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/lit/ - Literature

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7168098 No.7168098 [Reply] [Original]

do you ever use memes in your writing? I'm writing a novella right now that's like a hybrid between Confederacy of Dunces and Naked Lunch about a fedora wearing atheist neckbeard (haven't decided if I want to make him an anarcho capitalist or a Marxist yet) who becomes involved in a conspiracy surrounding his favorite anime show about little girl horses. Even though the work is a little derivative of the fedora meme, I'm also adding a wink wink nudge nudge scene where he goes to reddit's headquarters and runs into Aiden Gillen who calls him a big guy. If it doesn't bog down the gravitas of the work I might inject Brendan Fraser and max stirner.

It's supposed to be an absurd comedy, but I might add some dramatic elements, and my prose is a bit Pynchonesque.

Hope to get it published, I already sent a rough draft to penguin.

>> No.7168126

I hope your writting that for yourself cause it sounds atrocious

>> No.7168130

I know the OP's bait, but is... is this bait, too? I've been exposed to so much shitposting that I legitimately have no idea any more.

>> No.7168131

Not bait the plot sounds atrocious

>> No.7168132

i want the normies to leave (ree)

>> No.7168136

I'm not, fam. My creative writing professor liked a chapter I wrote. I think this might be published.

The working title so far is the Autissey

>> No.7168141

that is a very good pepe, i'm impressed

>> No.7168144

Everything else aside, I actually kind of like that title.

>> No.7168218

This can and will only work if you go way over the edge with it. Like, push the absolute atrociousness of it all past the point of being unbearable. Namedropping memes and philosophers might make it sound strung-up -- but not if you consistently do it in the loudest, most overbearing way possible.
Would love to read it if it comes out well.

>> No.7168297

memes end up in my work when appropriate. I have a story about an alt-lit aumm-poetry bunch who smoke dabs, sleep w/, and betray eachother in Greek-myth fashion, and memes show up a lot in that one--Stirner, Pepe, and sleeptight pup, etc.

>> No.7168331

>not the Autisses
disappointed in you fam tbqh

>> No.7169955

The Tragedy of Maccuck

>> No.7169992
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agreed, I like absurd bullshit like this. godspeed OP

>> No.7170274

Post excerpt

>> No.7170280

Daily reminder to ignore all frog-posts.

>> No.7170288

Can /r9k/ pls leave

ree etc.

>> No.7170310

Assuming this isn't bait: go really hard on the shitty references and stereotypical characters. Otherwise it will just be shit.

>> No.7170356
File: 21 KB, 780x770, Coldsteel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make pic related a side character, perhaps even a sidekick.

>> No.7170692

Which do you want?

>> No.7170703

Fuck that titles actual pretty fucking funny to be honest

>> No.7171040

fuck aumm and its derivatives holy shit that place got bad

>> No.7171060
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>mfw i just noticed the hair tip piercings for the first time

>> No.7171067

>I have a story about an alt-lit aumm-poetry bunch who smoke dabs, sleep w/, and betray eachother in Greek-myth fashion


>> No.7171074
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I can't believe the ears that look like fins on my back!

>> No.7171159
File: 34 KB, 600x582, pupper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sleep tight pup shows up

Please elaborate, this sounds intriguing

>> No.7171452

>haven't decided if I want to make him an anarcho capitalist or a Marxist yet

Oh PLEASE make him an anarcho capitalist / extremist libertarian who listens to Stefan Molyneux on the net.

>> No.7171596

If I do this I need to include some sort of Marxist character. I'll make butterfly a character who gets stabbed in Compton

>> No.7171667

Let me guess, at the end he finds God and stops being homosexual.