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/lit/ - Literature

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7174584 No.7174584 [Reply] [Original]

>Read Blood Meridian
>Walking somewhere
>Feel my mouth beginning to salivate

>Anon spat.

This happens at least 20 times a day.

>> No.7175091

>reading Blood Meridian
>see a person
>think of nothing but how much blood and gore they contain
>never use outhouses or port-a-pottys again

>> No.7175117

>read Blood Meridian
>get paycheck
>begin wondering how many scalps I would have to turn in to equal that amount of money

>> No.7175130

>reading Infinite Jest
>start to perspire
>and but so

>squeeze a tennis ball

>> No.7175212

>read blood meridian
>see babby
>instinctively grab by ankles and bash it's skull against a wall

>> No.7175303

>read blood meridian
>go to taco bell

>> No.7175323
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>reading Blood Meridian
>look at the landscape around me
>become sucked into the impartial brutality of nature

>> No.7175359

>reading Blood Meridian
>see a child

>> No.7175389

>look up
>meteor shower

>> No.7175423

>read my twisted world
>see a hot blonde girl

>> No.7175433

>Read Blood Meridian
>See a cat
>Blow it away with my new gun

>> No.7175441

>Watch boondock saints
>Also shoot a cat

>> No.7175444


>read blood meridian
>start self-educating and compulsively taking notes about the phenomena around me
>friends ask wtf is wrong with me
>"that which exists without my knowledge exists without my consent"

>> No.7175465

>Read Blood Meridian
>Realize literature is dead
>McCarthy is a fucking hack

>> No.7175482

Gtfo of all novels written in the past 100 years you pick on BM?

>> No.7175491

>Read Blood Meridian
>See story on the news about ISIS killing people in horrible ways
>Look up videos of beheadings
>Look at a bunch of holocaust photographs
>Read about Genghis Khan
>War is God

>> No.7175495

McCarthy is a hillbilly retard with no education.

And retards all around flock to him because they feel justification in being burdens on mankind.

Fuck McCarthy, fuck BM, fuck all his shit edgy books.

His fame is nothing more than the same fame of J.K. Rowling.

Illiterate tasteless shit bags gawking over a talentless hack.

>> No.7175627

>Read Blood Meridian
>Enter train
>The conductor wants to see my ticket
>Shot the conductor in the head.

>> No.7175754


When I read BM, the thing I would wish for the most, is the zeal the judge has. I don't care the goal, but being that driven would be awesome.

>> No.7175950
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edgy opinion yourself my man.

>> No.7175989

His dad was a lawyer and he attended U of Tennessee for a few years before dropping out to focus on his first novel.

Are you really that mad that the man was a NEET for a while?

>> No.7176781

>comparing McCarthy to rolling
Lel your baiting at this point

If McCarthy is a hack who isnt?
DFW? Pinecone?

>> No.7177670

>read Master & Margarita
>start killing every black cat I see

>> No.7178383

>read BM
>drive stakes into the ground to an unknown teleology over the trackless expanse of bone ground.

>> No.7178394

What else of McCarthy's is good?

>> No.7178425

Suttree, No country for old men and the Road are ok but nowhere near the level of Blood Meridian

>> No.7178434
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>> No.7178441

Suttree is near.

>> No.7178480

The Outer Dark is pretty good. Incredibly bleak tho

>> No.7178490

Outer Dark, Suttree, Child of God, they're all good not as good as Blood Meridian. Blood Meridian is a landmark piece of literature though so it's not necessarily a fair comparison.

>> No.7178528
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post bears

>> No.7178534
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>> No.7178545
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>> No.7178553
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>> No.7179231


>Implying The Crossing isn't McCarthy's best work

>> No.7179242

This. Corncob McCorny is a fucking hack and you faggots are retarded for lapping his shit up.

>> No.7179248

this. highly underrated

>> No.7179259

mccarthys aesthetic is much more suited to film than literature

>> No.7179291

Been said but Child of God is really, really good. It isn't better than BM, but it's shorter and more accessible.

Also, fuck you niggers. The Road is also good.

>> No.7179303

>read Blood Meridian
>start dancing with bears

>> No.7180084


Bears are without question the most based animals on this planet.

>> No.7180602
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>> No.7181451

>Eat Taco Bell
>Violent diarrhea
>No such luck at Chipotle
>"Mejor los Indios"

>> No.7181467

Reminder that Nabokov was the true hack and he was only jealous that he could never be as good a writer as Faulkner.

>> No.7181545

>read blood meridian
>it's shit
>stop reading it