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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 15 KB, 320x492, HankHillReact.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
716871 No.716871 [Reply] [Original]

I have to write a 1500 word essay about the War in Iraq before 12 a.m. PST.
Give me something better to do /lit/

>> No.716885

You have to write an essay 33 minutes before you posted?

>> No.716884

Wow, 1500 whole words?

>> No.716892

Yeah frsrs


>> No.716891

Not OP, but it's definitely 9:37 PM PST. If it's not, my clock is seriously, SERIOUSLY fucked up.

>> No.716924

OP Here
The thing is, I could care less about the war or the class I'm writing the essay for.

>> No.716933

Nothing better to do. Learn some shit you don't know. Research and write.

>> No.716938

I am sure you you feel that way. You're still a child, with no concept of events and their place in the history of humanity. You just want more Justin Beiber and Mountain Dew Code Red.

>> No.716949


Can people please learn how to say this shit right?

It is "I could NOT care less." What the fuck sense does it make to say that you could be less interested but for some reason are not.


>> No.716956

There's a diagram about this.
I don't have it now, but it explains how you're a faggot.

>> No.716998

Wow, what a pretentious asshole.
So apparently because I'm so very sick of hearing about a war that has been going on for 7 years, I automatically doing know anything about human history?
I was fucking 10 when 9/11 happened and 11 when the war started. I'm right in the middle of it, so don't you dare try to condescend to me.

>> No.717006

Who write's an essay on the Iraq War?

What is this shit?

>> No.717019

That would be me, Mr. OhPee

>> No.717028

And do you know how WWII ties into the reason for radical Islam becoming prevalent in the Middle East?

>> No.717029


What does this have to do with /lit/?

Wouldn't this be more suited for the idiots at /new/?

>> No.717039

Sure do.

>> No.717041

You were 10. You're now 17 and you don't care to learn more because you're "tired of hearing about it". Reported for underage.

>> No.717050

My birthday is August 21st, 1991,
Reported for being a fucking cock.

>> No.717066

I have no faith in the reasoning ability of your generation. Go buy some Rock Star Energy Drink and put on your Ed Hardy shirt! We're going to the Starbucks, you and me. Maybe later, we can watch Justin Beiber videos.

>> No.717088

You keep bringing up Justin Beiber.
This is becoming ridiculous. You really need to take a good look at yourself and ask yourself why you feel the need to argue with someone on the internet. MY OPINION is that it is an ultimately pointless war, and I ask myself on a daily basis why we're still fighting it.
Oh shit, the child has an opinion, we better tell him that he's WRONG because he obviously doesn't know what he's talking about because he's YOUNGER THAN I AM.

>> No.717094

Also, it seems to me you know more about my generation than I do, because I have no fucking idea who or what Ed Hardy is.

>> No.717105
File: 46 KB, 331x396, justin-bieber-justin-bieber-2070753-331-396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, WTF I stepped away from my computer for a minute and I get these faggots pretending to be me...

Anyhow I probably should start writing my essay, but I can't stop listening to my Justin Bieber album!! <3

>> No.717108

maybe they don't care so much that they don't care enough to care less?

>> No.717115


The butthurt, it is oh so delicious.

>> No.717114

ITT: Trolls trolling trolls

>> No.717118

OP Here
Probably the same guy.
Hilarious, he's getting so frustrated.

>> No.717121

I'm not butthurt, honestly.
I'm just sick of people judging my reasoning ability based on my age.

>> No.717145
File: 250 KB, 535x498, 6-29b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

awww...sorry. You must be feeling oppression. You're still a lazy fuck who needs to be writing his essay to get his 18 YEAR OLD ASS OUT OF SCHOOL.

>> No.717155

I've been writing this whole time, so I think I'm gonna be alright.
I go to college for business and I end up writing about War, I am confuse.

>> No.717160

Come, enjoy some Jonas Brothers with me!

>> No.717162

>You just want more Justin Beiber and Mountain Dew Code Red.

Hey, fuck you. I like Code Red.

>> No.717166
File: 29 KB, 653x461, callhimafag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Of course you do. FAG

>> No.717170

>>18-year-old guys like Jonas Brothers, right?
>>Yeah they do, this is gonna be so funny

>> No.717179

OP here, and yes I do like Jonas Brothers. I was 10 years old when they came out and 11 when the tour started. I am right in the middle of it. Everything I do is to a spritely synth-pop beat.

>> No.717200
File: 51 KB, 653x461, 1274937674633a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.717226

OP Here
This thread did not go as planned.

>> No.717231

Write the essay and just pull a Bel-Air towards the end if you don't give a shit about the class.

>> No.717284

OP here. I am back!! I am stuck. This is what I got so far. Please offer me critique.

The War in Iraq
by Anonymous

The War in Iraq is a war in a country called Iraq. I was 10 years old when 9/11 happened and 11 when the war started (although it started in AFGHANISTAN). I am right in the middle of it. I am so tired hearing about the war. My friend promised me Justin Bieber tickets if I can ever get this essay done, but I don't want them. I just want some of those Wild Grape Pop Tarts mom bought. She said I could have them every day as long as I never finish high-school and stay in her house forever. I plan on going to school (you know, college. I am obviously not overshooting my abilities) for business. Of course, I see no parallels between business and War. Additionally, I see no business profiting from the War in Iraq which just a war in a place called Iraq that I am tired of hearing about. Oh look! Justin Beiber!! <3

>> No.717322

A tour-de-force

>> No.717348
File: 48 KB, 470x600, Trollingbackinthedays.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Justin Beiber repeated x 100 = God Tier Troll

Ease up, broseph. You're trying a bit too hard.

>> No.717405

OP Here
Just let it die

>> No.717488
File: 10 KB, 200x179, 7536.BobbyKotick200.jpg-200x0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here rate me BITCHES!!!!!!

>> No.717533

You look old for 15

>> No.717553

I want to beat OP so bad my dick is grinding it's teeth.

>> No.717601

When I'm nearing crunch-time, I plagiarize essays from Harper's archive because they're in PDF form and so pasting a phrase into Google won't direct you to the source. It hasn't failed me yet.

>> No.717609


>> No.719298
