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7152361 No.7152361[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>girl at uni sees I'm reading Kierkegaard
>she asks me what I'm reading
>tell her
>she asks me the name of the other book beside me (it's the rebel)
>tell her
>three days later on the college's social justice wall organized by the life team a flyer with camus' face appears with the text "WHITE PRIVILEGE IS BEING ABLE TO SIT AROUND THINKING ABOUT PHILOSOPHY"

>> No.7152366

One time a girl told me reading and writing were privileges only white men typically reaped (though she said it in a nonchalant manner, not an aggressive one) despite books being easier to find than a proper education

>> No.7152368

>the college's social justice wall

>organized by the life team


>> No.7152375

Seriously, what university was this?

I thought I went to a "progressive" campus but now I'm scared to hear what OP's going to say next.

>> No.7152376

Yes, please explain. It sounds like OP got IRL meme'd by his uni but I think he meant by the girl?

>> No.7152378

My school has a wall / mural thing constantly updated run by its life team dedicated to "exposing injustice". Usually BLM protests happen there.

And life team isn't a new thing. That's been around for ages.

>> No.7152382

What university, faggot?

>> No.7152384

What would Fartre think of SJWs? What would Nietzsche think of SJWs? What would Stirner think of SJWs?

>> No.7152387

>all this
Are you made of memes? Wtf is a life team? BLM? Define your fucking terms and move unis any way.

>> No.7152401 [DELETED] 

white privilege is thinking everything is about you


>> No.7152409


Nietzsche would think they're the definition of The Last Man

Sartre would say they don't recognize freedom

Stirner would just start beating himself upon the temple while screaming SPOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOKS

>> No.7152410

>philosophy debate
>some girl is trying to advocate pornographic censorship
>pretty interesting discussion
>get into a metaphysical analysis on the limits of epistemology and it's effect on ethics
>literally walk her through ever logical step, very carefully and clearly
>at the end she just sits there silently and agrees
>five minutes later she says she changes her mind because "she doesn't like what it means"
>goes on about censorship again
>blue is the warmest colour is her favourite film as well

>> No.7152418

>>blue is the warmest colour is her favourite film as well
LMAO what a pleb

If your favorite film came out in the past fifty years you are an intellectual child IMO

>> No.7152425


>debate on censorship
>get into a metaphysical analysis on the limits of epistemology
I see you don't know how to debate.

>> No.7152427

BLM = Black Lives Matter

Life Team is a nonprofit club a school has to display injustice. They were originally meant for helping out at soup kitchens but now they're more about sitting there and doing nothing. They sometimes get things banned for being offensive to LGBTQ, and they hold a Guilt Walk every year.

>> No.7152433

hello reddit

>> No.7152435

Pure ideology.

>> No.7152437

It sounds like OP is talking about Berkeley. My friend goes there and I know they have a life team.

>> No.7152443

Anon, the US is exactly like one of those third world dictatorships which you bomb except their universities would expect you to learn more useful things than any of that. Move. Drop out. Just never live anywhere you need to learn that much bullshit. Jesus.

>> No.7152449

I don't think you do, she was trying to argue that there was can be universal and objective moral truths that should be supported and I had disagree.
I thought it was ironic, considering she seemed to hate explicit pornography.

>> No.7152452
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This is how every discussion of predestination and free will went at my Christian high school. The teacher was generally an idiot but he made an extremely compelling case for predestination. Baptist girls (Baptists don't believe in predestination) would literally weep in class and have their parents complain that he brought up this particular point of doctrine because "he should just teach the gospel."

Women are rationalization machines. We should study their brains, if only for the purpose of finding ways for future AI to deceive itself.

Went to a good US college and am currently working in a third world country. This is not true at all. It's fun to joke about, but Latin American universities really blow chunks and even the middle class's standard of living is irritating if you come from the states and aren't totally poor.

>> No.7152453

holy shit i am fucking tired

>> No.7152455

>even the middle class's standard of living is irritating if you come from the states and aren't totally poor.

Third worlder here, can confirm this.

>> No.7152458

>meet smoking hot chick in my geology class
>she sits next to me day after day despite me being a goofy-looking slob
>near the middle of the semester
>get it into my head that she wants to date me
>"d-d-d'you want to get coffee or something"
>we get coffee
>"So, anon, is this a date? I'm super single right now"
>"Ha ha, you card, who would go out with a loser like me"
>She puts on the aww you're sweet routine, we officially start dating when she declares it
>oh boy, oh boy, it's getting good, feeling heartburn of love, this is what life is
>arrive at the night
>the night of the sex
>we're making out, having a grand old time, I'm diamonds for her
>she starts to undress
>"Well, this is me"
>she has a 7-inch cock, it's throbbing with pre-cum
>"I need you to fuck my ass, anon."
>"I'm sorry," I say, "but I am not a homosexual. Since you were born a man, to make love to you would be a homosexual act, and I am not a homosexual."
>We fuck anyway, she dirty-talks about being a girl, cums just from penetration
>I-I guess

It's a difficult world we live in sometimes guys

>> No.7152466

I am glad the Muslims are taking over.

>> No.7152467

>"well, this is me"
Are you sure you're not from that terrible webcomic?

>> No.7152481

I went to a non American uni. First year studies are closer to American 601 courses. US unis are spending money to make people literate to a high school level.
>inb4 muh top tier
No, your system is fucked like Brazil's.

>> No.7152488

>too much of a faggot to take it

>> No.7152490
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>> No.7152504

my dad was a theology major at Bible college, and even though he identified as Baptist he had Calvinist leanings. I thought predestination made more sense than anything, and it's prettier too because god decides he wants to save you before you even know it. I didn't understand what was so distasteful about it, since it's not as if it erects some barrier. if you believe, you believe, and you're predestined; if you don't believe, you don't gaf about predestination anyway. am I missing a point about the concept?

>> No.7152508
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>in prereq writing class
>last year, was still pretty pleb (still am but im trying)
>say something about Bukowski and "write drunk, edit sober"
>kid tells me that if i like Bukowski i should read Tao Lin
>mfw when i come /lit/ a few months later and realized i got meme'd on

>> No.7152514

Seems slightly unfair to punish someone for something they're bound to do. Doesn't strike me as particularly helpful to freewill , but that may just be a bad case of captain hindsight.

