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/lit/ - Literature

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7133591 No.7133591[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I don't get paid to dance like a beautiful butterfly or express the deepest exhortations of my soul, so why the fuck should they? Money is for work aka drudgery, and these thieving fucks are just leeching off the proletariat. Copyright should be abolished.

>> No.7133671

Support authors til they die, after that your 100 fine.
I buy my pinecone but pirate my steinbeck

>> No.7133674

classcuck detected

>> No.7133859


>> No.7133867

I pirate because I like to have my cake and eat it too. I do feel schadenfreude seeing people complain about piracy and adblocking though.

>> No.7133874

I more or less agree. I think artists should get a job, and make their art on free time. Why shouldn't a writer be a lit professor, or at least a journalist?

>> No.7133880


>thinks journalists should exist
>thinks people should labor uselessly for wages


>> No.7133920

You're right. People shouldn't work for wages. That's why I don't pay for their work. :^)

>> No.7133965

Adblocking's essential for me. I get that sites need revenue, but so many of the adverts are auto-playing resource-hogging nightmares and my computer's pretty old. Browsing becomes pretty unworkable.

>> No.7133968

Because they're good at dancing or writing, on account of having worked at it, and you're almost certainly shit.

>> No.7134162

If they're good at it, they had a passion for it, because it's impossible that someone would work their ass off for something they hate unless they had to.

So, it was fun all the way and they shouldn't get paid.

Checkmate, artcucks.

>> No.7134167
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Stealing is ugly.
Walking in to a book shop and purchasing a beautiful book is not.

>> No.7134183

I buy from charity shops, so I guess I steal from the starving authors but give to starving orphans.

>> No.7134193

You have never written. Most artists equalize writing with torture. It may be a compulsion but that doesn't mean it's enjoyable. It's work.

>> No.7134214

>he doesn't order in books from the desk and accrue loyalty points
>he doesn't even have a gold membership card
And you think you deserve to post on my /lit/?

>> No.7134267

I'm the opposite, I think people alive are placating to the social trends too much by trying to start new ones, I only buy dead or dying people. Get your affairs in order faggots.

>> No.7134283

>I only buy dead or dying people.
I love that phrase. It sounds like something from a Delilo novel.

>> No.7134292

Equating internet sharing with stealing is pretty disgusting. I like to support artists, musicians, and authors I like. It is the publishers and record companies I refuse to support.

>> No.7134309

You've never read a book in your life. Can you please stop being a poseur on /lit/?

>> No.7134315


Exactly OP, why should I support some author who thinks their feels matter but not mine? At least Nabokov amazes people with his writing. What do modern writers do? "A searing critique of vapidity, consumerism, alienation..."

>> No.7134380
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I buy all my ebooks for my Amazon Kindle because money means nothing to me.

>> No.7134531

I will pirate everything that I can find (I search for everything extensively to dl, Books, music, movies...)

This is what everybody is already doing/will do

How is this even a question

>> No.7134606

Not uselessly, but, you know - productively...
And while I can get any criticism on journalists, there is no better alternative yet.

>> No.7134644

I pirate as much as I can to hasten the arrival of post-capitalism.

>> No.7134648

you should buy as much as you can then
learn you're accelerationism

>> No.7134668
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There will NEVER, EVER be post-capitalism. Just a lot of dead poors.

>> No.7134690


You should read more history.

>> No.7134713


That doesn't really make sense. How do you expect someone to produce something masterful at 10 hours of work a week?

All so you can have it for free. Literary fiction is supported by funding, prizes, and university positions, but it seems bizarre to say that's how it should be simply because you now have the ability to read their work electronically.

Presumably you pay to listen to musicians, to see actors perform, to watch a film, to go to an art gallery etc. Why should literature alone be free?

>> No.7134715

Dancing, writing and art produces money via sales. They are producing a commodity to sell.

If they can sell it why shouldn't they make money?

>> No.7134722
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I like to call it "Dead poor"story, myself

>> No.7134723

Read The Art of Asking by Amanda Palmer

>> No.7134724


>> No.7134732

doesn't mean that

>> No.7134737

Yes, it does?
>they are complaining about their revenue being reduced
>you are enjoying their suffering

>> No.7134746

The second sentence ending with "though" doesn't make it sound like that was what they were trying to say

>> No.7134768

I swear /lit/ gets dumber by the day.

Jesus fucking Christ.

>> No.7134771

The ride never ends, mate, the ride never ends

>> No.7134780
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Cheeky rusemaster,
I was just reading a book in German.

>> No.7134798
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>if its was fun they shouldnt get paid :DD
>implying all artists find their work fun
>implying there arent scientists, manual laborers, etc. who also enjoy their job
>implying people shouldnt get paid just because they enjoy their field of work anyway

>> No.7134799

>being this much of a clueless degenerate
>missing the point this badly
>being this stupid
>not killing yourself

>> No.7134802
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Who /v/ here?

>> No.7134889

It is only morally right to support authors who were morally sound themselves and through their work made us all more human.

>> No.7134890

Full Communism Now.

>> No.7134892
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>> No.7134968

>Muh pie in the sky philosopher
Please stop pretending Stirner means anything to anyone except /lit/.

I was presented with a moral quagmire and I replied with my own opinion.

>> No.7134995

>wrote the words 'made us all more human' in full sincerity
>expected a dignifiying response

>> No.7135008

if you cultivated such a talent to the point where people were willing to pay you for it, you'd change your tune.

>> No.7135022

Yeah because artists are the ones we should stick it too in society