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File: 52 KB, 320x280, deadgod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7144822 No.7144822 [Reply] [Original]

What exactly is the death of God? It's made out to be a huge world-view collapsing thing but I doubt God exists and don't feel like it's a big deal. Is it just no longer a shock due to the passing of time and culture moving on? What am I missing?


>> No.7144825

It's the death of the relationship between you and God, not the death of God in a metaphysical aspect

>> No.7144830

It's a societal change, not an individual one, you dip. Practically nobody in first world countries believes in the divine with the same earnestness that people used to feel for it. American Protestants and fedora-atheists are a great example of how religious belief is now more blatantly about shame and social pressure because the things we've learned make it impossible to just buy into the religion without some huge questions.

>> No.7144832

muh enlightenment
muh capitalism
muh individuality
muh liberal hedonism
muh postmodern late capitalist "culture"

>> No.7144838

i see

>> No.7144845

It means that God doesn't cut it in the modern world anymore and that we have to replace him with other things in order to fill the gap left behind

>> No.7144860

You probably still respect gods of some form, but not unifying gods as God had been.

If you've ever been on either side of a grammar nazi fight, you were arguing for or against some higher unifying power (grammar) to which you thought both you and your opponent could or could not be held subject. That's a god in Nietzsche's view, and he sides with destroying sentence structure.

Science is probably the biggest one of our day, but muhfeels might take over as the most unifying god soon in the west if that idol topples.

>> No.7144885

How is science a God?

Isn't this just like the shit that idiots say: 'money is your God'

It's just something that's important/big in modern life, it's not God

>> No.7144915

It's that which guarantees meaning (or seems to). The big Other tbh :^)

>> No.7144920

It means a lot of people will tell you "Science says..." while being dangerous to leave alone in a science lab and incapable of designing an experiment. Same as the "Jesus says..." people being put in charge of social policy when they are hearing voices, anyone who "believes in science" is a dangerous idiot you should not trust with plutonium.

>> No.7144957
File: 41 KB, 321x306, 1442206340911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The death of God

The death of the sacred in the human being. Civilization has abandoned ideas of honorable conduct impressed upon it by the recognition of an concept or principle higher/bigger than itself. So while we've liberated ourselves from the burden of responsible conduct, we've also bound ourselves in a world where truth, goodness, virtue, posterity, etc. are at best an aesthetic for the bourgeoisie - the very word is telling of modern obsession with appearance of beauty and not the beauty itself - or phrases whored out by politicos and spiritually destitute religious figures

So we get shit like giant islands of human made garbage floating along in the pacific ocean, the burial of nuclear waste under populated areas, genetic modification to food that when eaten damage the ecology of your body, animals going extinct, etc.

And people don't care. Because in a sort of Faustian deal they've traded away their right to choose good for a myriad of technologies that essentially only serve to stifle human progress in their application. Not facilitate it.

>> No.7144959

It's not a shock as we've been brought up with God "being dead". It's hard to see how much of a change it's made as we've never truly experienced how it was "before his death". However if you read up on history and philosophy enough it becomes quite obvious how it's changed things.

>> No.7144986


mein gott
pure ideology

>> No.7144998

The death of metaphysics.

>> No.7145002

>implying powerful people believe in something more powerful than themselves
>implying women ever cared for beauty other than that which enhances their social standing
>capitalist markets don't foster innovation
>genetically modified foods are bad for you
>politicians used to be honest
>religious figures used to be mostly honest
Whatever makes you feel better, pal, but you're a moron.

>> No.7145011

That was Hegel. Go back to wikipedia, scrub

>> No.7145018

Most likely you are a moral atheist so you are still living in gods shadow and not the type of person who realizes the true implication of gods death.

>> No.7145024

Nah. More like Heidegger.

>> No.7145239
File: 43 KB, 172x187, 1442361651009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7145397

>Christians invented morality
>Christians believe the bible is actual literal history
>Christians not realizing that lots of contemporary fiction provides better more sophisticated morality that go against Christian beliefs
Who seriously hopes you guys don't do this?
Anon seriously hopes you guys don't do this
Is it true?
I shiggy diggy diggy diggy doo-hoo

>> No.7145413

zizekian anti-ideology is a very interesting ideology, very communist in its caustic lack of self awareness

>> No.7145417

>I doubt God exists
of all things to doubt

>> No.7145516

>le morality is subjective
Anybody against God is immoral.

>> No.7145529
File: 247 KB, 570x668, 1441589203579.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my morality is more sophisticated than yours heh

>> No.7145603

Youre either too dumb to understand ethics or your a troll.

>> No.7145614

>atheist means only disbelief in Christianity

anon you are retarded.

>> No.7145698

I'm not retarded but I've heard retarded arguments about how morality derives from God almost exclusively by Christians or musljms

>> No.7145700

>This thread.
I was gonna write something. It was good too.
Never mind

>or your a troll.

>> No.7145720

>hurr da troof is retarded

>> No.7145736
File: 57 KB, 465x622, A soldier literally skewering god. The books under his arm read “Lenin” and “Technology.”.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It means the death of God as the centre, as the reference point, to anything in one's own personal life and of society's.

Even in the Muslim world politics are ISIS its raison d'etre as its primary practise, rather than devotion to God.