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7149230 No.7149230 [Reply] [Original]




>> No.7149235

how do you fail? does the keyboard break or something?

>> No.7149557

Well I was thinking more along the lines of you just scrap the whole thing and start over because you didn't like the first draft.

>> No.7149634

you guys act like writing is hard when you're literally just putting words on paper

>> No.7149654

Well, it isn't so much hard, as that sometimes when your done with a first draft, and you read over it, sometimes you just hate 90% of it. So you scrap most of it and start over, or change a lot of it.

The hard part comes when you actually want to get something published, or something done for work, because then it comes down to the audience either needing to enjoy it, or needing to understand it clearly.

>> No.7149659

what kind of stories do you write, Terrible Bro?

>> No.7149662

Yeah, how hard can it be?
>Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

>> No.7149700

Like...grimdark, heavier emotions type stuff. I had a fantasy/apacolypse setting going for a short story, but I scrapped it cause I just hated it. I kept the characters and their relationships on a notepad, but the rest of the story just had a terrible start, so I'm going to put that one on the backburner.

The heavier stuff though, I really don't know what category I can describe it in yet. I need to get a full rough draft done on this other story I have in mind, then once I got the first couple drafts done, and I've had some people help me review it, I'll figure out what category it should go in.

You working on anything yourself anon?

>> No.7149726

Or you get horrible writer's block at the part where you're at, so you scrap elements to see if that helps out.

>> No.7149748

I've never read grimdark, but Book of Vile Darkness was my favorite way to play D&D. I'll read either one of those if you wind up sharing em.

I have a story about a social anxiety epidemic in young adults c. 2050. what I'm aiming for is like if PKD wrote Taipei.

>> No.7149761

Ya, rping with some friends online is what actually got me back into writing, and I'm using one of my characters from an old rp we did to write this current story. It's become sort of a necessity now I feel like. I feel I need to do this, even if it doesn't become anything big. I feel like I've failed at too many things I've tried to start in my life, and if I don't finish this one then I'm never going to finish anything I do.
I've done that a couple times. Usually after I re-read what I wrote to try and get going again.

>> No.7149767
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>> No.7149805


>> No.7149902

Story of my life.

>> No.7150104
File: 697 KB, 2240x1344, 20150922_231520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was reading about internet's 'new identity media' or whatever the fuck, referencing our in-groups and I considered posting exclusively on goodlookingloser (my name on there is collin, referencing the antagonist in No Good Deed - bloom, referencing Nightcrawler's Lou Bloom btw btw tbh)
Watching Mad Max was a strange experience for me - rented it early the previous morning thru PSN while on meth with my best friend, after we took various jack off "breaks" (separate, we're not fags). I had bought more meth to get a ride back home; snorting it slowly which produces a strange, apathetic near-psychotic affect
Watching the movie was an experience; I had been relating heavily with Tom Hardy after the warrior but his recent roles including Bane left him a lukewarm hasbeen in my mind
Up until mad max (I never wanted the movie to end)
The Drop was shit but I'm looking forward to Legend (the original on those brit twins had an idiosynchishly placed Edgar Allen Poe's Alone which I strongly relate to)

I stood sober tonight through Alexandra Naughton's variety show, not wanting to show my alcoholism esp after this weelend. Despite specifically inviting me she turned away to her friend as she saw me walking up the stairs - our last interaction left a bad taste in my mouth as well (I'll post the poem after this). I stood sober, able to show my degree of approval of the performance through my body language, making eye contact with the hosts and those performing throughout the night; as well as those near me - the 'lesbian' couple to my right; the iconoclast trend starting obvious slut blonde to my left

#I got good and drunk at a nearby bar afterwards#

>> No.7150113


Someone different and
Other than me
She emailed me back
Inviting me to a variety show she's throwing next week
The subject was 'poetry things'
I found it odd she took so long to reply and I went to a reading
In my neighborhood
I felt like everyone could tell how disgusting I am
I scared a mini gay guy with talent
Someone asked the bartender if they ever cut anyone off
When I walked up for my 4th
He defended me in a casual way
The only one I connected with that night until
I left early
To email the gay guy
And John Law
The co-founder of burning man

I've been wanting to try editing; I'd be down to edit your stuff if it's good and grim, possibly helping the feedback process for both of us

>> No.7150114
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I have no fucking clue what you're talking about, probably cause I don't understand where your coming from with the drugs and stuff, but....uh....nice?

>> No.7150119
File: 43 KB, 326x499, writing survival guide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got some friends-ones that basically helped me to create the character-that I'll probably ask to help edit it, but I do appreciate the offer. If I had enough of a rough draft to offer for an edit, I would probably take you up on it. But as it is, I have very little wrote and it's embarrassing, but I'm working on it.

I wish I had some of my books from storage, but ya, editing can be fun. If you ever have a chance to get it, pic related helped me to catch a lot of my own mistakes while writing. I need to read the rest of it though, I kept going back and skimming through it from time to time. Going to dig it out soon and use it when I'm done with a good solid draft.

>> No.7150129

Mildly insulting


>> No.7150133
File: 959 KB, 400x273, shrug.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, I just honestly couldn't...understand half your post, wasn't trying to be insulting. I think I'm lacking context maybe? I thought it would be more insulting to not respond...

>> No.7150159

No, I think it's prob....just your trip that annoys me

The context would b.... maybe just contemp internet culture idk

>> No.7150167

Writing can be mentally exhausting if you've built up a routine and what you're writing is worth anything at all. That's why I have so much respect for guys like Stephen King who can pump out 2-3 novels a year like it's nothing.

>> No.7150173
File: 148 KB, 1400x933, John-Dies-at-the-End_10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah ok. Welp, have a nice day friend.
I do not understand how some authors can do that.

>> No.7150181

>read a lot of books
>English major as well
>the only thing I actually write is papers
>terrified to actually write any original prose because my writing is terrible compared to authors that I respect
>I still want to write something great, I'm just too intimidated by the idea

Who here /writing phobia/?

>> No.7150185

You get over it when you realize you can never write like the person you admire, cause that would make you a clone of them.

>> No.7150191


I understand that, but I am just completely dissatisfied with everything I've ever attempted to write

I wrote around ~4-5 pages of a short story and it looked promising, but when I came back to it a week later I thought it was dreadful and threw it in the trash. It also doesn't help that, because I'm constantly reading things for school or writing about them, I don't necessarily have "creative bursts" or a need to write as my mind's burnt out, so to speak

>> No.7150210

Well, honestly, it's normal to through most of it out and write something different. The trick is learning to keep what you like and building on that.

You also have to remember why your writing. If you're only writing because you enjoy it, then it doesn't matter if you throw it out or keep it. If your writing for an audience, then it -mostly- only matters if the audience likes it. It's still your story obviously, but if you show it to thirty people, and 25 of those people like it, chances are it's good even if you critique yourself to high and say it's bad.

>> No.7150211
