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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 239 KB, 943x1024, Hypercube.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7140078 No.7140078 [Reply] [Original]

So what's the Hyperspace manuscript doing now?

>> No.7141817
File: 19 KB, 1000x228, narrationofstyle.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.7141966


Bottleman/Vox here, I put a comment in the document that I'll paste my excerpt after it's finished. Otherwise, I'm littering notes, allusions and footnotes in my spare time, just because.

>> No.7141988

didn't someone want to publish this

>> No.7141994
File: 30 KB, 318x517, dubs chek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Disregard those choice dubs they do not relate to



>> No.7142038


>> No.7142197
File: 45 KB, 382x282, 1425002098031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does someone want to publish these dubs and that narration of stlye

>> No.7142760

I'm still writing on it as well. I was planning to add a chapter over the weekend but I got held up.

I really like what we have though.

>> No.7142761


Add as many as you want.

>> No.7142914

I mean, why can't we have all three endings at once? Fuck everyone.

>> No.7143799


>> No.7143813

I'll help you out man.
I want to set a time for all the anon's to write whatever final chapter they want simultaneously, with edits to others encouraged. Maybe even impose some kind of final timelimit so it could actually end on a bang.

>> No.7143827

how much time'dya have in mind? a week, a couple?

>> No.7143832

I don't want to be didactic but I think a deadline would give focus and energy to the project. Perhaps we could all agree to finishing it this or next Sunday ET?

>> No.7143865

Extend to include the weekends, we end on Monday. Spread the word.

>> No.7143891

is this supposed to be funny/interesting?

>> No.7143900

gonna dump some covers I did a while ago.

>> No.7143907
File: 735 KB, 850x1100, draft 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7143917
File: 632 KB, 850x1100, draft 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

numbah 2

>> No.7143924
File: 631 KB, 850x1100, draft 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

numbah 3

>> No.7143930
File: 1.06 MB, 900x1200, draft 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

noomeroh 4

>> No.7143939

this one is still my favorite. 2 and 3 are cool, 2 looks nice and 3 has a more fitting design/idea, but imo you should take 1, remove all text, and put a funky background in the style of 3 but less depressing/more vibrant.

>> No.7144744

This right here.

>> No.7145008


>> No.7145023

you let it go on too long

everybody lost interest in contributing and the publisher ran away

>> No.7145038

>everybody lost interest in contributing and the publisher ran away
p. much the first part. but be reminded that everybody who contributed (including pub.) was from /lit/ and more likely to see this thread and return if it's shown often.

>> No.7145725

it's just cringe inducing at this point

>> No.7146513

Are you?

>> No.7146516

I have to agree.

>> No.7146523

Why's that?

>> No.7146611

Honestly anon, if what we wrote is terrible, I really don't care.

I had fun and writing is never a waste.

I don't think that however, there are some pieces that actually were quite moving and many more that had me laughing hard

>> No.7146843

This, with some kind of abstract trippy sphere art as a background would be cool.

>> No.7146850

Best parts are the hidden messages, the leopold lore and the riddle

>> No.7146854

I like the Bottleman stuff. I think part 5 is actually the strongest so far, there's not much I would argue should be cut.

What has made you guys laugh the most? I found Bedroom Punishment to be pretty funny.

>> No.7146857

5thing this as best cover, now somebody get compiling. fuck editing at this point unless you really feel up to it. you can't have believed we were going to get it "finished."

I think too many of the authors were summerfags and went back to uni, or they were bipolar NEETs experiencing an upswing who have since returned to paralyzed depression.

we had a good run. better than Totalitarianism imho.

>> No.7146866

Anyone can end the book, there are at least five anons who want to do it.

I feel that once it's finished, and someone decides to trim it, it will get attention.

You're right though, lots of people are probably focused on actual work right no or freshers or something, I feel the weekend will be more active.

>> No.7147141
File: 900 KB, 850x1100, draft 1 grey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7147145
File: 1.09 MB, 850x1100, draft 1 trippy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7147172
File: 1.05 MB, 850x1100, draft 1 spheres.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7147340

This in color, please.

>> No.7147402

Could you get this in a washed out pink color, with maybe splashing hints of tortoise?

>> No.7147428
File: 1.25 MB, 850x1100, draft 1 spheres colored.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7147447

All that's left to do now is center the Title over the page, and choose some other font prob.
Otherwise, this is fantastic, thanks a bunch mr.Anon.

