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/lit/ - Literature

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7160426 No.7160426 [Reply] [Original]

why do you want to be writer, again?

>> No.7160435

to capture the current zeitgeist

>> No.7160448

quit making threads, faggot. i'm reporting every one

>> No.7160449
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Well, I am a writer. I've published a couple of short stories and I'm well into a novel.

I want to be a financially successful author so I can have a team of a dozen redheaded groupies who look just like best girl. If I'm really rich I'll have them put into medical comas and jerk off on them when I feel like it.

>> No.7160454

what are you talking about fuckboi?

>> No.7160457

reporting every avatarfag

>> No.7160461


>> No.7160467
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Someone's gotta tell people about the shift from genetic to memetic reproduction through the allegory of impregnating a futanari dragon. I just happen to be that someone.

>> No.7160476

becoming a writer is the only plausible way i will ever be able to live a life that isn't crushingly pathetic and that will cause me to dream of killing myself every conscious second.

>> No.7160477

Sorry dawg, I'm beating you to it with my novel that subtly links Gravity's Rainbow and Evangelion.

Gendo is the memetic grandson of Blicero.

>> No.7160490

>shinji's Slothrop
>cant get away from all this fucking pussy mane
>h-help me katje-san
It writes itself

>> No.7160495

It makes more sense the harder you think about it. Slothrop is the perfect douchey Mayflower-family WASP, and Shinji is the perfect Japanese herbivore-man.

Unfortunately linking every character to one another would be way too obvious, but I take personal satisfaction in knowing that it's going to be a decent novel and somewhere in there someone takes off and plants the seed that becomes NERVE and SELE.

>> No.7160497

we can at least start a literary movement about futa

>> No.7160498
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>Implying I wouldn't read the shit out of your novel.
>Implying I wouldn't read any good novel that was influenced by Eva.
>Implying I've read Pynchon yet (pls don spoil).
>Implying I wasn't kinda bullshitting and the part about the memes and the part about the dragon dildos aren't from separate works.
>Implying I don't have at least three retarded/genius novel plots I'm working on.
>Implying I'm not being onanistic at this point.

>> No.7160509

i think Woolf might have the jump on you, do magic girls count?

>> No.7160510

the most all-pervasive reason, which is always that same temptation, never good, is the same on this board as on every other. And it is that dream of
>muh lifestyle

People dream of talking and dressing a certain way, having certain kinds of friends, enjoying good food and good conversations, having great sex. Whether it's music, or art, or literature, it's always 19-year-olds dreaming about the far-off day when they meet up with a few interesting and good-looking people for a lovely brunch on a spring morning where they talk at their ease over coffee and cigarettes and biscuits, trading smiles and laughs and bon mots. It may take some other particular form. But these dreams always have as much, or more, to do with lighting, and gesture, and touch, and smell, than words on a page.

if you want to "be a writer", reconsider.

if you want to "write something good", that's better.

(of course, there is one other type of dream the would-be-writer has: that dream of being interviewed by someone who actually wants to hear your opinions because you're famous, or of standing at a podium. this is of a different type—this is dreaming about an ability to speak and be heard, to have a way of reaching that charitable and understanding listener that none of us have known, except for in disparate moments. it is the fantasy of being right. it is, it should be said, not a dream of finally finding something worthwhile to say.)

it is possible that I have spoken only about my own wretched fantasies and shed no light whatsoever on anyone else's. I'll risk it.

>> No.7160512

If you get around to reading Gravity's Rainbow and can actually appreciate the characters (so many people come out of it claiming the characters were totally hollow and that's just not true) you'll understand where this idea comes from.

Honestly it's kinda my litmus test for whether someone understood GR or not, assuming they've seen Eva.

>> No.7160520
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That version of the literary lifestyle sounds gay af tbh fam. The most literary lifestyle is surfing, competing in a martial art, driving raw sports cars or motorcycles, doing hallucinogens and smoking weed periodically, meditating, fucking hot surfer/kickboxer girls, and writing when you're not doing that stuff.

