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File: 19 KB, 266x317, Schopenhauer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7156086 No.7156086 [Reply] [Original]

"The highest civilization and culture, apart from the ancient Hindus and Egyptians, are found exclusively among the white races; and even with many dark peoples, the ruling caste, or race, is fairer than the rest, and has, therefore, evidently immigrated, for example, the Brahmins, the Inca, and the rulers of the South Sea Islands. All this is due to the fact that necessity is the mother of invention, because those tribes that emigrated early to the north, and there gradually became white, had to develop all their intellectual powers, and invent and perfect all the arts in their struggle with need, want and misery, which in their many forms, were brought about by the climate. This they had to do in order to make up for the parsimony of nature, and out of it came their high civilization."
- Arthur '/r9k/' Shopenhauer

Why are so many philosophers racist? How come they were so ignorant?

>> No.7156090

Schopenhauer is widely recognized as an asshole

>> No.7156093

fucking pussies

>> No.7156101

There weren't any SJWs around to trigger back then.

>> No.7156118

How is that racist? I'm not seeing the problem.

>> No.7156123

This is all based on fucking geography. Figure it out.

>> No.7156144

>being this resentful

There is nothing racist in that quote,

>> No.7156290

This is exactly what Jared Diamond said and he's lauded as a great historian.

>> No.7156300

isn't this the same garbage that's argued in Guns, Germs and Steel?

>> No.7156354

No, you shit, you haven't read the book. Basically he argues: the reason Europe came to power instead of, say the Aztecs, was that it was positioned near Mesopotamia. Mesopotamia just HAPPENED to have the most diversity of edible plant and animal life, hence why there was always a great culture in that part of the world: Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, Rome, India, the Muslim Empire, then Europeans. Because plant-growth grows more consistently east-west than north south (bigger climate changes on average), the plants and animals were more portable to China and Europe. Mayans, when their crops failed, didn't have anything else because... their next nearest civilization was ridiculously north or south of them and their plants harvested at a different time of the year. Long story short, Europeans got involved in trade and just happened to be the ones to conquer the world

>> No.7156357

lmao my pubes look like that dudes hair.

>> No.7156368

sorry I forgot that that was the old consensus

>> No.7156371

>How come they were so ignorant?
watermelon head

>> No.7156654

That's not racist. Would you mind not throwing that word around like that?

>> No.7156670

Since when is being right ignorant?

>> No.7156683

So a different type of geographical determinism. Doesn't really matter.

>> No.7156720

Jared Diamond looks at geography and the resources that different regions provide. The fact that there were more domesticatable plant and animal species in North Africa and the Middle East compared to Papua New Guinea has nothing to do with the whiteness of skin. Thus, Diamond's conclusions cannot be considered racist because "race" is never a factor in the creation of civilizations. In short, you're wrong.

>> No.7156722

Calling it like it is is not racism.

>> No.7156743

Literally Dindu nuffin the book

>> No.7158212


Based Schopenhauer

Diamond's retarded conclusion is that whites pulled ahead because they developed in areas where life was easier. Schopenhauer is claiming just the opposite, that whites ascended because the conditions of life around them were exceedingly harsh and difficult. Africa was the easiest place for humans to exist, which is why we originated there.

>> No.7158238

Many people were racialists in the 19th century OP, this should come as no surprise.

But you should be careful about being smug about you being so much better than the people before you, because you are literally standing on the shoulders of giants.

>> No.7158250

Why it's this racist?

>> No.7158268

Seriously though, it's both. Stormfags love Schoppy's take on it but ignore Diamond's entirely, and progressives get off on the way Diamond found a way for black people to be oppressed and white people to be privileged by nature itself. What makes more sense is that the superior intellects and social structures that white people developed only came around because it sucked to live in Europe as a primitive people. Once they got the hang of trade, modern agriculture, and other good stuff like that, they realized some of Europe's advantages that weren't advantages at all back when they were a less developed people.

Basically Africa is the best place to be a caveman, and Europe is the best place to be a modern human.

>> No.7158357


I'll buy that. It was the initial challenge in Europe that was tremendous. Once you have the pastoral and agricultural revolutions Europe is suddenly the best place to live.

Another guy argued that Africans have low IQ scores because there was no benefit to having a high IQ in Africa. For much of human history it wouldn't have been of any advantage.
Kenyan children as old as 6 still fail the mirror test today.