>> No.7147450

I kind of like the font, but I can change it. any suggestions, references?

>> No.7147456

I don't mind it, really. Maybe if you just make it cover some more blank space.
And attribute it to Anonymous or some pseudonym. I don't know if we want to get meta with this and use "Dr. Fanshen" or summat. Suggestions?

>> No.7147466

do you think we should have a subtitle

>> No.7147494

+1 for keeping the font. I like it a lot. I like its positioning too

>> No.7147510
File: 70 KB, 703x463, 1397757017944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe some fake blurbs.

>"a tour deforce" - Harold Bloom
>"Literature stops here" - Morissey
>"Literally who?" - Richard Dawkins
>"*sniffs* My godt!" - Slavoj Zizeck

>> No.7147714
File: 487 KB, 1931x1221, 1423186604811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't we just take the quotations off that Kolsti book that never got published, maybe switch a few words and crap? pic related

>> No.7147984

>le murika donland tramp meemee

>> No.7148077
File: 2.13 MB, 850x1100, hpsptest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

played around with designer-anon's cover

>> No.7148080

This is of no interest or relevance to anyone.

>> No.7148130

I wouldn't mind just having lorem ipsum copy paste on the back.

>> No.7148137

Nearly perfect man, but the title is washed out now.

Perhaps a font change and maybe size it up?

Good work though man.

Also whoever posted the music in the googledocs, should be very ashamed and kind of nailed the atmosphere

>> No.7148228

thanks. I wanted to try a completely different font and placement for the title, but it interacts with some of the visual elements so it was difficult to take it out cleanly. I'll try again later

>> No.7148241
File: 1.22 MB, 850x1100, draft 1 font 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually like it.

Here have some more fonts

>> No.7148247
File: 1.25 MB, 850x1100, draft 1 font 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7148253

both are dope, I think 2 would be perfect for the composition + IJ ref. could you post it on a white/blank background so I can paste it in clean?

>> No.7148266
File: 1.28 MB, 2500x804, hyperSeinfeld.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u got it, fam.

>> No.7148400
File: 1.43 MB, 850x1100, hpsptest2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same font, reverse perspective: 'Anonymous'?

>> No.7148413

or actually, maybe no perspective, just regular flat 'Anonymous' in that font

>> No.7148463

That's nearly perfect, damn.

I still feel that the title needs to pop out more. Perhaps we could just photoshop one of those penguin classic covers they use for the title (not the jacket) or something?

>> No.7148566

Would it be cool to get an inch of feedback on my therapy session?

I'm not sure if I should go for tragic or funny, is splicing both working? The character is God, and I'm thinking of having the chapter as a push towards the start of some kind of finale.

>> No.7148578

I like this one. But maybe he same king print from option one really faded in the background

>> No.7148580

Kerning, needs adjustment.
I like but >>7148077 takes the cake. All that is left is what >>7148137 said.

Also, I posted the music.

>> No.7148586

i like this suggestion

>> No.7148591

add a discerete ant somewhere and then perfect

>> No.7148614

Wouldn't it be fun to have blurbs like ">>7148586"

That is: just post numbers.


>> No.7148702

no, definitely not, no way, thats a dumb, dumb idea, fuck you

>> No.7148957
File: 1.39 MB, 850x1100, hpsp3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

added a little background to make the title pop, threw in a bunch of print labels, will add ant somewhere

>> No.7148961

Absolutely amazing. Only minus point is little notches on the detouring of the king and the background spheres but who cares.

>> No.7149030

Nobel and Pulitzer logo, and maybe a Turing award

>> No.7149044

Alright anon, you have absolutely gone above and beyond what we need, this is fantastic and makes me want to fill it with nonsensical pages of sci-fi nihilism.

>> No.7149070

Fuck I'm actually going to buy this book unlike Totaltarinism in a Tundra

Going to get a pre-paid credit card, order it under a fake name and ship it to the post office so my personhood is not in any way associated with 4chan

>> No.7149083

a lot of things will only be able to be seen through a computer, though, like the black on black messages.

>> No.7149095

anyone have a link to the current version? I wanna write for it.

>> No.7149101


>> No.7149177

absolutely wonderful, Anon. You improved upon my original design. I thought you guys wanted subtle and clean, but this shit right here... fucking great.