>> No.7160532

I'm sure I'll get to GR eventually (and the rest of Pynchon and the meme trinity). I'm particularly interested in Bleeding Edge since I've heard it deals with the internet, which is something I haven't seen being talked about sensibly outside Lain and MGS2.

>> No.7160535

you sound like a fag

>the lifestyle of writers for hundreds of years sounds "gay af tbh fam"

kill yourself

>> No.7160539

I read Bleeding Edge two weeks ago. I was fairly disappointed with his treatment of the internet. He just adopts it as a vaguely psychedelic/spiritual realm and covers up his ignorance of it by hiding behind a middle-aged mom character.

>> No.7160543

so i can seduce beautiful women, obviously

>> No.7160548

Well that's a pity. Is it fun at least?

>> No.7160555

Yeah, it's not Pynchon's greatest but it's a fun read and you should read it if you enjoy him.

>> No.7160596

I don't because it's not a realistic goal.


>> No.7160610
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>not a realistic goal
For you, maybe.

>> No.7160662

he's right though

writers aren't to be admired for that lifestyle. they're to be admired for what they wrote. as far as how we ought to live, why not be a little less idle?

>> No.7160697

He's arbitrarily deriding one lifestyle while exalting another, putting equally little emphasis on the actual writing.

>as far as how we ought to live, why not be a little less idle

I don't mean to sound like a cock, but what is "idle"? Can you not be physically idle while being intellectually active? Who's to say what someone else's ideal balance of idleness/activity is?

Personally I like staying active (gym every day, occasional hiking, camping, rock climbing, etc.), but I think it's naive to blindly glorify "activity" over "idleness" when the former can be a time sink just as the latter can be an immense opportunity for learning.

>> No.7160712

Then why put forth the whole cafe culture as the pinnacle of literature-producing life then? That's pretty confusing.

A lot of people consider the activities listed, with the probably exception of the sex, to be ways to tap into and understand one's own consciousness. Cafe chit-chat and smoking pipes, not so much, though they may be good ways to learn the craft.

>> No.7160725

I totally disagree, but I'm interested to see why you think things like surfing and smoking weed are superior ways of understanding one's own consciousness in comparison with quiet "cafe culture" as you (accurately) put it.

It may just be that we fundamentally differ as people, but to me a quiet environment with passive distractions (coffee to sip, some tobacco product to smoke) and the occasional bracing conversation with someone like-minded is far more conducive to exploring and understanding the self; activity demands that you pay attention to it, and the mind is not free to wander.

What do you think?

>> No.7160743
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Meditation and yoga are all about letting the mind wander, or at least work in novel ways. Some drugs can enhance this effect. Once you master the fundamentals of something like surfing, driving and even grappling, you mind can wander in interesting ways as you get, "in the zone." They're different types of concentration that take some getting used to. It's not like I can't sit still or enjoy a conversation, but I can't imagine foregoing those other brain-states and still being creative.

>> No.7160761

I want to write for the New Yorker, live in NYC, live the typical cliche New York City journalist lifestyle, and then move to the country when I retire to write the magnum opus of literature. I just want to kill literature with the best it could ever get. Then nothing more will be written and there will be no excuse to not start with the greeks.

>> No.7160764

>I can't imagine foregoing those other brain-states and still being creative.

If you can't imagine that are you really all that creative?
just cheeky literary banter m8, but I'm honestly just surprised y'all think there's a specific route to creativity that can apply to all people. If you look at writer biographies they're pretty diverse

>> No.7160768


You all need to go back /a/. Pedophiles do not belong on /lit/

>> No.7160774

>Then nothing more will be written

As long as there are people, there will be writers.

>> No.7160777

Lots of writers were also the kinds of people I wouldn't want to be or be with. If I've got a route that works for me and lets me follow my own proclivities then I'll still be a dick to nerds.

>> No.7160786
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I don't.

>> No.7160791


Cool, tell me all about your life working at McDonald's, student debt and wasted life.

>> No.7160795

>not being born wealthy

that must suck bro

>> No.7160796
File: 102 KB, 1264x471, Remember+gentlemen+3dpd+_24342d919bbaf6f920e658adcd739752.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excuse me, Asuka's 14, so it's all good.