>> No.7158369

The first Cities in the world originated in mesopotamia, which has a climate that is just as harsh as most of Africa (Semi-Arid).

>it sucked to live in Europe as a primitive people
>Africa is the best place to be a caveman

Except the continent was first colonized by Neanderthals, and although had a culture, was extremely primitive. And even when Moden Humans did colonize Europe, their civilization remaind in such a pre-historic state for tens of thousands of years, a massive amount of time compared to the ~3000 years since advanved civilizations started appearing in Europe, and even then only in regions close to the Middle East.

>> No.7158383


Hence the Jews.

>> No.7158388

How is that racist? He merely made an observation.

>> No.7158392

[citation needed]

>> No.7158396


Citation for what? That Kenyans fail the mirror test?

>> No.7158397

>Why are so many philosophers racist? How come they were so ignorant?

Why do people fall for this shitty bait?

>> No.7158405

>Another guy argued that Africans have low IQ scores because there was no benefit to having a high IQ in Africa. For much of human history it wouldn't have been of any advantage.
Kenyan children as old as 6 still fail the mirror test today.
Those Kenyan children wouldn't have severe congenital mental disablities, would they?

>> No.7158409

>post picture of Schopenhauer
>post quotation about blacks or women
>/pol/-mongrel: "yes! Now I can talk about feminazis and niggers on /lit/!"

Identity politics is not /lit/.

>> No.7158415

People are dumb, but who cares: it spawned a decent discussion of an interesting topic.

>> No.7158418

they properly africans lmao pmsl tbh

>> No.7158421

>and even with many dark peoples, the ruling caste, or race, is fairer than the rest, and has, therefore, evidently immigrated
But he's wrong on this point. Melanin and it's relationship with sunlight was known at that time, wasn't it?

>> No.7158422


Children in Peru and Fiji fail as well.

Presumably they used healthy subjects in these tests, otherwise it wouldn't be scientifically valid.

Just Google mirror test failure.

It's pathetic how anthropologist have tried to explain it from cultural factors when it comes to people, whereas other species either pass or fail.

>> No.7158436
File: 231 KB, 304x366, 1443153684909.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont understand how someone can hate on based schoppy, you must be a SJW, libfag, or full fucking retard.
>muh feelings after reading schopenhauer
Grow the fuck up anti schoppys

>> No.7158437

how is he "wrong on that point"?

>> No.7158438

>Why are so many philosophers racist? How come they were so ignorant?

I'm here to redpill you, brainwashed liberal cucklord.

First of all, stating facts IS NOT racist. It's enumerating Truth.

Second of all, it's been scientifically proven that the white race is better than the nig- uh, I mean fine black gentlemen race.

>The highest civilization and culture are found exclusively among the white races

This is scientific fact. Who created civilization? Who invented medicine? Who invented the atom bomb? White men.

>> No.7158445

>Arthur '/r9k/' Shopenhauer
>He's a racist!
>why are racists so ignorant?

"hehe, this way they'll surely think I'm not an /r9k/ and/or /pol/-frequenter xDD"

>> No.7158448

Racism was commonplace at the time. And Schopenhauer also said that the enslavement of "our innocent black brothers" was "belonging to the blackest pages of mankind's criminal record," so it's very difficult to argue that he was much like the stormfags of today.

>> No.7158450

He assumed that lighter skin within races must be a result of Immigration, while it's simply a result of lack of exposure to sunlight, i.e. wealthy kings sitting in the cool shade while peasants and slaves labored under the sun.

I really can't tell if you're b8ing, but which white people supposedly created civilzations?

>> No.7158452

>This is scientific fact. Who created civilization? Who invented medicine? Who invented the atom bomb? White men.

this must be bait, the bomb is a gift from the devil, which is why the jesus killing kikes were able to invent it. nukes are the result of jewish science.

>> No.7158454
File: 966 KB, 200x150, 1440949707068.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Analyzing history and drawing conclusions is racist

>> No.7158458

>which white people supposedly created civilzations?

Who created Rome and Greece? Whites. Who created America? Whites. Who created the British empire? Whites.

What do all these whites have in common? They created Western civilization which is now being torn down by feminism and Jews

>> No.7158460

>He assumed that lighter skin within races must be a result of Immigration, while it's simply a result of lack of exposure to sunlight, i.e. wealthy kings sitting in the cool shade while peasants and slaves labored under the sun.

he's talking about the entire ruling class you god damn retard, like the aryans in india being the prime example. maybe you should just go back to tumblr, /lit/ is over your head.

