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7154718 No.7154718[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw rejected by credit suisse yesterday
>rejected by royal bank of canada the day before
>UBS and deutsche bank previously
>going to do my BP application soon and I've been rejected by them twice in the past (once for an internship, another for a graduate job, and this was for certain ENGINEERING JOBS THAT ONLY CERTAIN ENGINEERS ARE ELIGIBLE FOR
>among other companies

It's so annoying, I know I'm smart enough to do any of these roles but I won't get them because I was never president of the pogo stick society at university and even when I got internship / graduate interviews I got rejected because I'm not an extroverted handsome outgoing person. I would bet my future house that I'm in the top (20 % at most) smartest students in terms of book smarts, based on various reasons (I know the OP will always get abuse for saying stuff like this, just take my word for it and I'll believe that you're one of the smart ones too.). Also I know that staking your sanity on one application is dumb because it's all luck, I do apply to tonnes of stuff.

What's really ironic is that banks let students from any subject apply, and engineering jobs only let specific engineering students apply... yet I get more bank interviews than I do engineering ones! I'm pretty sure that this is because engineering is filled with dumb normies while banks are filled with smarter normies. So the banks have a higher educational cut off that effectively eliminates a lot of people with better extracurriculars than me (they also have higher churn of people).

>> No.7154723

I think I read about one of the big 4 companies effectively eliminating any educational cutoffs for their uni graduate positions. People will say that it's because education is a bad indicator / pointless and I definitely agree to some extent (if you ask people to diss university / school, not many people at my age will talk for longer than me) but the tests they make you go through to get the job are literally numeracy for 14 year olds and the same old extroversion tests. This was NOT a case of the education system falling apart, it's simply an indication of the low intellectual standards of most jobs.

And another thing. In addition to my introversion etc, most interviews are with English people in London and I have a Scottish accent so they probably think I'm a tard straight off the bat. Even when I'm talking to HR airheads they probably think they're above me just becasue of that. This isn't an obstacle in the USA. Even Obama talks like a normal person. In the UK they hear your accent and realise that you are not one of them.

Even if i got in, for various reasons I would probably be crap at playing the corporate game. The only salvation comes from Silicon Valley style stuff (I daydream about creating the next flappybird style shit) or entrepreneurship. Thankfully I have a smart brother so I guess that doubles my chances, if I ever bother to go in that direction.

>> No.7154743

I've been rejected by most of those, but what's worse is that I've gotten through to 4 assessment centres now and failed each time. I'm getting better at them but the competition is tough. I'm down about the whole thing as it's been a year since graduation and I have gotten no further in my career (I work in retail, on minimum wage, in an awful shop)

When will it be mine turn

>> No.7154859


You write as if this makes you angry, but I honestly can't see why.

>> No.7154868


The world doesn't owe you anything. The world didn't bring you into itself, you haven't given it anything, it isn't your friend. You have to make yourself useful to the world. Welcome to adulthood.

>> No.7154871

>he doesn't live in a welfare state
>he actually wants a job in 2015

>> No.7154873

>smart normies

sorry, no, banks are filled with geniuses and retards who are related to senior management/well connected through family. The fact that you're here means you're neither.

>> No.7154878

also why is this on /lit/? fuck off.

>> No.7154881

but the problem with this is the vast majority of successful people are indeed handed everything, and furthermore often aren't of any use to the world. there's nothing wrong with pointing out the injustices and inefficiencies of how society operates.

>> No.7154883
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>looking for a job.

>> No.7154892

oh and the world doesn't need labor anymore. for every well-paying job, there are a hundred people capable of filling it. in the coming decades there will be ubiquitous mass unemployment, probably around 50% (already the US is around 20% unemployed by any real measurement). it will become impossible to get a decent job unless you have rich parents. plenty of very smart people will be trapped in the lower classes forever. hopefully this causes communist revolution.

>> No.7154896

>this is the future of Western civilization

>> No.7154901

Honestly don't give a fuck

>> No.7154911

Well yeah. Most wageslaves are going to get forced out of the working when automation comes through, even if they want it or not.

