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/lit/ - Literature

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7129576 No.7129576 [Reply] [Original]

Other examples! There must be.

>> No.7129581

>the best future writers are shitposting on /lit/ right now
>/lit/ will be considereded the intellectual hub of the 2010s

you know its true

>> No.7129726
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Please give source on that, OP.

>> No.7129735
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maybe if literature wasn't dead

>> No.7130604

"The True North Strong and Free"

>> No.7131448

Cory Doctorow involves 4chan quite a bit in his YA books.

>> No.7131614

The Legacy of Totalitarianism in a Tundra

>> No.7131659

>40 years from now
>grand literary congress for whatever reason with all of the worlds most prominent authors
>after a whole day of long and tedious debates on modern literature a particularly drunk specimen mentions Stirner
>immediately all others at the conference start making the occasional offhand reference to spooks in talking
>slowly a commonly held suspicion grows
>finally one brave soul stands up and admits to having posted on a Taiwanese lacquerware newsgroup decades earlier
>one after the other grey heads rise up and admit to having been former /lit/posters
>the whole congress is revealed to be nothing but /lit/erati
>all share in an evening of reminescing dank memes and shitposts of old
>except for Zadie Smith who is confused and probably also kind of disgusted

>> No.7131675

What I would give to be there

>> No.7133352
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>mfw Tao alluded to /lit/

>> No.7133363

>self published
Doesn't count.

>> No.7133597


Beautifully written

>> No.7133699

>although anonymous poster survived cancer, numerous car accidents, and the political attacks that have followed him throughout his prolific writing career, one thing he never shook off is the tragic psychological disturbance well known to all writers.
>anonymous seems to have had a deep fixation with repeating digits. In nearly all interviews, the mere mention of a number with repeating digits sent his right arm twitching wildly, while he would attempt to off-set the tic comically, telling listeners to "check him out" while doing so, but no attempt at humor could hide his pain. He could not resist the auditory cue, and has been posthumeously diagnosed with Chronic motor disorder
>anonymous went so far as to refuse help for his condition, and when a group came together hoping he would get well, he lashed out, calling them such colorful names as new[idiots] and underage band members.
>this neurotic and concerning behavior was absent from his work, no doubt due to great personal effort, but near the end of his life his media streams became increasingly gibberish, and after a touching cry to his unnamed friends he was discovered dead in his study, having shot himself in the temple.

>strangely enough, many other prominant writers and artists have shown signs of the same behavior. Some 633 cases have been documented, leading many to believe that a deeper issue is at fault. The meaning behind the common fixation is unknown, but anonymous' legacy not only lives on through his various prizes and Pulitzers, but also through the affectionately named 'anonymous disorder' that may lead into a new understanding of the human psyche.

>> No.7133899
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>> No.7133979

rachael allen - "faber new poets 9"

>> No.7134562


It explicitly mentions /lit/.

>> No.7134689

Came here to post this too.
It's pretty shit though.

>> No.7134718

Makes them sound way better than they are.

>> No.7134839

well yeah the author of it posts on here every 3 hours or so to remind everyoner

>> No.7134877

The fuck?