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/lit/ - Literature

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7136731 No.7136731 [Reply] [Original]

>reading plays

ummm, anon... We need to talk.

>> No.7136736

Where do I go to watch greek plays or beckett? Can i watch a youtube video instead then?

>> No.7136737

How else am I to experience Euripides?

>> No.7136739

>he doesn't go to a university which regularly stages classical plays

You chose this yourself anon.

>> No.7136753

ye fuck off who's afraid of virgin wolves is meant to be read

literally not a single worthwhile performance of it exists .. the movie is pretty good tho tbh fam

>> No.7136756


A few of Beckett's plays will get regularly performed in bigger cities. Not the super short ones though. Maybe at a student production.

>> No.7136760


The question is so absurd that we need not only answer it but find out why it's being asked as well. Most simply put: plays--the good ones, at any rate, the only ones that matter--are literature, and while they are accessible to most people through performance, they are complete experiences without it...


>> No.7136771

clearly hasn't started with the greeks. come back to us when you've read the poetics

>> No.7136773

I have though.

Bet you haven't even watched Homer in ye olden Greek.

>> No.7136780
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>University of wherever presents: Sophocles - Three theban play's!

>Oedipus is played by a transgender negro, and many other roles are played by disabled, lgbt and minorities! It has also been revised to have trigger warnings, no mention of oedipus banging his mom, and his father isnt killed. Its now about an unprivleged black lgbt it who goes and fights the patriarchy and capitalism!

>> No.7136787


>> No.7136796

dumb frogposter

>> No.7136863

There is a great filmed version of waiting for godot on pirate bay, look it up

>> No.7136882

is titty fucking as nice as it looks?

>> No.7136886

How should we know?

This is /lit/. No women interact with us, ever.

>> No.7136898

>has never been to a university
>believes in /pol/ tier paranoia
>cares whether or not people are lgbt, minorities, disabled, or whatever
>posts frogs
Lmao who called the pleb patrol?

>> No.7136902

>he doesn't do staged readings of any of the great dramatists with his actor bros

It's like you want to die alone with rectal cancer.

>> No.7136904

is titty fucking as nice as it looks?

>> No.7136918

Not really. The best thing about the vag and mouth are that they are wet and tight. Titty fucking is pure novelty

>> No.7136928
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>has never been to a university

have you?

>> No.7136985
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>has never been to a university
I've been to a university where people made a big deal of adding different kinds of queers to The Vagina Monologues, made Hamlet a hip-hop performance, and changed the races and genders of characters in plays more often than they left them alone. Don't start with me about this being paranoia.

>> No.7136991

Are you from America?

Did you go to a shitty university?

I think the answer to both of those is yes.

>> No.7136992

I only like young girls, aged 11 to 15.

I bet you see that as 'problematic' you disgusting hypocrite.

>> No.7137005

>I've been to a university where people had fun and experimented and rebelled with and against traditional conventions
Wowee you must have been real triggered :^)

>> No.7137006

The Nation Theatre's production of the Oresteia from back in the 80s is on YouTube.

Vid quality's a bit shit but the performances are astounding.

>> No.7137008
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I'm from America and I went to a university that was ranked #24 in the nation when I matriculated.

I had friends at Harvard, MIT and Brown, and it's worse at those schools than at the one I attended, so I'd say you have no idea what you're talking about.

There are people harassing the members of an all-male theatrical troupe at Harvard that's been in existence since 1795, trying to get them to admit women.

>> No.7137011

meant for

I mean, it's the same thing as what the frogposter described, whether I like it or not. Embrace it or don't, but denying a trend isn't an argument.

>> No.7137021

>destroying tradition for the sake of a singular view on progress
Well memed

>> No.7137023

only if you actually touch them i.e. ever satisfy yourself :)

>> No.7137029

A much worse trend is the influx of /pol/fags posting their shitty ideology on this board right now. Ironically they're as easily offended as the people they despise, and manage to shit up discussions about literature just as much as that other group of desperately radicalized internet shut-ins.

>> No.7137032

>young college students try to change the status quo

wow man, that really has never happened before.

>> No.7137038


>> No.7137054
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>someone pokes fun at the way self-important college students trumpet their achievements every time they change the gender of a fictional character
>other posters get extremely mad
>it's the fault of the guy who made one joke post that the thread becomes totally derailed with all the posts complaining about the tone of his joke

>> No.7137058

I have ;^)
Why is that wrong?

>> No.7137084
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>not making their own unique works with equal or greater merit

incoming strawman:

do you defend fanfiction?

>> No.7137091

i think so, if they didn't understand

it's definitely creepy because you're probably 25+

>> No.7137092

Shakespeare's the only exception I make to that rule, OP.

I know what you mean, tho.

>> No.7137096

>comparing courageous, barrier-breaking productions of oppressive dramas to autistic Sanic fap-material

>> No.7137100

There can never be a true rendition of a play. The actors will put themselves into a role no matter how good they are. The production will differ.

Changing a characters appearance is a common practice.

>> No.7137103

>comparing courageous, barrier-breaking original characters of oppressive Sanic Canon to autistic Greek fap-material

i will have you know i am a subscriber to rhetoricpro.net

>> No.7137104
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>implying the changes are only made to the character's appearance
>implying direction and script aren't changed to alter the meaning of scenes substantially
You've never been to a private university.

>> No.7137107

I won't argue that point, but what I oppose is the re-writing of a play to the point where it may as well be a separate work.

>> No.7137112

>if they didn't understand
They're adolescents you dip.
>it's definitely creepy because you're probably 25+
Creepy is meaningless

>> No.7137122
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>mfw creepy is literally spooks

>> No.7137139

Creep is the ultimate linguistic kill shot but it only works if you're a woman.

>> No.7137150

part of the reason you like them is probably because they like anyone who talks to them, so you can manipulate them and treat them as a sex toy because you couldn't do that with someone your age

you'd say you just like their bodies but i doubt that's the only reason

>> No.7137153

>conjecturifying this hard

>> No.7137193

>they like anyone who talks to them,
lol no
>you'd say you just like their bodies

>> No.7137197

"Shitposters cannot [shit]post without there being a first shiteposterr [sic]... the good lord has abandoned us."

-Thom Aquarium

>> No.7137277
File: 1.74 MB, 300x290, disbelief.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>romeo and juliet is so fucking boring, bring in the menstrual blood!

>> No.7137282

>what kind of projection you want fam

>> No.7137343

>just fuck my world view up!

>> No.7137381

>you know bitter virgin pedophile?

>> No.7137385

>say no more

>> No.7139055

There used to be a bookclub called the Fireside theater where you could get the book from the current hot plays on Broadway and such. The book for The Elephant Man was amazing.

>> No.7139171

Well memed