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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 155 KB, 1080x720, DFKFrwY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7142103 No.7142103 [Reply] [Original]

Lets see your book shelves /lit/

>> No.7142108

another epic bait thread by OP.

>> No.7142112

Don't post Butterfly's collection without xer permission.

>> No.7142118

a-at least there is an Ayn Rand book there, but even #based Rand cant make up for all that aweful propaganda youve got

>> No.7142134

I found on reddit where this was originally posted (a commie subreddit) and they rebuked him for having Rand and suggested using it as toilet paper. And something about the Gulag.

>> No.7142157

b-but rand is the only thing on that shelf with any literary or philosophical merit to it why would they do that... oh right communists are retards who cant comprehend human nature or greed, checks out

>> No.7142283
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>> No.7142447
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>> No.7144158 [DELETED] 

Who /collegeliberal/ here?
How do I make my library less immature and edgy?

>> No.7144166
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Who /collegeliberal/ here?
How do I make my library less immature and edgy so I dont get mocked every time I try to talk on the politics board?

>> No.7144184
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>> No.7144276
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>> No.7144876


>> No.7144903

you could start by having all of them stand in the same direction

>> No.7144925
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Not Pictured(Lent out to friends/family):

>Blood Meridian
>The Road



>> No.7144928
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>> No.7144935
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> /collegeliberal/
>mocked every time I try to talk on the politics board?

You deserve to be mocked.

>> No.7144939


>Not having your books arranged Alphabetically by last name of author

Jesú Cristo.

>> No.7144962
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>Not arranging them according to languages in alphabetic order from Assyrian to Zulu

>> No.7144964

I organize them by ISBN#

>> No.7144972

>politics board
lol /pol/ doesn't read books, they watch 20 minute youtube documentaries

>> No.7144976


Ah, planning to own every book in the world I see!

>> No.7144978

Gotta start small my friend!!

>> No.7144981


And once arranged into languages, how will I arrange them.

Given that they are already arranged by Language and fall under "E" for English.

>> No.7144984
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>> No.7144988
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>owning physical books
>spening money on something you can get for free or at least drastically discounted literally for the sole purpose of showing off to strangers on the net

>> No.7144995


I buy books because I have nothing better to furnish my place with, I like the look of books.

>> No.7145068

Yea come on people, get an e-reader. I honestly don't enjoy reading physical books anymore, my kobo is so comfortable.

>> No.7145090


Where's Neuromancer?

>> No.7145160
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Euthanize yourself

>> No.7145180

i want a large number of physical books so that if i ever have children they will grow up with a lot of books around them all the time, for their whole life from as early as they can remember. i think this would help them become patricians.

plus real books are better anyway.

>> No.7145185 [DELETED] 

Owning Jack Donovan's Brokeback Mountain and Philosophy

>> No.7145195

Idk if this makes it any better, but I'm not actually in college, I'm just college aged and read what I feel to be the typical young leftie books.

>> No.7145209
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>all of these paperbacks


>> No.7145225
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>> No.7145227
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>> No.7145247

But why?

>> No.7145267


>Fast Machine

nice! Ellen is good. I wish she'd try third-person sometimes tho

>> No.7145270

Hardcopy master race.

>> No.7145274

I started just wanting to learn about labor unions because I always get into fights with my family about IBEW and Co. being thugs, so I started with Zinn,and one thing lead to another and now I'm full leftie.

>> No.7146166

Die commie.

>> No.7146195

Aaay, I'm not the only one with a battered Mirrorshades still hanging around!

>> No.7146364
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>lending out books
>Hesse's pleb works
>fucking Roberto Bolano

>> No.7146395
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>Still no new bookcase.

>> No.7146399
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Still that overflow section.

>> No.7146409

What design books would you rec especially?

>> No.7146416

Keep chomsky and toss the rest

>> No.7146420

>communists still rely on capitalism to shape their identity
we did it boys

>> No.7146424


don't think ive seen that edition of Infinite Jest. whats on the front?

>> No.7146429


It depends, the compendiums just have brief listings of whatever the editors liked. I have quite a few of them but they are universally ridiculously general, even the big yellow triplet from Phaidon.