>> No.7152527

>unfair to punish someone for something they're bound to do
lel I knew I was forgetting something.

>> No.7152529
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>tfw going to berkeley
>tfw copy of either/or in my backpack

I'm afraid now

>> No.7152541
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Not sure how you could inb4 "muh top tier." It makes a huge difference and I did in fact go to a school where the average SAT Verbal score was around 750, so I don't think they were struggling to get people literate. I don't defend state schools; I just think most people at state schools shouldn't be in a university at all and that goes for most people at Latin American universities as well with the exception of engineering students and the Latin American top tiers like UNAM.

I'm no longer religious, but yeah it sounds like you get it. The idea is that from your perspective it makes no difference whether you're chosen or not.

In Christian theology "fairness" means next to nothing because humanity fails every time God offers to make a deal. Every covenant has been broken, so we exist and some of us go to heaven through God's grace and it's absurd to tell him his grace isn't good enough.

>> No.7152543

Girls get pretty turned on by guys who can confidently talk about their philosophies.

Lots of smart girls like to see "strong" men correct them. It's a domination thing, don't worry, just be confident that you've thought your philosophies through.

>> No.7152553

I know, I like Catholicism personally. Was just playing devil's advocate.

>> No.7152554

This. Stay away from the activist types and dissent can be sexy. My ex was fascinated by my ability to explain conservative positions, including those of my back-woods hick family that I don't agree with, without making them seem totally insane. Other people at my alma mater can't talk about Republicans without using invective and she admitted that after she met me, that sort of rhetoric seemed weak.

>> No.7152581

I'm a beta

>> No.7152583
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>> No.7152587

What about that triggers you? I thought it was supposed to be the best in Mexico.

>> No.7152589

Read some Camus.

Two birds, one stone.

>> No.7152598
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>the best

>> No.7152603

Houellebecq pls

>> No.7152614

UNAM is sjw central

>> No.7152621

I know someone who came from the University of PR in Mayaguez. They moved to the University of Arizona. They claimed grad school here had lower standards than undergrad in PR.

Anecdote, I know, but the US has so commodified education that students are reduced to consumers whose every whim must be met.

>> No.7152649

Huh. All the UNAM students I know are science majors and constantly talk shit about the Philosophy faculty for SJW shit and being lazy stoners, but the science people seem legit.

Arizona is basically a year-round spring break destination for stupid rich kids from Long Island and New Jersey. I said elsewhere that I don't consider state schools in the states a good idea and most people who go there shouldn't be in a university at all, but our top private unis and maybe a handful of the best state schools are a totally different ball game.

>> No.7152653

How do they not recognize freedom?

>> No.7152654

UACH is god tier.

>> No.7152672

>If your favorite film came out in the past fifty years you are an intellectual child IMO
Lmao I bet you smoke a pipe

>> No.7152684


>"I'm sorry," I say, "but I am not a homosexual. Since you were born a man, to make love to you would be a homosexual act, and I am not a homosexual."

>> No.7152693

>*proceeds to engage in such homossexual act*

>> No.7152702

You're out of luck, man. All the guys I think that go to Berkley can NOT catch any semblance of a break. I visited one friend up there, and I swear to you: I try to transcend the red-blue dichotomy...but Jesus, that place was a festering hole of liberal fuckery.
Enjoy having antisocial Asian friends, because that is who you'll fit in best with.

that is, of course, unless you are good at feigning a different nature

>> No.7152703

Only some girls and betas are (at least in Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, which apparently is the SJW central).

>All the UNAM students I know are science majors and constantly talk shit about the Philosophy faculty for SJW shit and being lazy stoners, but the science people seem legit.

Facultad de Ciencias is the autism and stoner capital in UNAM. Most of them are just autists who think that being Science Majors makes them better than everyone else, much like Engineer students. Some are cool, but the vast majority are like that.

Actually, I've only met a handful of SJW in my time at the Philosophy Faculty, and all of them, as I said, are female students. However, and thankfully too, they are not as batshit insane as American SJW, mainly because of Mexico's context which differs a great deal from that of the States. Female teachers are also feminists but in the good way (i.e. they are well-read and know how to put forward their points without being intrusive, although some of them resent it if you are indifferent to feminism even though you believe and act out their core ideas).

In shot, fuck all that noise, my man. UNAM is the best. Don't believe the lies of every other guy that crosses your path, even more when they are biased.

>> No.7152728

This hasn't reached meme teir yet
but the past 3 girls I've crushed on before I even hit on them they say their asexual. Like wtf is this campus.
I'd even ask my friends about them and they'd be like "oh, the asexual girl?"

Why are all the cute nerd girls following the asexual meme?

>> No.7152744

Nowadays people with a weak sense of self try to identify with a sexual orientation or ethnicity. "Cute nerd girls," tend to lack sexual experience or comfort with their bodies so it's easy for them to delude themselves into thinking they're asexual or lesbian or some shit until they get some hard dick and realize they're no different from 98% of women.

>> No.7152747

tbh i'm considering pretending to be hispanic then calling people racist against hispanic culture if they dislike my conservative viewpoints. any downsides?

>> No.7152750


Literally pure ideology

>> No.7152756

Are you white?

If you are, please don't do that

>> No.7152765

Nobody's gonna care if you can't speak Spanish. If you don't have black hair and brown eyes then just an hero right now.

Not really. No value judgements there, just observations.

>> No.7152772

there are plenty of white hispanics friend.
in america, there are many second, third, or greater generation hispanics who can't even speak spanish. i don't need to speak spanish to do it.

>> No.7152777

the Last Men are their beta followers (pudgy 'indie game dev' white dudes on twitter)
the cadre themselves are quite bold and vicious in their pursuit

>> No.7152781


that entire post is value judgement


are you joking?

>> No.7152783

The U.S. Census Bureau defines the ethnonym Hispanic or Latino to refer to "a person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish culture or origin regardless of race"[33] and states that Hispanics or Latinos can be of any race, any ancestry, any ethnicity.[34] Generically, this limits the definition of Hispanic or Latino to people from the Caribbean, Central and South America, or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race, distinctly excluding all persons of Portuguese origin.

