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7156374 No.7156374[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why does war exist? Is it to satisfy animal instincts?

>> No.7156383

Its a man's invention to display his dominance. Men are petty slaves to their need to feel superior, observable on all scales of society. War is collective way for men to get off on a massive scale.

>> No.7156384

if you have something i want, and you aren't going to give it to me.. i'll take it.

the rest is just how it scales up.

>> No.7156385

the ultimate trade awaiting its ultimate practitioner

>> No.7156405


Before that power, land and gold, which obviously all amounts to the same thing.
It's all spooked.

>> No.7156433

I probably know by just guessing but what exactly is a spook?

>> No.7156454

The value of money is only there because we deem it so in our heads. We're only playing an elaborate game where the truly valuable things are devalued by the greedy winners of the game.

Land is a nice things to "have" and build a nice home on, but in the end you die, and return to to it. It wasn't yours to begin with.

I know there must be someone who can phrase it in a more Stirner-esque way. Pardon me, I will get more time to read him soon though.

>> No.7156460

you really do interpret everything in terms of your ideology don't you?

>> No.7156474

It is what it all boils down to.

Why is life so vicious and brutal? so full of misery and strife? We're anguished not just for the fear of the hereafter or lack thereof, we anguish for the living through it, the victims of the winners trampling over you as you try to win a little bit.

>> No.7156486

its impossible not to

>> No.7156502

what are some good books on the philosophy of war?

I know Clausewitz 'On War' is big. What else?

>> No.7156506

Intergroupal competiton.

>> No.7156517

Well, back before Modern times like during the time of Rome, War was in most parts politics; but many participated for the glory and thrill of it. For the spoils of it, for the pleasure in it. Don't see much of it now, as people either see war as a much more negative thing or just won't admit it; but in the end it's all associated with Greed and Lust in my opinion.

>> No.7156561

I'm torn.

On one hand you never say anything of substance. On the other, your starry-eyed idealism is kinda cute in a way.

>> No.7156567

Women war just as well tumblrfag.

>> No.7156570

Did you plan to be this retarded or does it come naturally?

>> No.7156574

War exists because conflict exists. It's just a specific type of conflict that can erupt for a myriad of reasons. In a way, war, is natural.

>> No.7156579

women are garbage at war my man

>> No.7156591



>> No.7156604

That they are, but even then they do partake.

>> No.7156609

the claim was
>Women war just as well
'just' implies they are as good as men at it

>> No.7156615

It's natural human instinct to want more of what you currently have, our intelligence strengthens this fact and makes us develop weapons and such to create war. Basically, it exists because some always wish to add benefit upon themselves.

>> No.7156625

Look here >>7156383 The greedy sadistic nature of the hunt write large.
"You gatherers can never understand war."
Can you not stop yourself from competing to the death like this?
Isn't playing sports enough?

I'll bet it is enough. I think it's worth a try to see if I'm right.

>> No.7156667

because people have faith in authority

>> No.7156682

Also your replies rarely make sense. I think a world without war would be preferable, maybe even possible.

I just wanted to let you know that you make me feel strange; it's like a mix of disgust and affection.

>> No.7156713
File: 36 KB, 576x506, foucault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh human instinct

>> No.7156730
File: 379 KB, 838x554, 121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

caught ya

>> No.7156753


I keked irl

>> No.7156755

>your replies rarely make sense
I think they're too brief. I make them up on the spot.

I wasn't trying to insinuate you were pro-war there. Just spouting out idealistically

>you make me feel strange; it's like a mix of disgust and affection.
Umm, tha– Thank you. Why disgust?

I have that pic. Named it "Feminister"

>> No.7156783


Nice. I have that book. Stole it from a girl I used to sleep with.

>> No.7156789
File: 106 KB, 1024x682, 1376283507156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think that "animal instinct" is a vague term. If you mean that people go to war just so that they can kill others, you are wrong.

What really happens is that, like almost everything else in life, people go to war because people believe that they can benefit going to war. If you call acting in one's self-interest animal instinct, then yes, people go to war because of their instincts.

>> No.7156792


>> No.7156794

saw this on my facebook a week ago. getting slow /lit/

>> No.7156833

>Why disgust?
Your tendency to spout off idealistically with little to no provocation. If I knew you irl I'd argue with you all the time. But again, it's also kinda charming.

>> No.7156839

will 2 power

>> No.7156915

War exists because states exist.

War is what happens when diplomatic relations between states break down.

They paint themselves as the injured party and rally the citizenry to die in droves for glorious something or other, and the greater good as defined by some twat in a suit.

Why individual people go to war is an entirely different kettle of fish - blind patriotism, lack of productive skills in areas other than murder - the sheer desire to kill a man without fear of repercussion - a need for discipline, ect ect.

>> No.7157113

Pretty fucking absurd the way it scales up though
Guess it comes from having too few people ruling over too much

>> No.7157118

everything in universe scales up and down

>> No.7157124

War exists because it is necessary: a big corporation needs more oil, but to have this oil they need political influence over some area, and therefore they influence their government to mobilize forces so as to take over that area, so they can have their oil. Of course there is a whole lot of rethoric, because people need to me emotionally moved in order to go to war, but it's actually very simple.

The real question is: why do soldiers accept to fight? And the answer has to do with the whole army culture, the idea that they can become 'heros', among other things. It's about status.

>> No.7157185

WAr exists to satisfy the self

>> No.7157190

If war didn't exist, the world would be overpopulated.

>> No.7157210

the same pit in our selves within which war originates, is the well from which we draw up poetry and stories

>> No.7157218

to the gulag with these posts

>> No.7157257

You are all 15 right? Wtf happened to /lit...

War strenghtens the bonds of your tribe/group. It also gives the tribe an identity as opposed to "the others". War has been part and parcel of every human society for hundreds of thousands of years. There is nothing inherently wrong about war, if one fights for a worthy cause. It's only christian morals of which our societies are inundated with which paints life as something sacred which makes it hard to see this. Life is not sacred. Life can be a rollercoaster of different kinds of suffering and doesn't neccesarily hold any value in and of itself. What we should praise is a good life, not life itself. If we can warr and subsequently create a better world for ourselves and our children we should warr.

>> No.7157312

>calls everything underage
>blames christianity for belief in the sanctify of life

>> No.7157329

>tries to make a point
>Uses one word
>misspells sanctity.

Good Job.