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/lit/ - Literature

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7169733 No.7169733 [Reply] [Original]

Normalfags thread.

Any normies on /lit/? What do you read? What's your favourite book? Your favourite topics?

>> No.7169735

Normie here. I just sort of check out what's popular so I can talk about it with my friends. I don't understand the point of reading something weird because then I can't talk about it with anyone, and I don't like reading old books because the language is outdated and I feel like I'm in school again.

>> No.7169739

Just because it's weird doesn't mean you won't enjoy it. And you should definitely read some old classics like Gatsby or Huckleberry Finn, it's really good, well written and popular.

>> No.7169740

I really liked Good Omens and Anansi boys when I read them and now I finished reading Brief Interviews with Hideous Men, I enjyoed it but I didn't really get a lot of it. 2dumb

>> No.7169751

devil's advocat detected

>> No.7169948

this is a normie only thread, get the fuck out nerd.

>> No.7169976

I read "Perfume: The Story of a Murderer" by Patrick Suskind and I really liked it, it was really dark in some chapters but really sensual in others. I recommend it!

>> No.7169991

I'm personally and subjectively (hurr durr hurrtt) especially fond of liking Murakami.

>> No.7169993

normie here. DFW stuff mostly so far, a few others like Dostoevsky and Ellis. before i came to this board i exclusively read history texts. I'm going to finish C&P this week then check out crying of lot 49

>> No.7170012

I mostly read /lit/ top 100 and time top 100, fuck your stirner and greeks

>> No.7170024

Often I feel like I'm too normal for 4chan but too autistic for real life

Favorite book is One Hundred Years of Solitude

>> No.7170027


Fuck off back to /r9k/, you frog-posting faggot

>> No.7170032

Can /r9k/ please leave?

>> No.7170038

I'm a normie. I'm reading "The Art of the Deal" and "Atlas Shrugged".

>> No.7170041

Normal person here. I don't much read because I'm busy doing netflix and chill with random girls off tinder, but when I do get to reading I like Murakami and Vonnegut. I especially like leftist writers too, because that's my political outlook. I think we're all equal and that blacks and women are worth as much as me in terms of moral dignity. In fact, I have plenty of minority friends, they're pretty rad.
I have to go meet up with some friends at the mall now, taking my motorcycle there. We'll probably grab something to it and discuss Game of Thrones and this weekend's football games.

Then I got to meet up with my black girlfriend and watch netflix

>> No.7170049
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>> No.7170050

>this is what /r9k/-homos actually think

>> No.7170051

I live in a place where I've only met two dudes that read. One really loves fantasy that nobody really reads and the other isn't a serious readerjust kind of browses philosophy from the internet. The usual population I come into contact with is all about football and making that corporate money. So every day I feel weird reading but I still do that shit.

I read Blood Meridian which was awesome and I'm currently on The Silmarillion. I want to get into some more "You're a man and this is manly shit" so I've been looking into reading Heart of Darkness, The Iliad, Meditations, and Art of War. I know it's pretty starter-pack level stuff but I'm quite behind.

>> No.7170062

Normie here with a career and girlfriend etc. I just started to get into reading this year. My favorite is Siddhartha and I'm currently reading Homer, and then plan to read the bible.

>> No.7170071

Is a 'normie' just anyone who doesn't have piss-bottles in his room, isn't NEET, and who doesn't hate women?

>> No.7170077

If only.

>> No.7170085

>The Silmarillion
> "You're a man and this is manly shit"
Try again.

>> No.7170101

I generally just read Social Science, Politics or Philosophy books.

I generally move between books important in western history and random new publications from second hand shops.

>> No.7170133

Well hey cool guy I said that I wanted to get into more manly shit, not that I was already reading some.

>> No.7170158

I'd say it's somone who attributes social value depending on "oddness", many normies are just as degenerate and fucked up as "non-normies" but they're too naive and ignorant to recognise

>> No.7170164

Go back to /r9k/

>> No.7170165

normie, as it was originally used, was just someone who passed value judgements on not even that fucked up shit, trying to conform to what "normal" is
I'm not eloquent though, so what >>7170158 said just sounds better to me

>> No.7170186


Are you saying these things with a straight face?

