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/lit/ - Literature

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7152609 No.7152609 [Reply] [Original]

I can't help but wonder how many average /lit/ frequenters are in college and how many aren't. Are most of you here to discuss things for classes, or are you here just to discuss books you are currently reading? Lets take a survey.

>School if applicable
>Favorite book
>Book(s) reading right now
>Do you write
>Most annoying types of shitposting
>favorite threads

>> No.7152619

Mmm... I get the impression 50% of posters here are post-grad, 40% in college, and then 10% in high school.

>> No.7152626

you disrespect the neets?

>School if applicable
>Favorite book
Flowers for algernon
>Book(s) reading right now
>Do you write
I am now?
>Most annoying types of shitposting
all posts are welcome.
>favorite threads
all threads are favories

>> No.7152628


>School if applicable
High school

>Favorite book
Moby Dick

>Book(s) reading right now
Phenomenology of the Spirit


>Do you write

>Most annoying types of shitposting

>favorite threads
History threads

>> No.7152630


neet details?

what are your thoughts on your lifestyle and future?

>> No.7152631

I have only finished HS that is, I am not in it.

>> No.7152633

>Wisconsin Milwaukee
>Oryx and Crake
Just finished The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao, just starting Gravity's Rainbow, reading Ways of Seeing
>/Pol/ infestations
>What I read.....

>> No.7152636

Correction: I mean in college or NEET.

>> No.7152650


Studying local state 4 year Computer Engineering

Right now probably Murphy by Beckett

East Coast

A little rambling essay here and there, a few short story ideas floating around.

Boring shitposters.

Lit humor/reccs then ck/fit gen pop.

>> No.7152655

>University of Tennessee
>William S. Burroughs' oeuvre
>Disgrace (for a class); White Noise (class); Penguin History of the World (leisure)
>"who/what is the [blank] of literature?"
>idk it depends on the posters

>> No.7152661

>School if applicable
Ryerson University
>Favorite book
Brothers Karamazov
>Book(s) reading right now
Shadow of the Lictor / some book by Alvin Plantinga
>Do you write
>Most annoying types of shitposting
>favorite threads
bookshelf threads

>> No.7152670

>recent grad
>Diving into the Wreck, Libra
>le I don't read female authors circlejerk
>actual discussion

>> No.7152671

Don Quixote/ Absalom, Absalom!/ Gravity's Rainbow
Finnegans Wake/ Capital vol. 1
U.S. And A
>he slipped on a banana!/ woke up like a bug!
threads where reactionary meatheads get their shit tossed

>> No.7152715

>Southern Methodist University (dropped out, psci/Econ major)
>idk, Gravity's Rainbow, Of Love and Other Demons, War and Peace, Leviathan, Moby-Dick, MacBeth are among my favorites right now but that changes.
>Old Man and the Sea, although I started and finished it today so I'll probably pick something else up soon. I love NEET-szche and been eyeballing Ecce Homo
>Prague, Czech Republic (originally from Dallas, TX)
>Semen demon, but I love original rhyming shitposting. Also, the anti-Catholicism on this board is disgusting. Stirner is also pretty faggy.
>Any Phil/theology/lit thread that isn't dragged down by faggy philistines.

>> No.7152740

>School if applicable
>Favorite book
East of Eden
>Book(s) reading right now
The Idiot (Dostoevsky)
>Do you write
>Most annoying types of shitposting
Anything related to writing as a career
>favorite threads
Useful knowledge

>> No.7152749

damn, walked away to take a shit and this thread blew up (by /lit/ standards)

>unemployed by choice
>Terry Pratchett novels, Moby Dick, Most Sherlock stories
>Roughing It-- Twain, On the campaign trail '82 by Hunter S. T
>Writing a YA Novel, also some short stories. Would write a webcomic if i wasnt too late to the scene and if i knew how to draw
>Nietzsche threads, whether they're shitposting or not
>Critique threads, Bookshelf threads

>> No.7152762

I don't know about you, but I'm feeling 22
>School if applicable
Community College
>Favorite book
Moby Dick
>Book(s) reading right now
Herodotus- The Histories, 300 Million by Blake Butler, The Old Testament, Exterminator! by Burroughs
>Do you write
sometimes, but not to share
>Most annoying types of shitposting
People complaining about their lack of writing ability or troubles with getting published
>favorite threads
more books like X/more books on X subject or theme.
Simple and sometimes lazy, but these are where I get the most value from this board

>> No.7152768

>Phenomenology of the Spirit
.. how? How much philosophy have you read as a precursor?

