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/lit/ - Literature

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7161893 No.7161893 [Reply] [Original]

Would you accept a significant other who does not read at all? Not illiterate but who flat out just does not have any interest in picking up a book, ever.

>> No.7161909

not for long

>> No.7161929


Because of the state of our current society, a lot of people will give a sarcastic answer and say they don't read, but it you get to know someone they can and do open up about it. I feel that people who read good books are like crypto-Christians, hiding in plain sight.

>> No.7161945

I mean sure, if they're good otherwise

but 2d is the only companion that can meet my standards

>> No.7161949

Yes if she was hot and nice. Those are my main criteria.

>> No.7161960

tried that, fuck that

>> No.7161963

for exactly one night

>> No.7161969

Yeah. If she is a talented musician or artist I would give it a pass. As long as she was good at and passionate about something I respected that would be enough. In fact, not competing and having different fields might make our relationship better.

>> No.7162007

If she sucks dick like Rilynn Rae I might consider it.

>> No.7162019

id accept anything at this point

>> No.7162022

Of course because I'd be the biggest pleb of the two either way

>> No.7162026

It depends if they have any other artistic inclinations.

Literature is after all just one medium among many, and I wouldn't mind a woman who is interested in movies for example.

Also this>>7162019

>> No.7162029

why are some people so against reading

it's like they purposely shut it out

>> No.7162039

"Alas! The world is full of enormous lights & mysteries, and the man shuts them from himself with one small hand"

>> No.7162041

Because other more accessible mediums exist, like TV or the Internet.

>> No.7162045

where'd you find this

>> No.7162048

It takes a lot of time and is mostly anti-social.

>> No.7162079
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>oh anon, we're perfect for each and i'm madly in love with you. i hope you can accept the fact i don't read

>> No.7162218


Yeah, currently do.

She's really nice and I find her attractive, so she ticks enough boxes that it's almost acceptable.


>> No.7162224

>that disproportionate, caked face

>> No.7163119

Tried it.

Nope, never again.

>> No.7163141


I would personally be able to deal with it if my SO didn't read, but I believe that everyone should find a mate who can connect with whatever their passion is. In my case, my passion is game design, so my boyfriend/girlfriend needs to be someone who can at least understand some basics of what makes vidya. For most of /lit/ though, I think you will need someone who reads.

>> No.7163157

I think I'd be okay with it as long as she isn't proud of not reading. It's one thing to not read, it's another to think you're better for not reading.

With that said, not liking reading is a huge point deduction for me. She would need to be interested in music, art, or some other artistic pursuit to compensate for the lack of reading.

>> No.7163168

Sure. I don't even read myself

>> No.7163173


>> No.7163227
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If she's qt and nice I'd tolerate it. Nobody reads these days anyway and the one's who do don't read stuff I would like to read. A lit gf is a tall order.

I don't know I've never been with anyone for more than a few months. If there's something you don't like about your gf, say, she eats loudly or something, or says dumb opinions sometimes, does it make you angrier over time or do you get used to it?

>> No.7163387

Yes. I prefer women who aren't like me. That's what makes the relationship interesting, refreshing, and heterosexual in nature.

>> No.7163407

You obviously don't know what "heterosexual" means.

>> No.7163412

If you value women for their literacy, you aren't going to find many women.

>> No.7163423

>All that junk food

She won't be qt for long.

>> No.7163425

I've never had a girlfriend so I'd accept anyone between the ages of, say, 18 and 30, provided she's a she (or identifies as one). If she reads that's only a bonus.

>> No.7163431

She won't be for long.

that much junk food over and over again over time kills you pretty fast

>> No.7163445

>eating fast food

>> No.7163453

if she was super intelligent already, sure why not. That sort of intuitive intelligent that you see once a year

>> No.7163476
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Who cares if she reads or not?
If you want to date a smart, interesting person who shares your hobbies, you better start looking for a boyfriend, because you're certainly not going to find a girlfriend like that.

>> No.7164718

Dont care about this thread, but man, that painting looks like a face

>> No.7164789

Why would you want a lit girlfriend? Get some friends to discuss books, a girlfriend is for fucking and living together, raising children, paying bills working, going on dates, watching TV, films...
If you want long philosophical discussions, insight into the things of life, etc., get yourself some friends, even females, but don't mix up the genres. Stuff like art, literature, religion, politics, ruin a romantic relationship. Stick to entertainment, sex and supporting each other.

