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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 189 KB, 1200x937, 2765656918_7e581ab859_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
716432 No.716432 [Reply] [Original]

go to a cute girls house and see twilight on her coffee table and judge her as a dumb cunt, walk into her room and see this wat do?

>> No.716435

Steal it. That shit is awesome.

>> No.716438

If I saw Twilight on her coffee table I would probably leave before I got to see her room

>> No.716439

Regret being a judgmental asshole.

>> No.716440

so what dumb cunts can be art majors

>> No.716444

Looks like a good way to fuck up one's books.

>> No.716446


I still think she was a dumb cunt because all those books suck.

>> No.716449

>wat do?

realize it's a pretentious display of art books and solidify your opinion

>> No.716454

fuck her

>> No.716457

Screw what everyone else says

That display is cool.

>> No.716459

>spatially inefficient, designer, probably overpriced shelf
>shit books on it

Gtfo of there

>> No.716467

I'd fuck her on that bookshelf.

>> No.716471

>fuck her

>implying she isn't a whale

>> No.716472

That's not even a true logarithmic spiral, it's just a piece of metal folded over itself.

>> No.716473


He said
>go to a cute girls house

It's a hypothetical. The hypothetical is that she is hot as a positive, but as a negative reads Twilight.

>> No.716481

>implying op doesn't like whales

>> No.716486

>implying whales cant be cute.

>> No.716491


OP's hypothetical was a proposition. It asked /lit/ to imagine meeting a hot girl and then later finding out she reads Twilight and then later finding her bookshelf.

Cute is a subjective word and whether or not OP likes fat chicks is irrelevant because you are going to use your personal interpretation of the word as a point of reference.

It's pretty basic English here, buddy.

>> No.716498

>implying whales are fuckable

>> No.716499

Steal her bookshelf.

>> No.716503

>implying female twifags aren't all whales

>> No.716506

>Implying I'd actually stay around that long after seeing Twilight on her coffee table.

>> No.716520
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That's smalltime OP:

Date chubby girl at the age of 17, realize for 3,5 years she's a dumbcunt but hey "I love her". She read twilight, shopaholic books, cosmo girl, and watches tele novella's a la ugly betty.

My face when she is the one breaking up with me.

>> No.716525

Steal it, a dumb cunt like her doesn't deserve such an awesome bookshelf

>> No.716530

A collection of books means shit, even less when pipi is the only good one on the shelf.

>> No.716532

That is the fucking coolest bookshelf I've ever seen.

And am now fully inspired to build an even more badass one for myself this summer. Thanks, OP.

>> No.716534
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>> No.716539


>implying that fucking matters.
>implying "Meet Alexander the Great. wat do?" couldn't be a hypothetical on account of him being stone cold dead.

>> No.716557


Seriously, it's an ugly, poorly shaped, decorative object, and it's counter-intuitive for stacking books on.


And yeah, I raged for anon too.

>> No.716560

That looks really tacky.

>> No.716564


>> No.716572
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Here's one that's potential fatal, but at least it looks good.

>> No.716577
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realize she has hope in appreciating literature and talk about books she might be interested in. Like maybe Lolita. Edward was 500 years old, I think, and that girl was was she 17?

>> No.716581

>implying the hypothetical doesn't contradict itself when it posits a cute twifag
>implying the cuteness of the girl isn't more dubious than him recognizing twilight

you gotta choose one. either she isn't actually cute or he actually didn't see twilight. u mad?

>> No.716585

I personally really dislike it when "form over function" is taking to these extremes. It's one step up from wearing your pants around your goddamn ankles "cause you're cool" when it means you can barely fucking walk.

(This particular example because I almost wrecked my car today laughing my ass off at this black kid, couldn't have been more than 15-16, trying to run across 4 lanes of highway while tripping over his own pants.)

>> No.716592

only an idiot would have such a stupid, impractical book shelf.

>> No.716594


>implying "twifags are fat" isn't a gross generalisation and/or a contradiction as plain as "I met a man who was a woman".

>> No.716597
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>Advertising Now

Kill her with a sledgehammer.

>> No.716605


Not really. All the furniture in my house is just plain functional, but that's mostly because I am poor, unimaginative and have a lot of shit to store. But image and form is important to a lot of people and maybe they don't have so many books that they need a towering rectangle shelf. It's nothing like wearing your pants around your ankles.

>> No.716607

>in older sister's bedroom
>looking at her bookshelf
>its mostly shit from high school
>find a copy of Twilight on the top shelf
>immediately lose all respect for my sister
>open Twilight to see if she left stupid notes like "Me + Edward = Forever" or "♥♥♥Edward♥♥♥"
>no notes
>find a page creased about 100 pages in
>she never finished reading the book
>I'm so proud, sis.

