hand, if you are debating a leftists, it's all about emotional manipulation, moral signaling, second guessing, strawmanning, charcacter assasination and projecting.

Look at your own post for example, it is clear from your writing style tht you are a leftist.

>Except this is exactly what nazbols do when claiming to want to free the white man from da joos.
So what, a crazy fringe on the internett behaves like you, now the behaviour is a sound approch to anything? What is this "except" you are talking about?

>Although I would maintain it is because people are becoming frustrated with late stage capitalism and humanities and social sciences academics don't get any kickbacks from the system.
Projecting, your frustrations are shared by your ideologicl group, and none outside.

>STEM professors sure love them capital bux though.
Does the suposed improved living conditions of the working class under a socialist system demonstrate they have no principales, and are agruing in bad faith? Character assassination.

>> No.7178028

>Huge generalization.
Yep, but Lukacs and Korsch are often seen as the most important purely marxist theoreticians, and their work is dominated by this 'disregard everything around the second internationale, let's get back to Hegel'-approach.

Seeing the Frankfurter Schule as marxist is kinda controversial, because they really divert in a lot of ways from the traditional marxist

That is something completely different, which I vaguely could relate to the work of people like Marcuse and the new left, but definitely not to the things I refered to.

>> No.7178043

>How did you manage to internlize this thought terminating cliche?
I have seen an argument where both sides claim that they were good while the each other were evil and yet wanted the other side to die/get cancer. That was before pure ideology was a thing.

I do get your point of how the Left pushes for minorities' right just to feel morally superior. Whether or not you are right or wrong isn't really the point of my post. It was seeing how you portray the Left as evil and manipulative in a classic 'Us vs Them' manner, seeing how assured you are that this is exactly how the Left thinks, more importantly how all the Left (pretty vague and generalizing) thinks speaks less about them and more about you. Also what this anon already said>>7177667

All the replies you gotten weren't really dismissing your point, they were just laughing at how you made your point

>> No.7178048

Muh got, you really are over thinking this shit aren't you?

Except was referring to the fact that the far left and far right actually project very similar issues onto the world, simply with different villains and heroes.

Social science and humanities professors are payed much worse than STEM professors.

>character assassination

You are on a fucking chan m80, all we do is insult each others character.

>> No.7178052

>the middle east was a secular paradise until the west intervened
When will this meme end?

>> No.7178054

let me elaborate a bit more on the difference between 'cultural marxism alla /pol/' and 20th century european dogmatic marxism.

To quote freely from wikipedia, cultural marxism is seen as the idea that the modus operandi of SJWs is a direct descendant of the Frankfurter Schule.

First of all, the supposed 'bond' between those two is at its best 'weak'. The Frankfurter Schule is notorious for its shitting on mass culture and capitalism as the 'iron cage' (thank Weber for that metaphor) that controls our independent thinking. A guy like Adorno is mostly responsible for sketching the development towards this state of society in works such as Dialectic Of Enlightenment. However, the idea that he would promote the dogmatic approach of SJWs is absolute bullshit. He mostly adresses the importance of critical thinking, which should be as an independant force of thinking and so creating unbiased critique on the state of society, instead of being caged in the capitalistic paradigm. In every way imaginable, a guy like Adorno would completely annihilate the idea of forced equality and diversity, not coming out of independent critique but created by a mass movement (remember that mass movements where this guy's ultimate angstgegner).

Marcuse, another important figurehead of the Frankfurter Schule, goes even further and actively shits on both capitalistic and communistic dogmaticism. One-Dimensional man is an attack on every side, and propagates a third way based on independent thinkers. Linking this guy to a concept called 'cultural marxism' is really a stretch, he too would disregard any support for mass movements who disregard the importance of the critical individual, and see themselves as a critical 'mob'

>> No.7178056

Now on the other hand we have the classic marxist thinkers of the 20th century post second international, I already mentioned Lukacs and Korsch, but you could also have Gramsci and Bloch in that category. These guys were often more seen as ideological enemies of the Frankfurter Schule than their friends. The beefs between Lukacs and Adorno are notorious ( though a lot of Adorno's thinking is more or less based on Lukacs)

>> No.7178059

But right and wrong are simply opinions. Being correct or incorrect depends on the environment in which you live. Not doing drugs is good, but not doing drugs is bad for those who will be ostrasiced from the group in societies where the group is all that matters.