>> No.7158475
File: 36 KB, 675x559, 1432566178573.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just here to say that the Greeks, the progenitors of "Western Civ." went into a dark age without written language until they began trading with the Phoenicians. HAIL THE JEWS! YHWH YHWH YHWH!

>> No.7158505

Not him but the aryans in india are the prime example because they're the only fucking example of a white people invading a subcontinent where they then set up a prolific caste system and an obsession with whiteness which is still in place 1000s of years later. The Aryans are literally the only ones who fulfill the criteria of an ancient white people immigrating and invading and then becoming the ruling class. Just because it happened in India does not mean it's true for all

>> No.7158524

Arabs in North Africa? Spanish in Mexico? Thais in Cambodia?

>> No.7158528

maybe, but he still wasn't talking about whether the king had a fucking tan or not like the idiot above you thought lmao

>> No.7158533

>Aryans are a race
Also didn't know Ayrans reached the South Sea Islands.

So, you don't consider the contemporaries of the Greeks, such as the Assyrians and Persians, Civilized? Or the much older Civilzation of the Ancient Egyptians?

Also, what this guys said >>7158475
The Greeks had Middle Eastern Civilizations to thank for things such as advancements in sailing, written language, and the other basics of a Civilizations at the time.

>> No.7158538

South Africa could have lasted thousands of years if the communist shitlords hadn't ruined it, it wasn't an internal rebellion that brought down apartheid but a bunch of external pressure from other whites

>> No.7158557

>such as the Assyrians and Persians, Civilized? Or the much older Civilzation of the Ancient Egyptians?
No, they're Arab shitskins

>> No.7158559

>Arabs in North Africa

Not white

>Spanish in Mexico

Too recent and they mixed with the natives anyway.

>Thais in Cambodia

No idea fam.

>> No.7158573

Phonecian people already inhabited North Africa before the Arab Invasions.


>> No.7158577

>Not white

he wasn't talking about whites in that quote, jesus christ can you faggots read at all? sometimes i think i must be sharing this board with a bunch of black kids...

but, moreover, according the united states census arabs are considered "white", there is no "arab" or "semitic" race in official US government documents

>> No.7158582

and phoenicians are lighter skinned than the people that were originally there so holy shit i guess schopenhaur is still right! do you even think before you post?

>> No.7158601

>those tribes that emigrated early to the north, and there gradually became white
>"The highest civilization and culture, apart from the ancient Hindus and Egyptians, are found exclusively among the white races

Of course he's talking about whites.

If you're saying Arabs in North Africa were a ruling class with lighter skin than their subjects, then that's still wrong seeing as North Africans, even today, are nowhere near as swarthy as any other african people.

>> No.7158620

This tbh fam

I want /pol/ to fuck off.

>> No.7158624

Aside from all the non white great civilizations and cultures the greatest ones are exclusively white

That's pretty much it. I'd add he's also reiterating the whole "we northern Europeans have direct lineage from ancient Athens and Rome!"

>> No.7158627

The Irish weren't considered white a few generations ago in the US. Censuses are hardly a sound reference.

I guess Aryans must have inhabited the South Sea Islands my mistake. Imbecile.

>> No.7158751


Can you provide a citation, please? I know the Irish were discriminated against in places they immigrated to in large numbers (though not to the extent often described), but I don't think the U.S. Census ever considered them non-white.

>> No.7158762

Because that is true relative to the context of schopenhauer. Keep in mind it´s the same guy who said the telos of everything being is non being, and that being is just a detour to non being, and everything sucks and we´re all gonna die and I hate the world and blablabla.
Was a good writer, but kind of a shitty philosopher. The defendants of pessimism even tried to prove that the position originated with Kant so it wouldn´t rest on schopenhauer. Not much of a fundament.

>> No.7158800


Here you are: http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/kids-and-animals-who-fail-classic-mirror/

>> No.7158812

People seem to forget that China was the most promising empire until around 1850 when the benefits of the Industrial revolution started paying off and Europe skyrocketed.

>> No.7158927

Schopenhauer was like a weeaboo for Indian culture so I have to assume he either just forgot them or thought they were white. There's an immense amount he's overlooking but I feel I got the sentiment about right.

>> No.7158970

Aryans aren't actually white you mongoloid

>> No.7158976

Wrong again, they are considered caucasian.

