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/lit/ - Literature

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7143335 No.7143335 [Reply] [Original]

Let's welcome Hiroyuki as our new Admin by discussing Japanese books and authors

>> No.7143353

I this guy going to sell all of my shitposts to the NSA?

>> No.7143355

Literally who?

>> No.7143357

Hard Mode: No discussion of Yukio Mishima, Osamu Dazai, Haruki Murakami, or Kobo Abe.

>> No.7143361

This place might have been salvageable if he sold it 5 years ago but it's too late now

>> No.7143362


>> No.7143365

a k i k o y o s a n o


>> No.7143368


NSA are already tracking our shitposts :^)


He made 2channel, the template for 4chan

>> No.7143370

>Japanese 'literature'

lol. manga doesn't count. fuck off back to /a/

>> No.7143403

That sounds even worse than moot

>> No.7143427
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He will probably appoint an American admin.
He just owns the website and barely knows English.
The reason he owns it is for the pass and Advertisements money.

>> No.7143433
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>> No.7143438

murakami (ryu)

>> No.7143450

This man, is he going to be something in my country?

>> No.7143461

4chan is an extremely popular website and probably as popular as it's going to be while maintaining its format and type of content, so I'm not sure what you want from it. If you're just mad about newfags from reddit or whatever, then fuck off

>> No.7143477

>"hard mode"
>no soseki




>> No.7143478

No ones mad and there is no reason to be when it's too late.

>> No.7143481
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>absolute bliss in form of a novel

>> No.7143491

please keep coming on /lit/ ye guy

>> No.7143549

Watch out for Hiroyuki Nishimura!
Watch out for Hiroyuki Nishimura!

>> No.7143568
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Where's the evidence? I welcome our new eastern leader; hopefully he'll delete /pol/ and make [s4s] users the new mods.

>> No.7143582

Can anyone point me to any good writing on the economic models of various Japanese print media?
I'm particularly interested in how much money a light novel will make as opposed to a more literary work and if these words are appropriate in a Japanese context.

>> No.7143613
File: 318 KB, 1559x2405, 81IYdyJoF9L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tanizaki is without a doubt the greatest japanese novelist that ever lived and pic related is his magnum opus and the most important modern japanese novel. Anyone who disagrees with this has either i) not enough knowledge of japanese history, culture and society ii) not enough familiarity with japanese literature, specially modern literature

>> No.7143623

Will read.

>> No.7143629

>deleting pol
Why would you rip up a trash bag, and send trash flying everywhere?

>> No.7143635
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Because the specially selected {s4s} mods will destroy any remembrance of their culture and traditions. They will be purged.

>> No.7143650 [DELETED] 

Where do you place Soseki and Kokoro on the scale of important modern Japanese literature relative to Tanizaki and The Makioka Sisters?

>> No.7143653
File: 466 KB, 796x1167, Soseki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do you place Soseki and Kokoro on the scale of important modern Japanese literature relative to Tanizaki and The Makioka Sisters?

>> No.7143781

>not enough knowledge of japanese history, culture and society
nah all you need to really enjoy Makioka Sisters is an appreciation for femdom

>> No.7143791

whoops I was thinking of Naomi by him actually

>> No.7143801

Currently reading Dance Dance Dance.

It's k.

>> No.7143854

favorite murakami book :-)

>> No.7143862

>Not After Dark

fucking plebs.

>> No.7143869

after dark was the first of his I read. Probably the best stylistically, dance x3 is just extra comfy to me since I read it over multiple plane flights during Christmas time

>> No.7143878

What about Kazuo Ishiguro? Or does he not count, since he grew up in England?

>> No.7143908

Ishuguro is a British author writing in English and his works set in Japan were 1. His first two and 2. Not at all based on any real Japan.

>> No.7143996
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I'm aware we're not pol but he's obviously up for data mining

So more of the same

>> No.7144014

i'm gonna ask him the trolley dilemma for his qa

>> No.7144018

a shit ton

>> No.7144793

Bump because some dipshit made this exact same thread without checking the catalog

>> No.7144884

Silence was a interesting read. Though I did think that the comparisons of Rodriguez and Christ were a little heavy-handed. And that the diary of the merchant at the end added little to nothing to the story.

>> No.7144886
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How comes I never see Kenzaburo Oe in these threads?

If you guys love Mishima or Dazai so much, you would cum buckets from Silent Cry.

>> No.7144889

Where do I start with him? What's his best book?

>> No.7144896

Thoroughly enjoyed Akutagawa's Rashomon and other short stories.

>> No.7144911


Seconding this recommendation. Absolutely incredible book, but feels for days.

>> No.7144934
File: 22 KB, 304x475, tale of genji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


OK, has anyone read The Tale of Genji? And why where Japan and China writing thousand page novels when Europe was more focused on plays?

>> No.7144956

>guy in Moot's predecessor.
>dude looks like 20 if that
>Moot looks like a 40 year old failed trans case.

Asian aging genetics are god tier.

>> No.7144968

Moot's kind of a sexy twink IMO

>> No.7145348

nice try, moot

>> No.7145359

I didn't care for The Changeling that much, but I'm interested in reading The beautiful annabell lee was chilled and killed, though it's not available in English. I might pick it up in Chinese.

>> No.7145363


Unconsoled > Remains of the Day > Buried Giant/Never Let me Go > Good Nocturnes > When We Were Orphans > Bad Nocturnes

start with either Never Let Me Go or Remains of the Day, then read the other, then decide if you want to read The Unconsoled.

The Unconsoled is a slightly difficult read, not recommended to start with.

>> No.7145380

Never Let Me Go was awful. Please don't reccomend that garbage.

Remaings of the Day was good.

>> No.7145489

I liked it. It's flawed but I think it has its merits and is a good representation of Ishiguro.

>> No.7145514

No artist of the floating world? One of my favorite books.

>> No.7145633

I haven't read his first two books.

>> No.7145664
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So has Jun Tsuji's Death of an Epicurean been translated yet? I'm really curious but not enough to learn nip.

>> No.7145942

i think this is bullshit
it would cause a shitstorm for at most a month, then this