Also, your political stance is nothing more than an opinion rooted on a feeling. All the rationality involved in politics does is justify a feeling and thus give the impression of correction, education and thoughtfulness.

Adhering to a political party is not in the slightest more legitimate than convincing yourself that Sexual Partner A is better than Sexual Partner B.

>> No.7178063

It panders to the mediocres.

>> No.7178067

>ideological tamagotchi

It was worth waking up just for this.

>> No.7178069
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But it's true.
Not in the recent way you think.

But hard core islamism as we know it originated in the 50's when most of the middle east was very fucking secular, and has since changed society massively since then. And it arose directly due to Western influence on middle eastern culture.

pic related, Afghanistan in the 70s

>> No.7178073


>Its all my fault. Can't blame muslims for anything because thats racist

Classic cuck ladies and gentleman. Have you adopted any immigrants yet?

>> No.7178078

Marxism has always been popular with people that want to feel smart, educated, and morally upright without doing anything.
What I love the most? The smug upper-middle class dolts who wear Che shirts and pine for a revolution would be third up against the wall.

>> No.7178081

I said it arose in response to.
That doesn't absolve those who joined radical Islamist groups from their responsibility.

It simply explains their reasoning.

Also the only real issue in Islam is Wahabism, and thus Saudi Arabia for attempting to push Wahabism into the mainstream all around the middle east.

Wahabism is a violent fucked up sect of Islam, and it infects peoples brains like a fucking virus.

But that doesn't stain a seventh of the earths population, it stains the people who became involved in it.

It's like blaming all South Americans for what the FARC did.

>> No.7178089

To help me understand this issue, can you please explain how Western interference resulted in 'hard core' Islamism?
(Bullet points are fine, I don't expect an essay)

>> No.7178091


>Marxism has always been popular with people that want to feel smart, educated, and morally upright without doing anything.

Do you know anything about the history of Marxism and what the Marxists went through to bring about their ideas?

You are such a stupid faggot for thinking that knowing middle class white kids at your community college means you know what "Marxists are like".

I'm no Marxist but they did more for their ideals than you'll ever do for anything.

>> No.7178093

And we should accept this biased view? I don't. Malcolm X had his own problems, and I don't doubt he ran into trouble with people posing as sympathisers, but that does not invalidate the liberal position. You can find such in any area of social conflict.

>> No.7178096

Think about your average American knee-jerk-responding to communism.

>> No.7178100

The point is that there is no such a thing as 'marxism'. You can say that it would consist of Marx's ideas, but even those ideas can be divied into multiple phases (his early phase, more influenced by hegel, written down in The German Ideology, and his later, more empiric scientific phase, written down in the Critique of the Gotha Program).

Marxism is a huuuuge field of knowledge

>> No.7178102

I won't be able to do the history of it any real contextual justice in bullet points, plus I'm forgetful and stoned anyway.

But the documentary maker Adam Curtis has made a huge amount of work concerning how Radical Islam and American Conservatives (and Liberals) have been in bed together for an increadibly long time now.

The best one for understanding the motivation of the islamists his documentary "The Power of Nightmares" is really good.


Do give all three parts a watch, helps you understand quite a lot quite quickly.

It is also fairly balanced, as unlike most leftists Curtis doesn't act like the Americans knew what would happen with their meddling. And shows it as well within the bounds of most states idea of acceptable foreign policy given the historical period.

>> No.7178106

Does you entire mind revolve around black/white judgement and buzzwords?

The Cold War militarization of proxy groups by the US and Russia
Suppression of Democratic efforts (see the bombardments of Damascus or the entire state of Lebanon)
Broken promises (see Husayn-McMahon correspondence)
Imperialism (see Israel, and the US support of it starting around the 1960s till now)
Funding of Islamic extremism (Mujahideen in Afghanistan through Egypt/Palestine/Jordan - But also HAMAS was nurtured by Israel to undermine the Intifada)
The active support of the most extremist Muslim state in the Middle-East (Wahhabist Saudi-Arabia)
Intervention every time anyone tries to nationalize anything
CIA assisted overthrows of regimes in Iraq, Iran (which was secularizing heavily)
US Israeli intervention in Lebanon to suppress democratic appeals for Muslims, who had become the majority over the French favorites the Maronites.

You have to be an absolute idiot not to realize the interference of the West that lead to radicalization and the mess we have today. But your kind can't fathom a mixed picture, so it's either ''all our fault'' or ''all their fault''.

