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7120176 No.7120176 [Reply] [Original]

I am catholic but my wife is Jewish. What do?

>> No.7120179

read a book

>> No.7120181

Go to /adv/

>> No.7120185

Get a divorce

>> No.7120186


>> No.7120189

catholic male + jew female is literally the most /lit/ pairing

>> No.7120190

The earth is round but the sky is blue. What's the average weight adult cats?

>> No.7120193

>I'm the Jew's oldest and most bitter enemy
>I'm going to breed little Jewlets
Get yourself together. Either stop following your medieval bullshit religion or divorce her.

>> No.7120206
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hello reddit

>> No.7120207
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>> No.7120211

>Jews most bitter enemy
>Not Palestinians or Romans

wtf tbh lad

>> No.7120222

my girlfriend is Mormon and I convinced her everything she knew was bullshit and that the people at her church are inferior apes paying tithing for divine benefits and whatnot

I mean you're equally as stupid as your wife since Judaism and Christianity are relatively similar and both are equally unfalsifiably retarded so you're never going to convince her you're right you should just get a divorce already

>> No.7120229

when did this board start attracting so many redditors?

>> No.7120240

If you have children they'll be Jewish but they'll also be without tribe because that passes down the father's line. Jews without place in the Jewish community, how sad.

what do you even mean by this read a fucking book

>> No.7120243

I wish I was a redditor it's much better than this autistic place

>> No.7120262

use google or invest in a dictionary dumbfuck I'm not speaking in moonrunes

>> No.7120270

I know what the word means, I just think you're using it really, really wrong.

Judeo-Christian myth, especially when it comes to the creation myth, is hella falsifiable.

>> No.7120271

>confronted by reason, the Christposter pretends his tormentor is speaking in tongues when he is in fact speaking English.

>> No.7120278

lmao not a Christposter just a dude who's read Popper >>7120270

>> No.7120284


*tips fedora*

>> No.7120285

wat do when catholic female and bf is jew

>> No.7120295

It doesn't matter unless you have children, and even if they do they wouldn't be Jewish so...

>> No.7120303

>unfalsifiable myth
do you know what a myth is? and what are you specifically referring to, as an example? I can assure you that your bullshit is unfalsifiable

>> No.7120310

turn her a converso and make babies with her while in holy matrimony, of course

>> No.7120311

Get that jewish pussy

At least she ain't a fedorina

>> No.7120322

>I can assure you that your bullshit is unfalsifiable
I can assure you that it's not my bullshit.

Are you seriously suggesting that God creating the Earth and all its creatures, the Earth being 4000-6000 years old, the great flood, and all the other aspects of the creation myth presented in Genesis are unfalsifiable when there is huge amounts of scientific evidence falsifying the claims made by fundamentalist literalists? On what basis are they "unfalsifiable"? A non-scientific notion of unfalsifiability, perhaps?

>> No.7120330 [DELETED] 
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How do I woo a Jewish girl?

Pls answer

>> No.7120329

also, dumbshit, I'm not using the word wrong (I added a -ly so I could call whoever retarded, but I'm definitely using the word right)
so asking what I mean is autistic because your answer implied you knew what I meant, furthermore, even if it is falsifiable it doesn't mean I used the word wrong

>> No.7120351
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>if I call something unfalsifiable I'm using the word right even if what I'm referring to is in fact falsifiable

ya ok

Also great use of ad hominem this whole time, really A1

>> No.7120354

what the holy fuck are you talking about dude. yes, the earth being a few thousand years old isn't unfalsifiable; you can falsify that shit by booking a trip to the Grand Canyon, so to speak

I'm referring to God, unicorns, and when it comes to mormonism: the plates they worship that were supposedly given back to Angels etc etc

what the fuck are you even trying to argue dude

>> No.7120356

Go to Synagogue on Yom Kippur and confess your sins. You like to do that, don't you, Gentile?

>> No.7120364
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How do I woo a Jewish girl?

Pls answer

>> No.7120366

Because science is done on the basis of inductive reasoning and observation, things like God and unicorns are in fact falsifiable on the basis of empirical observation.

However, the theory that arises out of these observations e.g. "There is no God" is equally falsifiable if we make observations that suggest God.

Hence, read a book.

>> No.7120368

shut the fuck up dude I used the word right, and that's not ad hominem just because I'm calling you retarded I'm attacking the retarded claims you're making

>> No.7120370

Naive undergrades are cute.
Go read Popper, imbecile.

>> No.7120378

I am referencing explicitly Popper's model of falsifiability as outlined in the Logic of Scientific Discovery.

If you want to cite the text and point out an error in my understanding, please go ahead.

>> No.7120379

Be rich and have above average verbal intelligence, and smartness.

>> No.7120394

Hell yeah. Would an older one considering dating a younger guy with good prospects?

>> No.7120417

Obviously it depends on the individual. But probably so since Jews do not care for/cannot appreciate aesthetic and ethical aspects, they are materialistic and pragmatic, so they always marry for convenience, and "date" for lust.

>> No.7120431
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Are you OP?

I'm insanely in love with an older jewess and it's driving me fucking mad.

You make it sound like I might actually have a chance.

>> No.7120442

isnt falsifiability only applicable to science? why bring it up on philosophy?

>> No.7120449

Ok, falsify them, dumbshit.

>> No.7120456

It's strange how the argument started, since this isn't either a philosophy or a science thread.

But some guy called religions "unfalsifiably retarded" and then another called him out on his usage and now here we are.

>isnt falsifiability only applicable to science?
It's hard to say. What is science?

>> No.7120457

burn her at the stake

>> No.7120459

Well, if youre as a deplorable human being as her, and are rich and are highly verbally intelligent and cunningly smart, you should have a good chance.

