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7143789 No.7143789 [Reply] [Original]

Do you want to be a writer, /lit/?

>> No.7143796

philosopher > writer

Much more fame, glory and respect

>> No.7143814

philosophers tend to write

>> No.7143829

Sory, but to me writers make fiction works

>> No.7143844
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Yeah, like Shakespeare.

>> No.7143932


>> No.7143985
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that hits too close to home
>at l-least i read, rigth?

>> No.7143988


>> No.7143991

have no idea tbh, thought about it, I make music and write lyrics but never think they're good enough and scrap everything i write.

I study English Language and Lit in college and have thought about being some kind of journalist too. doubt i'd enjoy being a journalist though unless it was for some kind of sport or an art of some kind.

>> No.7144027

see I make music too. it's what I would do whether I ever do it professionally or not. it's no less an art to explore for me either way. I don't do that with writing. that's why I don't say I want to be a writer. I'd like to be a writer. but I'm not willing to do the work involved as with music. because that's writing a little bit every day.

>> No.7144038

I want to read books first. I am somewhat interested in writing but I haven't really found my muse so I would have nothing to write about.

>> No.7144041

I'd like to write a few social science books
My goal for the next few years is a university instructor position and then a phd.

>> No.7144045

I kinda get you, I write lyrics and poetry sometimes, you're more motivated when you have a soundscape because I guess it feels more like an artform than a work assignment, but i've never tried to write a serious novel, wrote a satire series of books as a kid and they are kind of cute for nostalgia but are really awful and not that funny

>> No.7144051


I'd wager to say that one in ten thousand philosophers make it big.

Still, if you're in it for the glory, you're in it for the wrong reasons. I'd rather be Diogenes than Alexander. That way, I won't cry like a little bitch when I see the sea.

>> No.7144054

Unless your philosophy is about the happiness of obtaining glory. Then you're in it for all the right reasons.

>> No.7144063

Yes, very much so. And that image makes me anxious because I've been considering resigning from the full-time job I've been working for 2 years since graduation and living with my parents until February before looking for another job. I have a real fear of becoming a reluctant NEET however and I can't tell if I'm being cowardly or practical by not resigning. What I do know is that I'll never write a worthwhile novel while living the kind of lifetyle I'm living now, where I work for nine hours straight and spent an hour commuting each way, barely saving any money in the process. Any advice bros?

>> No.7144085

If you really don't know what to do, get a 4 week long TEFL qualification and go teach english somewhere relaxing and/or inspiring and learn a language and decide what to do in life

>> No.7144098

I've had people recommend this before but I really don't want to do that, partly because I know I'd feel guilty going to some Asian country and promoting English. I'm not an SJW but I'd feel wrong teaching Japanese kids English I think, unless I knew Japanese or something. I don't really consider this an option.

>> No.7144121
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Yes, because so many people honor, glorify, and respect pomo sophists like Foucault or meandering nerds like Wittgenstein.

>> No.7144141

>implying they don't


>> No.7144152

hum lmao yes they do

>> No.7144155

i kinda just want to make video games tbh

it's what I grew up with

>> No.7144162

Only do it if you're going to do it independently.

The vidya industry is one of the shitiest places to work in.

>> No.7144163

Wow. I'm on the left. That describes almost everything about my life. Holy shit. I don't choose this though. I have really bad anxiety, I can barely leave the house.

Shame I don't have the guts to kill myself.

>> No.7144169
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>he thinks people other than French anarcho-Marxist-feminist queer racial theorists care about continental philosophy
>he thinks people other than failed mathematicians and half-dead professors teaching out of MIT's supply closet care about analytic philosophy

>> No.7144177

>implying anxiety is an incurable disease

>> No.7144182

yeah, and I imagine it's still a fucking boring codefest, and then I'm nowhere near skilled enough to actually make the sort of games I want to make

like when was the last time you heard of a independent RTS(much less a good indie RTS(much less a actually great and innovative indie RTS that didn't look like dogshit))

>> No.7144207

>no gym for either

No wonder they're always tired. Testosterone is correlated to energy and virility in men.

Also I'm a "wage slave" and I don't feel like killing myself every day unlike when I was NEET.

>> No.7144217

You can do it in Europe or Latin America if you like.
Live in Prague, Barcelona or somewhere like that.

You earn enough to live middle class, but not enough to save if you do.

>> No.7144237

Whoever wrote this has to be a NEET. This is literally my life. Well I stopped playing games and only read now and do go to the gym. And my dad gave my resume to his HR so I might have hope.. Although 35k a year in I.T probably means I am gonna be a wageslave for a while.

>> No.7144242

How old are you?

>> No.7144247


>> No.7144251

I'm sorry.

