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7135387 No.7135387 [Reply] [Original]

>when he tells you that he thinks Marxism is credible

>> No.7135394
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>when she actually tries to justify Capitalism

>> No.7135396

>supports capitalism
>is poor

>> No.7135422
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>when he actually thinks that everything negative in his life happened because of da big bad capitalists

>> No.7135457
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>when you don't read the third thesis on feuerbach

>> No.7135490
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>open borders
>is white

>> No.7135508

no one truly advocates for open borders
it's a position taken for the (felt) moral superiority and the social capital that entails

>> No.7135509

Why does /lit/ get so butthurt about Marx? I know I'm being baited here, but c'mon.

Saying that his work is credible doesn't mean that you subscribe to the church of communism. It just means that you think the thousands of pages which he and Engels authored advanced the analysis of economic structures, whether or not their actual conclusions were correct. If you're going to have a dialectic you need an antithesis to the capitalist thesis, and here's a pretty rigorous one. Not to mention that they made some meaningful strides in the relationship between epistemology and politics.

Christ, this isn't Fox News. Somebody can be wrong and still contribute in a very, very meaningful way.

>> No.7135510

>when neither of the two people arguing have worked a day in their life but they complain about capitalism.

>> No.7135526
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The Chancellor of Germany wishes to re-open the border to Austria as soon as possible despite a heavy influx of Syrian refugees. The migration would have a heavy toll on the German economy, considering there is no reason to infer that the Syrians will find employment or Unterkunft.
I also find the idea of Bavaria being filled with thousands of people that are not even half-Teutonic strange.
Socialism, fine, but these radical measures are not.

>> No.7135527

>he's a neo-Marxist

>> No.7135547
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Bill O'Reilly is right that the hate speech laws in Britain are superfluous,
but he does create almost purposefully bad television.
I would say Bill Maher, Colbert and that jewish guy produce television of the same quality, however.

>> No.7135554

but it's not an official policy of open borders
those advocating for open borders do so in the knowledge that they will never have to face the reality of it

>> No.7135565
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True, some one from Syria could not normally stroll in to Bavaria,
but even in a refugee crisis,
there needs to be some sort of plan.
The refugees need to be split across all countries in the European Union.

>> No.7135581

that would be the best policy but good luck getting the refugees and the far left to agree

>> No.7135765
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They need to fight to make their country better.

That is the only solution which will save the Human Race, in the end.

We all can't live in Scandinavia. Sometimes, we have to save our homes from Hell.

>> No.7135788

>when he thinks this is an argument supporting capitalism

>> No.7135802
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Why did you post an image of communist soldiers?

Aside from that: are you halfway serious?
How would this realistically come about?
Mutti seems overly leftist despite being the figurehead of a supposedly christian neo-liberal party.
What kind of party could propose a more centrist approach to the situation?
I can not imagine the NDP gaining popularity.

>> No.7135836
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Because the Russians didn't run when the Germans came to kill them all.

I dislike Communism, but I admire their courage to stand up for their nation, rather than plea like cowards.


The Arabs are adults, and have made their choice. Likewise, as adults, we must do the same.

And White Liberals aren't the Gods they think they are. Only the Arabs, however they do so, can save themselves from themselves.

>> No.7135859
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>Because the Russians didn't run when the Germans came to kill them all.
What is the comparison?
The German government only closed the border with intentions of reopening it.
Mutti never even wanted it closed.

>I dislike Communism, but I admire their courage to stand up for their nation, rather than plea like cowards.
So you are in favor of an open border?

>The Arabs are adults, and have made their choice
Well, they have to go some where,
but them being in Germany will cause problems in said country.

>Only the Arabs, however they do so, can save themselves from themselves
Well, the idea would be that you put them somewhere,
but why Germany? Its absurd.

>> No.7135872


>Well, the idea would be that you put them somewhere....

Dat Assumption.

Arabs aren't infants. They aren't helpless. They may have ruined their own lives. But that doesn't mean we can corral them in a daycare.

Even if we wanted to.

Zizek, in the end, is right. The "Liberal" (read Social Justice) left will throw so many immigrants in Europe, that the Fascists will take power.

