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/lit/ - Literature

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7160573 No.7160573 [Reply] [Original]

Where can I find /lit/ people? I live in Mexico City, btw.

>> No.7160575

I'm in Mexico City.

>> No.7160586


>> No.7160605

inside your mom

>> No.7160626

You're definitely mexican, although hardly a creative one.

>> No.7160627

Coyoacan, near Plaza Hidalgo.

>> No.7160636


chilango reporting in

There was a bato from the University thread that wanted to know what degree I am in UNAM, but I guess the wey never saw my reply.

>> No.7160639
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I don't know if /lit/ but a lot of well read folks I know live in Mexico City, so...

>tfw stuck in tamaulipas
>tfw uncultured shithead

>> No.7160641

nini reporting

>> No.7160644

Do you have any lit-related ambitions?
What's your alma mater?
Which major?
Favorite authors?

>> No.7160648

>lives in one of the world's biggest cities
>it has a long literary tradition
>can't find other /lit/ people

Try harder? There's got to be like 18 different colleges in mexico city and a thousand bars/cafes where art people hang out

>> No.7160649

Where can i find them?

>> No.7160652

>Do you have any lit-related ambitions?
After I graduate, I will become an English and Japanese language teacher and keep working in my shitty novel and poems.

>What's your alma mater?
UNAM, naturally.

>Which major?
Letras Inglesas at Facultad de Filosofía y Letras

>Favorite authors?
Sabato, Borges, Spenser, Sor Juana, Milton, Rushdie, Nabokov, Chesterton, Melville, Emerson (estoy haciendo mi tesis de su poema "Brahma", pero aún no tengo muy claro el tema), and many more.

>> No.7160653

I'm a college grad from the states working on a personal project.

Fave author is Pynchon tbh w u fam.

>> No.7160654

I'm young and look younger than what I really am, that can be a problem. You're right, but most people are dumb.

>> No.7160655

working on*

pinche typo, ese

>> No.7160659

studying communications

>> No.7160661

Do you consider your major useful? It's hard to eat with a major like that, tbh.

>> No.7160665

Yes, I do. Specially when you the country is in need of translators and language teachers. And since I'm learning Japanese and intend to learn Portuguese and Nahuatl later on, I don't think I'll starve to death.

>> No.7160666

I like Pynchon too. Not one of my favorite authors but enjoy it very much.

>> No.7160670

Where can I find people like you? I'm an engineering student at ITESM and I'm usually surrounded by the less lit people around.

>> No.7160677

Are there any lit bars? Where?

>> No.7160682

You can start by *making* lit people around you. That is, try to get your friends to read your favorite authors so that you cand talk about them.

If that fails, I'm sorry to say that I cannot help you. I'm actually quite an unsociable person and I only know lit people because of my degree. I guess you might as well hang out in Filosofía y Letras, but you'll still have to be sociable and assertive in order to make lit friends.

I suppose I could make your acquaintance but I don't know if you'll kidnap me just like it happened with the 43, ese

>> No.7160686

I won't. I live next to Parque Hundido. Tell me more.

>> No.7160688
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'lit' is one of the biggest spooks you guys fall for

>> No.7160692

puto el que lo lea.

>> No.7160695

Are you one of those mexican weaboos?

>> No.7160696

>mfw living in chihuahua
That's all there is to say 'bout it, I guess. :(

>> No.7160700

Are your parents cousins? Get out of my thread, pls.

>> No.7160701

>try to get your friends to read your favorite authors so that you cand talk about them.

Have you tried this? It's fucking impossible. You can lead the horse to water, etc.

>> No.7160702

Why didn't he just snap their neck or something instead of eating all his children? Fucking Cronus man.

>> No.7160708

C'mon man, I'm sure everyone here uses "lit" as in "people who are well-read and enjoy spooks and memes."

But Anon. What if I end up kidnapping you?

bien memeado

Not really. I do read my fair amount of manga, but I'm definitely not one of those obnoxious, greasy, loud otakus that hang out at Centro Histórico. I love the Japanese language for other reasons, mainly because of the aesthetics of the culture (i.e. wabisabi, mono no aware, etc).

>Have you tried this?

Yes, and I know it is difficult. But what else can he do? I mean, there's no harm trying it.