>> No.7152778
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College Graduate

Mason and Dixon

Reading Poetry right now.


I write.

Christposters are super annoying since I grew up reading the fuck out of scripture and theology. If they're trolling they're doing a good job, but if they're serious then they have no idea how ignorant they are.

I don't like any threads. Somebody let me out of here.

>> No.7152832


the neet lifestyle deserves its negative stigma but people should be less judgmental of those who are trying to get out of it. a lot of neets had no option. cause and effect, right? most neets are probably mentally ill or "victims of circumstance." some people choose the neet lifestyle thinking they know what they're getting into, but they wouldn't make such a choice if not for underlying mental health issues. i'm not trying to absolve responsibility for my decisions - i fully admit i am one of the biggest idiots in the world to end up where i am now from where i started. i could;ve gotten help sooner but i was too narcissistic to ask for it.

i didn't want to become a useless deadbeat. i did what any animal does - avoid pain and seek pleasure. i was depressed due to family troubles and apathetic about school. i was in so much emotional pain i couldn't handle the stress of classes, so i rationalized it as unnecessary. apathy was just a way of coping. internet and video game addiction were other distractions. going to school was the only time i left the house so it was the only place to socialize, and socializing helped ease the pain too. as did xanax. it's a good thing i failed high school and became a shutin or i would be a drug addict instead. i really already was a shutin, but after flunking i could not bear to face anyone, so i upped the ante. at that point i was not yet a neet, as i was supposed to make up my failed classes in online courses. this is why i was allowed to sit in front of a computer all day at 15. i feel my story is a snooze and probably no one is even reading this so i'm going to cut it short.

one last thing to answer your other question about my future, well for many years i avoided thinking about that entirely, because of my delusional narcissistic fantasies i did not think i would ever need to go back to school. if things got bad i supposed i would just kill myself. now i am trying to get back to school but i don't know if i have what it takes. the worms ate into my brain you see? it took me all this time - a whole hour now - just to type this! this whole post is a testament to my mental illness

>> No.7152850

I read it. It wasn't a snooze. Get help. Go out. Make attempts.

>> No.7152855

>School if applicable
dropped out of uni, went to psych ward instead, a+ for life experience, not good for much else
>Favorite book
does it have to be a /lit/ book? because right now my favourite book is a how-to of stylized chinese rice paper painting
>Book(s) reading right now
i'm busy editing right now, no time for reading
>Do you write
>Most annoying types of shitposting
ccw fags
>favorite threads
the ones where i know enough about the topic at hand to have a good argument. if i can't argue then there isn't much point

>> No.7152869

I have a friend like you anon, your age as well. He jokes that if he ever reaches a point where he cannot maintain his lifestlye anymore, he'll kill himself. I'm worried that he's not joking, and it honestly scares me.

I don't presume to know your situation, you may be a hikikomori who has no contact with others whatsoever, but if you're not, and you do have a friend who is worried about you, please use that to motivate yourself to improve.

Sorry, now I sound like a suicide hotline don't I? I guess I should tone that back; understand: it's difficult for me to have sympathy for you. After all, this situation is one of your own making, and it conflicts with how I live my life. I always seek be achieving something, learning something, or doing something new. Those with your lifestyle live in the exact opposite way of how I believe one should live. Nonetheless, I don't hate you, but only so long as you seek to improve.

Actually now I just sound like a cunt don't I? Maybe I should've just kept it short.

Ganbare, anon? Something like that?

>> No.7152894

I don't come to /lit/ often, so perhaps I shouldn't do this since I don't really make up a portion of the community, but I like these type of threads nonetheless.

