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/lit/ - Literature

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7163928 No.7163928 [Reply] [Original]

I have a degree in german literature, but now I will change my area, doing so a master's degree in philosophy. Then I have one and a half years to study the most relevants works of philosophy.

So please give me the name of 10 books of philosophy than I need to read first.

Achtung: I'm already reading the Republic of Platon

>> No.7163935


>> No.7163942


Auf Englisch heisst Platon: "Plato".

Ich finde diese 8 Philosophen haben was zu sagen:


Mein Deutsch ist ziemlich schlimm,
aber hoffentlich hast du mich verstanden.
Die sind ziemlich beruhmt, wahrscheinlich hast du schon davon gehort/ gelesen.

>> No.7163945

Phenomenology of Spirit
Being and Time
Philosophical Investigations
Naming and Necessity
Philosophical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics: Reflections on Bell's Theorem
Critique of Pure Reason
Difference and Repetition
Of Grammatology

thank me later

>> No.7163969


Read Coplestone's 5 Volume history of philosophy. It's a famously even-handed, detailed overview of Western philosophy from the pre-Socratics to Sartre; this is the packed earth and cement the philosophy you're going to be studying as a graduate student is founded on.

Next, read the Blackwell Companions to Continental and Analytical philosophy. This will give you good look at the two major contemporary styles in philosophy. and how they look at contemporary issues.

Doing this is going to make your way more broadly informed than basically every other graduate student, and you will also be able to see the blind spots in your graduate program. American schools are usually very analytical.

Finally, take one to three philosophers from you connected with from this overview reading, and read primary work.

>> No.7164491
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So you don't ever plan to get a real job, right?

>> No.7164504


>> No.7164514

>wanting to be a normie

>> No.7164524


When is teaching philosophy in academia isn't 'normie'? That's the only place the op cuck is heading.

>> No.7164537

>the only place

>what is NEETdom