>> No.7154921

you're so delusional. go get a physics degree or computer science or electrical engineering or something and go work for a big company. you'll soon realize what a shortage of capable people there is

>> No.7154922


OP is complaining he failed to get the experience that would get him what he wanted now because he lacked skills in area other than his intended profession.

He just lacks skills. There is no injustice. He failed. The world doesn't owe him something because he doesn't have some social skills. It's up to OP to prove himself. He failed to do that.

>> No.7154935

this is exactly how it feels to not have to work or pay for rent

>> No.7154936

if there were a shortage companies would be training people themselves. they're no so there isn't.

and great advice. everyone should get a degree that is valuable because only like 5% of the population get it. guess what happens then.

>> No.7154938

>Be born in shithole country.
>Some jobs available, can't be picky.
>All shit pay with shit management and low probabilities of going in anywhere in life.
>All the high paying jobs are slave labour IT outsourcing and there's a high percentage of STDs among them
>Suck the chinese cock

Hiroshima my nagasaki.

>> No.7154945

>I know I'm smart enough
Sorry, no you're not. You're actually a retard posting this on a literature board.

sage and reported.

>> No.7154951

>if there were a shortage companies would be training people themselves. they're no so there isn't.
lol i just got off the phone talking to a company i'm interviewing with and they spent a significant amount of time telling me about their extensive training program
the opportunity is out there unless you're a maimed cripple or from a third world country

>> No.7154954

Don't worry too much OP. It can feel a bit like you need a job RIGHT NOW when you've graduated. But really there isn't much of a rush. So it takes you two/threes years to get onto the career tree, you're going to be dead soon anyway.

From my experience people tend to fuck up in pretty similar ways. Firstly, they aren't flexible and they don't try very hard with applying to jobs. They apply for one or two, they just fling off the exact same CV (which are nearly always terribly written), and they never look for training schemes. Which is what you really need. Then when they do get an interview they don't prepare, they don't research the company, and they just kind of wing it. It should take you at least an hour to apply for a job if you are serious about getting it. At least.

I can already hear the biggest problem though. You're blaming the fact you haven't done any extra curricular activity and you are an aspie for not getting these jobs, but it's most likely you have 0 experience. You are not qualified for the job and it only takes one single other person to be able to shoot the shit to beat you to the job.

So get some damn experience. I've never gotten why graduates struggle with this so much. You do not have even 10 minutes of practical experience. Why would anyone hire you at the moment? Do you not realize how idiotic your covering letter looks in comparison to the other candidates they get?

>> No.7154959

in that case it would be easy to find a well paying job

but it isnt, its almost impossible unless you're in the top 10% of income.

>> No.7154970

what part of
1) get computer science degree
2) get 65k/yr out of school
do you not understand?
there are other fields like this (engineering, accounting, ...) but you start out a little in some cases and higher in others

>> No.7154977


That's just not true at all unless you are talking about earning 6 figures.

>> No.7154981

>mfw universities in the UK churn out 300,00 graduates a year in total

I know shit tier unis and subjects will be screened out but something has to give

>> No.7154991

those degrees account for around 10% of graduates. if suddenly they accounted for 80% of graduates how do you think job prospects would hold up?

>> No.7154996

of course it's possible to find a decent job if you have a good engineering degree or whatever. but outside that top %10-15 percent of people, for everyone else it is almost impossible. and if you doubled or tripled the people in engineering or CS degrees, job prospects for those people would become a lot worse.

>> No.7155004


The UK actually has a relatively low unemployment rate. It's at about 5% which is the same as Germany and the USA, which is lower than some relatively wealthy countries like France which is at 10% and Spain which is at 20%.

The UK also has a surprisingly big shortage of skilled workers - especially in health and IT. It's why those industries are so full of foreigners now.

The problem is that people aren't educated in the right things, but even lower down having an educated workforce is a plus.

>> No.7155011

why do you want to be some miserable 9-5 deskbound employee anyways

>> No.7155022

>9-5 deskbound
This meme needs to die. It's depressing. My workday's 8.30-6 and I don't think I'm unusual in that.

>> No.7155027

Op wants to work in a bank. He'll be doing 7am to 2am kek.