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7137844 No.7137844[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>he doesnt support his local bookstore

>> No.7137849



>> No.7137851

>implying girls read

>> No.7137859
File: 73 KB, 250x250, Oh please 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do. But why thread?

>> No.7137862

Butters, just fucking end yourself

>> No.7137867
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>> No.7137877

Why should I support those blood suckers?

>> No.7137878 [SPOILER] 
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In a weeks time I will be gone. You will all no doubt tell everyone I'm dead and elaborate on the details as a writing prompt.

...Or just forget me altogether. Whichever.

>> No.7137886

A week isn't soon enough, tbh

>> No.7137887

pls don't leave

>> No.7137900
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>living in a city small enough to have local bookstores
Don't you have sheep to herd?

>> No.7137904

>implying I don't live in a city

>> No.7137906
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Hey remember the fun you had with Feminister, yeah shitty times

>> No.7137908
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well yes some of us do live on farms. After the work is all done though there is nothing like sitting in a field with a book and knocking off 100 pages. I usually order books but Im still not more than an hours drive from a metro area

>> No.7137911

I do, but they suck, so does my local library

Every product I consume i go about it helping the local economny, I try to buy books, clothes, food and petrol from locally owned businesses not treasonous corporations who dodge tax and ship jobs overseas

>> No.7137917

why would I if I have access to a barnes and noble? Local bookstores have terrible selections and organization strategies. I have never been to a local bookstore where fiction and scifi/fantasy were different sections, not that most of them could fit both sections into the already cramped store

>> No.7137919
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You could kill yourself before then.

Plans in the works. Sorry.

She brought the place a little life.

And I think Rêve is still lurking....

>> No.7137920

Damn, I'm hyped now.

Only a week and this shiposter is gone.

>> No.7137924


I know this one place that's like a rats nest. Boxes of books piled up blocking a aisles.

But there's another that's real nice with a pretty good selection. It's a craps shoot

>> No.7137927

fuck books and fuck bookstores

>> No.7137931


>> No.7137932
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your trip makes me think of el Diablo and Sie implies a femininity in German

sorry bad english

>> No.7137933
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He says in a shitthread.

>Did we win? –Said today by a pol-ist
Yeah, you can have it.

>> No.7137934

Grills read a lot but they only ever read YA novels.

>> No.7137936

Get the fuck out my thread

>> No.7137937
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hahahahaha wtf

>> No.7137938

Skoob books?

>> No.7137939
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Art thread now.

>> No.7137941
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>Art thread now

>> No.7137950

a disgusting pepe

>> No.7137954
File: 83 KB, 500x300, muh local.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody is this heartlessly autistic really, right? The womblike pleasure of going through the cramped, disorganised bookstore and being suffocated by books all around you, it's too dear to me and I can't imagine someone giving that up for a shelf of penguin classics, a shelf of bodice-rippers, a shelf of wizard shit, a greeting card rack and an air of corporate sterility

>> No.7137956


>> No.7137979
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More of it, it's beautiful, I don't know what I'd do if something happened to it.

>> No.7137981
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>> No.7137989
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Dumb frogposter

>> No.7137991

is barnes and noble like the American Chapters or something?

>> No.7137993

the american: the post

>> No.7138003
File: 913 KB, 1280x800, Bike & Bookstore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is nice.

It's the last big box store. They downsized enough to stay in business a couple of years ago.

>> No.7138005

>implying Barnes and Noble has a good selection

>> No.7138009

>Local bookstores have terrible selections and organization strategies.

What? No. Barnes and Noble has the shittiest selections for areas like film, religion, philosophy, politics, and economics. They only exist to sell mass markets and general fiction.

Even a university bookstore is preferable to Barnes and Noble.

>> No.7138013

>ywn be American

>> No.7138015
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This sign is on the door of my local, in Oxford. I love the place. To get there I have to walk a mile through fields and woodland, the outskirts of the city then through the University Parks, across quiet rivers where there are always people out punting then through the centre of town, past all the medieval university buildings, rickety little side lanes where the independently owned pubs serve huge sheets of local pork scratchings as bar snacks, the places where Tolkein and C.S. Lewis used to drink, to Jericho.

>> No.7138030

wow I hope that that's a joke

>> No.7138031
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It looks like this from the outside, right next to the place that does haircuts and tattoos, with a load of guitars and comic book action figures in the window, for some reason. I've never been in there. The Oxford University Press building is just down the road, a huge complex in Roman/Greek style with a pillared front gate. Further past that is a pub called Jude the Obscure, and about the same distance in the other direction are both Far From The Madding Crowd and The White Rabbit, which does excellent pizza. Behind the street are the canals, full of old fashioned house boats where people still live, or take holidays in, the canal's footpath is a really nice place to walk in summer.

>> No.7138047

>ywn be British

>> No.7138048

don't book stores all over the western world look like that?

>> No.7138054
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The inside is crammed with books, old and new. The owner, Dennis, is a big fan of Jazz so there's an unusually large section on Jazz, as well as it always being played on his radio. For about two pound fifty he'll give you your choice of around fifty different teas, and let you pick a mug off the shelf. The tables are decorated with roses made from old book pages. Writing groups meet there regularly, and Dennis often holds Jazz nights and poetry readings or has authors in to talk about their work, but it's such a cosy environment it usually turns into a conversation with them.

It's a Beatrice Warde reference, pleb.

>> No.7138060

y i k e s

>> No.7138061

I'm jealous the only one I've got near me is a bloody waterstones.
All the other ones closed in the past 2 years

>> No.7138073
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Every permanent surface is covered with quotes, it's quite easy to spend much longer in the toilet than you intended just reading them.
I try to pop in and pick up a book or two whenever I can. It's too small for there to be a huge range so Dennis generally doesn't have anything I'm after specifically, so I ask him to recommend things. Unsurprisingly he has great taste, having turned me on to both Jamie McKendrick and Arthur Machen. He's a very quiet, introverted man so we don't have long conversations but still remembered my name and what I'm studying the second time I went in there even though it had been more than six months since the first time.

>> No.7138082
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>The broadside resonated with many, so much so that the words were cast in bronze and now stand at the entrance to the United States Government Printing Office.

>> No.7138089

Why should I? It doesn't make any difference, even in practical terms. Stop being such a sentimental faggot. I bet you like physical books because they smell better. Christ you're pathetic.

>> No.7138097
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>I bet you like physical books because they smell better.

>> No.7138098

I don't know who beatrice ward is but she's clearly an excellent satirist

>> No.7138104

Why not just cultivate a spice garden if you love the smells so much. Do you lick the pages too you fucking autist?

>> No.7138109
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>> No.7138367
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>just heard that the sweet old man that owns our small town's only used bookshop died
>his family isn't going to continue running the shop

>> No.7138399

It's fucking expensive and the staff is rude

>> No.7138404
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>> No.7138481

Heh, I've walked past that bookshop before and decided it looked 2hipster4me. Also I can't justify spending more than charity shop prices on books.

>> No.7138607

I work at my local bookstore and more than half my paycheck goes back into it
Because of this my collection is practically unrivaled when it comes to people who aren't millionaires