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7157926 No.7157926 [Reply] [Original]

>start reading
>one hour later
>only 60 pages read

>> No.7157930

Depending on the book this is a huge amount.

>> No.7157955

Tbh I read slow as fuck. I subvocalize and I often repeat lines, I have to make sure I really got everything before I move on. It's as much an OCD thing as it is a /lit/ thing.

I'm embarrassed when I read around other people, I don't want them to see how slow I read and think I'm dumb.

60 pages an hour is a good clip for me.

>> No.7157959

>only 60 pages

>> No.7157960

same tbh. except I don't feel dumb bc I look spergy no matter what I do so it's whatev.

>> No.7157970


Is that one solid hour, or were there breaks?

If we're talking about fiction, it's all masturbation anyway, so who cares? Unless you're reading IJ so you can better participate in discussions of why you didn't like it, which I find unnecessary.

>> No.7157976

I'd be lucky to get 40 or 45.

I read anthem in like 3 straight hours of reading and I was blown away

>> No.7157979

I usually do around 20-30 so fuck you

>> No.7157980

i have always had a real hard time moving to the next line down and sometimes have to retrace the current line back when finished, and then pop to the one bellow, otherwise ill end up missing a line or reading the same one

>> No.7157981

I usually get 30 pages a day

Fuck me I hate my ADD

>> No.7158083


>> No.7158091

>read a 200 page Agatha Christie novel in 1.5 hours
>read 20 pages of middlemarch an hour

>> No.7158352

The point of reading isn't to just get to the end y'know

>> No.7158358

I'm 30 pages on average, 20 when I'm drifting in and out of attention, 40 when I'm fully at attention and in a hurry

>> No.7158395


>Eating delicious meal
>Takes 30-45 minutes
>Wish I could eat faster and more efficiently

>Having sex
>Takes 30-45 minutes
>Wish I could finish faster and more efficiently

>Seeing an old friend
>Finish catching up in 3-4 hours
>Wish I could finish faster and more efficiently

>> No.7158645

>lasting more than one thrust when having sex

goofd friend

>> No.7158651

20 pages an hour is an accomplishment for me

>> No.7158662
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>having sex

>> No.7158684

i've counted fucking a fleshlight as sex btw

>> No.7159827

But there are so many books to be read, movies to be watched, things to be learned and so on and so on.

ain't got time to waste.

>> No.7159830

Non-sequiter. Highly illogical.

>> No.7159831
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>start reading
>5 pages in
>start to get bored
>browse 4chan instead

This happens every time I try to read.

>> No.7159832

I know right I read slow as shit always having to define every goddam word that comes out of Ignatius Reilly's big fat faggot mouth

>> No.7159840

I'm reading The Recognitions right now, I got through 10 pages in an hour.

Difficult books take longer to read, whodathunk?

>> No.7159844

This animalistic desire of comsuming and reducing external objects to your Ego is only going to stop when you start actually producing something of your own (not necessarily books though).

>> No.7159857

It takes me an hour to read one page of Being and Nothingness. There are close to 700 of them.

>> No.7159864

The first two paragraphs of Finnegans Wake took me an hour to read

>> No.7159865

what are you trying to read?

>> No.7159872

Brendan Fraser being miserable is without a doubt my favourite meme

>> No.7159923

>start reading
>one hour later
>only 14 pages read
ADD sucks brehs

>> No.7159938


>> No.7159953

Does he know about the meme?

>> No.7159956


Anything I try to read, from classics to pleb shit, I can never get through a few pages before posting on 4chan.

>> No.7159971

Obviously depends on the book, but you are my reading buddy, guy

>> No.7160076

same here, partly because i take notes and it takes me twice as long to read because of that

>> No.7160183

Oh fuck right off.

>> No.7160209
File: 36 KB, 500x500, boor egg aby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bukowski shitfest
Entire book in one hour

>John Green shitfest
Entire book in one hour

>The Tunnel by William H Gass
Ten pages in one hour

>> No.7160212

Not bad at all. I was reading some pulp fiction and just blasting through it. Then I picked up a real book and my pace went way down. It's definitely taking a lot longer to get through it, but that's not a bad thing.