Literally all you need is a great great grandparent who was born in a Latin American country and you're Hispanic.

>> No.7152789

Saying something is weak isn't a judgement of whether it's good or bad. Maybe you feel insulted if someone calls any aspect of your being weak, but that's a personal problem.

>> No.7152797

should I adopt campus leftism for the social capital it entails?
is that 'riding the tiger' or merely capitulation?

>> No.7152799

It's literally, "I was only pretending to be retarded," IRL. Have a little more pride than that.

>> No.7152811


value =/= good or bad

>> No.7152851

Camus is gay

>> No.7152858

You know a thread is shit if it devolves into 18 year olds comparing which "uni" they go to

>> No.7152859
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Adopt the Kierkegaardian position. Defeat them with socratic irony, living their philosophy so thoroughly that it can't help but fall apart.

>> No.7152864


Woah their Wordsworth

>> No.7152868

it's an incredible story, harrison bergeron irl

>> No.7152870
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>Read a book at my uni library
>Nobody ever approaches me

What am I doing wrong?

>> No.7152873
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Looks like you're a fat nigglet.

>> No.7152875

catchy, also as poster below said they lack comfort with their bodies (okcupid found that girls who didn't do a lot of fitness had never had an orgasm)... so no orgasm they just assume they don't have sex, also now they have a sparkly label with a greek prefix no less to lend it authority when they just want to be, essentially, frigid

>> No.7152878

there was this black girl in class today and she kept getting cut off by white men (including me)
she had a look on her face like she was going to write a passive aggressive tumblr post about it later
her opinions aren't that well developed but her bum is

>> No.7152879

Why, what happened?

>> No.7152880

So much edge, even /pol/ can't contain it.

>> No.7152889


>> No.7152902

The exercise thing is such a huge factor in most people's sexuality. My sex drive is way lower when I don't work out for a while and athletic girls fuck WAY better and even if they're not ripped their bodies feel better than girls who are just coasting by on well-made fat deposits.

I'm not sure why people who never go outside bother living.

>> No.7152910

i am fat fuck and i am always horny, explain that bro.

>> No.7152925

I mean, I jerk it at least once a day when I'm out of training, but I can fuck five times a night for a week when I'm in top shape.

>> No.7152939

male and female sexuality are different

>> No.7152958

>guys who work out are hornier
>girls who work out are hornier
Not sure what your post has to do with this.

>> No.7152973

for men, it may not be dependent on physical activity

>> No.7152980

What? It absolutely makes a difference. Overall correlation between exercise and sexual vigor doesn't mean that Ron Jeremy can't be a fat chainsmoker.

>> No.7152986

So what's hispanic about them? Hispanic isn't a race, it's a cultural group. No one would take a 3rd generation American seriously if they claimed they were German or French.

>> No.7153279
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I knew this thread would be worth reading.

>> No.7153315
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>tfw conservative black at a uni in a conservative state
>might end up going to grad school at some liberal-infested college

How easy are those crazy "muh repressed minorities" white/asian chicks?

>> No.7153333
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enjoy being cucked out of existence

>> No.7153334

>Start using tinder because fuck it, who cares what people really think away, i just want 2 fugg
>Usual shit happens, girls match you then don't talk a lot or simply don't reply
>Have some decent conversations with a few, get their Facebooks
>One in particular who after a few short messages tells me about her "3rd wave Feminist art show opening up"
>Directs me to a website
>Some decent work but a lot of is the typical nudity, shock & awe then aesthetic beauty
>"...Looks... really good qtanongirl :)!"
>Her instagram is filled with nudes
>"We should meet up!"
>I'm out all night, messaging her
>"Sorry, I'll be a bit later I'm having dinner?
>"Can't make it yet, having drinks with a friend!"
>I'll meet you at ____ at 12:00!
>Leave my friends to go to the said club
>Have to pay 20$ to get in
>Spend my time chain-smoking in a corner alone
>2 hours later she's not here despite many messages to her
>Have to get 30$ taxi home
>Have a terrible hangover + sore throat
>Open Facebook
>hey sorry, I turned my phone data off...

Didn't even respond, I got fucked over bad.

>> No.7153338

Lmao looks like ya'll are up to date on your vaccines. Enjoy your perpetual state of euphoria.

>> No.7153359

>this nigga got misled by the club's adbot

>> No.7153364

White easy. Asian depends. Southeast brown asian, easy. North yellow asians not easy for bracks. Unless they're fug. Asians all around easy if you're white.

>> No.7153372

>have to pay 20 dollaridoodles to get in

what? why?

>> No.7153377

never been to a club?

>> No.7153378

UNAM Philosophy faculty here. All SJWs are women and gays (the problem is that some of them are teachers and shit). But if you look around you can find some pretty good people. Like myself tbh. Even some of the feminists are second-wave/non-crazy.

Also, I agree with >>7152703 about the Ciencias and Ingeniería people being mostly shit-tier autists who get stoned way more than people in Fil & Letras and then blame it all on us because they know we have a terrible rep (earned by the chairo fossil faggots living in our auditorium, whom we all hate).

>> No.7153379

Doubt you'll see many asians at a meme college.

>> No.7153384

>books being easier to find than a proper education
Her particular argument is somewhat retarded, but you can't deny the gap between black and caucasian reading levels largely caused by years of systematic racism towards and widespread poverty of african americans. It's more of a poverty issue than a race one--it just happens that there is a solid correlation between race and poverty in the USA (great article that focuses on chicago http://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2014/06/the-case-for-reparations/361631/ ). If you are poor, the cards are a bit stacked against you. Lower parental education levels, less time with parents at home as they might be working multiple jobs, lower quality early childhood attention and education, less chance of being read to and encouraged to read, more likely to go to a sub-par school as you grow, et cetera. All of this leads to a lower level of reading, and, consequently, a lower desire to read. I'm not saying that someone coming from urban poverty can't find a love of reading and education, but they are at a huge disadvantage compared to someone born into middle class family.

