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/lit/ - Literature

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7140406 No.7140406[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is there anything more useless and impractical than philosophy? I think it's funny that philosophy majors think they're "intellectuals." It's just a waste of time and fedoracore.

>> No.7140414

posting this kind of threads for example

>> No.7140420

Philosophy is dead. Studying it is just a complete waste of time.

>> No.7140425

Everyone alive today lives in a country that borrows from the principles of Rousseau or Marx.

Hardly impractical imo

>> No.7140433
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Hmm what to do. I know ;) I'm gonna troll the 'chon 8)

>> No.7140435
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This is now a hedgehog thread
post hedgehogs

>> No.7140442
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inquisitive hedgehog

>> No.7140445
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laughing hedgehog

>> No.7140447


Exactly my point in why philosophy students are pseudos

>> No.7140451

>Studying it is just a complete waste of time
For whom or what?

>> No.7140452


Post more, faggot

>> No.7140454
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upset hedgehog :(

>> No.7140457
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This is why I advocate a /philgen/ thread.

The sci-fi dudes are civil about it, why can't the armchair philosophers follow suit?

>> No.7140459

Practicality is for capitalist cucks

>> No.7140463

For society. What skills do you develop by studying philosophy other than "oh, this is how we ought to be because of muh feels." It's useless in essentially every aspect.

>> No.7140468

This is really bad bait because you are already reaching a too high level of abstraction
you need to start more trivially and eventually reach up to such arguments for more results

>> No.7140472

Oh, look, another troll thread!

>> No.7140474

Generals signal the death of a board. Look at /int/ and then tell me you really want that balkanization to come here. The only general should be questions that don't deserve their own thread. The sci-fi people should go to r/books

>> No.7140475
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angry hedgehog

>> No.7140476


The greatest innovations in the past two hundred years have happened in countries following capitalistic models. It's stupid to bash on practicality, for thats what promotes incentives to create greater technological advancements.

>> No.7140477

>muh feels

0/10 bait

>> No.7140481

>philosophy major is too stupid to give rebuttal

It's not your fault you're stupid. Stupid people have to study something, right?

>> No.7140483

>multi culturalism leftist bullshit

>> No.7140489

multiculturalism is in the logic of late capitalism

>> No.7140492

I'm not advocating that. We should shame the plebs and not allow them to have safe spaces (AKA scifi generals) on /lit/

>> No.7140494

This is also bad bait because you resort to namecalling instead of attacking a particular characteristic

>> No.7140500

BTFO in one reply


>> No.7140503

What did society ever do for me?

>> No.7140512

>thinking this is what getting btfo looms like

That's cute.

You're legitimately studying something that develops zero skills and cannot be applied in anyway for society.

>> No.7140516

Stop posting

>> No.7140518

It gives you your NEET bucks, you parasitic leech.

>> No.7140519

im actually a plumber

>> No.7140522


>> No.7140525

>looms like
>ignores genuine shitposting advice and resorts to more re-heated fallacy

bad bait tbh
please, no more

>> No.7140527

Critical thinking is a skill.

>> No.7140539

Critical thinking is anti-establishment, though. It's degenerate

>> No.7140549

>critical thinking is a skill

Holy fuck, fuck my shit up.

Enjoy being unemployed

>> No.7140550

Might as well just start throwing random words if you're going to be this bad at baiting, imbecile

>> No.7140558

>living for work
>living for society
>living for someone else

slave mentality

>> No.7140564

>Generals signal the death of a board.
The "death" of /lit/ came when the contingents from /pol/, [r9k], and /b/ showed up. Your idea of "board death" isn't universal by any stretch.
>The only general should be questions that don't deserve their own thread.
But that's 95% of what philosophy threads are.
>The sci-fi people should go to r/books
So you want book enthusiasts to leave /lit/. You're a part of the problem, bby

>> No.7140567

>thinks critical thinking is a skill

I still can't wrap my head around how fucking stupid you are for thinking this

>> No.7140570

But what if the state is degenerate?

>> No.7140577

Alright, hotshot. What do you do with your life? Do you rummage through the garbage for food? Do you go to Red Cross inventories to find old used cloths? Do you refuse to work because fucking being a wage slave? Do you do all of this because you don't want to be a slave?

>trying to justify being a lazy pleb

>> No.7140586

>living for your biological instincts
slave mentality

>> No.7140597

Society is based solely on the need to reproduce

>> No.7140606

>implying contributing to society isn't having life on easy mode by being on rails whole life long
it's like auto pilot lmao

>> No.7140607

Why reproduce when you can perpetuate your own existence for eternity?

>> No.7140609


What's wrong with any of that?

>> No.7140624

You're starting to sound really philosophical here mate

>> No.7140640
File: 1.89 MB, 2100x2400, PaperArtist_2015-09-16_07-27-56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need more {s4s} posters to get back to the good ol days

>> No.7140646

You're my favorite memer on this board anon

>> No.7140650

>his country is founded on imperialist instead of nationalism

Anglos will never understand, will they.

>> No.7140716

I also give the best advice to those who ask. I'm like a namefag, but also great.

>> No.7140737
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>> No.7140770

I'm just one of the memers to fill the funposter gap once the butterflies have flown away

>> No.7140797

define 'useful'.

inb4 you use philosophy

>> No.7141456

Why is this kind of thread the standard level on this board ?

>> No.7141490

/r/ing hedgehog pics

>> No.7141511
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last one before bed

>> No.7141574

define well-spent time

to do that is to philosophize :^]

>> No.7141606

because it's a difficult subject and there will be plenty of noobs asking for help and depressed philo majors insulting them

>> No.7141616
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In one thread, instead of two dozen.

Unless you want to break it down into /ContPhil/ /AnalPhil/ /theo/ or whatever.