>School if applicable
College, starting my senior year
>Favorite book
John Dies at the End
>Book(s) reading right now
Just finished The Strange Library by Murakami, about to start a collection of Kafka short stories.
>Do you write
I do, I'd actually like to make a career out of it, but I'm very far away from that goal. Closer than when I started though.
>Most annoying types of shitposting
Cannot say, I'm not here often enough
>favorite threads
Universally, I enjoy threads such as these and 3x3s. Anything where you get to learn a bit about the personality and tastes of other anons.

>> No.7152901

Why does /lit/ have so many survey threads?
You could get on /lit/ at just about any time of day and there would probably be at least 3-4 survey threads up.

>> No.7152903

really? OP here, im not on often enough to notice that. Maybe its just a thing about readers. Curiosity runs in our veins.

>> No.7154151

Thanks. I don't ever get the chance to talk about my condition so I felt obliged to after being asked. I appreciate the concern. I'm not a shut in anymore or at least not to the extent I used to be. I'm not afraid to go out anymore, but I am completely friendless so I still stay inside for the most part. I haven't been depressed lately either. Why would I be when I'm finally making progress? I've come an incredibly long way from where I was at my lowest, even if I still am a useless neet. The fact I don't get recognition for my efforts encourages me for a couple reasons:
1. It means people don't know where I'm coming from - only I do, and that's liberating (the tradeoff is I don't know how to answer questions about what I've been doing, so I'm scared of crossing paths with old friends. I hate lying)
2. If I want my efforts recognized then I actually have to accomplish something. Climbing out of the hole I dug for myself is not an achievement. It's a necessary step for everyone at rock bottom - the achievement is not falling back down again and making something out of myself.

I owe the realization that I have the power to change my life to literature. Literature was the the spark I needed. I honestly did not feel like my own life was mine to control. I know neets aren't the only ones who just go through the motions waiting for something to happen. I can't think of a worse way to live tbh

>> No.7154159

>MFW i think i remember you from a meet up thread

there can't be too many texans going to prague can there

>> No.7154164

Also yeah you should be worried about your friend. I would've said the same thing. He might not actually be one to go through with it, but he's clearly severely depressed to say that. In that state of depression you have this shortsighted tunnel vision when trying to look into the future and there's nothing but darkness in this tunnel. If he wants to light it up, that light has to come from within. "Suicide" is the blanket solution that comes to mind for any adversity during depression . Thanks for being his friend, he needs you.

>> No.7155384


Turning 21 soon
>Favorite book
Difficult question, but repeatedly came back to The Mysterious Island by Jules Verne and really love Azazel by Isaac Asimov
>Reading right now
Chewing through Neuromancer, does not catch me as well as expected
United Caliphate of Germany
>Do you write?
Plan on doing so, got an idea recently, also do some art and hope to get some good package going there
>Most annoying shitposts
Well, basically all of them, they are called shitposts for a reason. If I had to pick, it would be the threads with "damn I cant concentrate on reading for 30 min straight, pls help me." and "whats /lit/core and in what order should I read?"
Build a foundation on your own, instead of half-assedly reading through what you get thrown at you and joining in into the memejerking as a "patrician".
>favorite threads
Guess I like the improvisation threads, although I wished they would be much better in quallity. Usually you see some really boring setting given by OP and the posts are so vacant of any creativity or effort that even shitposts in other threads are more creative on average.

>> No.7155450


At the same place as you there anon, trying to climb up that grave I dug myself. What actually keeps me going is the fact that it used to be worse and I reacted to that as a stronger person than I am now. I do not know if you have memories of better times, but I think they are something which gives most hope. Every time I really feel like shit I just think back, I used to be in a really shitty place, literally bordering on dying and I was much stronger back then. I remember just chilling and enjoying what I have.
Nowadys there are often moments where I just snap and wallow in self-pity and then I just think: "fuck anon you are such a wuss, look at yourself back then, now that dude has his shit together." I think the problem with many people in this state is that they forget that it does not necessarily have to be like this, you have the power to make a change every second.

Hang in there, every time you breathe in raw energy is flowing through your veins, things will change for sure.