>> No.7144259

Excuses but internet addiction is real mang.. Back when I was in college Stickam was a thing and chasing internet pussy was more important than studying. Retarded asf, combined with weed and shit like WoW.. recipe for normal life cancellation policy. At least I graduated - many of my peers failed out of college because of too much vidya...

>> No.7144279

I'd be willing to do it if I couldn't find anything else, but my ideal would be to stay in the country. I understand Joyce and others have taught English overseas and I acknowledge the relative freedom such a career affords an aspiring writer, but I'm still hesitant to pursue that sort of work myself. I appreciate the recommendation though.

>> No.7144287

>chasing internet pussy

>> No.7144291
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I rather stay NEET as long as possible.

>> No.7144297

Well what do you want?

>> No.7144298

No you wouldn't, you pathetic fucking loser. The cognitive dissonance and narcissism you use as defense mechanisms for your own lack of ability and intelligence is fucking disgusting to watch.

>> No.7144303

>responding to bait

>> No.7144315

Wage slave detected.

>> No.7144317

I don't loose anything from your name calling and my entire life will be comfy things instead of working my way up to a life I didn't even want in the first place

>> No.7144324


>> No.7144335

Ideally I would find a decent-paying part-time job in my hometown (Newcastle) and rent somewhere cheap and live frugally, but it's a tricky job market and I have no real specialized skills. What I want most of all is to have a book published under my name, and I've been working on it for months now (having written one last year, which was rejected with good reason) but I get home after 11 hours and I only produce stuff that is error-ridden and pretty poor on second reading. I keep telling myself there's a way around this but I work in a busy office and I have to be alert for 9 hours straight, so getting home and having to focus on writing creatively and remember all the minor reference points from yesterday is a major ask. I recently read about Joel Dicker, the swiss writer who published The Truth About the Harry Quebert Affair to great acclaim quite recently, and he said how he had to quit full-time work and worked part-time in the Swiss government in order to dedicate himself to writing. I just feel like I'm acting like those contemporary women who want a career and a family etc and end up burned out or disillusioned. I realize the publishing industry isn't like it was and that my chances of being published are slim, but still I have confidence of myself that is reinforced by the fact I read a lot of contemporary Brit fiction and know who I'm up against. I don't expect to make much money but I'd happily work in a call centre as long as I had a book to my name and could work towards other books. My parents say I should do what I feel is right and said they'd welcome me home for a few months, but I hate placing myself in a position of helplesness and I am worried about my mental health should I end up trapped at home like that Scottish guy from the recent viral video.

>> No.7144337

>I'd choose to spend most of my free time working for someone else
>I'd prefer it to having all the free time I could have
sure, guy

>> No.7144338

IT's funny that you make working for someone else the only alternative to being a fucking shutin loser.

That's the cognitive dissonance and denial again.

>> No.7144339

So you are an entrepreneur?

>> No.7144341


This insult is so childish and retarded, it's weird that actual adults say this shit. And I suppose you're the "winner", huh? Well done, kiddo.

>> No.7144342

I'm a PhD student.

>> No.7144347

So you'll be a wage slave soon, nice.

>> No.7144350

Anxiety is your excuse, loser. You make your anxiety worse with your self-pity and telling yourself that you have it.

Stop being such a fucking pussy.

>> No.7144411

There are no winners. But there are losers, they are not only swept into the dustbins of history, but are even swept into the dustbins of the present. Human trash. Absolutely without conceivable purpose. Loved only by those who are obligated to. Known only by the unfortunately burdened.

>> No.7144429

>giving any le fucks
>wanting to be "known" by plebs and harlots

>> No.7144461

I know this is bait. But I just can´t resist. And so I´m gonna answer you.

Fuck you

Here, is your edgy, narrow, cold, little heart now glowing golden, my fermetingly-fat fiendish friend?

>> No.7144472

All is vanity. Don't kid yourself. Especially someone who instead indulges in simulated or voyeuristic feelings of accomplishment.

>> No.7144477

What an unfunny post

>> No.7144483

not agreeing with your neet tendencies, but agreed.

>> No.7144517


And if not, why do you defend him?

>> No.7144549

I thought his rage was pretty funny

>> No.7144592
File: 113 KB, 505x729, 125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been a NEET for 2 years now, but I spent a lot of that time, writing, drawing and reading. I want to go somewhere creatively but have no fucking clue where, so I've been writing random short horror stories and drawing shit to stick up on my facebook page. I've just got a part-time job in a pub (newcastle) only 5 minutes down the road, although it's coming up christmas so I know I'll be there 33204hours a fuckin' week which depresses me because I know when I come home I'll be too fuckin' exhausted to even think, so hopefully after Christmas i'll be on 20hours a week again which will give me enough time to continue you my real work.

>> No.7144619

You're not a NEET if you have a job, fucktard

>> No.7144620

Moral of the story is to just off yourself.

