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/lit/ - Literature

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7150358 No.7150358[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Comedian Amy Schumer has reportedly been paid an advance of $8m-$10m (£5m-£7m) for a book of essays.

>According to Entertainment Weekly, an auction for the Trainwreck writer and star’s essay collection came to a close on Friday, although their source did not name the publisher.

>Trade magazine Publishers Weekly had reported two weeks ago that the book was expected to explore “Schumer’s childhood, how she got her big break in comedy, her family and feminism”, with those interested in reading the material asked to sign non-disclosure agreements.


>> No.7150360

Women aren't socially engineered to be funny

>> No.7150362

Pathetic. Cult of celebrity. The future will laugh at us. The past is laughing at us.

>> No.7150424

who cares

>> No.7150434

Celebrities getting big advances and selling lots of books isn't new

Not literature

Delete thread

>> No.7150440

who cares

>> No.7150448

Literally no one will remember this book in 5 years, let alone 50 or 500.

>> No.7150479

This is a product of Capitalism. The Americans of the past chose this path for us.

>> No.7150544
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>> No.7150547


this is literature

>> No.7150586

Schumer v Dunham v rejects Poehler v Fey

>> No.7150601

who cares about bourgeois white woman feminism. It's utter trash

>> No.7150606

amy schumer is pretty funny.

>> No.7150650

They look like someone was dicking around with the character maker at the beginning of an RPG

>> No.7150661


these women do not complement each other well lookswise

>> No.7150686

It's notable only in that this is the book where she admits to shoving rocks up her little cousins pussy

>> No.7150754

>comedienne gets a big book deal because she's popular

Stop the presses.

>> No.7150764

Seconding this. I was pleasantly surprised by her show. That bit where she satirized rapist football players was great.

>> No.7150790

Anyone else wanna pork her as bad as I do? Her ass and thighs probably jiggle fucking beautifully.

>> No.7150803

Amy Schumer isn't funny - why is she popular?

>> No.7150804

Is this Lena Dunham-core? Fat lesbian confesses to fiddling their cousins-core?

>> No.7150810


>> No.7150815

can you guys link to some funny sketches?

>> No.7150844


>> No.7151507
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>> No.7151712

Damn Jews

>> No.7151791

>99% of her jokes revolve around her disgusting sex life and how she lets random men pork her
>even the one rare joke that isn't about her fucking dudes is about her friends fucking dudes which she then uses to transition to a joke about her fucking dudes

And they're not even well written.
>"hey everyone I let the cab driver finger me because I was poor and a slut it's funny amirite?"

>> No.7151812
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>> No.7151835

the prevalence of feminists amongst female comedians is very boring

>> No.7151838

i want to fuck amy schumer

>> No.7151842
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>> No.7151854

>when he jerks it to the old woman on the spaghetti sauce jar
actually p funny

>> No.7151861

>American "comedy"

>> No.7151867

>muh british humor
what the fuck do you watch, bitch ass faggot? huh? i could rock your shit

>> No.7151916

>the parrot is dead
>British comedy

>> No.7151925


She's RAUNCHY, RUDE, and she's a GIRL!

WHAAAAAAAAAT?!! Now THIS I have GOT to see! Hahahaha. Duuuude.

>> No.7151939

>The first skit consists literally entirely of them just describing what happens in 2 Girls 1 Cup
Wow, we sure are off to a good start, faggot.

>> No.7151970
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>the same people who call you stupid on /lit/ watch and enjoy this show

>> No.7151980
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>this is critically acclaimed

>> No.7152010
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>wanting to fuck this

>> No.7152009
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I wish I was dumb celebrity that got a big advance.
They'd be all, "write something about relationships," or like with Schumer, "write about your childhood."
I'd take the $8 million and cancel all my tours and move into a cottage in the Swiss alps for eight months and write my magnum opus, having taken the word "essay" very seriously.
Then when it hits the editor's table it's just a mess of pseudophilosophical drivel that reads like Heidegger jerked off into Montaigne's mouth and let it sit there for a few weeks.
Then I'd still be a dumb celebrity but the book would probably get published and I'd have been paid to do what I dreamed of my whole life.

