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7132747 No.7132747 [Reply] [Original]

What exactly is an "edgy" idea?
Is that really an argument against the idea itself?

>> No.7132755


It's being provocative for the sake of garnering attention toward oneself.

>> No.7132795

Shitting not-in-a-toilet should carry the death penalty in India.

I am not joking.

>> No.7132804

An "edgy" idea is any idea that I disagree with

>> No.7132810

Pretty much anyone whom I disagree with on any issue is a fedora-wearing edgelord.

>> No.7132835

An idea that would work if women didn't exist.

>> No.7132838
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>> No.7132843


>> No.7132847

It exists solely for the purpose of going against the majority of mainstream views.

>> No.7132848
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Basically this. You'll get called edgy if you don't sufficiently account for deviant personal feelings when voicing your opinion on policy. Women and those who have learned that weakness can be empowering will jump on that immediately.

>> No.7132851

Edginess and fear of being edgy is basically the sin of not being post-ironically self-aware, and accidentally taking yourself too seriously. Our weird post-modern faggot culture is terrified of looking like naive retards who actually care about something or say something unrestrained, so everyone tries to police everyone else's edginess in order to broadcast their own self-awareness and non-naivete.

Same shit with people pathologising everything these days and trying to concoct genealogical analyses mid-argument of why someone disagrees with them on an internet forum. Sincere belief seems intuitively delusional, and people with sincere beliefs must therefore be naive. You should therefore always loudly demonstrate that you suspect your ideological opponent only thinks he believes in what he thinks he believes in because of some underlying socio-cultural complex, which YOU are non-naive enough to detect. He isn't really a libertarian or a Marxist or a Nazi, he's just the latest manifestation of this dialectical pendulum of political counter-cultures, which you are savvy enough to detect. Luckily you are immunised from this kind of false authenticity by claiming no authenticity at all ,and just permanently post-ironically monitor yourself to make sure you don't accidentally feel any conviction.

It gets to the point of just obsessively clinging to tepidity and the status quo. Anyone who criticises some shitty media is edgy. Anyone who feels passionately about any subject at all is edgy. The only non-edgy behaviour is detached apathy and slipping into a perfectly self-aware coma.

>> No.7132853

why? half of the executed would be tourists who ate bad food

>> No.7132861

Kind of deserve it for visiting India tbh

>> No.7132865

the first to be executed would be your mom for having you