A must have book for me would be Jeannine Fiedler's big red Bauhaus book, it goes incredibly in depth in history, not so much in theory but for that there are other books.

On typography it would be Typografie from Goc Gaade but that is Dutch and quite rare.

If you want to know a lot about a single architect: Jodidio for Taschen (the big books)

For the rest there isn't really books you must own but every architect usually has s,m,l,xl, they never read it, but they have it.

>> No.7146431


It's the hardcover without dust sleeve.

>> No.7146583

>Being kind is a bad thing
There is nothing wrong with lending books to friends or family.

>> No.7146897
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I'm just at the beginning of my literary journey, hope it lasts a life time

>> No.7146972
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>video games on a book shelf


>> No.7146995

>dat cormac collection

>> No.7147077

>>fucking Roberto Bolano
Bitch I will cut you. Tell me what you think is better than Bolano.
Of course he is not the best of all time, but I'm sure you only hate him because he is popular.

>> No.7147101


>> No.7147104


>picador McCarthy
>Penguin Camus

nah man

>> No.7147117

Is infinite meme any good? What are the plot and themes? Everyone here has a copy and I've never read it

>> No.7147127


It's good. Themes are family, competition, addiction, film, entertainment. Very funny, very sad.

>> No.7147129

dude, don't leave your records like that, the labels will fuck the covers up.
Best thing to do is to leave them slightly inclined

>> No.7147138

sounds good, I'll give it a torrent

>> No.7147247

chomsky is left wing garabage

>> No.7147518

+1 for Goethe, that book really. The second time around, anyway.

>> No.7147521

really got me*

>> No.7147523

What are all these books?

>> No.7149075


Just because he is left wing doesn't make him garbage.

What makes him garbage is when he says shit like 'porn is degrading to women' with zero consideration to the women who actually want to make porn.

>> No.7149106

>memes:the bookshelf

>> No.7149117


He's a hack

>> No.7149122

>these are the people in /lit/

god help us that kid looks like he is half retarded

>> No.7149252

Why don't you buy it?

>> No.7149257
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I am pig man lol


>> No.7149260

lol that shits crazy!

>> No.7149280


Do you live in SF by chance?

>> No.7149282

lol this thread is dead now.

>> No.7149296
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>> No.7149301

lol this thread is dead now.

>> No.7149322
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>> No.7149326
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AM I A MEME YET AM I A MEME YET AM I A MEME YET?!?!?!?!? but srsly, plz rate friends :)

>> No.7149340

>all that Penguin orange
It must be nice to let peer pressure alone dictate your reading habits.

>> No.7149343

>écharpe de l'om

ca en suce des bites

>> No.7149346


>> No.7149433


tu as raison

>> No.7149461
File: 171 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a ton of books in this unused room at a friends place and only keep the ones i intend on fully understanding before i move on to anything else on my desk. On the shelf behind my desk i keep Disney VHS tapes which i also intend on fully understanding before i move on to anything else

>> No.7149501
File: 451 KB, 2160x716, library 1 - Textbooks, Language, and Favorites.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck it, I'll post mine again. I have moved stuff around since last time, but my only new additions are a couple Yotsuba& manga in Japanese for language learning.

Disclaimer: 1) *Tips Fedora*. 2) I keep my books in the best condition possible. 3) Many I have not read and keep as reference (should be obvious which ones).

1/4: Textbooks, Language, and Personal Favorites.

>> No.7149503
File: 557 KB, 964x1994, library 2 - Philosophy, Literature, and Current Events.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


2/4: Current Events, Philosophy, Literature.

>> No.7149507
File: 2.28 MB, 964x1250, Library 3 - Science, Math, Reference, and Hardcovers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


3/4: Science, Mathematics, References, and Hardcovers.

>> No.7149509
File: 90 KB, 720x960, library 4 - Spring 2015 Essay Sources.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4/4: Sources I used on 2015 class essays. (3rd from top is Freud's "Future of an Illusion").

>> No.7149515


bretty good. needs more history. less Foucault and de Beauvoir.

>> No.7149528


>Foucault and de Beauvoir.