>> No.7157040

Пидopaхeн, ты чeгo тyт зaбыл?

>> No.7157054
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>Northwest Missouri St. Uni.

>Gravity's Rainbow

>Just finished East of Eden, reading Mrs. Dalloway for a class, working on Thomas McGuane/Pynchon short-story collections


>Yes. I post poetry and prose on here, short stories, This is Paul.

>I don't really like all the Sartre shit-posting just because it seems like most shit-posting is actually just because people like to talk about what they like a lot but it baffles me that anyone actually likes Sartre. Kafka is an annoying one as well.

>I like critique threads, Pinecone threads, rec. threads, DFW/Franzen shit-talk threads

>> No.7157090


A State University in North Brazil. It's depressing. Law student. I want to move to Sao Paulo and become a philosophy student there next year, but I don't think it will be possible to do so.

Very hard to say. I love Camoes, Eliot, Dante, my translations of Homer, and Moby-Dick.

Not reading anything at the moment. I read some Hemingway short-stories yesterday. I haven't yet read anything today, but I think I might start Don Quijote, or just read some Eliot essays, or just watch some movies.

Won't reveal the state I live in. My country is Brazil.

I have written a sonnet, but that was it. I intend to become a writer, though. I've been mainly interested in philosophy in the past few years, but in the last months I decided I want to do poetry.

Empty threads. They're absolutely disgusting and do not contribute to the board at all. I'm talking about 'Hey, look at this idea for a story I just had' threads and 'Hey, is Harry Potter any good?' ones. I cannot stand threads about bad books, even if it's to make fun of them. They simply shouldn't be allowed here - Martin, Rowling, Tolkien, we shouldn't have any of it.

The best threads are those that simply discuss some kind of theme, even if in humorous manner. Also, art threads are usually very good, although sometimes contemporary/videogame-art shitposters take over them.

>> No.7157152
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Anyone here go to Williams College? How do you like it?

I'm thinking of EDing there and I have a pretty good chance to get in given my grades and extracurriculars -- but I live in southern California so it'd be a completely different environment.

>> No.7157172



18 :^)

>Favorite book

Love in the Time of Cholera.

>Book(s) reading right now

Just finished the infinte meme; am now reading Dreamtigers by Borges. Gonna read Pale Fire and some short stories by Stephen Zweig afterwards, and then read Notes From the Underground with a friend.


San Diego, California

>Do you write

Sort of. I've been trying to find the time to write micro-fiction for literary magazines but I pull blanks on what to say (as in the point of a piece) a lot of the time. I've been told by my peers I'm a good writer but I don't take them seriously since they're megaplebs usually.

>Most annoying types of shitposting

Dumb, effortless shitposting that is sometimes less than a sentence. People saying "euphoric" and "faggot" or "christ/spook/marxposter" without being funny or having a good point. Basically, shitty trump cards.

>favorite threads

Post-Marxist philosophy, capitalism critique and ideology threads grounded in critical theory.

>> No.7157253

>School if applicable
>Favorite book
hard to choose, maybe Bruno Schulz
>Book(s) reading right now
Collected Stories of Arno Schmidt
>Do you write
Yes, how I get publish?
>Most annoying types of shitposting
people being pricks to each other, realize when you do that people are less likely to share interesting things
>favorite threads
things like these, and bookshelf threads

>> No.7157270

>School if applicable
U of Illinois grad, unemployed world traveler
>Favorite book
>Book(s) reading right now
the map and the territory
New Zealand (traveling currently)
>Do you write
I've written a few journals which were garbage and threw them out
>Most annoying types of shitposting
obvious bait threads/OP being a cunt
>favorite threads
threads about obscure books that are good that I then go out and read

>> No.7157313



>School if applicable

Gap year, going to uni studying lit next year

>Favorite book

Min Kamp and Blood Meridian

>Book(s) reading right now

The Book of Disquiet and All the Pretty Horses


Denmark, Jutland

>Do you write

Only shitty essays intended for myself

>Most annoying types of shitposting

Pointless shitposts. Don't mind memes, but when it is utterly pointless or just bashing someone it bothers me.