>> No.7144627

Also 26 here. Not NEET but I don't work much.

>> No.7144631

but I live very comfortably as a NEET. I haven't felt depressed since I was working

>> No.7144632

>33204hours a fuckin' week
those are some brutal hours man

>> No.7144639

I just mean that image in particular.

>> No.7144640

Okay 'I was a NEET for 2 years..' lol

>> No.7144645
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>> No.7144652

I know. I didn't even exaggerate.

>> No.7144670

Nigga even sleeps in a top hat, damn.

>> No.7144694

>tfw i don't want to be NEET or wage slave.
Isn't there another viable option for a 24 years old with an engineering degree and no particular talents?

>> No.7144697

lottery or you better get real friendly with an old and rich family member

>> No.7144706
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I know it' bait, but I'll bite.

>I can do anything with my spare time
Saying you'll shape yourself into a shiny golden deep-thinking adonis is far from doing it.

A smart wageslave will have worked hard in school/college, have the job he wants, the money he needs and find the time to live a full life.

NEETs will never grow or know what it means to struggle or work, the things that make a rounded person.

Watch more anime, chumps, just remember the aloof self-taught genius loser MC was voiced by a Japanese wageslave voice actor who gets more pussy than you

>> No.7144709

I learn struggle by sport

>> No.7144730

You don't need much money to live a full life, you need barely any money at all, the government will pay for your children.

>> No.7144750

Yeah so i'm fucked i know. I wish i could wage slave as something i like at least but i chose to study something i had no real passion for.

>> No.7144771

I work, but these will never stop being funny for some reason.

Get a job that isn't pacheck-to-paycheck tier.

>> No.7144792

you could end yourself, i'm in a similar position and i'm seriously considering it

>> No.7144877

God this place is depressing.

>> No.7144882

You can embrace the feral nature of life. Life as a constant struggle against everything.
Life as not a source of happiness and good but a source of struggle and evil.
Life as not guaranteeing you even the things most people consider basic like love friends or family.
Not being interested in something making it more fun but about the constant struggle for power and animalistic urges.
Dominate and fuck.
Competition without boundaries as you either win at all costs or perish.

I personally sometimes think about life this way to keep going.
That there is nothing promised to me and there is no goal or dream or happiness to be expected. Just me against incoming waves, one after the other and I either manage to hold on until each one passes or I drown and die.

>> No.7144887

That the struggle IS the purpose and its own achievement.

>> No.7144894

Pretty good anon.

>> No.7144906

>implying people care about anything.

>> No.7144921

Neet life is fucking amazing tbh fam.

I "tutor" retards trying to get into post secondary programs. I can barely spell. Just chill and read poetry all day. Might teach english in a year.

My wageslave friends have absolutely nothing on me.

>> No.7144953

>Implying being on the right is much better.
It's too true. Get in from work 6pm, cook, eat, iron clothes for next day at work, make tomorrow's lunch, and before you know it, it's 10pm and you've got at most two hours to yourself, depending on how tired you want to be at work tomorrow.

>> No.7144973

Those wave allegories get me every time, thanks for sharing, anon.

>> No.7145015

if death is neutral i.e. nothing and life is for the most part struggle i.e. negative along with pointless then death isn't such a bad alternative.
If life is meaningless then Camus's revolt (as it seems you're alluding to) is also meaningless and to view it as a heroic struggle is to delude yourself to the sheer meaningless of it any way.

>> No.7145017


I was listening to Two Steps from Hell while reading your post.


>> No.7145052

Death is not neutral, Its very hard to attain, and for one to commit suicide rquires a lot of emotional struggle. Ultimtely death is still an unknown as well. We dont REALLY feel like we know what to expect and we fear it.
Life as a struggle or a struggle to achieve death, but since death is assured anyway you might as well live as much as you can.
I never said there is no good but simply that its possible one's life will not be good in any way , and that you should not feel let down if you do not live up to society's ideals.
Its a mode of thinking which helps release stress that accumulates when you feel overburdened.

>> No.7145131

of course my life is not even remotely close to that but if every moment of it is unenjoyable, i may as well end it, it's not philosophical suicide, it's not honorable, dramatic whatever, it's just a choice. Or rather it would be if i had that pill

>> No.7145138

eughh, i had more of this but it got cut off and i can't be bothered rewriting. nvm

>> No.7145167

work for a couple years and save as much as possible, then go to some really cheap southeast asian country where your savings could last you legit like 5 years or something. overstay your visa and maybe try to get involved in the criminal underworld to make a living, or come up with a scam to get enough money off of western tourists to get by.

>> No.7145258


>> No.7145311

Why so mad friend? Did we break the rules by which you identify with a group?

>> No.7145415
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>> No.7145453


>> No.7145869

You'll have an easier time finding a new job if you currently have a job. They longer you are unemployed, the more HR will wonder why.