To be honest though, I think it would look better without the publishing logos but it's good either way.

I dont want to rush the writing staff, but im exited to read the final edited version. only read up untill Bottle man showed up and stopped because I know it will be great once its all edited. I hope this gives you all a little push.

>> No.7149390

bump because this is just great

>> No.7149434

If anyone remembers the trial minutes towards the end of part 4, feel free to delete it or complete it, as I don't think I'll be working on it anymore.

>> No.7149468



I hereby vote for this one.

>> No.7149922


>> No.7150278 [DELETED] 

Can anyone link me editable versions of Chapters 4/5?

I was hoping I could edit my first piece in the book before it is finalized. I wrote the "Luger Foucault" sections, and I'd like to just clean up the first one a bit because it kind of blends into the previous chapter I was riffing off that somebody else wrote. Thanks.

>> No.7150436

I saw that and actually wanted to work on it because it was interesting and I killed off Trump later. I may edit it slightly to add plotdetails or take minor creative licences if that's okay.

>> No.7150862

bump since Hiroyuki fucked up forums last time

>> No.7151025

based mootwo gave us a seven hour sticky.

>> No.7151060

ADD more stuff, lets make this as maximalized as possible. more referenced to American culture please

>> No.7151130
File: 16 KB, 300x389, LugerFoucault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone link me editable versions of Chapters 4/5?

I was hoping I could edit my first piece in the book before it is finalized. I wrote the "Luger Foucault" sections, and I'd like to just clean up the first one a bit because it kind of blends into the previous chapter I was riffing off that somebody else wrote, as well as making some last minute edits. Thanks.

>> No.7151165

dont edit your own work, m8. Edit another section.

>> No.7151179

Part 5

I was hoping you'd continue/finish the Luger saga, really liked the second chapter

>> No.7151227 [DELETED] 
File: 38 KB, 600x744, LugerFoucault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh jeez, I was way off point, I was writing in Chapters 1-3, not 4/5.

Though now that I've fished those out of the archive, it seems the first Luger Foucault chapter is missing. So much for that then.

Glad to hear you liked the second chapter anyhow. (Which is luckily still there, in Part 3)

>> No.7151301
File: 38 KB, 600x744, LugerFoucault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ack, my mistake. My first piece is in Part 2. Could someone please unlock it for editing?

Or is what's done, done at this point?

>> No.7151311

it should be submitted to Cow Eye Press:
the guy behind it is super anti- literary establishment and even rumored (falsely) to be Pynchon:
the last book Cow Eye Press published was a reprint of a 1920s eugenics text, just as a joke.
submissions explicitly require no cover letter or query

>> No.7151321
File: 71 KB, 400x371, DFWtriggered.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bipolar NEETs experiencing an upswing

>> No.7151366

we still had that britbong who assured us he'd get the final manu. published.
What does /lit/ think, eh?

>> No.7151407

Not at all anon, go ahead:

>> No.7151429

any more and it gets cluttered, at least when I tried to do it. could do a back cover though

>> No.7151501

Problem is, I don't have permission to edit this document. I suppose I would need the document's owner to get permission, so I'll just have to wait and see if he's still around.

>> No.7151794

You may add it as a running suggestion, in the final document there will be editors to determine whether said modifications are necessary. If they are, they'll be self-evident.

>> No.7152103 [DELETED] 
File: 1.37 MB, 850x1100, hpsp4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I might take out the 'lit' label but other than that I think this is done

>> No.7152106

Just remove all the labels, they're tactless.

>> No.7152161
File: 1.39 MB, 850x1100, hpsp6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah turned out better

>> No.7152174


>> No.7152321

100bump. in case we don't find publisher-anon, what other literary zine or whatever can we resort to?

heck, before ever considering that possiblity we should first get this done and polish it thoroughly. what are we at now? like 300+ pages?

>> No.7152325

We're ending submissions Monday.

With editing, I'd say we're around 250 or so pages.

>> No.7152542

we're at nearly 400pages and part5 isnt near done, with editing i'm guessing we'll be around 350-80 (unless we straight up rip out stories and not just goofs/shitposting/clutter)

>> No.7152546

I'm for ripping stories. There's stuff I've written very stoned, and it's utter shit. Actually made me quit smoking.