>> No.716609

That shelf would hold about 3% of my books.

>> No.716610


It's original, that's what I appreciate about it. I do agree that it is horribly illogical in every possible way. The pic just made me realize that I can keep my books in something other than a fucking Ikea bookshelf (I've clearly been at Uni too long).

Which is why I'm gonna think about it carefully, design something that balances form and function, put that shit up on my living room wall and revel in the pure fucking glory of it every quiet evening I spent laid out on my couch reading a book in front of my fire. And when I put my book down at the end of the night, I'm gonna look at the gorgeous goddess of a bookshelf I've constructed and think to myself, "OP is a faggot, but he's a helpful faggot".

And then I shall dance, magic dance.

>> No.716632


There's no arguing that form has it's place. Everyone likes pretty things better than ugly ones. The thing is, when form means your object (in this case a book shelf) is functionally inferior to others in it's class, you've crossed a line. No one is saying you can't have a fancy $800 cherry wood bookcase instead of your $20 wal-mart shelf.

>> No.716637

That's the most ass-backwards excuse for a bookshelf I have ever seen. When it comes to bookshelves, practicality trumps artistic expression. I retain my intial judgement, and double its vehemence.

>> No.716653
File: 48 KB, 233x350, laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread


>artistic expression


>$800 bookcase

>> No.716670

For a large wall-sized case in a nice wood? $800 is probably very much on the low end. You sound poor.

>> No.716675

First, I now have and idea for a bent wood shelf. Imagine: steaming a board and bending it all around to make a rectangular shelving unit without any corners. Glorious.

Second, the only reason Twilight is hated on so much is because it is popular and it sucks.

>> No.716682
File: 8 KB, 320x240, h1 (46).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm not particularly poor, although I'm a graduate student living on Long Island. That being said, are you implying that there's anything wrong with being poor? If so, you need a reality check and a bitch slap.

Also, you're implying that someone would have to be poor and not simply stupid to spend $800 on a bookshelf. Buy some lumber and learn how to do something useful with your hands instead of just using them to explore your anus, dear.

>> No.716686

you sound like your daddy's rich.

>> No.716692

don't mind the plebs, they have to keep their 16 paperbacks someplace

>> No.716694
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Are you implying there's anything wrong with exploring one's anus? There are all kinds of pleasurable things to discover in there.

>> No.716696
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>> No.716699
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>> No.716700


if buying an $800 bookshelf makes someone poor, than i am positively destitute.

>> No.716701


There's nothing wrong with it necessarily, but when somebody does it to the exclusion of everything else, it's a bit sad.

>> No.716703
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>> No.716705

you can often find nice heavy bookcases at goodwill for like 10 bucks. you can certainly find something that holds books up for the price of a lunch at taco bell.

>> No.716708
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>> No.716712


>But then I wouldn't be engaging in the conspicuous consumption that validates my existence as a "tasteful," unique individual!

>> No.716718
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>> No.716720
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>> No.716727
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this one is just silly though, unless they actually had decent books rebound to match

>> No.716730


Have none of you ever bought furniture? My couch is worth more than my first car was. In fact, I bet I spent more on furniture, if you include the whole house, than I did on my CURRENT car and it was bought new.

I'm not particularly rich, either. Middle class, perhaps upper middle class, maybe.

>> No.716732


There is that german collection of color coded books. There were a couple hundred of them i think and considered classic literature.

>> No.716736
File: 58 KB, 582x363, Home-Library-Design.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.716738


Shows what you know, I don't have any friends to show my awesome bookcase to!

>> No.716741

>I'm bourgeois
That just means you bought too big of a house

>> No.716743


shit, i know. Furniture is too damn expensive. You could almost just learn to build your own and buy the supplies for less.

>> No.716744


Of course I've purchased furniture (even furniture that I like!). But I've also built furniture, and I don't really go out of my way to purchase overly expensive furniture just to satisfy a desire to impress other people. Not that I'm necessarily implying you are doing this.

>> No.716745
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>> No.716746
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>> No.716748

>implying conspicuous consumption requires friends

Shows what you know

>> No.716749


How is it inferior really? It's suspended on a wall. It barely takes up any space. No one puts shit on walls anyway, except maybe pictures or something.

>> No.716750

lol nobody in america ever thinks they're anything other than middle class. enjoy your unearned privilege while you can.

>> No.716758

dumb cunts can buy cool shit

>its called urban outfiters

>> No.716759


Of course I bought a big house, it was a buyers market and I had the money. For now you're probably right, it's too big for just the two of us. In 10 years when the housing market is back, I'll be laughing all the way to the bank. If it rises back to it's previous bubble levels, I'll be positively skipping my way to the bank.