>> No.7160237

I do about 100 in an hour but 60 is fine

>> No.7160245

sucks for you. i read infinite jest in 1 hour

>> No.7160397

>start reading
>one hour later
>only 60 books read

>> No.7160399
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>start reading Lot 49
>finish first chapter
>40 (fourty) minutes have passed
>chapter was 4 (four) pages long

>> No.7160603
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>start reading
>one hour later
>i'm already got distracted and doing something different

>> No.7160614

>i'm already got
christ how do i english

>> No.7160642
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>start reading
>one hour later
>only 10 pages read
Come back when you have real problems, op.

>> No.7160676

>you will never read hundreds of pages an hour like Bloom
feels bad man

>> No.7160709

I max at 70ish pages, and that's for real light reading (think Fleming). Real literature keeps me around 40 pages per hour, history more like 25-30, and philosophy around 10-15 depending on how many notes I'm making.

It's not like you can will yourself to read faster, so as long as you're putting in the time, that's what counts.

>> No.7160717

Put yourself in an environment without a computer. I get distracted by lit, so I spend 4 hours a day reading in a coffee shop without my laptop. I know I can either struggle to shitpost on my phone, or just buckle down and read, so I read.

>> No.7161255

This. It's like a silent voice asking me "did you really get that line, what if you missed something?" and pulls me back.

>> No.7161258

>read for a while
>check the clock
>it's been an hour
>21 pages read

60 pages for me would be an achievement.

>> No.7161295

It's funny cause you probably speaks only one language

>> No.7161300

>the irony
>inb4 I was doing this on purpose

>> No.7161311

>irony as a excuse of stupidity

>> No.7161316

You out-doubled me, you sneaky cunt.

I was referencing the "cause", and the "speaks"

>> No.7161338

Meanwhile OP was reading of mice and men and you are all having an idiot conversation

>> No.7161339


Except you get those sweet meds for it. If you're an american, you can get legit amphetamine, or even better, dextroamphetamine.

When I had a connect to that, 400-800 pages was a normal day.

>> No.7161342
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Is this bait? Because its triggering me. I've been on meds like that and they near ruined my life.

>> No.7161350


Nope. I only do them occasionally though. Doing amphetamine everyday is really, really bad news.

>> No.7161351

he just doesnt know the reality

>> No.7161355

Knew these feels anon.

Took me like 2 years to go back to being normal. Never taking prescription drugs again.

>> No.7161367
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I just started Wuthering Heights yesterday, and the first pages took maybe a little more than 5 minutes each. Is this shit, and do people who speak English as their first language get these feels too?

>> No.7161381

I don't believe for a second that the people that claim to read 300 or more pages a day; absorb nearly as much as the slower reader. Anyone can skim over pages and pages but it's whether or not you retain it that matters.

>> No.7161399

>start reading
>think about other stuff whilst reading
>read 100 pages in an hour but don't absorb any of it
>try to re-read but can't because I get a feeling of deja vu with every line despite not actually remembering it
>give up reading and wank to /gif/

>> No.7161407


300 is easily doable if you spend your leisure time reading. Imagine all the time wasted on the chans spent on literature instead.

>> No.7161577

When I was a child I finished the Harry Potter Heptalogy in 34 hours. Took me three days but was worth it. A month after that I was preparing my wand to duel with my classmates. We used to battle each other during break, and the bullies were slytherin and everyone divided up. The person who refused to play was ignored the whole day because apparently we couldn't see muggles.

>> No.7161597

I highly recommend reading out loud

>> No.7162822
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>when you become aware you haven't absorbed the last few pages because you've been thinking about an idea the book gave you

>> No.7162979

I'm terrible for this. I keep rehearsing something in my head and my eyes just drift across the page. I can't even help it.

>> No.7163097


>> No.7163148
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But anon

>> No.7163162

Seriously, though. It's a great book. Just don't read less than 50 pages of that mofo a day. I'll have to re-read it again one fine day.

>> No.7163301
File: 28 KB, 359x292, haters gonna hate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bukowski shitfest
>Entire book in one hour
That's the beauty of Bukowksi tbh. Sometimes I just feel like reading Post Office or Factotum and you can easily finish any of those in one night while drinking heavily.