I spent a year at a private liberal arts college. I knew a black guy who was just as capable and intelligent as many other students there who transferred to an all black college because he felt he received different treatment from staff and students, particularly in regards to his academic ability. I completely understand why he made that choice. I see a lot of pissy fits about SJWs on this site, but they bring important issues to light in our society and in higher education. Most negative responses I read are emotional rather than rational. I understand why conservatism as a political philosophy is popular. But frankly, a lot of the anti-SJW hate on 4chan seems reactionary and anti-intellectual.

I also think many SJWs and progressives can be irrational and anti-intellectual. There is an over-reaction. I'll balance this post with another great Atlantic article http://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2015/09/the-coddling-of-the-american-mind/399356/ . All I hope from people is to be balanced and rational. Examine opposing view-points earnestly instead of looking for holes in their arguments and reasons why you are right.

>> No.7153386

I go to one of the largest and most prestigious unis in my country and it's full of these kids
the only ones that annoy me are the ones that can't talk like normal people during tutorials, just constantly repeating the party line

>> No.7153390

remember where you are

>> No.7153395

woah groundbreaking opinion dude!

>> No.7153401

do u go to u of t

>> No.7153404
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>but you can't deny the gap between black and caucasian reading levels largely caused by years of systematic racism towards and widespread poverty of african americans.
only because blacks have less means, than whites, to satisfy their hedonism. so they spend their time and means not on cheap books, but on entertainment. whites are more efficient in hedonism so they manage to cram more books in their puny lives.

>> No.7153432

university of sydney

>> No.7153436

ah, the warm version of u of t

>> No.7153438

>Even some of the feminists are second-wave/non-crazy.
can you pick up a gun and shoot yourself?

>> No.7153454

I thought all that stuff played itself out.

>> No.7153456

Are you implying that second wave is crazy, or that third wave isn't?

>> No.7153463

Is uoft really that bad? Ive met two guys in TO who studied there and they were based as fuck

>> No.7153480

nah, i was just thinking what is a top uni in a country that's obviously not the states that has "asians" as a category
i took a guess
anyway i went to mcgill, so yes, u of t is bad

>> No.7153490

Stirner would say they're spooked but he's one of them (that essay bout his wife holy shit) and Nietzsche would say caring about injustice is for weak faggots

>> No.7153495

Jokes on them Camus's family were illiterate peasants. He worked damn hard to get where he went.

>> No.7153500

They were white though you privileged cracker. He didn't earn shit.

>> No.7153501


>> No.7153510

Can't remember but he wrote something about how wanting to control your wife is pathetic and you should let her do what she wants. Aka Stirner is literally a cuckold

I liked Stirner until I read his other essays then I realized he was just a beta faggot who uses his philosophy to pretend he doesn't want things and thus he's happy. Nietzsche was right.

>> No.7153546

No they weren't faggot.

>> No.7153576

>I thought it was ironic, considering she seemed to hate explicit pornography.
I thought debate club was just an excercise in defending a position. Why do you assume it was personal for her?

>> No.7153591

>Women are rationalization machines. We should study their brains, if only for the purpose of finding ways for future AI to deceive itself

The ultimate male rationalization

>> No.7153649

>no u


>> No.7153662

I never imagined I'd find a reasonable post about this on 4chan.

>> No.7153666
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CUCKed many many times

>> No.7153707

>This never happened

>> No.7153709


>> No.7153710
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CUCKed many many times>>7152410
>>five minutes later she says she changes her mind because "she doesn't like what it means"

the discourse is not a tool to change people mind. people have various affinities and TRY to JUSTIFY them through discourse.

=>You are too rationalist, change your stance and the world will seem fine.

>> No.7153715

I'm sometime worried about the survival of our superior european culture and way of life. But then I see faggot hipsters and tattooed butch dykes every time I go out on the street, and I'm actually glad of these homo-hating and traditionalist migrants moving in

>> No.7153720

That just makes you a degenerate cuck. The correct course of action would be mass purges, forcible conversions, and Inquisitions, but of course you'd rather invite in Ahmed to do it for you.

>> No.7153724

What would happen if you are reading Evola at the uni library in Berkley?

>> No.7153726

Mine came out 49 years ago, plz don't hate me anon

>> No.7153727

I guess. But also I think it will trigger a fresher point of leftist view of things, since they'll have to face that the niggers they love hate their degenerate progressivism

>> No.7153731
File: 121 KB, 1200x900, BARRY_LYNDON_EVERETT-kuXC--1200x900@Quotidiano_Inside_Italy-Web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is truly the first time someone voiced his opinion on decadence of today's youth and their fashion style.

>> No.7153741

lmao it's generic handwaving party line bullshit

>> No.7153896

>a lot of the anti-SJW hate on 4chan seems reactionary and anti-intellectual.

Nail, head; You know the rest.

>> No.7153917

>I thought it was ironic, considering she seemed to hate explicit pornography.
no you idiot. what she likes is never pornography, what she dislikes is porn AND MUST BE BANNED

>> No.7153940

>needing to 'control' your wife
>not having her want to be submissive etc for you

>> No.7153966

Reactionary? Yeah.

Anti-Intellectual? Maybe if your a frogposter, most feminists I've met have been cool but there are so many as well who obviously are sexually frustrated misandrists. Not to mention dismissing someone's opinion as "just some white guy" is actually bigoted, which I've also heard and seen.

Just going off real life here, the internet spews all kind of vitriol.