I see it now from these responses.

>> No.7135879
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>But that doesn't mean we can corral them in a daycare.
Then close the borders.
If they aren't helpless, why are we even taking them on?
You do realise they go to Europe of their own volition,
not Iran or the middle East because, I would presume, the living conditions are better,
or those countries don't let them in.
Europe can not increase its population just because of a sad news story,
its economically implausible.

>> No.7135880

cant wait for the migrant crisis to allow the extreme racism of mainstream europe to finally erupt into fascism again

>> No.7135888

It's the most proven way to forment armed revolt, tbh.

Once you're sick of the status quo that's the only thing that matters.

Revolutions never go to plan anyway.

>> No.7135897

except he didnt contribute to economic theory in any way. All his knowledge comes from Adam Smith or David Ricardo.

>> No.7135900
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Bavarians and Swabians are quite conservative as it is and the way it is going those provinces are the ones which are going to be hit the worst.
Aside from that, after the temporary closing of borders to Austria, many refugees were stuck there and we all know where the mustache was born.

>> No.7135919


>If they aren't helpless, why are we even taking them on?

Mutter Merkel is a fool who hasn't thought this through. These are refugees who don't want to contribute, and bring with them an Anti-European Ideology.

Merkel is taking them on because it made a good soundbite.

Comparatively, the United States was far more wiser about dealing with the fallout from NAFTA.

>Mexicans come to work.
>Corporations, not the government, manages their need.
>No expectations of welfare or benefits.
>Catholic values are Western (even if not specifically American.)
>Jade Helm has now sealed the bord...

Oops. that was too far.

The point is Merkel is a dumbass, therefore, this crisis emerged. Now Europe is fucked into Far Right politics for the rest of our lifetimes.

>> No.7135935
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>Merkel is taking them on because it made a good soundbite.
True, CDU is pure demagoguery.
A new party needs to replace them.

>> No.7135937

it is funny to me that after living in culturally and racially homogenous societies for decades subsidized by US aid and military and constantly denigrating the culture of their economic and military protectors that europeans when confronted with an actual tangible problem are reacting exactly like the poorer classes of americans did to a migrant crisis.

the irony.

>> No.7135956
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>subsidized by US aid and military
Because West Germany was the Capitalist front in Europe at the time?
The US government did not support West Germany simply out of an altruistic mindset,
there were reasons.
Also, any parties which were overly marxist were banned in West Germany.

>> No.7135959
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>when you all her what her favorite book is and she says "Eragon"

>> No.7135967


As the debating burgerbro earlier, this is correct and I agree here.

>> No.7135969


Oh shit. I meant to quote Twinshia.


>> No.7135974
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We know that communism is the right hypothesis. All those who abandon this hypothesis immediately resign themselves to the market economy, to parliamentary democracy—the form of state suited to capitalism—and to the inevitable and “natural” character of the most monstrous inequalities.’

>> No.7135976
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It's now time to post paw prints until a mod deletes this /pol/-tier thread.

>> No.7135984

So /lit/ is not largely Marxist anymore?

Did we win?

>> No.7135990


Apparently. If you aren't a Social Justice Warrior, you cannot be into Left.


>> No.7135996

It's the same moron who keeps creating these Marxism threads.

>how dumb is marxism guys??
>daily reminder that marxism is a mental illness!
>how has he (Marx) not been discredited yet?!

>> No.7135999

Marx wrote a book you know.

>> No.7136001

/lit/ is also a bunch of contrarians. I'd bet anything the OP is a Marxist just baiting for replies

>> No.7136003


Capitalism has become dog shit.

But Cosmopolitianism is also Dog Shit.

And Marx has good points, even if Communism sucks. (Declining rate of profit.)

The Social Justice Warriors are struggling to keep the Left, Liberal. I wonder how long they can keep it though.

>> No.7136008

I dread having a daughter come home with a guy who claims hes a marxist, but on the other hand I would enjoy emasculating him so utterly.

>> No.7136020

>guy thinking: "all I said was capitalists tend to exploit people in order to make their wealth"

>> No.7136053

Liberals aren't leftist.