>> No.7159159
File: 500 KB, 2366x1804, Caucasus-Ecoregion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ireland isn't in related pic, you SJW faggot.

>> No.7159323

>magpie success at the mirror test
>niggers fail it
>o-oh w-wait the test isn't probably t-that significant!

God, this is fucking hilarous. It's like they're instructed to find any explanations that don't involve IQ differences.

>> No.7159629


Schopenhauer was a fucking brilliant philosopher you slave. Pessimism is just one facet of his philosophy. His double aspect theory is pure gold

>> No.7159646

he was also right about literally everything

>> No.7159658

He was right about a lot, but his conclusions are retarded. Walking hand in hand into oblivion isn't exactly my idea of a good outcome of a thought system.

>> No.7159660

>white pubic hair
albinos out

>> No.7159784

>tfw schopey doesn't care about china

>> No.7160197


absolutely incorrect

>> No.7160824


>Watson, co-discoverer of DNA
>the shared antisemitism of Stalin, Hitler, and Martin Luther
>cool naked ad-hom, as if this somehow impacts the content of ideas or argument (Newton was also insufferable af) >>7156090

It's almost as if maybe, just maybe, they're onto some persistent truth which is presently unfashionable, due to the efforts of others (who variously happened to be wrong).

>> No.7161013

product of their time + people can make mistakes

>> No.7161018

>Walking hand in hand into oblivion isn't exactly my idea of a good outcome of a thought system.
B-but this is what everyone does in one way or another.

>> No.7161024

I want /pol/ to leave

>> No.7161034

Calm down, it's just early anthropology

>> No.7161070

The idea of racism as you percieve it wasn't even conceptualized in Schopenhauer's time.

It was an early attempt to explain why some people develop technology and highly organized societies, and some don't.

The conclusion that they came to is a fairly obvious one if you believe your society to be the definitive apex of advancement: that everybody else was just plain stupid.

'Course now more enlightened minds realize that we're all fucking stupid, and that the forms stupidity takes are as diverse as the human race itself.

>> No.7161114

"And, as a rule, it will be found that a man is sociable just in the degree in which he is intellectually poor and generally vulgar. For one's choice in this world does not go much beyond solitude on one side and vulgarity on the other. It is said that the most sociable of all people are the negroes; and they are at the bottom of the scale in intellect."

"They [Jews] are and remain a foreign oriental race, and so must be regarded merely as domiciled foreigners. When some twenty-five years ago the emancipation of the Jews was debated in the English Parliament, a speaker put forward the following hypothetical case. An English Jew comes to Lisbon where he meets two men in extreme want and distress; yet it is only in his power to save one of them. Personally to him they are both strangers. Yet if one of them is an Englishman but a Christian, and the other a Portuguese but a Jew, whom will he save? I do not think that any sensible Christian and any sincere Jew would be in doubt as to the answer. But it gives us some indication of the rights to be conceded to the Jews."

"It follows from this that it is absurd to want to concede to them a share in the government or administration of any country. Originally amalgamated and one with their state, their religion is by no means the main issue here, but rather merely the bond that holds them together, the point de ralliement, and the banner whereby they recognize one another. This is also seen in the fact that even the converted Jew who has been baptized does not by any means bring upon himself the hatred and loathing of all the rest, as do all other apostates. On the contrary, he continues as a rule to be their friend and companion and to regard them as his true countrymen, naturally with a few orthodox exceptions."

>> No.7161143

>How come they were so ignorant?

Why do you assume that you are right and they were wrong?

>> No.7161148

>'Course now more enlightened minds realize that we're all fucking stupid, and that the forms stupidity takes are as diverse as the human race itself.

Protip: anyone who says we're more "enlightened" is immediately labeled a fucking idiot and nobody who matters listens to them.

>> No.7161210

ITT: 19 year old Tumblrinas

>> No.7161306

Proof and elaboration requested.

>> No.7161328

That's not racist, retard. he's saying there is a cause for 1) Firer skin and 2) Higher development of civilizations. He's not saying darker skin people are inherently inferior in any way.

>> No.7161565

>Who created civilization?
So we're considering Mesopotamian white?

>Who invented the atom bomb?
And Jews too?

I don't have a problem with either of these groups being labeled as white but it's not very common for people to say that they are.

>> No.7161567

Before this discussion goes any further, we need to define what we mean when we say "white". Are we just talking about Nordics? Are Slavs and Mediterraneans white too?

>> No.7161665

Sounds legit.