>> No.7153974

>got assessment shit due, computer trouble so go to uni library
>it's packed because everyone else is in the same position
>work on computer for six hours straight, need to pee
>bring up wordpad and put WENT TO PEE BE BACK IN LIKE FIVE MINUTES DO NOT STEAL then leg it
>come back
>there's this angry-looking chick there
>she also needs a computer and mine is the only one not taken
>she says that I shouldn't have left my computer and that it's not fair to her to keep it reserved like I did
>I say sorry but that I've been working for ages
>she smiles and says "then you're almost done?"
>I say another hour tops
>she grabs a spare chair from a desk nearby and drags it into the computer section and sits next time, saying she'll wait for me to finish
>spend the next hour typing awkwardly about population density with her reading over my shoulder
>every time I work on the bit about young families she audiably sighs
>ask her if something's wrong and she just smiles and gestures that I get on with it
>continue working with this passive agressive cloud hanging over me
>she asks me about what I do for fun
>I say I read, she says what books
>say mainly history books and she gets all haughty about her favourite author (China Mievelle) and how I should broaden my mind
>finally get it done, and go to the printer
>when I get back she's already in my chair saying hurry hurry
>save my shit onto my USB and wish her the best
>get to the bus-stop to go home after putting the assignment in
>find out she slipped a fucking university feminism association flyer in my bag

Seriously, she was like an octopus devouring the entire table. She asked me out next week

>> No.7153991

>Just going off real life here, the internet spews all kind of vitriol.

Internet politics is fucking garbage, regardless of ideology or affiliation, and people who take it seriously are retards. Sometimes, because politics is filled with autists who want interests that are 'intellectual' (read: austistic), and because social organization (especially online) usually creates "in-groups" nominally external to perceived opposition, you get angsty faggots who often create moral systems based on prejudice all over the place.

>> No.7153996

Why pick Camus for this? I can see how feminists would have a problem with Sartre, but Camus is pretty neutral.


>> No.7154003

To be fair, I've seen a lot of valid feminist arguments being dismissed as "SJW propaganda"

>> No.7154007

it's not even about names of philosophers apparently, more like philosophy in general as a white privilege.
Which is fucking weird. Anyone can go to a public library and read philosophy.

>> No.7154009

that is exactly the logical consequences of stirner´s philosophy.
you feel alone and weak if your wife fuck with someone else?.

>> No.7154011
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lel such as

>> No.7154014

this image is wrong because unattractive women really are deemed worthless

>> No.7154019

This isn't even real, you /r9k/ /pol/ memer.

I study Sociology and there's only two transgendered people in my class and it's very reactionary. sjw are a myth. only on the internet

>> No.7154020


stirner game strong shawty

>> No.7154021

Pretty funny that for a ideology that stands against harassment she would do that to you. I mean it is more annoying than actual being a problem, but anyways she redeemed herself by like Mievelle. Not because he is a good writer, but because I personally like him.

>> No.7154025


I heard he's a rapist.

>> No.7154055

Yeah, feminism's just another Internet scapegoat, something to collectively hate. It's fun to band together and mock those man hating SJWs through comments and messages- gives us a sense of community, like schoolyard bullying. There are so many normies on Facebook and all those other social media shitholes reposting cherry picked SJW articles, and the response is enormous- thousands of replies from plebs with their shitty meme images and retarded comments. The worst are those students who think themselves to be intellectuals, they post paragraphs of nonsensical, rambling "arguments" of why feminism is "illogical", despite them not having read even a single page feminist literature in their entire life. I still don't understand someone can pick a side on such a controversial topic without having read or studied anything about it. I doubt even the average /lit/ user is well read on the subject, and yet you're still probably content with picking on the fat kid with the rest of the class.

>> No.7154063

You know why?
They are

>> No.7154065

but feminism is the bully

>> No.7154081

Feminism is a tiny, inconsequential minority that gets blown out of proportion like everything else on the Internet

>> No.7154090

feminism enjoys great power

>> No.7154099

WHy didn't you tell her to fuck off, she sounds socially retarded

>> No.7154111

Transgenders make up 0.3% of the population. Was there a 1000 people in your class?

WHy do we bend over for mental illness these day?

>> No.7154148

every woman is worthless

the point is that the women want to have all the pleasures that they think lower men than them have.

>> No.7154157
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>in graduate seminar
>most people in it are surprisingly chill
>this one fucking filipino guy
>gets mad that british bookstores are "anglocentric" by having british history sections and not equal sections for all countries' history
>later admits he is doing research on the philippines, i.e. he is fucking ethnocentric
>someone makes a joke about pop culture liking nicki minaj, later someone makes a similar one about the kardashians
>has to speak up and tell everyone to stop misogynistically portraying puerile pop culture as "feminine gendered"
>keeps misusing ten dollar words that sound similar to other ten dollar words that he actually meant
>keeps saying jargon like "problematize"

>> No.7154166

>WHy do we bend over for mental illness these day?


>> No.7154172

>Is uoft really that bad?

see >>7154157

>> No.7154176

just learn to not care
the world tends to truth and the truth tends to aristocracy

>> No.7154200

True, dude. Angela Merkel is treated like a total nothing.

>> No.7154205

she's lower than worthless

>> No.7154212

Not OP but I go to a shit - tier school, we have two of these, one is called "democracy plaza". It's all edge lords and minority sjws.

>> No.7154240

I think this criticism is more about an answer to the question: why weren't there more woman philosophers?

Because there were more men who were rich and educated in the past, due to male privilege. This is a legitimate criticism. I don't know why anyone would want to shit on philosophy as a whole because of it (maybe OP misinterpreted the sign... If it even exists). Whenever I've heard of this kind of thing, it was more about encouraging more women to study philosophy.

>> No.7154241

Finally, a decent post.

>> No.7154246
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fixed the ONS

>> No.7154250
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>>Because there were more men who were rich and educated in the past, due to male privilege

>I need money to step back on my life, activate a few neurons and wonder ''why things are such as they are ?'' because it WELL KNOWN THAT PHILOSOPHERS ARE THE RICHEST DUDES AROUND HAHAHAHAHAHAH

>> No.7154255
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>> No.7154257
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>you will never be Pathagoras and have a harem of nerdy math philosophers

>> No.7154259

>she was trying to argue that there was can be universal and objective moral truths that should be supported and I had disagree.


you were right about not censoring shit, but c'mon, don't be a fucking edgelord. MUH TRUTH AS COHERENCE

>> No.7154263
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>> No.7154269

...this is the future we chose.

>> No.7154270

he also sounds socially retarted not telling her to fuck off tbh

>> No.7154271

The problem with this being technically true to a certain extent ("encouraging people to do cool stuff is good") is that it combines with very real innate female passivity and their automatic tendency to cry until a man fixes everything for them, creating modern feminism's bizarre mindset of "women have agency too! Men, it's your job to prove it for them by removing all barriers to their self-actualisation, laying down a red carpet, and then carrying them across it!"