I don't know why I wrote this out to begin with, as it will prove pointless.

>> No.7178110


That's not the point of what I was saying at all. I'm well aware that Sankara, Castro and Lenin all had different takes on Marxism.

>> No.7178111
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It's probably because they're more well-read than the average person, although not necessarily more intelligent, and have simply read more differing viewpoints in their studies. That's why you find a greater prevalence of non-mainstream ideas from all parts of the political spectrum in academia.

>> No.7178115

>but they did more for their ideals than you'll ever do for anything.

Relevant how?

>> No.7178118

I am your average non-knee-jerking Australian, however. I know most Yanks look at communism as worse than cancer.
Are you saying that the middle east reacted to western interference in a similar way? That seems 'fair' tbh. I think poorly-planned and poorly-executed foreign policy is at fault for many of the modern world's problems, including my own country's, sad to say.

>> No.7178128

>Funding of Islamic extremism (Mujahideen in Afghanistan

if the Soviet Union hadn't invaded Afghanistan (i.e. ''meddled'', but I guess it's ok when Russia does it) the U.S. wouldn't have been forced to empower them.

And yes, they had every right to defend their country and fight the Soviets.

>> No.7178142
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>TFW idiots in my country have being mad at Paulo Freire because of his Marxist ideals even though his books are generally about teaching kids how to be less politicaly passive about what harms the population and not about being Marxists themselves.

>> No.7178145

>they had every right to defend their country and fight
So did Vietnam.

>> No.7178148


it's directly relevant as a challenge to what you said about Marxism always being popular with people who don't want to do anything

>> No.7178150

>completely missing the point
>saying shit like ''their country'' even though the context is about the international Jihadist network ushering a new era of extremist Islamic militia fighting which in the case of Afghanistan was channeled through the entire region by the US, Israel (and if I'm not mistaken Saudi-Arabia - on a private level it definitely supported it regardless)
Please, read before you speak. And address some of the other points while you're at it, instead of throwing a noodle at half a part of one of my 9 points.

>> No.7178157

Soviet involvement just made Muslims hate communism too.

They made Muslims fucking LOVE the Americans, till you guys fucked up all dem international relations.

>> No.7178261

>you are a brainwashed cuck.
It's kind of funny/sad how "people" (from /pol/) can use those two terms in a sentence without noticing the irony of it.

>> No.7178269
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>in a Marxist society
Such as the USA, am I right?

>> No.7178294
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>> No.7178302

For every action there is a reaction, and the more against tradition an action is, the stronger, more irate the reaction.

In a certain sense, the reason we have ISIS today (or any form of extremist islam) is, partly, due to the virulence with which the US has ben going around the middle east.

> I think poorly-planned and poorly-executed foreign policy is at fault for many of the modern world's problems
I do agree with you. This happens because most politicians can't see beyond the four years they are in power and give no shits about what comes next, except if it is themselves again sitting in the same position of powers.

This contrasts greatly with the philosophy of some indian tribes, who took no action before considering how its effect would be felt after seven generations.

The root of this short-sightedness is greed. Greed and nothing else.

Why, mate? We're just talking, man :)

>> No.7178305
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politics are hard, how else are our mouth breathers in a mississippi trailer park going to activly participate if they actually have to use their brain?

>> No.7178406

>Today it's 2
You're going to need way more than that.

Don't forget to remember your children (if you have/will have any), that they'll need to work their asses off so they can pay retirement for 2/3 old muslims.

>> No.7178581

Cute meme

>> No.7178594

Look at black communities 40 years ago. Now look at them today.

Have they improved? Nope.

That invalidates the liberal position.

>> No.7178626
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>muh fly-over states
>muh stupid rednecks
>muh trailer parks

>> No.7178859

because it's environmental determinism and allows smart people to think that IF POEPLE JUST DID IT THIS WAY everyone would be smart and happy. and dumb people are into it because they're dumb.

>> No.7178901

The "Centre" parties, the liberals and conservatives use muh rebel against the system as much as the far-left and far-right

See: the libruhl media; the estuhblishment; Soros, Koch; obama, obama

>> No.7179209

Käften danskjävel!

Åk till ett arabland och uttala dig om det där och se vad som händer.

>> No.7180006

>mod deletes the why are nazis "this" thread
>doesn't delete the why are marxists "this" thread