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7134168 No.7134168 [Reply] [Original]

Has there ever been a "manifesto"/tirade as philosophically bereft as his?

>> No.7134169

Has there ever been OP(original poster) as homosexual as OP?

>> No.7134171
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Didn't the Columbine shooters have a "DOOM" manifesto?
Surely that must have been worse.
Also, does any one know what Elliot studied?

>> No.7134172

Has there ever been a reply as dank as >>7134169?

>> No.7134179
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>Rodger attended Santa Barbara City College (SBCC), writing in his manifesto that he dropped out of all his classes in February 2012.[1] The school said he was no longer taking classes.

I wonder what he studied and why he dropped out.

>> No.7134181


>I was registered to take three classes for the Spring semester at Moorpark. The first was an early morning history class, followed by sociology and then psychology. They were all just as disastrous as I expected them to be. I had to drop the sociology class right on the first day, because there was this extremely hot blonde girl who took the class with her brute of a boyfriend. I couldn’t stand looking at them sitting together. I left the class mid-session because I couldn’t take it anymore.

>In the beginning of February, my Spring semester at Santa Barbara City College began. The classes I registered for were Sociology, Math, Film Studies, and English. My English class was an online class, but the other three were normal classes that I attended at the college. Sociology and math were on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and my film class was on Friday mornings. It made for a convenient setup.

>I even attended college at SBCC again. I signed up for a summer sociology class and attended it for a week, before dropping it out of the familiar frustration of girls talking to other boys instead of me.

>> No.7134188
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But you go to university to learn, not to talk to girls...

>> No.7134194

i think it's philosophically instructive because it is "bereft"
but no, probably not, at least among those that are famous

>> No.7134197

A common feature in 'My Twisted World' is Elliot getting enraged when he sees females interacting with other males. This applied to anyone, including people that he'd never even seen before.

>Another incident happened on the following day, near the same location. I went to the Starbucks at the Camino Real Marketplace by myself, like I usually did every morning. I ordered my coffee and sat down on one of their chairs to relax. A few moments later, when I looked up from my drink, I saw a young couple standing in line. The two of them were kissing passionately. The boy looked like an obnoxious punk; he was tall and wore baggy pants. The girl was a pretty blonde! They looked like they were in the throes of passionate sexual attraction to each other, rubbing their bodies together and tongue kissing in front of everyone. I was absolutely livid with envious hatred. When they left the store I followed them to their car and splashed my coffee all over them. The boy yelled at me and I quickly ran away in fear. I was panicking as I got into my car and drove off, shaking with rage-fueled excitement. I drove all the way to the Vons at the Fairview Plaza and spent three hours in my car trying to contain my tumultuous emotions. I had never struck back at my enemies before, and I felt a small sense of spiteful gratification for doing so. I hated them so much.

>> No.7134198

Ted Kaczynski's writings.

>> No.7134211

>i think it's philosophically instructive because it is "bereft"


>> No.7134216

pleb detected

>> No.7134229

Anders Breivik's manifesto was worse OP. It's literally one big pile of references to people he agrees with and no original thoughts at all.

>> No.7134329

Literally /r9k/ incarnate

>> No.7134335
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His vocabulary is okay,
but its use is "purple", in my humble opinion.
He should have focused on his studies instead of caring about girls.

>> No.7134340

>muh cultural marxism meme

>> No.7134379

What's an interesting bomber/murderer manifesto to read for a layman like myself?

>> No.7134383

Industrial Society and it's Future. (aka the unabomber's manifesto)

>> No.7134386


>> No.7134392

Will try it out, anything to keep in mind going into it?

>> No.7134407

Wow, that is hilariously sad

>> No.7134409
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Theodore Kaczynski was a mathematics professor who became interested in the literature of Friedrich Nietzsche and "luddism".
He was against the destruction of natural forests,
so he write a manifesto on Luddism.
Unfortunately it remained unpopular and unread,
so he killed people in order to increase its infamy.

>> No.7134411

You just explained modern academia

>> No.7134412


>> No.7134413

*"wrote", not "write".

>> No.7134415
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>> No.7134420

Oh thanks

>> No.7134424
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>You will never save Mata Nui from the evil Bohrok
>Mein Antlitz dabei

>> No.7134429

As far as Ted is concerned we long go passed the point of no return. His manifesto is an "I told you so" rather than a warning.

>> No.7134430
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>you will never lead the Toas in a crusade to save the matoran
>why even live

>> No.7134439

> tfw you realise Mata Nui is actually Europe and the Bohrok are the barabarian hordes

Sneaky fucking Danes

>> No.7134440

Alpha as fuck

>> No.7134454
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The Bohrok are the Syrians.
They have already taken Austria.

The Danes are clever people.
They see things before their Germanic brethren even notices what is upon them.

>> No.7134497
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>> No.7134507

This is the funniest thing I've read in a while.

>> No.7134509

>too obsessed with fornication to pay attention in class
>abandons education altogether because he is sent into fits of rage by the sight of a woman

>calls other men brutes

this would be hilarious if it wasn't sad

>> No.7134530
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I also had Slizers,
but Slizers are to Bionicles
as Goering is to Goebbels,
lets be serious,
and Goering did not have much in the head.

>> No.7134751

nah homie, slizers were george warshington and bionicles were john adams

>> No.7134766
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Makes no sense considering Washington had more terms,
when in fact Slizers had only one term and Bionicles has been in government since then, aside from a small slip up where some hipster Reagan type got in for a term.
Its more like a dictatorship, really.
Another angle:
Slizers = Mew
Bionicles = Mew 2

>> No.7134785

fairly well written tbh

>> No.7134792
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thats what you think tbh

>> No.7134803
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tbh Dylann Roof's was nice and concise
wouldn't say it was convincing, more an interesting case study

>> No.7134847

I mean the benefit of Dylann, which doesn't nearly outweigh all the murder and all that, is that Rhodesia turned up in the public consciousness again, and people got the chance to say "wow why the fuck would anyone think that was a good idea; destroy imperialism etc."

>> No.7134854

Pagans >>>>/out/

>> No.7134863

Rhodesia was a good idea

>> No.7134870
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>> No.7134879

The Mau Mau Rebellion was a good idea.

>> No.7135672

>all this drink throwing at random people
What the fuck elliot