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7151269 No.7151269 [Reply] [Original]

is being right-wing a meme?

>> No.7151282
File: 121 KB, 687x605, average cuckchan polack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not sure but being a commie definitely is.

>> No.7151285

Kill yourself my man.

>> No.7151288

But as with all 4chan jokes it got taken too far, and now we have actual autistic nazis.

>> No.7151292

everything is a meme

>> No.7151295


>> No.7151310

Yeah, but it's sincere for people who think Tumblr and pictures of extreme facebook posts are accurate representations of real life.

>> No.7151337

Gets me every time. For every shrill tumblrina shouting about cis men oppressing her by not selling a XXXL version of the bikini she wants, you can find a white guy screaming about how NIGGERS LITERALLY BELONG IN ZOOS NO WONDER THEY DON'T ADVANCE FUCKING CHIMPS OOGABOOGA AMIRITE??

>> No.7151352

is "x is a meme" a meme?

>> No.7151380

No, it's simply 20-something year olds preferring simplistic narratives over the rich variation of reality

They're really no different from the "communism works in theory" people. They prefer models of reality over reality, simply because they don't want to face up to a reality where not everything is black and white

>> No.7151400

No, it's called being rational and mentally strong/ healthy.

>> No.7151413

I find it hard to believe their are legit far-right wingers here. Same thing with christians. This place is a fucking degenerate hell hole inspired by foreign cultures. Any self respecting Christians or fascist/far right would stay as far the fuck away from this place as possible

>> No.7151416

no it's called dubs check'm

>> No.7151419

Define "is".

>> No.7151428

but gamergate made it transition from some nerd website into a right-wing paradise

>> No.7151439

This, /pol/ used to be my regular board and the one thing that always stuck out to me was that people admitted that there were 'good' black guys,arabs etc. and even had minority friends themselves but advocated for complete genocide anyway because of some bullshit 'efficiency' argument.

>> No.7151448

Phil undergraduate pls

>> No.7151474


propaganda to keep whites, blacks, la raza, jews, asians etc from banding together against the government

>> No.7151492

It is. That doesn't mean the white race isn't being outbred by Asians, Africans, and Latinos.

>> No.7151499

Yes, absolutely.

This tbh

>> No.7151505

It's the result of centuries of propaganda designed to perpetuate the interests of the ruling business class.

>> No.7151509

There are.

>> No.7151518

It happened before that. I distinctly remember they came swarming in 2011 and made a collective clusterfuck of the Heimdall/Miles/Johnny Storm characters (movie/comics/movie). Marvel letting the plebs in with their movies was a mistake.

>> No.7151522
File: 159 KB, 840x623, dragon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/lit/ is somehow more christian and more leftist than most of the rest of 4chan

>> No.7151529

Well read is all.

>> No.7151537

All political ideology is fundamentally memetic.

It's just a human communication virus that exists solely to propagate itself.

This is why politics never does any good for anybody: it's only true end is itself.

Also explains why organisms revolt against their parents political ideology after a generation or three: they develop an immunity to it.

>> No.7151540

>"It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of heaven"

>> No.7151544


There's your structural failure point.

Nobody who posts here has a shread of real self-respect.

>> No.7151550

Because /lit/ jerks off over shit-tier "thinkers" like Aquinas and Marx.

>> No.7151558

What are some examples of proper non shit tier thinkers enlightened one?

>> No.7151564
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>he said while having never read their works

>> No.7151566

Burke, Rand for starters.

>> No.7151572
File: 15 KB, 252x300, rand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>witness the ever madder howling of "conservative" dogs who baring their fangs more and more obviously roam through back alleys of western government. They seem opposites of peacefully industrious "liberals" and ideologists of redistribution and even more so of doltish philosophasters and brotherhood enthusiasts who call themselves socialists and want a “free society” and even of conspiratorial anti-Semitic screamers but in fact they are at one with the lot in their thorough and instinctive hostility to every other form of society except that of autonomous herd (even to the point of repudiating the very concepts of “master” and “servant” ni dieu ni maître runs a socialist formula). They are at one in their tough resistance to every special claim, every special right and privilege (which means in the last analysis every right: for once all are equal nobody needs “rights” any more). They are at one in their mistrust of punitive justice (as if it were a violation of those who are weaker, a wrong against the necessary consequence of all previous society). But they are also at one in the religion of pity in feeling with all who feel, live, and suffer (down to the animal up to “God”, excess of a “pity with God” belongs in a democratic age). They are at one, the lot of them, in the cry and impatience of pity in their deadly hatred of suffering generally, in their almost feminine inability to remain spectators, to let someone suffer. They are at one in their involuntary plunge into gloom and unmanly tenderness under whose spell the west seems threatened by a new Buddhism. They are at one in their faith in the morality of shared pity, as if that were morality in itself, being the height, the attained height of man, the sole hope of the future, the consolation of present man, the great absolution from all former guilt. They are at one, the lot of them, in their faith in the community as the savior, in short, in the herd, in “themselves”.