>> No.716761


This. But, aside from, that


>You could almost just learn

Actually, no almost about it. You can! It's not even particularly difficult, and it's pretty gratifying. I suggest doing so.

>> No.716764

This is why I threw all my physical books in the garbage and got an ereader. No more need for massive bookshelves. I've added over 100 square feet of extra space in my room after I got rid of my books. Feels good.

>> No.716765


don't be an asshole. For all you know this guy could have been born in the gutter and worked his way to where he is.

>> No.716770

I grew up poor and had no illusions of being anything other than poor. Unless you're saying the "middle class" are all rich? Protip: if you still have to go out and earn a living, even if it's a 6 figure living, you're not wealthy.

>> No.716771


I would like to but tools and all that are more than i can afford, never mind the learning curve.

>> No.716772


It does if the stuff is in your house, it's not like I would invite my neighbours over

>> No.716774
File: 29 KB, 316x252, black.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

troll, but i still mad

>> No.716780


Are you some kind of retard?

Not only did you just toss what could be anywhere from 8 to hundreds of dollars in the trash but you then spent a couple hundred more on a fucking circuit board? Jesus fuck what is wrong with our world

>> No.716782

Of course it's fucking illogical, you tools. It's SUPPOSED TO BE. That's the point. It's striking because it doesn't even look like it should work at first glance. Therefore it is interesting and cool.

As for your question, OP, you might want to consider the possibility that there's more to a person than their taste in entertainment.

If the only thing that matters to you in a person is them liking the same shit you like, why bother with IRL relationships at all? Why don't you spend all day on fan forums for shit you like? Or in a "HURRR TWILIGHT SUCKS LET'S TALK ABOUT IT" chatroom.


>> No.716785
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>> No.716789


Honestly, you only need maybe fifty bucks worth of tools, and that's only if you buy them new. Look around at thrift stores for basics like screwdrivers and whatnot, and you can get solid tools for pretty cheap.

As for the learning curve, it's a lot less than you'd expect. I'm not really a DIY-type at all, and I learned how pretty easily.

Really, look into it. It's cool.

>> No.716792


The physical book isn't important. The words are important. I've still got all my important books on my ereader. I haven't lost anything except some paper.

>> No.716793


Much like a taste for wicca and neo-nazi pamphlets, Twilight generally indicates a person deficient in intelligence and personality

>> No.716798


I did more or less the same thing, I had 100s of books. Had to get rid of them, bought an ereader so I could at least hoard virtually. Not much choice in the matter when you go from 2000+ sq. ft to perhaps 400 sq ft. of living space

>> No.716799

Not only is she a dumb cunt, she's a pretentious dumb cunt?

>> No.716801

You faggots love using pretentious, don't you? ;)

>> No.716805

>implying you can't buy something to enhance your own perception of your social status.

>> No.716807
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>their taste in entertainment
>implying that books are solely about entertainment?

>> No.716808

mini storage, or just getting your parents or something to hold on to them.


>> No.716809


>Hipster decries overemphasis on personal interests.

>> No.716810


It's in my name, dumbshit.

>> No.716812

books and all media are 100% about entertainment.
if you read books you don't enjoy you are a pretentious douche-bag.

>> No.716815

If you have never cared about someone who is into something stupid that you hate, odds are that you are a shitty human being.

>> No.716816


That's not very conspicuous, is it?

>> No.716818
File: 8 KB, 320x240, h1 (22).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're a sad little man.

>> No.716822


My grandfather has a garage full of pretty much every tool i could need. I just have to ask. And still i'm too lazy to do it. lol

>> No.716823


I've done the storage thing before. After a few years a lot of stuff goes to shit. I guess you could spend big bucks on climate controlled storage, but honestly, that wasn't worth it for what we had left after selling the good stuff. Far as the books go, I couldn't give them away, I tried. Ended up leaving them next to a good will container. Hopefully they took them and didn't shitcan them.

>> No.716825


Yep. Everyone in College is a pretentious douche-bag.

>> No.716827

>implying something that isn't for entertainment can't be enjoyed

>> No.716830


Oh, well. If you ever feel like trying, just look up plans online.


You're being so purposefully dense that I can't but call troll.

>> No.716831


While I agree his blanket statement is 100% true (lots of educational books, some even fun to read). It's true for the most part isn't? I read for enjoyment 99% of the time. The 1% is technical stuff I need to keep my skills current (IT fag).

>> No.716832


Mini storage costs money. I'm a very practical person and I don't romanticize my books. I enjoy them for what they contain, I learn from them, but I don't hold an particular romantic interest in their physical forms. That, to me, is irrelevant. I care more about their content. Having more open space in my house is more important to me than having massive shelves full of books that take up room. I don't read books just to display them and I don't find any real pleasure from seeing my collection on a shelf. If you enjoy that, that's your personal preference, not mine.