>> No.7152014

>having fedora-tier standards

>> No.7152015

ayy lmao oh my god

>> No.7152017

not really dude. . .

>> No.7152019
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>> No.7152021

Not fucking fat chicks is now fedora-tier?

>> No.7152036

>Schumer’s childhood, how she got her big break in comedy, her family and feminism
So as long as she writes about feminism it's suddenly a collection of essays, not just an autobiography? Is feminism the go-to resort/card that any hack or clown can write about to be taken seriously?

>> No.7152048

I don't have an opinion on whether or not her book will be good but I would absolutely fuck that. Probably because I'm high test.

>> No.7152052
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>> No.7152067

>Is feminism the go-to resort/card that any hack or clown can write about to be taken seriously?

seriously, yes, if you're a woman.

>> No.7152073

>not wanting to plow that like a fucking field
low test beta detected
don't you have some traps to be stroking your flaccid dick to?

>> No.7152085
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>> No.7152087
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>> No.7152089

In other news, Metzger won a fucking Emmy. Good for him. He's psychopathic kike and I love him.

>> No.7152091
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>> No.7152095
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Kurt Metzger is straight-up fucking man.

>> No.7152097
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I'd rather read this than Felicia Day's...

>> No.7152111

Fucking A dude. Metzger is the man. Glad he got his Emmy and also gets to have a GOAT podcast.

>> No.7152147


>> No.7152152

>not wanting to pump her jiggly was doggystyle and blow your load on her back, watching her sphincter blink between her cheeks as she makes a futile attempt at clapping her ass for you

Bet you jerk off to anime, don't you faggot?

>> No.7152195


>> No.7152241
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>Still wanting to fuck this

>> No.7152247

>no discernible talent

>> No.7152291


This anon gets it.

>> No.7152300

she's got herself a really punch able face

>> No.7152304

I watched the first thirty minutes and it was completely typical of female 'humour' - derivative, hysterical about feminine sexuality whilst remaining clueless about masculinity, clumsy in its satire and dull. If a male writer had tried something as banal as gender-swapping hooters into 'nutters' they'd have been thrown out of the room and not invited back. And these are her BEST? Jesus.


>> No.7152336

She looks like a peasant.

>> No.7152343

I would totally fuck her, but I don't think my judgment about women is the best since I would fuck even a keyhole in a big door.

>> No.7152588

>Autism: The gif

>> No.7152641
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You prefer Lisa Lampanelli?

>> No.7152673

she's cute but I'm not reading her book

>> No.7152826
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>> No.7152836

He said funny as in comedically gifted; not funny as in humorous in appearance

>> No.7152849

Wow, somebody on this board actually uses semicolons

>> No.7152872

Yes, improperly

>> No.7152908


I would fuck her in the dark if she was freshly bathed. She looks nice and smooth. Fat actually feel pretty good if it isn't lumpy.

>> No.7153012
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Are these examples of her physical comedy?

There are plenty of funny women out there, but too often they resort to sex. Sex and self deprecation is her shtick. Big woop

>> No.7153336
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>download some O&A at home for a four hour train ride
>no wifi on train
>train starts moving
>switch on mp3 player
>"..got Amy Schumer coming into the studio today.."

>> No.7153754
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>> No.7153830

this is called a shill thread on /pol/

move on lads

i googled her and couldn't watch more than a minute
so utterly trashy and awful

>> No.7153865

I completely forgot that word, and couldn't for the life of me remember it.

>> No.7153871

It's a /pol/ or /r9k/-mongrel who want to talk about how much he hates women.


>> No.7153879

She's also Jewish

>> No.7153882

do u think she subvert western civi with interbreeding plans????

redpill me pls

>> No.7153895


I was literally and unmemely born in the wrong generation

>> No.7153898

>muh special snowflake

You being born was just wrong, period :^)

>> No.7153908


can't ditch the hitch

>> No.7153911

Typical British humour is normally subtle and based of awkward real life situations, not just outrageous stories and gags. Compare the English Inbetweeners to the American Inbetweeners for a cherry picked example in difference. I'm not saying everything the Brits shit out is funny, and it really isn't, but it's certainly a harder comedy to pull off, rather than just random offensive lines.