>> No.7160718

B-But anon, I also like Memes Literarios:)

>> No.7160721
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>Memes Literarios

>> No.7160723

I'm terribly jelly of the literate sensibility of Mexico City. It's the kind of city that has dozens of street book vendors that sell Twilight alongside Marcuse, Adorno, Hegel, and Marx.

Como cuanto cuesta en pesos un domicilio y comida para el mes en una parte de la ciudad que no es muy peligroso?

>> No.7160726


>> No.7160727
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gimme gredos plz

>> No.7160730

Age? Are there any lit hot girls in your faculty?

>> No.7160738

>Como cuanto cuesta en pesos un domicilio y comida para el mes en una parte de la ciudad que no es muy peligroso?

Depende de la zona. Por ejemplo, en Copilco, cerca de CU, un departamento ha de costar como 8000 al mes. Menos si vas con roomie. Pa comido, no es tan caro si sabes cocinar y vas a la Central de Abastos.

21. Yes, there are, but most of them are either crazy or already have a boyfriend who is probably more lit than you or me, for all that matters.

>> No.7160744
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>living not to far of migual angel de quevedo
fuck the gandhi, tho.

>> No.7160749
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>tfw live in an Unidad Habitacional in the middle of Av. Universidad

CU is a five minute walk, and so are metro Copilco and Miguel Angel.

>> No.7160755

Do they speak English? I'm pretty /lit/ and want a Mexican qt.

>> No.7160757

Do you like Hemingway? I like Nabokov too.

>> No.7160759

Some of them do but most of them don't. At least my classmates do because my degree needs it (otherwise one wouldn't be able to read English literature tbh).

>> No.7160762

I haven't read him, but I have it in my Kindle backlog.

>> No.7160770

Favorite book? Would you consider meeting up?

>> No.7160780

Abaddón el exterminador by Sabato.

>Would you consider meeting up?

Why does everyone in this thread want to kidnap me?

>> No.7160787

the boipussy obviously.

>> No.7160788
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Where can I read about Japanese aesthetics?

>> No.7160789

I'm attending a Wine Reading club tomorrow at colonia Roma.

>> No.7160799
File: 65 KB, 800x613, Neruda y Rulfo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find this link to be very useful. Of course, it is no more than an introduction, but it has some bibliography at the bottom. http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/japanese-aesthetics/

>Wine Reading club

I don't want to sound mamón, my man, but I don't like those kind of meetings. I fancy them too pretentious. But do tell me more about them. Have you ever gone to one before? What kind of books to you discuss? Is there a dress code?

But Anon. I'm not only /lit/, but also /fit/.

>> No.7160807
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Por la sangre de Cristo...

>> No.7160812

gracias bato

>> No.7160815

I live in NYC. I don't want to meet any of you faggots though. Go back to /soc/.

>> No.7160819

I don't like modernitos de la Roma for the same reason. Yes, we're discussing the Portrait of Dorian Gray tomorrow. At least half of the people who attend this club are foreigners. Most mexicans there can barely speak decent English and end up trying to flirt with the foreign girls cause it's a good chance to meet hot "lit" foreign women. Everyone there, but me is 25+. No, there ain't no dress code.

>> No.7160829

Shit bro I live in alphabet city we should meet up (or meat up if u no wat I meen)

>> No.7160838

well in that case if you are serious I will take you up on that offer

>> No.7160839

Are you black? I prefer bbc.

>> No.7160842 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7160844


"the portrait of dorian gay"

Sounds like a bunch of ignorant and annoying pretentious fucks, are the girls hot at least?
Lots of em stupid n pretentious bitches carrying their books in their hands to get "she readsm she's smart' attention, though you can't actually discuss anything with some meaning

>> No.7160845


how did you even

>> No.7160849

I know. Yes, they are. I speak English really good so I can easily overthrow this mexican fucktards and talk to hot older foreign women.

>> No.7160852

Is the reading and discussion in English?

>> No.7160855

Hey man don't pretend to be me. I wouldn't touch a colored with someone else's asshole
Heck yeah dude lets party

>> No.7160878
File: 1015 KB, 200x150, come on jon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're talking about the facebook page?

>mfw go check it out

also i know coehlo is shit but why do latinamerican readers constantly trash him so much on him.

is it some shit meme people spout to feel smart and shit? like, why do they care about him at all.