I got them for classes actually. Read what I needed and stopped. I loathe continentals.

I have a couple history references not shown actually, but nothing interesting really. They are mostly for reference.

>bretty good.

Th-thanks, anon!

>> No.7149531

Are you 12?

>> No.7150174

Roberto Bolano is a fucking joke

>> No.7150232

I'm furnishing a new apartment and I need bookshelf recommendations

>> No.7150236

Do you get to have an actual study or wot doe

>> No.7150240

naw, gonna put it in my bedroom probably. I don't have a shitton of books, but I have quite a few and I'll be getting more over time.

>> No.7150297


Too little room, besides they aren't special or rare.

Design, books about art, books that are art, French pornographic cartoons from the 70's and Dutch literature.

Could be much more meme.

Ikea Billy if cheap.
Ikea Besta if slightly less cheap.


Italian design furniture from expensive houses.

>> No.7150314

Explain yourself

>> No.7150353
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>> No.7150366

Tell me more about the 3 red spined books on Kawakubo, tricky rick, and yohji

>> No.7150384

>library clearance
>get a fuckton of books for $1 a pop

How do I remove the stickers, though?

>> No.7150399


>every poster in these threads has Lord of the Rings

you all used to read garbage, then came here to post about it but found /lit/-core, right? Every shelf posted seems to indicate this

>> No.7150410

Sentiment in my case. I haven't read it in four years at the least. I wouldn't consider The Lord of the Rings garbage though, it's still the best piece of fantastical writing I've encountered outside Gene Wolfe

>> No.7150426

By all indications, the only people on this board who actually read are above
>lol fantasy garbage stay P L E B
shitposting, and actually, you know, read real books.

It's an extremely popular book, has its merits, and it'd be really weird for someone who professes to liking reading to have not read it at some point.

>> No.7150491


you honestly think it would be weird for a reader not to have read LotR? That's pretty embarrassing if so

>> No.7150498

Sorry we didn't all grow up reading Infinite Meme.

>> No.7150513

Nice. Good work anon! You could probably do with filling in between Greeks & Nietzsche (actually fuck it, they're the damn best).

>> No.7150550


>the only two options for getting into books are pulp fantasy or the most popular experimental fiction book

>> No.7150603

this makes me salivate i wanna rob your house

>> No.7150638


>> No.7150659

They taste nice - I eat them during the day when I'm working. There are apples and carrots out of shot

>> No.7150680

Doesn't everyone have a battered copy of mirrorshades?

>> No.7150687
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>> No.7150739

yes i love bananas too but why are they on your bookshelf

>> No.7150752

i'm gonna add robin hood there too, every month it grows

>> No.7150929

How's Gilgamesh? I've read the Illiad, the Aeneid, and Beowulf with regards to older, major epic poems. Does it compare?

>> No.7151109

Not him, but they're not even really comparable as literature. Gilgamesh is significant largely because of its historical value as a proto-epic, leading into Homer. It's very short (you can read it in an hour or two), and when reading it you'll quickly see that it touches on a lot of epic elements, but doesn't flesh them out like Homer/Virgil did.

It's kind of like reading presocratic texts or sophist arguments: You see how and why they arrived to their conclusions, but easily recognize that it's an unpolished, early state of that form of writing.

>> No.7151128
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>> No.7151151

How many have you actually read? Most look brand new.
Reading Suttree right now.

>> No.7151171

Every time someone posts books that dont look like there been rained on and abused you get people.implying they're not read. What the fuck are you guys doing to your books? I've read books multiple times that still look brand new.

>> No.7151186

you seem like a big goofy elitist and a great guy

>> No.7151290

Thanks, Anon

>> No.7151299



is this bait?

>> No.7151463



Basically a collection of ID magazine interviews and some good pictures, roughly 120 pages per book. Nothing new but cool if you like them.

>> No.7151506
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>> No.7151562
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>Not organizing your shelf so that you can read all the titles without fucking tilting your head.


I fucking love free books.
>Tfw university library

>> No.7151569

>That sexy ass poster in the back ground

The School of Athens is fucking amazing. Its crazy to think that people are capable of creating something that looks like that.

