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/lit/ - Literature

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7160517 No.7160517 [Reply] [Original]

One of my classmates (senior year college) loves reading and keeps talking about how much he reads. What does /lit/ think of his taste?

>> No.7160524


>> No.7160528

i remember when i was 16 and read books like that

>> No.7160534
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mein gott

>> No.7160536

I remember when I was 13 and read books like that

>> No.7160538

god dam nit, op, you posted all the bad books.

>> No.7160542
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>> No.7160544

Wow a real life patrician

>> No.7160547

im gnna troll sci-fi forums with pictures of f scott fitzgerald

>> No.7160549

>Sci Fi
>TV Genre

>> No.7160554

Literally reddit

>> No.7160560

wait, this guy is a senior in college?

>> No.7160563


>> No.7160607

What's his major?
Those lists seem pretty normal for a STEM major.

>> No.7160724

Is the wheel of time any good?

>> No.7160750

SHouldn't a STEM major have sciencey shit up there? That would be fine, but there's hardly even any science fiction, let alone actual science-related books

>> No.7160754

Only if you're 12

>> No.7160766

Seems like he reads for cheap entertainment rather than to challenge himself intellectually. I don't see a huge problem with this as long as he doesn't consider himself well read or that this books have much substance. Tolkien perhaps can be considered an exception as it can be analyzed for its Christian themes and linguistic innovation.

More importantly, why do you give a fuck? Your post already implies you feel intellectually superior to him, do you really need our approval that badly? If he's not obnoxious about his tastes, let him be. Maybe you could suggest some deeper books he might enjoy if you really care.

>> No.7160767

You guessed it.

>> No.7160769

woah, not a single good book there

>> No.7160778

STEM major here. Most STEMfags don't even read books past highschool besides the god delusion. And the ones who do just read what is popular in barnes and noble. Most STEMfags don't even fucking read books. Its all capeshit and interstellar for them.

>> No.7160779

Dat arts degree inferiority complex

>> No.7160781


STEMs can be more into fantasy as well. Although pleb fantasy is more of an art student thing. Not pretentious "Oh this Pollock is exsquisite" art students, more like, "I just wanna get better at drawing vidya game fan art" art students.

>> No.7160794


First 4-5 books were pretty fun when I read them

Not sure how they would stack up today. I remember the first one took forever to get going. If you have a spanking fetish they're probably A+ books. Lot's of sexually charged scenes with sorceresses condemned to run around naked or get switched for casting the wrong spell. Too much petty bs gets in the way of a real story as the books pile up, including the infamous "braid pulling"

Honestly I liked them and remember them fondly but I understand that a lot of people would call them bad even by the standards of the genre. I don't really get what Jordan was thinking in the last half the series.

>> No.7160797

well at least he read Zelazny

>> No.7160801

Don't forget the slavery fetish stuff at the later half of book 2. Boy, that got me going back in middle school.

>> No.7160804

lol he's a classmate, I'm the same major as him

>> No.7160806

He likes reading the same way he likes watching TV.

>> No.7160828


To most people, books are just scripts for (bad) tv shows they play in their head, and nothing more.

>> No.7160841

Senior in college or 12 year old boy? Pleb as fuck, and that might be an understatement.

>> No.7160853


I read the first three books when I was fourteen and back then, it was pretty addictive.

>> No.7160858
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I thought /lit/ was going to tell op to give up the desperate pleb bashing in the first post.

Instead you all joined in. Truly the shitiest of boards.

>> No.7160863

Maybe you hsould leave if the board is so bad

>> No.7160867

Why does he have a Dragonlance book in Hebrew?

>> No.7160868

Not gonna lie, this sounds liek it would be me if I hadn't read Moby-Dick at age 15 and fell in love with real literature

>> No.7160873

Pratchett gets a pass. Comic fantasy he may have been, but the man had points to make.

>> No.7160874

That's just the picture the facebook page uses for whatever reason

>> No.7160900

Or maybe it should pull itself out of its delusional mediocrity.

>> No.7160925

dubs, bud.


>> No.7160932

That's not gonna happen. You should probably just leave instead, and post on a better board, for examle, >>>/tv/

>> No.7160934



>> No.7160936
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>real literature

>> No.7160944

It will happen if the people making it shitty left, possibly to better boards.

>> No.7160947

Great idea! You go first.

>> No.7160956


>> No.7161003

The insecurity in this thread...

>> No.7161008

OP here, seeing as someone bumped this, I'll say more about this person. He decided to get into calligraphy on a whim and began carrying fountain pens with him everywhere writing exclusively in cursive, even on exams. It's been a while since I've seen his writing, but I really hope it's improved.

>> No.7161015
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Christ. I can't imagine living like a walking meme.

>> No.7161022

Lonely guy trashes stranger/imaginary friend for props from internet people.

>> No.7161027

>el hobbit

>> No.7161037

Calligraphy is dope if you're actually good at it though.

>> No.7161051

This. OP were you bullied by this guy? You and most of the posters here are trying very hard to shit on him with your circle-jerking elitism.

>> No.7161089

Same here, tbh.

>OP derives smugness from fact that somebody reads non-challenging books for fun (while making no mention of what books he/she likes, or why we should care)
>/lit/ reinforces smugness

>> No.7161115

I don't know a single STEM major that reads for leisure. They finish college and never touch a book again.
Probably because they're too busy having jobs.

>> No.7161198


A lot of shit, but there's some quality stuff there too.

>> No.7161242

So... israfags? Or is the Dragonlance cover printed in hebrew for the archaic style?

>> No.7161248

i bet 100% of the people trashing on this taste unironically believe they read some sort of transcendent art with what limited exposure to literature they have

>> No.7161256


Hi. We are on /lit/ - Literature. Anything unrelated to the ART of writing (that is to say books or texts which were written for anartistic purpose) is not relevant to this board. Not every book is literature. For instance, the books displayed in your screenshot are entertainment books. Therefore, they shouldn't be discussed here.

tl;dr : sage

>> No.7161277
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Typical normie. Its like people who say they love movies, but only watch capeshit.

>> No.7161294

a-at least he's reading, right?

>> No.7161897

Bump for the butthurt from plebs who identify with this fag

>> No.7162281


>> No.7163185

There's no way he seriously IS a walking meme, though... he must be doing some kind of elaborate comedy bit.

>> No.7163204

Still better than spending his time playing video games

>> No.7163218

I disagree. Video games are more aesthetically and intellectually interesting than most of those books

>> No.7163247

I don't give a fuck and neither should you.

>> No.7163421

Two possibilities
A) a troll
B) a complete simpleton with decent taste with regards to being a simpleton. None of those are bad books, but they're mostly super-basic. Martin, Pratchett, Zelazny and Collins would all be cool entries in a list that includes more variety and depth (like how DFW loves Tom Clancy), but this one doesn't. "I read John Green and Umberto Eco" shows an individual with honest and diverse tastes. "I read John Green and Harry Potter" is no less honest, but it definitely doesn't promise diversity - he's no smartypants, is what I'm saying, if I'm basing my opinion of him entirely on this list.

Those are the worst two Discworld novels. It shows he doesn't take much stock in structure, character, or theme, since Pratchett wrote like 40+ other novels that have more of those qualities than these two entries ever tried to achieve.

Nothing wrong with this list, mind, just seems like a fucking boring guy to me.

>> No.7163528

Or maybe he just started with the first two Discworld novels because it's a logical place to start.

All it proves is that he doesn't ask around on the internet for where to start reading a massive series.

>> No.7163836

Maybe he added these when he was much younger? I know the last time I touched my "interests" on Facebook was when I was freshman in high school.