>> No.7170203
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/r9k/ go back to your little poop hole

>> No.7170205

I think it's more. It assumes there is an absurd standard for acceptable social interaction, anyone failing to meet that through ineptness is thus valued less despite the moral principles they may hold. I don't know, it;s hard to vocalise

My mother is a great example of the judgemental nature of "normies", anyone not living up to ultimately neglibale social standard such as the ability to casually converse, confidence are just "odd" and not to be trusted, while ignoring other social conventional values and principles like rationale and ethics. It really fucked up my esteem growing up

>> No.7170213

>I think it's more. It assumes there is an absurd standard for acceptable social interaction, anyone failing to meet that through ineptness is thus valued less despite the moral principles they may hold. I don't know, it;s hard to vocalise

Why would you value someone based on the moral principles they hold? Were you born on a farm or are you retarded?

>> No.7170220

Both words are products of late captialism and moderity, I don't attribute inherint "badness" to these though. To me they are just conditions, I don't hate normies or degenerates in itself

I'm pretty degenerate I can admit, I'm a chronic masterbator and Oblomov. But I am aware of how much I am failing at my own values, many "normies" live their degeneracies in proud ignorance and feel justified in moral superiorty

>> No.7170221

he's a robot. He spends his time posting frogs online.

>> No.7170223
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>> No.7170228

You can't even type out a coherent sentence, let alone one without multiple spelling errors. End you'are'self.

>> No.7170237

Normie here, though I'm French and studied the humanities, so I guess I'm not that representative of the average normie.

I am currently reading "one day in the life of Ivan Denissovitch" or whatever the English translation of the title is. The five books I read before that were Boulgakov' "Molière's novel", Yourcenar's "L'oeuvre au noir", Chalamov's "Tales of the Kolyma", Houellebecq's Elementary Particles and a non fiction book called "History of Virility" .

I mostly read fiction, without much particular topic of preference. I just enjoy good prose, the rest is dependant on my mood.

As for non fiction, I like history books about the medieval Era, or books about a notion and its mutations through time I.e: Virility. I also like those taking an original subject: like the symbolic of a particular color or animal.

I don't read philosophy or théatre. Sometimes but rarely, I also read poetry.

Why does this interest you OP?

>> No.7170244

Because ultimately I believe humanity should strive to represent the values of the overman and not debase itself in that of the lowest common denominator, the common animal.

I place more social value on the likes of a complete autist savant like Temple Grandin, whose contribution represents the best we have to offer more so than your average functioning populist idol who merely contributes to societies lack of soul and purpose (pop culture idols for examples)

>> No.7170252

Sorry you feel that way, a good example of how social standards of communication is more valued than the substance of an idea. It doesn't matter what you say, so long as you can say it in a way that manipulates

>> No.7170262

That's broadly how I interpret it. I consider myself pretty normal since I have a job, a wife, can make eye contact with people and pee in toilets.

>> No.7170272

You probably class yourself as "happy" too

>> No.7170279

heh yeah I bet he cleans his teeth as well
fucking normies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.7170283

he probably even wipes his asshole too after shitting, man. REEEEEEEEee

>> No.7170297

underrated kek

>> No.7170308


define 'normie'

>> No.7170325

Someone who is not like this (the /r9k/ poster boy)


>> No.7170332

Currently reading the second book in the Song of Ice and Fire series. Haven't opened it in a while because busy with school.

>> No.7170334

Yeah he probably probably thinks higher of a modest man with poor dental hygience than he does a Fortune 500 CEO property tycoon. What a loser

>> No.7170353

>implying robotic frog-faggots aren't bourgeois as fuck

>> No.7170366


I think they're aware of how ultimately pathetic they are though. When was the last time you saw a well adjusted bougie seriously question their nature?

>> No.7170367

tfw no french friend

>> No.7170371

robots may be modest but they sure aren't humble

>> No.7170379

I wasn't actually refering to robots, they are embittered they cannot emualte the success of the system more than they oppose the system that rejects them

>> No.7170395

For a monthly fee, I can be French friend.

I'll do it for free baby

>> No.7170430

underrated post

>> No.7170439

>There are no manly parts in The Silmarillion

You try again, my man.

>> No.7170442

he killed himself m8

>> No.7170452
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>> No.7170455


THE FUCK? Normies don't read either of those.

>> No.7170468

That actually sounds like a pretty satisfying life contrary to your ass blasted /r9k/ sensibilities.

Literature and knowledge thereof doesn't actually lead to any tangible benefits to yourself or society at large. The world keeps turning whether or not you read "the classics" but it can help us along this short, brief existence and if not well at least it was better than being catatonic. You aren't a better person than the caricature you described simply because you've felt loneliness or despair and remedied it with reading books written by dead guys.

>> No.7170481

If you want manly read Hemingway. That sounds like what you want and is a lot more relatable than the things you listed

Also, Meditations is absolutely beautiful. I don't care how much of a pleb faggot I sound like, it was honestly a really warming read.