>> No.7151580



>> No.7151843


>The Leopard

good taste

>> No.7152049
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>snow crash
This book came with a PC game I had as a kid in the early 90s and I just got around to reading it now. It was really lousy.

>> No.7152471

>Beyond Good and Evil has no literary or philosophical merit
I hope you burn in hell, even though I don't believe in it.

>> No.7152586

I preferred Crashcourse which came out around the same time.

>> No.7152943

ugl collection. so you're the guy who hasn't been returning all these books huh

>> No.7152960 [DELETED] 
File: 46 KB, 524x1009, 1425270229914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is wack as fuck. Nobody here has more than 15-20 volumes. And now they're hanging around on /lit/, shitposting and wasting the FBI's valuable bandwidth.

When does it end /lit/? WHEN?!

>> No.7152976

I picked up 14 boxes of free books from some dude off of craigslist yesterday. can't get pictures now but it's ridiculous.

>> No.7152996

Got a good chuckle out of this

>pic related, me eating a Cantonese custard bun a few summers ago

>> No.7153972

Near the desk

>> No.7154933
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>> No.7156257
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>> No.7156867

Which Pierre Berton is that?

>> No.7156887

Look at this asshole reading entertaining books that he enjoys

What a fag

>> No.7156890


>> No.7156914

Woah. You /rich/?

>> No.7156921
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>having nothing to read during the happening.

>> No.7156927
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Damn commies

>> No.7156962
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>Eyeless in Gaza

My nigga that's one of my favorite books. Too bad not that many people have read it.


Love those bookends brah


Hey if I start reading some of those art and design books will I become unhappy with my living space? I'm basically a neet with no money and my rooms are furnished with old ikea furniture so I don't want to start developing expensive taste. I'm fine with my little kobold den right now. My cousin is becoming an architect and is something of an artist so I thought it might give us something to talk about.

>> No.7156975
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>inb4 Graça Infinita, I'm reading it atm and honestly, it doesn't seem that hard a job

>> No.7156981
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>> No.7157023

Filenames made me chuckle. Everyone shits on penguin but I like them and love how they look on your shelf m8.

>> No.7157266
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You'll probably gain some desire for several objects. Design is in an essence a very materialistic world. It depends on your living space, you can actually get quite far with ikea in terms of gaining a decent aesthetic. People love to shit on it but their designs are often clean and sensible.

What's more important then individual objects is bringing an overall cohesion and thought to a room.

And having grails are nice, my top one right now is the 838 VELIERO bookcase from Franco Albini by Cassina. It starts at 30K. I have no place to do it justice, or the money so it's nice to have a goal.

>> No.7157272

Thanking the guy who gives you a shit opinion. Gilgamesh is huge, bigger in the essentials than Homer

>> No.7158291
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>> No.7158300

>dat appalling lack of portuguese literature

fucking traitor

>> No.7158301

like two of those (Rand and Friedman) are meaningfully anti-communist. got me to reply 5/10

>> No.7158302

My nigga. That's more like it.



>> No.7158324

>no Franz Fanton
>no Foucault
>no bell hooks

and you call yourself liberal

>> No.7158459

>Implying I hadn't already read most of the brazilian classics by the end of high school
>Implying I can't just go to the library and borrow them
>Implying there's anything worthy on portuguese literature apart from 5 writers
>Implying Angola and Brazil aren't the GOAT lusophones
>Implying I'm portuguese

loads of implications there m8, and I haven't even finished

>> No.7158473

one look at that library and i could tell you're absolutely not portuguese but i was talking about the language in general though

>> No.7158484
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>> No.7158496

I had a pretty good literature class during middle / high school, so I pretty much read all the classics.

Also, my father in law only reads brazilian (not even lusophone, brazilian) authors, so I don't feel the need to buy anything.

A lot of it sucks though, I feel brazilian art as a whole is too stuck to social realism, and it gets very tiring after a lifetime of being exposed to it.

That being said, I'm currently re-reading Quarup and I strongly recommend it, it's becoming a favourite. If you can speak portuguese, I strongly recommend Raduan Nassar as well, though he might be difficult for a non-native