Yes, blacks are more likely to be philosophers when they're not poor, institutionally excluded, or socially oppressed by racism. But there were still black philosophers. Women don't seem to do much of fucking anything, whether they are downtrodden or men are practically begging them to. These days women can do virtually anything to what would be a C-grade standard for a man and get the equivalent praise of a male A++++++++++, and even then, women mostly want to cry for men to lower the standards for them.

That's the mentality feminism needs to combat. The more you level society for easier access for women at this point, the less likely they are going to be to learn how to scale social difficulties on their own, and the more bratty and useless they are going to become.


>Women have been discouraged from genres such as sculpture that require studio training or expensive materials. But in philosophy, mathematics, and poetry, the only materials are pen and paper. Male conspiracy cannot explain all female failures. I am convinced that, even without restrictions, there still would have been no female Pascal, Milton, or Kant. Genius is not checked by social obstacles: it will overcome. Men's egotism, so disgusting in the talentless, is the source of their greatness as a sex. [...] Even now, with all vocations open, I marvel at the rarity of the woman driven by artistic or intellectual obsession, that self-mutilating derangement of social relationship which, in its alternate forms of crime and ideation, is the disgrace and glory of the human species.

>> No.7154273

>you will never kill someone for proving irrational numbers
>you will never fuck a giant bowl of beans

The Ancient Greeks had it good.

>> No.7154274

I am quite dense today so how should I read that?

A limited amount of people know the truth or aristocracy and old values are the truth?

>> No.7154275

lol tart/d*

>> No.7154276

Please, go read A Room of One's Own. It's nice and short too

>> No.7154277



>> No.7154279

Not really /lit/-related but I recently turned down a girl because she was wearing a Joy Division tshirt.

>> No.7154283

>be 17
>invite a girl out for drinks
>she says yes, first date, psyched
>wait there for an hour, nothing
>sends a text saying: "sry, phone was off. hd to have dinner"
>play it cool, decide to drop it
>then says: "do u want to do tmrw?"
>does exactly the same fucking thing
>go home, get wasted, and sing pirate songs while playing Black Flag

She got fat and I lost a lot of weight and kept running. Now, I've got a great gf and she's a washed up alcho.

>> No.7154290

I heard a friend talking about that band too.

What kind of music is it?

>> No.7154293


>> No.7154294

>second wave feminists
>not crazy
They're the ones who actually changed society for the worse by sacrificing the strength of families in the labor force. Sounds like you're too "progressive" to recognize how that's a problem.

>> No.7154300

Post punk. Don't listen to the memers though, they were are hugely influential band and produced some legendary music. Considered as an essential if you're into that genre

>> No.7154307

They're pretty good man. I'd date a girl who listened to Joy Division, most girls I know have shit taste in music.

>> No.7154316

you deserve it

>> No.7154333

Yeah that's why the president, the pope and numerous speakers at the UN have cited the one in five statistic about campus rape despite the only study that supports such a high number being extremely flawed. Anyone who claims one in five women are raped in a year is either scientifically illiterate or has powerful reasons to fudge the numbers. An ideology that can give the president and the pope such a motivation to fudge is not small and inconsequential.

>> No.7154343

>Liberal arts college
>Marking down a black person because he's black

Doubt / 10

I highly highly HIGHLY fucking doubt that there are racist professors in today's university english departments that would do that. Its academic suicide.

SJWs are fundamentally against liberal, free, western ideas. They prop up identity politics and censorship and segregation as actual solutions.

They are the absolute cancer of intellectualism, spouting out their rhetoric as if its infallible and -by definition- and dissent is inherently not worthy of giving screentime to lest someone get the impression there isn't a 100% consensus.

>> No.7154368
File: 1.25 MB, 1078x742, Beta Uprising.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they're the ones who actually changed society for the worse by sacrificing the strength of families in the labor force

Narrator: In the 80's the cost of living went up as labor unions lost their power. Working as a women became much more accepted because firms wanted to have more control over their workers.

Wife: "Okay honey our income is going down and goods are becoming more expensive, I'll get a job."
Husband: "Sounds good to me."

Narrator: They then both partook in the labor force, adding more workers to the labour-pool. Companies quickly realized that they didn't have to pay their employees as much because the masses were becoming more and more desperate for work; companies could threaten employees with being fired more easily now. After decades the entire economy adapts to this increase in labour. Firms can no longer push the bearers anymore, thus unions and strikes/riots become more common place.
During this time the wife read the second sex and tried to define herself as a individual within her community, while at the same time involved in this new society forming around the family. But it was hard, seeing as that she must over come a culture of consumerism and individuality,

So anyways, the current family and economic down turn isn't due to "second wave feminism". It is shitty economic planing and Neo-Classical theory, which drives people to work and consume. But wait lets continue with our story.

Wife: "Wow, how did our son turn out to be such a misogynistic prick?"
Husband: "Well he watches Stefan Molyneux, and reads MRA blogs. Probably feeds into his cop-out by blaming feminists for all of the world's woes, instead of trying to look into scholarly work."
Narrator: Their Son slams open the door from the basement.
Son: "Man that Anita Sarkeesian is taking over video games! Also today I saw a guy hold open a door for a couple, what a Beta. At the same time, I witnessed a father pushing a stroller with his wife who was in a business suit! My god, this world is filled with such degeneracy."
Narrator: He then slammed the door shut again, mumbling "nig nog" and "Ubermensch" as he descended the stairs.
Wife: "Did you understand anything that he said?"
Father: "No, I have no idea."

>> No.7154381

by aristocracy I don't mean 'old values'
just that people are unequal and these inequalities will pervade all systems
i.e. true greatness will always rise to the top
the more violently defensive the followers of an ideology are, the more insecure they are that their ideology isn't the truth

>> No.7154383

>independent bookstore I visit often
>cute azn chick at counter always talks to me more and more every time I check out
>one day pick up Lolita

>> No.7154401

True enough, but gender and racial politics are responsible for driving the working classes and middle-class whites away from the left. Since the 70s the left has defined itself largely based on identity politics, pushing away working class whites.