>> No.7152561

>There's stuff I've written very stoned, and it's utter shit. Actually made me quit smoking.

I don't think I *have* until Monday to finish my ending, but I'll strive.

>> No.7152580

Go nuts. I'd really like it if you actually finished the sequence, though.

>> No.7152714

I'm still very into the idea of doing an ending chapter epigraphed by a Kolsti poem.

>> No.7153362

Provided Luger Foucault with a quasi-prologue and conclusion. It got more emotional than I could have anticipated.

It's been a fun project guys. Thanks. Hope to see it finished.

>> No.7153571

Please ditch the green text and the ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING lit logo

>> No.7153574

Does someone have the link to the summary?

>> No.7153588

I'm not crazy about putting a Kolsti ref in such a prominent place. The little life motivation speech by him in Part 5 is good, but any more than that is overkill. But then that's speaking as someone who doesnt give a shit about kolsti and is out of the loop on that meme (same reason I don't like the Infowars stuff in part 3/4)

Speaking of, someone went into Part 5 and ctrl+f replaced all instances of 'he' with 'KOLSTI FUCKING NGUYEN'

>> No.7153598

it was kolsti
no one cares about kolsti except kolsti

>> No.7153713


>> No.7153722

goddamn the Luger finale rocks

>> No.7153829

Wrap this up so that I can purchase it in paper form and thereby miss out on all of the sweet hidden messages.

>> No.7153831

links to part 1-4?

>> No.7153847

Here's part 4: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IVWhB7ZOgM-fSNypkSsahx2tU1tvNCZ7VOrp4zn5kjI/edit?pli=1
Part 1 (the doc has links to 2 and 3): https://docs.google.com/document/d/10FJAVXeEWsczbb3sZUtjSTfcW7P5RxUWznd42JpoUqs/edit


>> No.7153860

This is pretty much perfect.

Now we'll need anon to do the back.

>> No.7153913

after Monday!

>> No.7153922

Oh shit yeah, you must be pretty drained by now. Rest and enjoy yourself for a while man.

>> No.7153938

haha no I'm fine, I just mean after submitting is done

>> No.7155262

Please remove "LIT"

>> No.7155447

evening bump

>> No.7155507
File: 1.38 MB, 850x1100, hpsp7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

replaced it earlier

>> No.7155577


>> No.7156150


>> No.7156153

is this a graphics art thread?

>> No.7156157

Bumping my request in the event anyone with the ability to fulfill it is here.

>> No.7157759 [DELETED] 
File: 683 KB, 850x1100, 144306357096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


speaking of >>7156157, who is the original OP who started the google docs? is it Vox/Bottleman?

>> No.7157764

speaking of >>7156157, who is the original OP who started the google docs? is it Vox/Bottleman?

>> No.7158341

No, Vox just made a big portion of contribution.
The owner is TRUG- something.

>> No.7158625
File: 1.00 MB, 850x1085, 1442990767098.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7158632


>> No.7158710

needs more timmy pinecone

>> No.7158828

I was thinking two or three more people, one anime or Kpop type character, the other one can be Tommy P. anybody else?

>> No.7158833

Jim Lahey

>> No.7158836

this is a totally false quote, ne pas?

>> No.7158870
File: 57 KB, 638x361, 1440538386331.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From Hyperspace.

>> No.7158900
File: 18 KB, 550x367, RTX1GZCO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

D.T approves of this thread. you guys are nutters

>> No.7159288


>> No.7159304

This one is way better

>> No.7159618

Update: I started writing for the death orgy. Deaths so far: GodPalading63, Amon, Koprulu, Kerrigan.

>> No.7159625

Who'll survive tho?

>> No.7159630

Still not decided. We will find out while writing.

I started writing in the middle, we still need a person to enter the 10th room to begin it.

>> No.7159635

Where are the ants broski

>> No.7159914

in hella pain

>> No.7160918


>> No.7160955
File: 370 KB, 850x1100, hpsp8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright guys final version here

>> No.7160957

Put something from this in the corner since he has like a small chapter

>> No.7160961
File: 182 KB, 690x805, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7160975

Seriously can't wait to buy and read this in print.

>> No.7161506

wait no. fuck that globe and pynchon, they look disgusting. seriously.