>> No.7160880
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>> No.7160884

Noice, I just graduated from Letras Inglesas. Te aconsejo que le chingues en la tesis por tu cuenta, porque el seminario de titulación es una pérdida de tiempo.

>> No.7160897

>is it some shit meme people spout to feel smart and shit?

Yes it is.

Sounds interesting, but I think I'll end up with my spaghetti out of my pockets so I'll rather not go this time. However, I'd appreciate it if you could tell me where I can see the schedule for the meetings. Is it a FB page or something?

>Te aconsejo que le chingues en la tesis por tu cuenta, porque el seminario de titulación es una pérdida de tiempo.

nigga don't you dare shit on based Ana Elena. I know, it's kinda boring, but at least there's good discussion in class.

En realidad el próximo semestre me voy a Londres por movilidad estudiantil, así que perderé un año entero (es semestre par, y nomás puedo meter 4 materias, entonces tendré 2 volando hasta el semestre 2017-2), así que no me preocupo tanto por la tesis.

pls go and stay go

>> No.7160898

or is he legit shit, i don't really know to be honest

>> No.7160921

Most foreigns don't speak Spanish so we normally discuss in English.

>> No.7160935

Just google Wine Reading Club Mexico City. I'll kidnap you there.

>> No.7160937

I live in a third world country, not even in the more urban areas, so I've given up on ever finding '/lit/' people where I am. Hell, I'm already impressed when I see someone reading a book that isn't GoT or YA.

>> No.7160941

I love Ana Elena, she's based, polite, and she once told me I was a brilliant student, but she has no method at all when teaching that seminar. Or she didn't last year, at least. I wasn't in her group, but everyone I know that was is just spilling spaghetti all over their thesis at this point because she never really got them to work in the whole year.

You might be fine with all that extra time, tho.

>> No.7160943

Are you talking about Mexico?

>> No.7160958

Nope, somewhere in Asia.

>> No.7160965

Do you know something about Japanese lit? You know, besides murakami...

>> No.7160968
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I can totally picture such an outcome kek. Let's see how things unfold with this noise. I still don't have a clear tema de tesis but I hope that by the end of the year I can come up with something worthwhile.

What was your thesis about?

>tfw Ana Elena will never tell you that you are a brilliant student

>> No.7160971

Is Filosofía y letras' faculty the most lit place in Mexico? Is Ana Elena hot? Also where can I find the best tacos in town? Not el Vilsito pls.

>> No.7160974

>Is Filosofía y letras' faculty the most lit place in Mexico?

Most probably.

>Is Ana Elena hot?

Not only is she very fucking smart, but she is also a MILF.

>> No.7160979
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>> No.7160983

What about the tacos?

>> No.7160984


what the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.7160989

I recommend you to have a clear approach thought out by the end of this semester, m8, because you still have to wade through a lot of research and administrative bullshit before you can even begin writing your drafts seriously. Just keep in mind the big 3 questions: What am I studying? How will I get there? Why is it relevant to the field? Getting those 3 somewhat right is major, and will help you shitloads when writing the introduction.

My thesis is about how sports (as a theme) help the epic-heroic construction of the hero in Roth's American Pastoral. I'm still revising it, though.

Pls don't defile Ana Elena, she's too based for this shithole.

>> No.7160990

I've always been meaning to, but no.

>> No.7160993
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Let's talk. Omegle, now.

>> No.7161023

You're a 16 year old who looks like 12?

>> No.7161031

Are you a you a short haired in his late 20's guy with a creepy look?

>> No.7161285

Brooklyn, NY.

>> No.7161314

Nice try, FBI.

>> No.7161564

Well i talked shit about him to a friend at school but that was just because i was assigned to read two books by him in two consecutive years of spanish and couldnt finish them cause they were shit.
One of the most retarded occurences that i can remember is that in one story theres this soon-to-be priest or something and he comes up with the idea that God is feminine and should be referred to as She or something. I can read spanish very well and i thought i was missing something before rereading it several times. Turns out the author is just a fuckboy.

>> No.7161649


>> No.7161801
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Thanks for the advice, I think that after I answer those questions, as you say, I'll have a better understanding of my thesis topic.

>> No.7161818

GJ membing that meme tbh fam.

>> No.7161854

>no one

>> No.7161867

It was 2 in the morning, what did you expect?

>> No.7161915

I'd bet Edgar Omar Aviles browses lit. You mexicans read him? He's pretty good shit.