This orientation also caused the left to embrace mass immigration which has further harmed workers. So bourgeois identity politics have a lot of blame in all this too.

>> No.7154409

but thats not aristocracy, that would be meritocracy. aristocracy preserves power and influence based on birth, not "greatness," and actively prevents "true greatness" from "rising to the top".

the left should embrace personal inequality while destroying class and hereditary inequality.

>> No.7154430

I was extending the concept of aristocracy, which as a folly on my part
but how would you destroy hereditary inequality without altering the genetic code?

>> No.7154432

How pathetic of them. What is a Guilt Walk?

>> No.7154435

>is completely blonde haired blue eyed
>family from latin america
>240k scholarship to top 10 school

>> No.7154461

as a joy division fan... i would never date a girl wearing an unknown pleasures shirt

>> No.7154468

Closer > Unknown Pleasures

(But not by much)

>> No.7154479

i go back and forth on them from time to time. did you listen to the new ceremony album? derivative of closer but i love it

>> No.7154484
File: 108 KB, 700x700, 1434122569365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Old uni tested out a "free speech wall"
>long white poster wherein anyone could write what they like on it
>3 days pass poster is covered with stuff like "girl power!" "my vagina is stronger than you" "hurray for gay sex"
>One night someone wrote "straight sex is pretty great too!"
>next day the poster is torn down and ripped up
>human rights student claims responsibility, claiming that the poster became a bastion of "straight white domination"

>> No.7154499

ITT: things that never happened

>> No.7154504

this did >>7154368

>> No.7154531
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>labor unions lost their power
>working as a woman became more acceptable because firms wanted more control over their workers
Unless these statements of fact are meant to be sarcastic or something, I think you're just agreeing with me and then taking the high-effort route to calling me a neckbeard for some reason. The second wave of feminism was all about making it more acceptable for women to work in all fields so I don't see how they're not part of the permanent shift that the point in history you highlighted occasioned.

>all that stuff about employers gaining more power
Yes, weakening of unions had some to do with this, and the entrance of women into the workforce helped by increasing the labor supply. As women became more educated the effect rose up the economic ladder. Still not sure if this is supposed to be a counterargument or an angry concession.

>neo-classical theory which drives people to work and consume
Correct, people aren't willing to give an inch when it comes to their high-consumption lifestyles, and for some women and couples this is all the motivation it takes to be adamant about keeping their women in the workforce. Again, you're just listing contributing factors that don't even begin to negate what I said.

>> No.7154580

>Well, this is me
/co/ pls

>> No.7154671

This is a wonderful post, thank you.

>> No.7154690

It's Hemingway who said that editing shit m8.

They're pretty different authors tbh

>> No.7154715

i'm a black lesbian and you can't tell me otherwise without oppressing me!

>> No.7154731

don't worry about it
you should never worry about women
you can't trust strangers

>> No.7154737

I haven't been memed irl (philosophically at least), but Zizek is coming to my town the next day so I expect to get memed, and if I find the chance, meme myself.

>> No.7154748

black people are more eloquent and well-spoken in general i've found because of this. maybe black people in the US do have a less literary culture than white or asian people (before the internet) but black people are much better at speaking and socializing because they're much more oratory.
if any of you think this is racist i would like to inform you that i'm a black lesbian.

>> No.7154753

>superior european culture
do you even world war 2?

>> No.7154758

>>girl at uni sees I'm reading Kierkegaard
>>she asks me what I'm reading

Liar. This has never once happened in the history of mankind.

>> No.7154760

I am also a third worlder and I wouldn't confirm this.
Sure, the money you make in a 3rd world country as a middle-class wouldn't let you live a decent life in Europe/USA/first world, but it is enough in your own country. A third world middle classer and an American middle classer doesn't live so different lifes. But I am talking for my own country only.

>> No.7154763

sexism = privilege + power she literally did nothing wrong

>> No.7154764

Just be glad that you're going to a good school.
I cringe every time I look out the window and see Syracuse.

>> No.7154766

if you make posts like this you're a pretentious faggot IMO LMAO XD

>> No.7154774

Maybe their low sexual drive is what got them into nerdy hobbies in the first place? For example, as a teen, lack of interest in sex and relationship babble ends up alienating you from others and you end up dwelling into things that are considered "nerdy"

>> No.7154778

>reading The Count of Montecristo during a recess (unabridged, so it's very thick and people notice it)
>guy asks what I'm reading
>tell him
>'oh, I liked the anime better, it's very trippy and you can never experience the same from the written world'
>(ofc he had never read Dumas)

Another time:
>with some friend and his gf
>'hey anon, did you know she's studying literature at uni?'
>'oh really? What are you reading for your classes?'
>'right now a very boring french guy, all he writes about are whores, mining and depressed white guys'
>'i-is that Emile Zola?'
>'Yes! How did you know?'
>lie about having checked the class curriculum
>mfw Zola is one of my top10 fav authors
>'and you anon, what are you reading?'
>'Malone dies by Samuel Beckett'
>'never heard of him, what's it about?'
>stammer incoherently and say something about postmodernism and book-long paragraphs and old men at their deathbeds
>'but does it have a plot?'

>> No.7154785


< inb4 this anon was being ;sincere;

>> No.7154795

>'Malone dies by Samuel Beckett'
>'never heard of him, what's it about?'

I'm already nervous just by imagining in having to respond to this question.

>> No.7154800

Which country are you?

>> No.7154808

Haha! Good one dude!

>> No.7154821

Following your predelictions isn't always a great idea. Most guys I know who don't work out much still wish they could get laid a lot more but act like being scrawny or fat betas is some immutable part of their being. I propose that it is not and if they'd step out of their comfort zones to develop a strong body and more outgoing mind, they'd find their attitudes towards women and social interactions would eventually change.

>> No.7154826


>> No.7154829

It's not the same as a third world country from America.

>> No.7154852 [DELETED] 

>"exposing injustice"
What? Don't you mean the opposite?

>> No.7154856
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Can confirm. I used to date a girl who got off on being roasted for her ideologies. And butt stuff.