>> No.7161633

agreed, just stick to >>7155507

>> No.7161724

it's ironic, all the ant pictures i looked at were so big that when I shrunk them down, the quality downgraded so much you couldn't tell it was an ant. the ant pictures were too big to be small. but in the end i fit one in there. it's subtle.
this isn't me

>> No.7162698

Weekend bump.

>> No.7163409

Okay, who dumped some seven pages of whatever SpikeySpheres is about...

>> No.7163739


>> No.7164984

I like it

>> No.7165594


>> No.7166582

Can we actually work out what time-zone we're using?

>> No.7167504

I want to request to extend the deadline to any day besides Monday, the longer the better. For editing the other docs.

>> No.7169560


-You writing them chapters /lit/?

>> No.7169561

I'll have to write something.

>> No.7169565

I was under the impression that all submissions were closing today, editing should be fine.

Really though, Tuesday could work. We don't even know the timezone, it's monday morning here in the UK and I want to keep writing.

>> No.7169569

I'll get stoned and write some stuff if I have the time
I've been very productive writing for this book stoned

>> No.7169577

I deleted an entire chapter I wrote stoned.

It was terrible.

I do get some good ideas though.

>> No.7169607

How long left to contribute?

>> No.7169617

Write it within 24 hours, this isn't an essay assignment.

The guy who owns the doc hasn't really said much, so I doubt it would go into lock-down until he get's back.

>> No.7170386

Bottleman 'ere, deleted my whole fragment cause it was shit. If today's the deadline, nothing will be in the final draft.
Besides that, I sort of feel a reluctant vibe in the thread, everyone wants to keep editing. I say we throw away the deadline and let it grow organic until we're satisfied.

>> No.7170477
File: 1.37 MB, 850x1100, hpspfrontfinal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah why hurry

final version of the cover, my last input anyway

>> No.7170482 [DELETED] 
File: 1.06 MB, 850x1100, hpspb1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(final version barring minor corrections, of course)

concept for the back cover...

>> No.7170494 [DELETED] 
File: 901 KB, 850x1100, hpspbtest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7170496

i say leave the background with the celestial bodies alone but remove all the clunk. if you want, you can maybe put a pynchon in the center. but that's just me.

>> No.7170501

what's "all the clunk"?

>> No.7170533

whats up with all the american culture jokes? I thought /lit/ was an international board

>> No.7170536

If you want to make a difference, do so yourself. We don't force Europoors to post.

>> No.7170584

Where may I access this masterpiece?

>> No.7170593

did you really delete all the bottleman stuff? it was great, why?

>> No.7170606

Go into viewing mode.
It was not gratifying enough.

>> No.7170632

just so you know, you took away one of the most interesting parts of HS. I suggest you put it back in.

>> No.7170638

you took out ALL the Bottleman stuff? from all the parts?

>> No.7170713

I only deleted the working draft of the Bottleman finale, chillax. I'm working on it.

>> No.7170907

Hey man. I spoke to you in the google docs earlier.

I do actually feel like monday was premature, I think this project should just ferment naturally, and I see that a few anons have yet to tie up their loos ends.

I've changed my therapy session if you want to read it/even remember, still going to edit it, had a busy week

Keep going with Bottleman, man.

>> No.7170914

Why the delete? The thumbnails looked good.

>> No.7170981
File: 1.06 MB, 850x1100, hpspb1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7170989

I would purchase the shit out of this

>> No.7171004

Man, you are just fucking awesome.

Like, literally the most fucking awesome anon I've seen here for a long time.

>> No.7171140

You know what, I actually strongly prefer this one. Can we go with this one, please? Perhaps add an inconspicuous title, though.

>> No.7171439

Fuck the Luger Foucault faggot that took out the reference to Johnnie.

>> No.7171475
File: 1.06 MB, 850x1100, hpspbtest2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank man
this is intended as a back cover. pic related is a concept for how it would look with the blurb. but the full version could be a cover/alt cover for sure

>> No.7171554

What was it?

>> No.7171557

I'd go with black and yellow, personally.

>> No.7171578


>> No.7171587

I don't dig that outline so much.

>> No.7171613

That's a great quote for the book.

Are we going to write a blurb? Get fake literary quotes?

>> No.7171624

>Get fake literary quotes?
That's kind of stale innit?

>> No.7171631

Why don't we just harass literary figures and use their restraining orders?