>> No.7163447

I'm mexican

>> No.7164680

story of my life

>> No.7164702

>start reading Infinite Jest
>one hour later
>only 10 pages read

>> No.7164747


>> No.7164750

I was just seeing a lot of 4s

>> No.7164753

>tfw can only make ~15 pages per hour
My issue is that I always stop and get lost in thought after damn near every sentence or paragraph. Like, I'll read something and make a connection with some other topic, and I end up stopping and essentially explaining the concept and connection to some unspecified imaginary person in my head, and before I know it I read 1 page in 10 minutes. Anyone else do this, or am I just autistic?

>> No.7164761

What matters is that you understand what you're reading

>> No.7164777
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>> No.7164784


>> No.7164792
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Perfectly normal mang. It took me an hour to get through a seven page preface a few weeks ago because I was thinking about the ideas, challenging them and writing down my thoughts.

Find what works for you.

For me, at least with some articles and stuff like that, I've tried to stop reading some sentences and paragraphs over and over as often as I normally do and noticed my comprehension is still just about the same if not slightly better in some cases. You have to experiment and take things on a cases by case basis.

Definitely write down your ideas, challenge them, and perhaps take some notes or re-summarize what you learned afterwords. Dwell in it. It's how you learn and grow as a human being.

>> No.7164794

Exactly the same with me, OP.
It's really frustrating to think how much I could have read already if I was not such a slow reader.

>> No.7164797
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>Only get to read 50/40 minutes out of they day
>Somehow manage to kill 30 pages

>> No.7164804

>book makes me think
>suddenly realize I read about 100 pages
>it's only been an hour
>don't remember any of it
>lost my place
>the spot where I stopped remembering is blurry
>can't figure out right where I need to start over from

>> No.7164808

Slow readers,
What is your age and approximately how many books have you read in your life?

>> No.7164814

I read about 60 pages an hour
19 years old, probably like 10 books
This is the first time I've ever posted on /lit/

>> No.7164818

>like an idea
>stop reading
>spend the rest of the time i was giving myself to read thinking stories and checking the internet and get lost skimming over wikipedia articles of stuff that is related until i just get to a point that it's completely unrelated
>i read like 5 or 6 pages in an hour
adhd bros feel with me

>> No.7164835

I've been an avid reader (haw haw) for three or four years now, and I've still never grown the discipline or attention span to sit down and read more than, maybe, 50 pages at a time. It's fucking awful.

>> No.7164850

>tfw only average 30-50 an hour
I'm trying to read faster but I can't retain the information as well.

>> No.7164877

26. Started late 2013 with Dune.
I've only read about 20 books. Books like W&P/Anna Karenina which are plot driven are a lot faster than say Paradise Lost or Moby Dick which require you to savor the language and have an understanding of the analogies and references (assuming you aren't fluent in the Greeks).

>> No.7164886

18. I mostly read short stories, poetry, and essays, but I'd wager maybe 10-15 full books.

>> No.7164938
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>start reading
>one hour later
>only two books read

>> No.7164949

You fucking dolts, it depends on what you're reading.

If you're reading 1984 it's no surprise that you can read 100 pages in an hour, but let's say if you're reading Freud it's totally understandable if you're only reading 30-40 pages an hour.

>> No.7164968

another thing is that some people prefer to read quickly and then reread, while others prefer reading once very carefully

>> No.7165011

It's true, but I still read slow with books I love and enjoy.
I currently read Brave New World and yesterday I spent half of my day reading and read about 50-60 pages.
Also, two years ago I read ASOIAF, and for example, the third book is around 1000 pages, and it took me two weeks of doing nothing but reading, eating and going to the bathroom to finish it. And I was reading with great excitement like the good pleb I am.

>> No.7165059

> only 60 pages

That's amazing that you can get every detail with a page a minute, OP.

>> No.7165063

This, but I appreciate the pace I read at because then I can get familiar with the book and it's easier for me to understand any underlying themes.

>> No.7165066

>tfw dumb fuck
>read book
>blast through the pages very fast skipping through words and sentences
>skip some important info that is relevant later or just some little details

>> No.7165182
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struggle to shitpost

>> No.7165209

>decided to read a 100 pages every day
>tfw I read 25 pager per hour and that's in my native language
>tfw have to settle for 50 most days