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File: 381 KB, 900x1200, Louis-CK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7135835 No.7135835 [Reply] [Original]

>For sale: baby shoes, never worn.

So they were selling brand new baby shoes? What's so tragic about this?

>> No.7135838

wow, he's ugly

>> No.7135842

fucking epic thread

>> No.7135854

nothing ebin about it, bud. I'm honestly curious, because it makes no sense. I don't break down crying every time I see a pair of baby shoes in a clothing store.

I know.

>> No.7135858

I've found the comedic counterpoint to this little Hemingway story in a newspaper:

'Six remain dead after morgue fire'

I wonder if he would have found it as amusing as I did...

>> No.7135863

polish fag detected

>> No.7135867

My favorite 6 word short story:

>Sneed's Feed and Seed, formerly Chuck's.

>> No.7135871


>> No.7135873

It's supposed to be a classified ad.

>> No.7135878

For sale, one durex condom, unopened.


>> No.7135882

Condoms expire.

>> No.7135883

epic post friend

No but seriously, can someone explain to me why it necessarily means that there's the death of a baby involved?

>> No.7135887

please, please, please kill yourself

>> No.7135889

For sale: my dignity, never used.

>> No.7135899

I jar mine

>> No.7135902

Hey, I am not Willie Nelson.

>> No.7135912

they got the gender wrong and got the wrong colour

>> No.7135913
File: 47 KB, 342x677, pathetically-little.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to clothing store
>all those never before worn baby shoes

i cry everytiem ;_;

>> No.7135916

reminder that Hemingway didn't invent this story.

>> No.7135918

Wanted: experienced babysitter for footless baby

>> No.7135924

Did anyone say it was supposed to be tragic?

The point of it is that it presents you with a story that has depth, despite its brevity, because it leaves much for interpretation. Some will regard it as tragic, some will regard it as trite, some will regard it as intriguing. It is a litmus test of your insight and imagination, if you find little in the story then there is perhaps little in you.

>> No.7135925

They were really ugly shoes that no one wanted to buy.

>> No.7135926

For sale: helium tank, never used.

>> No.7135934

He could have made it more concise by removing the "for"

>> No.7135942

They ordered a few parts for their baby but one fell behind the piano and they didn't find it for another few years.

>> No.7135945

5 Sale: LE ebin lel 4 u xDDDD

>> No.7135951
File: 115 KB, 900x900, pepe_uuuugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's open to interpretation

a baby has died before being able to wear a pair shoes that the parents had gotten for him/her.

the point of the story is: a baby has died, and that is a fact the reader can infer from the six words. that's the emotionally powerful part. the artistically satisfying part is the presentation, the style.

>litmus test


>> No.7135962

New document soon to be printed.

>> No.7135973

And there you go, the simplest narrow interpretation. Perhaps the seller of the shoes was the baby they were bought for all grown up. Maybe it was a healthy baby born without feet, maybe a serial hoarder who never had a baby bought them. Sorry to hear you are such a weak unimaginative acid, rather expected of a frog poster though.

>> No.7135994

>For sale: helium tank, never used
top kek
also underrated post

>> No.7135998

Not just the dead baby but the sale indicates the parents are trying to move on. The baby is in the process of being forgotten.

>> No.7136000
File: 185 KB, 900x900, ladies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes you can play those games but you know full well what Hemingway meant.

>> No.7136009

For sale: my virginity, am male.

>> No.7136019

Yes, let's take the incredibly profound and unambiguous meaning of the story and replace it with some idiotic interpretation about a serial hoarder.

>> No.7136021


underrated post

>there are still people who read for the language used rather than the specific happenings involved in the story

>> No.7136042

it must be awful to be around you

>> No.7136064

fuck that kid, this world is overpopulated

>> No.7136082

Shit son, this whole time my interpretation was that the seller was selling his own shoes that he never wore as a baby because he spent his childhood barefoot, thus implying a life of adventure and freedom, lived to the fullest.

But the dead baby thing makes more sense I guess

>> No.7136096

That's pretty retarded and imaginative, I'm not sure if I'm impressed or disappointed in you.

>> No.7136109

I now realize it's a stupid interpretation but on the other hand I never put that much thought into it.

>> No.7136122
File: 701 KB, 1200x900, GATSU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


For some bizarre reason, my first interpretation of this was that there were more than 6 bodies in the morgue, and that of those bodies only 6 were still dead after the fire.

>> No.7136180

>big guy(for you), remove mask, extremely painful

>> No.7136219

implication is that they paid for the shoes expecting a baby but it was stillborn so they were never worn.

>> No.7136230

>It was a dark and stormy night.

So it was raining after sundown? What's so foreboding about this?