>> No.7171633

it needs cleaning up
for what, the text and gradient? black on yellow or yellow on black?

>> No.7171650


>> No.7171662

Text, yellow on black.

>> No.7171682

Maybe keep the outline only on the foregrounded faces. It looks good on DFW, but makes Bloom look especially bad by highlighting the poor crop/small source photo
Would be better if the rear faces just kind of faded into the background

Just a suggestion.

>> No.7171730
File: 1.00 MB, 850x1100, hpspbtest3fade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yellow on black was pretty boring, washed out all the colors. i darkened the gradient a bit though, did improve
the Bloom crop is going to be offset by one more face between him and Trump (one of the anime girls). good call on the fade, how's this?

>> No.7171808

Text looks blurred.

>> No.7171810

Also, adjust center align. Tidiness is next to holiness.

>> No.7171828

Okay, I for one [and everyone is free to object] don't like how we've been reduced to [basically] screencaping blogposts, Youtube, tumblr and fucking "The Young Hitler I Knew" [we know what thread you've been lurking, poster-buddy, we don't blame you], reduced to this from posting original crap and wrapping this PoC up already, it's just not right. I move to delete named "effortless" chapters in the editorship phase.

>> No.7171865

I wrote the Dubai shit, you can slash it, I knew it was stupid.

>> No.7171881

>and fucking "The Young Hitler I Knew" [we know what thread you've been lurking, poster-buddy, we don't blame you]
? Buddy it's not a secret and I'm not hiding anything. It's hilarious and relevant to the story. But fair enough if you only want original stuff in there.

>> No.7171900

meh. too obscure. give it more of an overall outlook.

>> No.7171940

guy pasted his shitty short story that was completely out of context with anything else in the book

other guy tried to connect it to the rest of the book

edit war ensued

>> No.7171951

But what was the Johnnie reference?

>> No.7172239

I'm hurt.
I started the Luger Foucault story in Chapter 3 building off someone elses' story and working on the concept of Hyperspace/time. There are multiple episodes throughout the book. I admit it's pretty self contained, but no more than a lot of the book's other stuff.

I don't know about any "edit war" though. What was changed?

>> No.7172287

someone deleted the BedroomPunishment part in part 5, for one. but don't worry, i'll get to pasting it back once i have time

>> No.7172298

The what?

>> No.7172372

Hey, what happened to Part 4? Did it close? Me and a pal of mine were working on it.

>> No.7172429

no. the other one is original. this just scream MEMES which it is but still..

>> No.7172455

should just be colors in the glasses

>> No.7172527

This. As of now it's just way too distracting, and it takes away from the king. I you could incoprorate the colors of the background to the shades or maybe just leave it as is but desaturate the funky background entirely.

>> No.7172738


Yeah, I think the one with the mostly white background is still the best. I get the maximalist idea, but as it stands the cover is just ugly as sin tbh. I'd also put "Anonymous" in somewhat more tasteful font myself.

>> No.7172905

Can we just get that text over an abyss of hyperspace? The faces are kind of lame and Seth McFarlane-esque

>remember... THIS GUY? HAW HAW HAW

>> No.7173363
File: 24 KB, 396x346, Screen Shot 2015-09-29 at 2.29.12 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what's the point here?

Also the blacking out of JJ280? I had changed that before, I didn't even realize it was intentional.

>> No.7173382


Should still be open.

>> No.7173398

I actually took the time to read your Luger chapter, thought it was good. I do feel that the Johnnie reference was a nice touch though, but it's your work.

>> No.7173427

Are we planning to publish this thing likje with Tundra?

>> No.7173441

What the hell, who deleted my Papa Roach lyrics?

>> No.7173472

That's it. I'm going to back-up all of part 4 and 5 now on a separate google doc.

Can we please not act like children and delete things until we've decided the book has reached an end? If you really hate a chapter, just talk about it in the thread, say why, and see if the author agrees.

>> No.7173931

I deleted the one near the end (around page 110), but I fucked around with the one in the middle of the Space-Jew story

>> No.7174525

Henry Darger article, Enya wikipedia page, Good People: is anon making a point about original content? If so, I agree and I'll take out my less-than-original contributions

>> No.7174581

I think it's alright, long as it isn't too blatant.