>> No.7170484






Dostoevsky is slightly cultured normie tier. Pynchon, not so much.

>> No.7170513

What? Does "normie" just mean recognisable? Most people don't even know know the name Dostoevsky and only "Crime and Punishment" but have no clue what the title refers to.

It's a milestone in literature and if you think that just because people really like it that it somehow diminshes its contributions then you have successfully out meme'd me because I wholeheartedly disagree with that opinion of your's.

>> No.7170552

Stop encouraging frog-posters.

>> No.7170568

I've read Francis McComber (spelling?), Hills like White Elephants, To Have and Have Not, and I got halfway through For Whom the Bell Tolls. I've also been wanting to read The Sun Also Rises, I've heard it's his best next to The Old Man and the Sea. The list never ends

>> No.7170620

Pls anon I need someone to explain to me why he's wrong.

>> No.7170633

I'm OP you retard, Gatsby and Huckleberry Finn are normie core.

>> No.7170644

i am a normal person and i like to read laszlo krasznahorkai and richard yates

>> No.7170657

Yup, generally pretty happy.


>> No.7170671

I'm pretty normal and my favourite is possibly The Sound And The Fury. Before reading Faulkner I would have said Catch-22. Mind you, I'm on Absalom, Absalom! now and I don't dig it nearly as much as Sound. Probably doesn't help that my normal lifestyle leaves me relatively little time for reading, and I keep leaving it mid-sentence because the sentences go on for pages.

>> No.7170682

kill yourself

>> No.7170683

So this whole thread is a preface for "excuse my plebeian taste"

>> No.7170691

Pleb thread? Pleb thread.

Shout out to /r9k/ for helping this happen!!!

>> No.7170697

As long as I enjoy it, I don't care if I'm being called a pleb. I can read greek mythology or young adults novels and enjoy both in their own way.

You guys are cancer because you just care about apparences, about how you look in society.
And the worst of all is anonymous people showing other anonymous people on the Internet their so called superiority because they read and talk about books/writers that no one has heard of.

You're being ridiculous.

>> No.7170705

Is this irony deliberate? I'm having trouble thinking of a more normal phrase than 'shout out to' that isn't '#yolo'.

>> No.7170728

the three exclamation marks weren't enough?

>> No.7170732

Yeah, but this is where people come to argue about stuff. The point of this board is to see who can be a bigger douche about their tastes and feel superior. I don't know what you expected by coming here. There's plenty of other online communities for the discussion of literature.

I do kind of agree with you. Anyone calling "The Sound and the Fury" pleb-tier lit is probably only doing so because it's generally pretty well known and, because of this, more people pushed through it it than other works in the same category.

>> No.7170738

History mainly, and I also read books on mythology, theology, and biographies.

I also dabble in the classics because I can usually find a good number of them at local consignment stores for a quarter each.

>> No.7170747

Hmmm. In retrospect it was a subtle sign.

>> No.7170968

Does it make me normal if I read almost exclusively genre fiction, even if it's more obscure stuff? Or does that just make me a terrible person?

>> No.7171185
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Queen normie reporting in

>> No.7171217


you either joking or living in America

>> No.7171340

The latter.

>> No.7171427

My favorite book is facebook.

>> No.7171450

Normie accounting major here.

Stoner is legit my favorite book, Dubliners is awesome as well.

>> No.7171500

This is worse than normie, it is pleb as feck.
haha :D

>> No.7171605

HA what a total faggot!

>> No.7171832

>pleb apologetics

>> No.7172570

underrated toast

>> No.7172625

History usually. I quite like asoiaf too, the fanbase is cancer though thanks to the show. I dont browse here too often because I dont overly care about obscure philosophy.

>> No.7172638

I exclusively read YA lit, John Green is my favorite author. Why bother reading if not for fun?

>> No.7172644

John Green

>> No.7172728


>> No.7172753

I think I'm a normie...I know I am by /b/ standards, anyway.

I read a ton of non-fiction for pleasure. I favor math and science, and philosophy. I read small doses of serious philosophy that I can also take seriously, like Camus. I also read nonsense like Decartes and the metaphysicists (is that a word?) purely for keks.

As for fiction, I challenge myself whenever I read. I've been working through Dubliners lately, but I have to put it down often because I find it so depressing.

>> No.7173543

why does this post anger me

>> No.7173548

I'm 19 years old.

I am handsome, smart, athletic and virile.

I have a novel that is in it's final editing stage, and a creative writing professor at my college has read the first draft and thinks it's saleable.

I have a girlfriend who is confident, articulate, playful and spontaneous.

