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File: 24 KB, 460x276, Ludwig-Wittgenstein--007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7170757 No.7170757 [Reply] [Original]

Must a man suffer before he can write great works in any field?

>> No.7170764

i doubt it.

>> No.7171080

this nigga defiantly suffered from repressed homosexuality and repressed jewish heritage, the burden of overbearing parents, lived in the shadow of his genius brothers. yet couldn't write anything besides much atomic propositions that only autists care about.

pic unrelated.

>> No.7171102
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>> No.7171177

He'll be remembered and you'll be forgotten.

>> No.7171194


>implying that bothers me.

>> No.7171212

>he believes in the legacy spook

>> No.7171214

It greatly increases the odds.

I'd say to the point where realistically every single great suffered sooner or later, which is why this question is often asked.

Not to mention that we all suffer.

>> No.7171219

legacy is the most interesting spook. You're dead. that's it. it's over.

>> No.7171242


>take any person ever
>they suffer in one way or another
>they become famous
>suddenly their suffering becomes of a vastly overrated magnitude than when they were not famous

>> No.7171256

everyman suffers a thousand Natural shocks That Flesh is heir to

>> No.7171261

That's like my friend who said that a man should have buttsex in order to become a great composer.

I'm still waiting for that inspiration for my first symphony.

>> No.7171279

By this logic shouldn't there be far more profound works by Native Americans, immigrants, blacks, etc than by white people from America.

>> No.7171317

To be fair, OP is arguing that suffering is necessary but not sufficient. In this case, just because one has suffered (e.g. Native Americans) AND produced some work in a given field doesn't mean this work is <i>great</i>.

>> No.7171419
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>> No.7171433

I wrote Blood Meridian and I think life on the whole is rather dandy. I haven't suffered too much.

>Inb4 Blood Meridian a shit

No it's not you ironic cunts.

>> No.7171444

existence is suffering

>> No.7171726

Legacy is the only way to immortality

>> No.7171732

Ernest Becker got it all right

>> No.7171909

You make me sad.

>> No.7171916


>> No.7171921
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>[the soul] has a dark and mysterious birth, etc.

you have to have a soul to create great things

>> No.7171923

>melodrama gives me a scapegoat for being a lazy do-nothing

>> No.7171926

>couldnt write much besides atomic propositions
Who's the autist here?

>> No.7171930
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>muh writers will live 4ever
Immortality? You serious? You don't seem to grasp how pathetic literature is.

>> No.7171934

>repressed jewish heritage
His family was rich and prominent AF. And he got off the continent before the anti-semitism really got going. And most ppl in england just took him to be a kraut anyway.

>couldnt write much besides atomic props
Know who ur talking about b4 throwing 'autist' around u cunt

>> No.7171939


I couldn't care less about people who fetishize jibber-jabber.
And the guy whose philosophy is
>reduce everything to atomic proposition
>muh there's a rhino in the room
>Shakespeare is not worth reading because he does not fit some arbitrary symmetry

But continue to worship this cold philosophy because you think W is some savant who revolutionized philosophy with linguistic turn

>> No.7171944

>lived in the shadow of his genius brothers
ya - in the shadow of dead men and despite his own international fame (something his brothers never achieved)

>> No.7171945

Well, he was largely unaffected by war, true. But this kiko with a stein in his last name was grew up catholic. Do you honestly think this didn't affect him in any ways(ignoring the holocaust even)

>Know who ur talking about b4 throwing 'autist' around u cunt

I know what I'm talking about. It riled cunts like you who for some reason love sucking this autist's dick

>> No.7172051

Nature worked for Beethoven fam

>> No.7172062 [DELETED] 

>fetishize jibber-jabber
who and what are you talking about

>reduce everything to atomic propositions
youre evidently ignorant of the changes in his thought. he very quickly forswore the idea that an ideal language would be constituted by atomic props

who's worshipping anything?

>cold philosophy
philosophy as the logical clarification of thoughts and language is just fine with me

>revolutionized philosophy with the linguistic turn
has his influence not been very extensive?

though there were many who thought or him to possess some special intelligence, it obviously doesnt matter much - does it?

>i know what i'm talking about.
if you think Witty was just 'jibber-jabber' about atomic propositions you definitely dont know what you're talking about

ya im riled by your ignorance. why shouldnt i be?

>cunts like [me] who love sucking this autist's dick
i really dont know what to say about this word 'autist'.

>do [i] honest think that [his being of jewish heritage] didnt affect him in any ways [sic]
i dont know enough about him to say whether it really did or didnt. and im inclined to say that you probably dont either

>muh [i dont know whether] there's a rhino in the room
im guessing you dont at all understand why this was a problem for him - which probably says there's something simplistic about your conception of thought, language, and their reference to the world.

>> No.7172063

Every man suffers.
Seeing suffering as a prelude to creativity is nothing but self-deception.

>> No.7172232

it wasn't repressed jewish heritage-- he simply was not considered a jew according to mishnah

>> No.7172238

blood meridian a shit

no but seriously i don't think that's a good example considering how grim it is and how everyone's basically a shitter in that book

>> No.7172252

Actually I do, I'm a science guy but it's a fact that some writers will be remembered.

>> No.7172320

Do you know what immortality means, science guy?

>> No.7172482

I think a bigger question is can a man write great works without inherited wealth or a patron.

>> No.7172494
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Daily reminder that if you haven't had sex with a woman you're truly in love with, you'll never write anything of worth.

>> No.7172544

Oh so...I'm good to go?

I've got some reading to do chaps, I'm gonna be the next whirlwind YA-novelist sensation. I can't wait for my 3rd book to be turned into mindless Hollywood drivel!

>> No.7172547

It's a necessary condition not a sufficient one smh

>> No.7172550

Oh...well damn. What more do I have to do to be able to write great works?

And don't you dare give me some bullshit like "earn a bachelor's degree". I've read some pretty awful shit that by all accounts shouldn't have gotten published, but did.

Is this a matter of sucking dicks?

>> No.7173525

Everyone will be forgotten. Don't get attached to legacy.

Trippy digits though.