>> No.7154867

this is next level

>> No.7154912

Berkeley is a huge school. There's plenty of smart people mixed in with the leftists.

>> No.7154941

reading in the library

>> No.7155013

They are shills son. You can tell when one starts getting successively nauseous while reading them.

>> No.7155030

4chan treat feminazi tumblrinas like the status quo of feminism/social justice, i.e. pick the low hanging fruit. There is a pretty active feminist contingent at my uni and I'm 99% confident they would buttcuckfuck any and every counterargument put forth by /pol/ and the like (this >>7154011 post being one example). You faggots need to engage with actual feminist theory if you don't want to get shrekt by smart SJWs in a debate.

>> No.7155041

Oh honey, the grownups are talking.

>> No.7155046

I love how most of the women in the Philosophy faculty in UAEMex are fun loving and open minded sluts.

And yeah, they can be pretty interesting sometimes, because they don't have their heads inside their asses all the time, like the people who study hard sciences.

>> No.7155058

This sounds like it was posted by an intellectual child.

>> No.7155092

Turkey is technically first world m80

>> No.7155113

you are making a common mistake about aristocracy

>The mass-man would never have accepted authority external to himself had not his surroundings violently forced him to do so. As to-day, his surroundings do not so force him, the everlasting mass-man, true to his character, ceases to appeal to other authority and feels himself lord of his own existence. On the contrary the select man, the excellent man is urged, by interior necessity, to appeal from himself to some standard beyond himself, superior to himself, whose service he freely accepts.… Contrary to what is usually thought, it is the man of excellence, and not the common man who lives in essential servitude. Life has no savour for him unless he makes it consist in service to something transcendental. Hence he does not look upon the necessity of serving as an oppression. When, by chance, such necessity is lacking, he grows restless and invents some new standard, more difficult, more exigent, with which to coerce himself. This is life lived as a discipline — the noble life.

>Nobility is defined by the demands it makes on us — by obligations, not by rights. Noblesse oblige. "To live as one likes is plebeian; the noble man aspires to order and law" (Goethe). The privileges of nobility are not in their origin concessions or favours; on the contrary, they are conquests. And their maintenance supposes, in principle, that the privileged individual is capable of reconquering them, at any moment, if it were necessary, and anyone were to dispute them.… It is annoying to see the degeneration suffered in ordinary speech by a word so inspiring as "nobility." For, by coming to mean for many people hereditary "noble blood," it is changed into something similar to common rights, into a static, passive quality which is received and transmitted like something inert. But the strict sense, the etymon of the word nobility is essentially dynamic. Noble means the "well known," that is, known by everyone, famous, he who has made himself known by excelling the anonymous mass.… "Nobility" does not appear as a formal expression until the Roman Empire, and then precisely in opposition to the hereditary nobles, then in decadence.

>As one advances in life, one realises more and more that the majority of men — and of women — are incapable of any other effort than that strictly imposed on them as a reaction to external compulsion. And for that reason, the few individuals we have come across who are capable of a spontaneous and joyous effort stand out isolated, monumentalised, so to speak, in our experience. These are the select men, the nobles, the only ones who are active and not merely reactive, for whom life is a perpetual striving, an incessant course of training. Training = askesis. These are the ascetics.

>> No.7155122

"Alas, the time is coming when man will no longer give birth to a star. Alas, the time of the most despicable man is coming, he that is no longer able to despise himself. Behold, I show you the last man.
'What is love? What is creation? What is longing? What is a star?' thus asks the last man, and blinks.
The earth has become small, and on it hops the last man, who makes everything small. His race is as ineradicable as the flea; the last man lives longest.
'We have invented happiness,'say the last men, and they blink. They have left the regions where it was hard to live, for one needs warmth. One still loves one's neighbor and rubs against him, for one needs warmth..."

At this point I won’t suppress a sigh and a final confidence. What is it exactly that I find so totally unbearable? Something which I cannot deal with on my own, which makes me choke and feel faint? Bad air! Bad air! It’s when something which has failed comes close to me, when I have to smell the entrails of a failed soul! . . . Apart from that what can we not endure by way of need, deprivation, bad weather, infirmity, hardship, loneliness? Basically we can deal with all the other things, born as we are to an underground and struggling existence. We come back again and again into the light, we live over and over our golden hour of victory—and then we stand there, just as we were born, unbreakable, tense, ready for something new, for something even more difficult, more distant, like a bow which all troubles only serve always to pull still tighter. But if there are heavenly goddesses who are our patrons, beyond good and evil, then from time to time grant me a glimpse, just grant me a single glimpse into something perfect, something completely developed, happy, powerful, triumphant, from which there is still something to fear! A glimpse of a man who justifies humanity, of a complementary and redeeming stroke-of-luck of a man, for whose sake we can hang onto a faith in humanity! . . . For matters stand like this: the diminution and levelling of European man conceal our greatest danger, for at the sight of him we grow tired . . . We see nothing today which wants to be greater. We suspect that things are constantly still going down, down into something thinner, more good-natured, more prudent, more comfortable, more mediocre, more indifferent, more Chinese, more Christian—humanity, there is no doubt, is becoming constantly “better.” . . . Europe’s fate lies right here—with the fear of man we also have lost the love for him, the reverence for him, the hope for him, indeed, our will to him. A glimpse at man nowadays makes us tired—what is contemporary nihilism, if it is not that? . . .We are weary of man. . . .

>> No.7155130

$100 million is extremely small when put in context of the US' $17 trillion GDP

>> No.7155141

no wave > post-punk

>> No.7155149

I feel like you have memed us instead

>> No.7155152

Sometimes it's truly fixed and unchangeable, but more often it's:
1) a symptom of anemia or some kind of lingering low-grade illness
2) a product of mental health issues like depression, negative body image, social anxiety, severely arrested emotional development, etc.
3) a complete lie--a way of asserting special snowflakeness and/or turning down sexual advances.

>> No.7155184

Well, if you mean the NATO/Warsaw Pact/Naturals meaning, yeah, but development-wise we aren't there yet.

>> No.7155228

Andrei Rublev came out 49 years ago. Who's the pleb now, plen?