See People Just Do Nothing for a good example of British humour being done right.

>> No.7153914
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>> No.7153920

Based Hichens.

Schumer is still probably the best female stand up I've seen, but that isn't saying much....

The people who say she's "leading" comedy or that women are on the "upswing' are idiots.

Her jokes are either bad, contrived, or unoriginal for the most part. She gets minimal credit.

As far as new comedians go, I'm more interested in Bo Burnham, content wise, structurally and originality wise he's far above a lot of people.

>> No.7153921

Bit of a retarded argument. "If women are funny it's because they use male humor". What on earth is male humor?

>> No.7153924

I'm pretty sure what he means to say is that the "humor" in a lot of female comics is along the lines of:
>He he he le funny becuz she's a wymyn but she talks like a man!

Its bottom of the barrel pandering, just like fat-humor where you simply act out a persona that is either cliched or opposite of what is expected. It involves no "joking" and more just playing into or outside of a stereotype, not much effort needed.

>> No.7153930

I'm sure if a female standup started talking about politics and philosophy on stage he'd just have said: "those are just male subjects, sweetheart! try again"

He seems to imply that if something is funny then eo ipso it's male humor

I'm probably not using eo ipso correct :^)

>> No.7153950
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One way or another, his central premise is accurate. Women comedians are fewer, and the ones that arise highest are still on a lower level than their male counterparts.

Schumer is average at best, deal with it.

>> No.7153960

the only way women will get any recognition in an industry dommed by men is by imitating men

>> No.7153967

I think she's shit too.
>the ones that arise highest are still on a lower level than their male counterparts.
He doesn't say that. There CAN be great female comedians. But yeah, there's not enough incentive for them. That seems to be his argument.
You seem to be implying that a could never be funnier than a man if both were on the top of their game

>> No.7153979

You're misunderstanding. Imitating a man as a woman produces low brow comedy because of the dissonance of sight / effect. The preconcieved notions of what/how a woman talks are subverted by talking "like a man".

Ie. Amy Schumer talking about fucking CONSTANTLY for nearly a whole fucking hour. Hurr durr i love drinking semen and getting gang banged, too bad i had to get an abortion!

The only reason this is "funny" to some people is because its unexpected, it has no observational or clever premise whatsoever and has no real commentary on anything.

"Imitating" male commentary would be emulating observational comedy or anything else. The "comedy" is structural, not content wise. Being masculine is inherently comedic for a woman, just as being feminine is inherently comedic for a man, its just that both are so incredibly simplistic that few ever do the later of the two.

His central premise = men have more incentive than women, thus there are more of them. That's all i mean.

Its conceivable that a great female comedian could come about, but the chances are low due to premise one.

>> No.7153982

>Its conceivable that a great female comedian could come about, but the chances are low due to premise one.
Good, we agree. Seemed like you were going /r9k/-tier style argument for a second.

>> No.7153984
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There have been too.

Yeah, Hitch was just laying down a challenge.

>> No.7153997

>claim to leave 4chan 4ever
>never leave

>> No.7154004
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you fail to see that feminism idealizes the position of men in society and that the feminists just want to have all the pleasures that they THINK men (that they desire) have.

also, feminists does not give a sheet about men that they despise.

feminists are nothing without rape nor their fantasies of men having all the pleasures.

>> No.7154048

That's because women aren't interested in stand up

>> No.7154078

>$8m-$10m (£5m-£7m) for a book of essays
Do you think she'll take the patriarchy's blood money?

>> No.7154900

Would hatefuck

>> No.7154915

They were always a bit like Cops Brought Pizza in that only one was really funny/good.

>> No.7154926

literally why does this thread have 100 replies?

>> No.7154975

because /lit/ is infested with trilby wearing /pol/acks

>> No.7155268

>an American Inbetweeners exists