>> No.7151575

Nietzsche, Smith

>> No.7151579

You may not know this but Christians leaned predominantly to the left for centuries. The mass marriage of Christianity and right wing politics didn't happen until the 20th century. Even during the depression era there were enormous groups of progressive/socialist Christians. Right wing politics and Christianity are incompatible, but Protestants are so flexible that they've somehow managed to allow special interest groups to merge the two.

>> No.7151591

, >non shit tier
Anon pls

>> No.7151595

How do you define "left" or "right"?

All the great christian thinkers today from St Augustine to Tolstoy are called patriarcal shitlords today

>> No.7151685

Well tolstoy was anarchist, you can argue that dostoevsky was anarchist (and you would be right tbh) and christian socialism isnt unheard of. Thing is, and dostoevsky knew this and thats why he talks so much shit about leftists, that leftists always be some edgy atheist motherfuckers with hard ons for sectarianism and just being bitches. This is coming from a "leftist" tbh. Fyodor would argue this is because theyre godless degenerates, tbh.

>> No.7151693

>you can argue that dostoevsky was anarchist (and you would be right tbh)

>> No.7151753
File: 96 KB, 460x555, 7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no matter how snarky fat leftists get about it on the internet, the right wing is still genuinely seeing a massive resurgence among young males
>tfw happenings in europe are going just according to keikaku to augment the process even further

Die flut kommt soon, brothers

>> No.7151855

this shit isn't even funny.
stop posting here

>> No.7151872

>is being right-wing a meme?

From personal experience as a former an-cap (and an-caps I organized in real life with)

Young right wingers are typically either

- 1: Kids from incredibly right wing/rich families

- 2: People who just aren't interested in politics and only hear talking points from shock jocks/prevasive right wing media and take "PC" criticism as a personal attack

- 3: Intelligent kids who have unlikable personalities/anti-social and instead of engaging in self-criticism or hide power level, they lash out at their peers and take a contrarian stance while developing a smug superiority complex over the "sheeple" and justifying the delusion the reason they are not liked/popular/getting laid is everyone is scared of the "truth" and intimidated by their superior intellect.

As an Ancap, I along with 70% of everyone I associated with (from other political right wing groups as well including youth wings of mainstream political parties) was 3 with the rest being a mix of 1/3.

I eventually grew out of this phase largely by entering the workforce and discovering how fucked being a worker actually is when your not a the top (and how most businesses are shambles and top heavy with useless middle management and clueless/disconnected boards) and I also found while being injured at work, the business literally doesn't give a fuck about you, after being seriously injured, the company doctors overrided the surgeon and forced me back to work with debilitating injury the day after invasive surgery.

Lets just say, I'm no longer right wing nor a shill for capital and looking at forum posts from me a decade ago is cringe inducing.

>> No.7151922

>and somehow we can create a magical utopia where bad things never happen

>> No.7151935

If you're the guy citing Augustine as right wing...

>> No.7151948

Right wing is such a broad term. Many people with any non commie political beliefs have to support "right wing" political parties because it is a lesser of two evils, at least they perceive it that way. I could liken it to communist revolutionaries fighting along sides with anarchists and socialists. For example if you are strongly anti immigration you have to affiliate right wing even if you hate Jew bankers and there scheming, if you hate trade Union corruption but don't think a free market works in terms of medicine and education you will still support the right wing

>> No.7151954

what a dumb post

>> No.7151962

Nope. Look anon, you used to support a retarded unworkable ideology and now you support an even more retarded unworkable ideology. Why don't you come back to the more mild side of the right-wing?

>> No.7151964

I wasn't the guy you were responding to, but I thought you quoting Augustine's doctrine was a joke until you told me you were actually retarded. Have a cookie and go nap.

>> No.7151966
File: 52 KB, 543x960, 1418773340517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh. Where is that guy?

>> No.7151971

London probably. Nice dubs.

>> No.7151977
File: 193 KB, 580x815, Pur_02_dore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7151978

Your description only fits a very specific subset of the right-wing, the economic right-wing.

>> No.7151985

The societal left would certainly consider him so.

>> No.7151987

I reckon most of the internet reactionaries on /pol/ and anus.com are mainly interested in having a hip edgy image/narrative and don't fully comprehend the horrific reality of war/tyranny/etc.

Say what you want about guys like Evola but at least he had some actual life experience to back up his beliefs