>> No.7164800
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a beta is guy living through women, seeking validation from women, in either trying
-to look good for women, fuck her and giving her orgasms
-to make her have fun in social activities
-to comfort her emotionally or materially [this is what robots call betas]

the alpha is not a beta. alphas do not seek validation of their existence from the pussy.

alphas do not care about women beyond sex BUT THEY DO NOT CARE NOT TO HAVE SEX TOO. they are above this. this is why the alphas are not the first kind of beta trying to please women in bed.

>> No.7164831
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I don't know I would kind of like it if that girl became chubby and rounded but I wouldn't want her to die of obesity!


Is this true? I really want a gf. I just don't like tv or 90% of movies. I suppose passing on my genetic material is worth a few boring hours a week watching friends or whatever. God it's been years since I've even gotten any action. I haven't even finished a fucking movie because I am so damn picky and get turned off them so easily.

Have any of you anons gone from neet-to-qts-for-keeps? /lit/ is a smart board some of you must have some good pointers.

>> No.7164845

yes, literature is generally a waste of time and a very poor source of knowledge compared to science

>> No.7164854

Reading doesn't imbue you with special properties. I know lots of women who have degrees in literature, that read big books with shitty modernist ideas in them, and a lot of these girls are insufferable. They usually have no edge to them. They like only books they've been told are important and they don't have any original ideas or opinions. When they do try and express their stolen opinions they start talking about things being 'reductive' or 'problematic'. They feel like the girls that read loads of YA fiction at school because it was cool, then they just replaced that with literary fiction.

In contrast my current gf is a physicist. She doesn't read much, and never any fiction. She's happy to watch arty films or go and watch plays. But, she isn't ridiculously smug, or pretentious, and she's actually knowledgeable about the world.

>> No.7165122

*sighs* most of my friends (including my current crush) gave up the habit of regular reading after leaving school, as they have too little time. many of them are intelligent people with strong interests in arts and stuff. so I don't know, probably.
>heterosexual in nature

>> No.7165284

I'm happy as long as she is smart, curious, empathetic and open-minded. A reading habit is only desirable insofar as it implies these qualities. My current gf is not much of a reader (although not a total non-reader) but we still get along just fine and never run out of things to talk about. Come to think of it, my previous gf was pretty well-read yet I still found a lot of her opinions cringe-worthy.

>> No.7165400

Fuckin autists

>> No.7165417


>> No.7165428

Pretty sure I know you.

Fucking cunt.

>> No.7165440

Not this guy I would use this basis to say that, sadly and oddly certain skillsets dont necessarily imply a certain mindset.
A friend of mine left school around the 4th year of secondary high school but work by himself and understands and speaks english well enough, although he did miss on a lot of things from school.

Here is an odd case which I should really go on and clarify, due to reasons at 22 I am still in school (not because I failed my grades though) so there is this girl saying how few people read and she recently read Werther, so I recommended her Jacopo Ortis, which was similar but I consider it much better, she did not seem all that thrilled, later on a friend of her gave it back to me and she gave me no further word...bitch.

So no, is not necessary although since I do wish for my other mate to be smarter than me I suppose she would end up having read and more than me, which is quite easy to accomplish.

>> No.7165469

unfortunately this

>> No.7165480

Sure. Reading is no different than consuming another media (films, music etc). Infact, I would much prefer a person who doesn't read at all to someone who reads things I don't think that deserve to be read.

>> No.7165494
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>game design

>> No.7165505



>> No.7165514

Not likely.

Even if they were fit enough to go urbexing and hiking with me, not reading is a signifier of poor aptitude for abstract thought, so we'd probably not have much to talk about at all while doing those things.

Spending large amounts of time together and having nothing to talk about would pretty much just generate mutual distain, as she'd likely think me a pretentious and purposefully obtuse oblomovist, and I'd think her boring and unintelligent.

A huge mistake people make is selecting long-term mates based solely on physical criteria.

Beauty fades, minds do too of course, but they last a little longer.

>> No.7165527

jokes on you faggot, i like dicks

>> No.7165539


It builds up over time until you hate the person. Trust me. Those dumb questions drive you crazy after a couple years and every little dumb thing bugs you. You turn from a reserved lit lover into an autistic monster jumping at the other person's throat for little things. Other people th8nj you're just a dick but they don't know the torture you've been going through living with a total idiot.

So to answer OPs question, I'd rather be alone than date someone who doesn't read at all.

>> No.7165541


>> No.7166331

>"hey babe would you pass me that book over there, please?"
>"C'mon, I've got my hands busy over here!"
>"For fucks sake just bring me that fucking book!"
>"what is wrong wi-"