>> No.7145885


I will admit... NEET (Trust Fund Edition) is pretty sweet... but I think I'd rather go Wage Slave than NEET (Living In Grandma's Trailer Edition).

>> No.7145907


I had a couple years of medium tier neet, financial support from parents and some saved money.

It got bad near the end of the second year but for awhile i was very happy and productive. The issue is its unsustainable. But that is the only issue, this idea that work gives you "meaning" is fucking retarded. The only reason neet life gets bad is you start feeling bad about being a leech on people you love. If i could leech of society only i would do it forever no problem

>> No.7145917


Well, it sounds like you missed the Great PTSD Gravy Train, but maybe Sanders will win a landslide.

>> No.7145923

live in europe

>> No.7145985

I do want to be a writer. To say you are a writer, to me, means either your writing pays the bills or you are recognized for your writing.
Neither has happened to me.

But I created my own business to pay the bills and understand even if you are a wage slave you have to have some form of income.

I am not that smart. I do have a better than average education. But it all comes down to motivation.

What is my business? You can read about it in one of my books.

>> No.7146334
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>barely ever read books
>only play video games, watch anime, and read manga, occasionally LNs or VNs
>started writing fantasy novel
Wish me luck bros.

>> No.7146349

fuck no lmao

>> No.7146476

I just want to create something, anything

I'd settle for a child

>> No.7146525


>> No.7146595

Learn to draw, furries always seem to have a bunch of disposable income.
Start trading stocks.
Learn to program, furries pay even more for that.
It's not that hard to be independant economically with the internet. Just see what people are willing to pay money for and do that.

>> No.7146747

Yes. I finish my 1st novel soon. It will either be a success and me happy, or not and me depressed.

>> No.7147268

fuck off, normie.

>> No.7147952


>> No.7147958

One of these things is not like the other!

>> No.7148875
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Daily reminder: Wageslavery and The Literary Lifestyle are exclusionary.

>> No.7148887

don't waste your time nigga

>> No.7148899

Why is traffic capitalized ?

>> No.7150150

Because going out of your room is SCARY.

>> No.7150272

I don't have any memes on this computer, could someone please reply with an image of a fat neckbeard or something tipping a fedora?

>> No.7150377
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Wageslave and still killing it.

>> No.7151820

it means your a slave to your wage

>> No.7151852
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>> No.7151856


>only play video games, watch anime, and read manga, occasionally LNs or VNs

nigger use your neet life to know all your city or something for real

>> No.7151903

>tfw I've written ~30% of my novel sitting at my desk pretending to answer emails
Still 70% on my own time but I also get paid for those hours.

>> No.7151969
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>that picture

>> No.7152035

How can you be a NEET and not be fucking poor or homeless?

>> No.7152041

No, I want to write.

>> No.7152058

by being born from parents who aren't poor or homeless

>> No.7152084
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>not being homeless

top kek

>> No.7152101

I've lived both livestyles and wageslave is actually way better. at least you're too busy for the crushing depression and you're interacting with people.

if you're too tired after work, get over it.

>> No.7152107
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Because I have things inside of myself that I don't want to die without having expressed. I have passions that I want to share. I have proclivities and abilities that I don't want to waste.

>> No.7152119

All I wanna do is be a writer. But then I write, and I realize I'm shit at it. Pretty terrible feeling to be bad at the only thing you want to do with your life/the only profession that would make you happy.

>> No.7152190

Right. I always kept myself in shape, but as a neet could not help myself from being addicted to video games, internet surfing and violently masturbating to progressively more taboo pornography, and developing covert narcissism as well. Until I got an ereader. Reading saved my life. Quit video games. Quit porn. Quit bad thought processes. Started studying math and science online. Everything has been getting better since I started reading. And although I still browse discussion boards at least I'm here at /lit/ instead of obsessing over upcoming video games and computer parts.

>> No.7152228

Philosopher isnt a job.

Memeing about Philosophy with other idiots doesnt make you one.

>> No.7152253


the only way you will ever be able to live off being a philosopher is if you teach classes. No one likes modern philosophy. Id be willing to bet you have a better chance of being a first draft NFL player at the age of 30 than you do becoming the next nietzsche

>> No.7152857

cognitive dissonance cognitive dissonance cognitive dissonance cognitive dissonance cognitive dissonance cognitive dissonance cognitive dissonance cognitive dissonance cognitive dissonance cognitive dissonance cognitive dissonance cognitive dissonance cognitive dissonance cognitive dissonance cognitive dissonance cognitive dissonance cognitive dissonance cognitive dissonance cognitive dissonance cognitive dissonance cognitive dissonance

>> No.7152866

I don't know what I want. One can't be a great writer and happy. It's going to be decided for me.