>> No.7174808

I must be out of touch, who's Johnnie?
Anyways, feel free to leave the reference in, but I think it'd work just about anywhere else in the story. Coming off two days of tripping Luger would not have a handle on where anyone is. Not to mention it kind of bums up the brevity of the section, carrying on too long after the punch line.

>> No.7175601


>> No.7175612

you're right there
but he also [REDACTED] ((blacked out)) your drug to reference the joke in his own chapter, which came right before yours
apparently you undid the redaction???

>> No.7176609


>> No.7176801

Seconding this.

>> No.7177892

Personally, I feel that a book as messy and crazy as this suits a cover like that.

My only issue is the purple highlight for the front, which could easily be ammended.

We should just have a strawpoll with a couple of versions once the books done.

>> No.7178492

it can be messy without being flashy and puke-colored.

>> No.7178827
File: 117 KB, 850x1100, hpvar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

variant cover

>> No.7178890
File: 64 KB, 380x380, please_no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7179010

fuck off

>> No.7179094

>mu minimalism

no thanks friend. Maybe if you had a better pattern orm ore images in the sphere, but as it stands, it's just bland, not artistic.

>> No.7179153

so who's editing this after submissions are closed (if they ever will)?

>> No.7179403

I spoke to you in the thread. My laptop is a piece of shit but I'll help.

>> No.7179407

loooooooooooooool fix up fam rt


>> No.7179445

hey man you're a lll faggot

>> No.7179671
File: 1003 KB, 850x1100, finalcover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay, I took everyone's suggestions to heart and really worked on the aesthetics

>> No.7179836
File: 254 KB, 850x1100, finalcover2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feel good about this one

>> No.7180045 [DELETED] 
File: 647 KB, 850x1100, finalcover3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

risky edit, lotta people in the house, such is art

>> No.7180141

what did I just read?

>> No.7180192
File: 20 KB, 256x400, Cant-Stump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wisdom, cunt.


>> No.7180319

pullitzer material, providing the pulitzer prize was awarded to the most retarded fucking book possible, then pulitzer material

>> No.7180539


>> No.7181901


>> No.7181926


>> No.7182045

but it's so PO-MO DAD!

>> No.7182381
File: 647 KB, 850x1100, finalcover3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's what I want

this is what I need

>> No.7182399

Did you pay Ulillillia to design this?


>> No.7182499

>It makes one believe in the American Dream again.

>> No.7182510


It's beautiful ain't it?

>> No.7183222

**does an 180 degree slipaway and whistles off**

>> No.7183328

4chan is about to be shut down due to the Oregon shooting, so let's move this over to my blog http://postmetakolsti.tumblr.com/

>> No.7183391


>> No.7183497
File: 1.53 MB, 1284x1520, hypermemewip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WIP feel free to give feedback
Basically same idea that higher but more discrete execution

>> No.7183648

I did original stuff as well as screenshots
I just find them funny and feel like they have to be used for something..

>> No.7183655

This can go into the "author" section, our John Doe.

>> No.7183665
File: 370 KB, 850x1100, hypvar2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7183670

I would delete this post if I could, this version is totally unnecessary. hpsp7.jpg is my final entry on that cover

>> No.7183683

this is nice tbh

>> No.7183690

You have my attention.

>> No.7183721
File: 151 KB, 820x615, Crab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's the worthless cunt which has sought to ruin Part 5 by replacing "the" with "nigger"?

>> No.7183722

someone changed "the" into "nigger" in the whole doc, I changed it back, but the whole script will need revision to remove extra the's and capitalizations

>> No.7183729


Thanks, niggerguy ought to have sand rubbed into his eyes.

>> No.7183743

This is the best version but it doesn't need 'anonymous' written on it. I don't think text ever really looks good running down the side and if there's no name on the cover, then that kind of gets the message across or at least adds to the confusion.

>> No.7183749

we better just lock it down, thanks to eggman there's going to be a normie flood sitewide

>> No.7183751

I don't think that's wise, we still haven't finished and there's virtually no way to contact the doc owner anyhow.

>> No.7183806

I doubt that's going to affect lit much, certainly not this project. Best bet is just to backup every now and then

>> No.7184157

Let's write about the mass shooting., since 4chan is getting shut down anyways.

>> No.7185869

yay hat

>> No.7187480


>> No.7188797


>> No.7188801


This looks promising, the highres is borderline creepy.