I have a small group of interesting friends from different social and academic backgrounds, and I also have many other acquaintances who see me as a reliable source of humour and good company.

Both my parents are alive and in good health.

I have no regrets.

I have already experienced three existential crises, the latter of which was described as having the depth and profundity of a man twice my age.

I am a passionate lover, a sharp thinker, and a trader of witty repartee.

I am not self-pitying, meek or needlessly humble.

I will live a good life at your expense.

>> No.7173554

And in the end, it will be my name they shall speak of.

>> No.7173603

>tfw grill
>tfw can't help but be attracted to guys like this

Godamnit biology

>> No.7173619

please don't perpetuate this pasta

>> No.7173629

I went to a semi-famous British boarding school for most of my life. Nobody there had any interest really in academics, apart from this Iranian guy who was actually cool but slightly confused about Budhism and drugs. I stopped getting invited to parties because I would get trashed and do things like put bacon on all the coat-hangers or climb on top of dangerous railings and pretend I'm in Titanic. I have an incredibly hot, kind, girlfriend but I find her really boring and often avoid her to play videogames with my paki-bro. I aced my last year of school somehow, partially because I read around five of /lit/'s recommended books and enjoyed them enough to form original opinions on my subjects. I'm applying for Oxford and working for my incredibly Irish and upbeat dad, smoking weed, writing inane shit, and reading Camus. My youngest sibling looks up to me a lot and wants to do acid and go to a museum together. I dreamt he died last night. I've browsed 4chan since I was about twelve.

Am I normal?

>> No.7173726

See >>7170071
I would guess you're too privileged to be really normal, but you seem to wear it lightly so maybe. But you're definitely a normie by the godawfully depressing standards of /r9k/.

>> No.7173827

Normie here. Also a redditor xDD

I like niel gainman, Terry Pratchett, Richard Dawkins. Steven King and Christopher hitchens. I mostly read fantasy, currently ree reading a song of ice and fire by the legendary grrm to prep for the latest installment in the series

>> No.7174669

Nah. Even my dad knows who Dostoevsky and Tolstoy are, and he only likes Orwell and shitty thrillers.

>> No.7174804

Probably one of the more abnormal people here but I can socialize

Reading Sam Pink, Kerouac (OTR/basic b)- expecting Doors of Perception this week
Just read Dudes and the Arms and I frequently buy Zines at irl lit events

I like pop business & finance like the Elon Musk bio, More Money Than God, Liar's Poker - going to get How Google Works in the immediate future

>> No.7174829

You can talk about it with cool bros and not your mainstreaming friends

>> No.7174834

You sound like an unbearable person and chances are you're "smoke weed bro! xd" phase will either result in your hanging around university for ten years on your parents' money or joining some private equity firm in the City and becoming "one of the boys". You have zero conception of what it's like to live in contemporary Britain, and chances are you never will.

>> No.7175296


not a normie, but i agree with this post. there is a line, and when you dive too deep, you're not a patrician. you're delusional and have been duped.

>> No.7175764
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I lurk here from time to time and I am reading IJ and a portrait of the Artist as a young man. The last book I completed was the brothers Karamazov.

>> No.7175820

Do you have some thoughts on any connections between IJ and the other two books you mention? Not to put you on the spot, it's just a fortuitous reading sequence.

>> No.7176465

The only obvious connection I made was two Uncle Charles, and that's about it. I am 150 pages through IJ and around 50 through A Portrait, so I don't really have room to talk on that front. I can't connect The Brothers Karamazov with either of them, at least not right now.

>> No.7176540
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I am 18 years old
I was on my high schools tennis team
I hope that other people like me are just all around me and they just don't talk about it.
I tried and try to be outgoing, but I do and did it to people who just did and do not care about what I had and have to say.
Eventually, I stopped talking to most people and I studied sciences and math (I always had an interest in it and I wanted to understand things like it, that's why I am here).
I am now a super right-wing asshole tin-foil hatter that goes about talking about how diesel is the future and we are all dooming ourselves and we are all damned and how eventually none of this will matter and how the end is coming up faster than we can realize it.

>> No.7176567

I try to be the realest person I can be. I do this by being an ass-hole to people so they can re-evaluate themselves before society and social justice fucktards reassure them. If I am right, and if they know it, then they only have me to thank later. If I am wrong, and if they know it, they move on with their day, not fazed by what I said. If they don't know whether I am right, then it is up to them to find out for themselves.

>> No.7176757

Sounds good, enjoy your reading.

>> No.7176841
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>I do and did it to people who just did and do