>> No.716833


>> No.716834


You still could have sold those books to a used books store or donated them to the library. there is no use at all in just throwing them away

>> No.716836

*his blanket statement ISN'T 100%


>> No.716837


He's also implying that self-improvement and increasing cultural literacy either must always be entertaining or that if it isn't then it's unpleasant. I've read plenty of books I didn't enjoy, but that weren't particularly unpleasant to read. Plenty of them were worth reading, too.

>> No.716839

>implying you can't be the one being conspicuous about yourself

You just can't admit that you are buying things out of a pathetic attempt to make yourself feel better about your zero social life.

>> No.716841
File: 217 KB, 800x800, suckitlibarts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you and fuck your liberal arts degree.
not everyone in college is planning to be useless in life.

>> No.716842

>donated them to the library.

Believe me I tried. They wouldn't take them. In fact THEY were having a huge sale with big boxes of paperbacks for $0.25 or $0.50.

>> No.716847


Someone is angry.


>> No.716849


Wow, looks like this guy is really secure about his life decisions.

>> No.716850


I tried to give them away. Friends took a few books. Tried to give them away to Goodwill and they didn't want them. Called a local library and they wouldn't take them unless I gave them a list of everything I had so they could select what to take. That was too much effort. So they went in the trash. People don't want books anymore, even if they're free. Or if there are people out there who wanted them, I didn't know how to find those people. I didn't have anything worth more than $100 so it's not like I was throwing away unique manuscripts.

>> No.716851

>self-improvement and increasing cultural literacy
which you are choosing to pursue, presumably gaining satisfaction when you acquire them.

note- our current, and most past cultures are fucking garbage and i dont want any better understanding of them.

>> No.716856

>fuck you and fuck your liberal arts degree.
>fuck liberal arts

Do you even know what board you're on? Liberal arts majors wrote most of modern classics you read.

>> No.716858

>herpaderp every choice i make is to increase pleasure and avoid pain

go away

>> No.716859

>implying i dont read exclusively hard sci-fi

>> No.716861


I bet if you list on ebay or something someone would eventually take them, but yeah, if no one wants them there isn't much to do with books anymore.

>> No.716866

you have never done anything you didn't want to. at all.

>> No.716868


Line 1: ...Your point is?
Line 2: Pessimisms aside, I suggest that you look into it, unless you want to end up contributing to what's wrong with (at least) our culture and/or ending up an arrogant, ignorant little cunt. Just sayin'.

>> No.716874


>Implying they were not raped.

>Implying that rape is voluntary.

>> No.716877


>casually cite every murder ever to disprove point

>> No.716878


>>Implying Sci-Fi isn't far fat nerds who are insecure of themselves.

>> No.716879

they wanted to live and be raped more than they wanted to bite their tongue off and end it.
there is always a choice, except perhaps in the most contrived and contrary situation you will probably offer next.

>> No.716880


You can't have a society of one, silly, conspicuous consumption is about social status

>> No.716881
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>implying i dont read exclusively hard sci-fi

>> No.716887

>You can't have a society of one

No, but what you imagine your social status to be can be important to you even if you're a hermit.

>> No.716890

Obstinate neckbeard...

>> No.716896


Hey. I resent that statement.

>> No.716905


>conspicuous consumption is about social status

This is true, but what you guys are fighting about is pointless. Social status is something magical that's bestowed on you by "society;" it's a product of an interrelationship between you and a variety of social indexes. You can do things that you consciously think or unconsciously assume relate to those indexes that, in fact, don't. But you might mistakenly or otherwise think that they will (or even that they do).

>> No.716913
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>> No.716916
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Don't resent. REBEL.

>> No.716919
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>> No.716923

welcome to /lit/

>> No.716925


Y'all niggas just mad that you don't get to see my awesome bookshelf.


>> No.717263


He's right. Even non-fiction is about entertainment. Entertaining your mind with new knowledge.

>> No.718192

maybe it wasn't hers?

>> No.718218

Just wanted to share this with you guys. Awesome method, but we always need more people :3 ..1
nook.dk/47dollar_DatingMethod.pdf <--- Link - 64

>> No.718217

Before I even get to her room I say, "You know, there are better vampires."

Gauge her reaction to that and proceed accordingly.

>> No.719625

yup, yup

>> No.719809
File: 60 KB, 479x720, oscarfuckingwilde.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have a beautiful soul.

>> No.720635
File: 3 KB, 429x410, 1273729667807.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DO IT FAGGOT and then take pictures and post them on /lit/

>> No.720658

What was that site again? Book porn, something or other. It was all bookshelves.

>> No.720907

For future reference, you can get rid of pretty much anything on Craigslist.