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/lit/ - Literature

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7152886 No.7152886 [Reply] [Original]

So NYC /lit/, the old Brazenhead books is gone. Where's the new one?

>> No.7152898

>le secret bookstore

>> No.7152909

That seems like really dumb thing to do given how small the market is these days

>> No.7152920

There isn't a new one. It went out of business because it was an illegal bookstore full of self aggrandizing NYU students who wanted to be literary in the way NYC used to be.

Rent got jacked up four-fold and now the owner is living upstate.

>> No.7152934

Some e/lit/es could pool their collection and start a new one

>> No.7152938

>implying I will let anyone touch my fucking books

They can keep their filthy fingers away from my margin notes.

>> No.7152940

As much as I hate to say it; if there was a salon style hangout with tons of books, even if were started by /lit/, I'd definitely go. Even autism has good things to say about good books.

>> No.7152942
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>writing in the book

>> No.7152957

>treating books as anything more than vehicles of knowledge

muh materialism

I even write in old leather-bound books. Eat shit.

>> No.7152961
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>But for me, the books were always the biggest draw. Michael’s collection seemed incomparable in both its idiosyncrasy and its quality. There was a wall of poetry, another of science fiction. A special New York section. General fiction and literature were organized alphabetically, more or less, and stretched across several bookcases. Pulp novels higgledy-piggledy in one corner; art books enshrined in another nook; a few shelves reserved for the collected letters and journals of Edith Wharton, Hart Crane, James Joyce, and their peers. There were trashy paperbacks and American first editions of Yukio Mishima. One night, one of the New Inquiry editors and I gave an impromptu reading of a poem by Suzanne Somers—that Suzanne Somers—from a collection called “Touch Me,” a slim volume I was half-convinced Michael had somehow dreamed into existence. The poem was called “I Want to Be a Little Girl,” and was even more unsettling than it sounds. When I’d looked inside the front flap to see Michael’s asking price, there was no dollar figure, just one word, in pencil: “Priceless.”
>I Want to Be a Little Girl

>> No.7152963
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>> No.7152966

>tfw no one else on /lit/ is from NYC

>> No.7152975
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Can you imagine? The scene here on /lit/ is well nigh intolerable. Just think if we were all from JYC. God...

>> No.7152979

Everyone in a room calling Kant a jew for 5 hours

>> No.7152985
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What if everybody from NYC had a real life meetup where they made a thread here and just sat around in a room without looking and talking with each other but communicating and arguing in a /lit/ thread?

>> No.7152989

Sounds ideal. When someone starts posting like a real fuckface, it turns into a game of "who posted this shit" that ends with someone getting slapped IRL.


>> No.7152994

Meet up suggestion: go to a bookfair, or travel around some quality secondhand bookshops

>> No.7153003

Used book store is a good idea. Urban areas should all have a few great possible locations.

>> No.7153006

Would do in this Melbourne

>> No.7153014

I hang out at Molasses Books in Brooklyn all the time. It's a great used book store. I hang out there all the time though to work on my writing and wouldn't want my reputation to be tainted by spergs puking up memes in public.

>> No.7153025

Any Omaha or KC /lit/izens?

>> No.7153026

>working on my writing
You do it to be seen kiddo

>> No.7153030
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I can introduce people to the bookshop that has cats :3

>> No.7153034

I am also from nyc. But I'm really more /phil/ than /lit/ tbh

>> No.7153035

I just get lazy when i'm in my apartment. If I get up and walk to a place I'm there for a reason and get more work done. Plus they have coffee and beer.

>> No.7153039
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>you'll never meet a qt litfu browsing second hand books

>> No.7153053
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>> No.7153055

>Le ebic neet maymay

>> No.7153092

After teaching at a motherfucking black school these fucking jokes aren't even fucking funny fam. You try getting in front of to mother fuckers going chimp out. They'll hit a fucking teacher, they don't care about getting expelled. They're fucking nuts. Kids be shittin trix. I tried to break up a girl fight and they called me a cracker and they'd sue me if I tried to touch them to break up a fight. These niggas be crazy. It's wack nigga. You just gotta let these chimps run their course fam. it's nutso out there. Godspeed rest in peace.

>> No.7153228


>> No.7153244

>implying I'm not an autist trying and failing to make friends
>mfw you're probably more of a normie than me

>> No.7153281

I'm /lit/ from NYC but I would never again intentionally spend time with the kind of faggot who tries to bring 4chan outside. When I was a little faggot myself I got involved in the Chanology protests and it was the worst most embarrassing experience I had that entire month.

>> No.7154198

I remember the last time lit tried this it got derailed by one autist that insisted everyone wear a tweed jacket.

>> No.7154202


You're not reaching those keeds.

>> No.7154220

There are a few of us here.

UES here.

>> No.7154224

I lived there for 4 years and pirated ebooks/bought my books online

Sometimes I went to the Strand but it was overpriced

>> No.7154301

me too, dude, me too, but i work in psuedo-higher ed, so there's no fights, but still a lot of dumb shit and the bathroom always smells like vape.

>> No.7154637


Let's try a new one. No cringe shit, 21+ and have it at a place that has alcohol so we can at least drink something if it gets too awkward.

>> No.7154802

I'm in.

>> No.7155799
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don't do that

>> No.7155881

I recently bought 46 books for $59 at a library sale just for research and reference, all for the fictional universe I'm writing. A lost of them are from between 70's and 2000's, but there are some that are just really old, like a copy of the Aeneid from 1950whenever, that I would feel bad taking notes in. I've talked to /lit/ and /co/ about this, a few anons said it seemed okay or I could just take notes in a notebook.

I try to avoid doing it to the super old ones, but there is one I'm underlining and writing in, a 1960 "Greek Gods and Heroes." I try to justify it that the author would be happy I'm using his work to fuel my own.

>> No.7155919

I live in melbourne, which store is this and could you recommend any other book stores? Are they overpriced like most things are in australia?

>> No.7155948

where dis

>> No.7155953

well memed

>> No.7157539

Collected works bookshop has a really good selection and the guy that owns it is really passionate

>> No.7157702

>implying you faggots wouldn't be infinitely more cringeworthy around alcohol

>> No.7157917

Live in Jersey, work on wall street

>> No.7157966

>he thinks a book from 1960 is old

>> No.7158278

Any think like that in Vancouver?
Any /lit/izens from van?

>> No.7159278

How was it illegal?

>> No.7159921


>> No.7159926

Ever go to Unnameable?

>> No.7159951

Its a secondhand bookshop so its not expensive
We'll have to have a /lit/ melbourne meet up to visit it :3

>> No.7160081
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You're right, I'm not from the city, I'm from Staten Island.