>favorite threads

Philosophy discussions or just plain discussions of books I liked/have read

>> No.7157319

>School if applicable
Politics Faculty
>Favorite book
Chess or Ruh Adam
>Book(s) reading right now
Epic of Gılgamesh
Turkey, Istanbul/Ankara
>Do you write
>Most annoying types of shitposting
The one when the poster isn't even aware that he is shitposting
>favorite threads
the ones on /out/

>> No.7157333

>>School if applicable
Putting together a PhD in History right now. The university is an Australian one. It literally doesn't matter which one.
>>Favorite book
>having favourites for something so diverse
>spelling without the 'U'
>>Book(s) reading right now
Just finished White Noise, but generally I'm neck-deep in research.
>>Do you write
Yes. Both academic and crappy genre shit for my own amusement (though much less of the latter these days.)
>>Most annoying types of shitposting
It's all pretty much the much. STEMposting grinds my gears, mostly because it seems to sidestep the thread without actually answering it.
>>favorite threads
Rewrite 'x' as your favourite author, history threads (obviously), the occasional sci fi/fantasy thread.

>> No.7157349

>School if applicable
Went to college for one semester.
>Favorite book
Collected Kafka. Particularly "The Penal Colony"
>Book(s) reading right now
Infinite Jest
Phoenix Az, USA
>Do you write
Not in any serious sense
>Most annoying types of shitposting
>favorite threads
Philosophy threads

>> No.7157356

What your thesis about?

>> No.7157360

Yep! That was me

>> No.7157373 [DELETED] 

>School if applicable
>Favorite book
Jakob von Gunten
>Book(s) reading right now
The Man in the High Castle, its bretty good. Not a sci-fi fan but I'm liking it. Also working my way through Updike's Afterlife short story collection, I'm really liking them, but I feel like I have to be older to appreciate its depiction of middle age and marriage.
>Do you write
>Most annoying types of shitposting
>favorite threads

>> No.7157383


Graduated with a BA in English Lit and History and now I work in a bookstore and have no idea what I want to do with my life/will be able to do with my life given my degree
I am reading a collection of short stories by Lucia Berlin
I dunno
Threads about Underworld

>> No.7157386

>School if applicable
>Favorite book
Jakob von Gunten
>Book(s) reading right now
The Man in the High Castle, its bretty good. Not a sci-fi fan but I'm liking it. Also working my way through Updike's Afterlife short story collection, I'm really liking them, but I feel like I have to be older to appreciate its depiction of middle age and marriage.
>Do you write
Yes, am shite at the moment (though a massive improvement from what my writing was like a few years ago). I believe I have the potential to be great though.
>Most annoying types of shitposting
STEMposting. Triggers me so fucking much.
>favorite threads
What you expected threads. Draw a scene from a book and people guess threads. Fun threads like that. Also actual discussion, pretty much any thread where we actually interact.

>> No.7157583

Underage b8

>School if applicable
Public highschool

>Favorite book
Divine comedy

>Book(s) reading right now
Ulysses by James Joyce, Bad Vives by Alberto Fuguet (in spanish), Moses and the Monotheism by Freud

Born in Peru, Live in FL

>Do you write

>Most annoying types of shitposting
Any kind

>favorite threads
Philosophy discussions

>> No.7157586

Finnegan's wake, having fun so far?

>> No.7157589


>> No.7157617

Currently a philosophy undergrad
The Once and Future King
Le Morte D'Arthur, The Idiot, Harris's Free Will
Not anymore
accusing others of being /pol/ or tumblr
When we actually discuss books

>> No.7157623


I have about 20 pages left

It's the best Joyce but I dont like Joyce

>> No.7157701

>>School if applicable
Graduated last December
>>Favorite book
Lord of the rings.. But there are a lot of books I have only read partially that I thought were a lot better
>>Book(s) reading right now
Anna Karenina
Ontario, Canada
>>Do you write
When I was 11-14 I used to write dbz fan fiction for an RPG. My step brothers found out about it and made fun of me relentlessly so I quit and never wrote again. I loved it. I always wonder if I would have graduated into more serious writing if I was never ousted.
>>Most annoying types of shitposting
JUST threads?
>>favorite threads

>> No.7158536

Why so many in Tennessee?

>> No.7158543


how was moby dick? i want to give it a go but i have the (probably untrue) feeling that i'll need an edition with copious extra material like footnotes etc. in order to "get" it

>> No.7158554

It's superb. It has some difficult language but It's worth reading.
Here's my favorite example from it to let you know what you're in for:
>Nor, perhaps, will it fail to be eventually perceived, that behind those forms and usages, as it were, he sometimes masked himself; incidentally making use of them for other and more private ends than they were legitimately intended to subserve. That certain sultanism of his brain, which had otherwise in a good degree remained unmanifested; through those forms that same sultanism became incarnate in an irresistible dictatorship. For be a man’s intellectual superiority what it will, it can never assume the practical, available supremacy over other men, without the aid of some sort of external arts and entrenchments, always, in themselves, more or less paltry and base.

>> No.7158745

>data mining thread

>> No.7158804

Ruhr-Universität Bochum
The Code of the Woosters - P.G. Wodehouse
>Reading right now
This Changes Everything
The Catcher in the Rye
The New Optimists
>Do youwrite
>Most annoying types of shitposting
Wannabe Philosophers
>favourite threads
bookshelf trolls

>> No.7158843

Good luck with your future anon. Hope everything works out for you

>> No.7158855

>School if applicable
Dropped out of college after one semester
>Favorite book
>Book(s) reading right now
Altered Carbon
>Do you write
Trying to
>Most annoying types of shitposting
Acting like a retard and calling it banter
>favorite threads

>> No.7158883

>>School if applicable
>>Favorite book
>>Book(s) reading right now
Life's Solution: Inevitable Humans in a Lonely Universe
>>Do you write
>>Most annoying types of shitposting
The kind that seems sincere yet trivializes and mistreats complex topics
>>favorite threads

>> No.7158915

>School if applicable
University of Minnesota
>Favorite book
Notes from Underground by Fyodor Dostoevsky
>Book(s) reading right now
Arabian Sands by Wilfred Thesiger
>Do you write
Yes, but it's shit.

>> No.7158958

dropped out
>Favorite book
Mason & Dixon by Pynchon
>Currently reading
Labyrinths by Borges
The Business of War: Military Enterprise and Military Revolution in Early Modern Europe by David Parrott
>Do you write
>Most annoying types of shitposting
it does not matter to me
>Favorite threads
any thread where i may learn something

>> No.7159748

thanks for writing that. it means a lot that a complete anon would take the time to read my blogpost and offer words of encouragement. i will remember this the next time i feel lonely.

>> No.7160756

Going into college
>Favorite book
Probably either V, White Noise, or maybe Infinite Jest
A little, mostly just for papers
>Most annoying infestation
Probably /pol/
>Favorite threads
Mostly all of /lit/

>> No.7160775

>School if applicable
Dropped out/taking a break I may finish
>Favorite book
No longer human
>Book(s) reading right now
Master and margarita
Connecticut, usa
>Do you write
I used to I don't anymore
>Most annoying types of shitposting
When people don't realise ironic shitposting is still shitposting (probably 70%of posts)
>favorite threads

>> No.7160820

>School if applicable
attended University of Texas, '12
>Favorite book
Mrs. Dalloway, though it's been a while since I read it. maybe Invisible Cities
>Book(s) reading right now
My Struggle, Volume 1 and Being and Time (just started; read a few pages every morning)
>Do you write
yes, aim for a page per day as exercise; not deliberately writing a work (yet)
>Most annoying types of shitposting
trips whose posts exist only to continue curating their image
>favorite threads
writing critique threads where I get critiqued

>> No.7160836

It's good. There are some boring parts (there's a whole chapter dedicated to whale fishing. That's it. Nothing deeper. Just informing the reader in agonizing detail about hunting whales). Anyway, I think it's excellent. I read it a few years back when I was an edgy nihilist. I've since grown up, and would like to read it again, as I think I'd leave with a different understand & appreciation.