>> No.7120468

>But probably so since Jews do not care for/cannot appreciate aesthetic and ethical aspects

Can you elaborate more on this? I don't quite understand how they wouldn't be attracted to looks, though.

>> No.7120480

Falsify what? Theories like "There is no God"? I really have no interest in doing so as a non-believer and a non-scientist.

Rather, I was suggesting that a) that theories such as "There is no God" which are based on observation are logically possible to falsify, are therefore falsifiable, and therefore b) falsifiability is not a good measure for either what is science or what is true.

You used the word wrong, man. Give it up. It's a common misuse.

>> No.7120493

what are you talking about holy fuck I'm saying that God is unfalsifiable, you're saying he's falsifiable so falsify him you dumb shit stop stepping around the issue

and even if you're right (and you're not) I didn't use the word wrong you autistic piece of shit

>> No.7120496


Jews lack the the psychological and biological abilities to be capable of feeling and thinking in aesthetic and ethical terms.

Of course they are able to feel attraction, but only of a sexual or pragmatic/utilitarian nature. They can't love.

>> No.7120509

>"they are possible to falsify so therefore they are possibly to falsify"

>> No.7120514

>I'm saying that God is unfalsifiable, you're saying he's falsifiable so falsify him you dumb shit stop stepping around the issue
But because of the problem of induction the existence or non-existence of God is necessarily falsifiable because that's how science is conducted.

Though I believe that it's extremely unlikely that we'll make observations that suggest God, the logical possibility of those observations means that the theory "There is no God" is falsifiable.

Do I have the tools or the evidence to falsify that claim? No. Is that claim a falsifiable one? Yes. The rules of formal logic, which science as a process does its best to adhere to, demand that theories based on observation be falsifiable.

Not sure how I can be more clear.

>> No.7120517
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But what if they, say, study art or something? Couldn't they appreciate aesthetic beauty then?

Why can't they love?

Most importantly, how do I know your information is credible?

>> No.7120521

He's just spouting anti-semitic memes at you, bruh

>> No.7120523

be black

>> No.7120532

>They are based on observation and are therefore falsifiable because of the problem of induction
More like

Saying theories are "logically possible to falsify" and that they "are therefore falsifiable" is a grammatically non-trivial distinction

>> No.7120536
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>> No.7120582

You are a character in a Coen Brothers movie.

Go find a gun and/or John Goodman.

>> No.7120587

you talk about your house in Miami and you keep your wallet filled with fake money

>> No.7120614
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>> No.7120655

So, because of the theory of induction, nothing is unfalsifiable because that's how science is conducted. Wrong. Falsifiability is a means to determine whether or not a theory or proposition is scientific in the first place. If something doesn't have the ability to be falsified it isn't scientific. God is unfalsifiable; he's metaphysical. You will never be able to prove he doesn't exist.

>> No.7120661
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OP's problem is one of my worst fears

>> No.7120671
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them krazy kosher kikes will destroy you, white man

>> No.7120696

I don't know, but there are a lot of hot jewish women out there. That's probably the only reason that the race is still going.

>> No.7120705

Do you want to fuck her or marry her?

If you just wanna hit it then be WASPy, well educated and not poor. Unmarried secular Jewish women get around at least as much as anyone else.

If you want to marry her you're gonna need to be Jewish and acceptable to her mother, which isn't as low a standard as it sounds.

>> No.7120733

>tfw I'm a goy
I want to m-marry her.

There has to be a way, anon, surely there has to be one!

>> No.7120748

Scarlett johansson in LiT is literally the perfect woman

>> No.7120760

Date her and then convert if her mom will accept you after the conversion.

>> No.7120881

I was raised Catholic and am dating an Israeli girl now.

Catholic Man / Jewish Woman is unarguably the best possible pairing you can hope for in a human life.

The only religion worth following is Daoism anyway.


this nigga spits da truth

>> No.7120886
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>Catholic Man / Jewish Woman is unarguably the best possible pairing you can hope for in a human life.

Only if you're a cultural Catholic who is going to burn in hell

>> No.7120949
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Excuse me, but white man, Asian woman is the master race.

>being culturally religious
>any given year

>> No.7120958

superior white master race
i put minorities underground without a sound

>> No.7120965

Asians have higher IQs than whites, and in advanced capitalist society that's really the only trait worth having children for.

Anything but white-asian is a downgrade.

>> No.7120983
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The other guy's right. Western culture can be learned, but that heritable IQ factor can't be ignored if you want successful children. Plus if you and your wife aren't uggos then your Hapa children will be absurdly beautiful which is a huge advantage as well.

The only downside is finding a tall Asian girl, but for a real man that's not a problem.

>> No.7120989

u g l y
s h i t a t a r t
s m a l l d i c k s
m a n l e t s
e l l i o t r o d g e r
b e t a

>> No.7120995

ooga booga go back to africa

>> No.7121009

Sounds like you've got some personal issues to sort out, buddy. I wish you luck.

>> No.7121012
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>> No.7121018

Absentee parents

>> No.7121028

>Dad is a Jewish hollywood producer who buys him a shitty car when to make up for having no personality
>mom is a golddigger who spends all her time shopping and other such nonsense instead of raising her children
Yeah gee wonder why he turned out so poorly.

>> No.7121039

he was a microdick faggot with terminal autism

nothing to do with absentee parents

>> No.7121045
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I said it once, and I'm going to say it again. You have got some serious issues, mang. Did some asian kid pee in your lunch box at school today?

>> No.7121058

was your 9/10 sorority gf killed by roger in the massacre?

>> No.7121059

talk about unfalsifiability lel

>> No.7121064

>implying Roger actually killed any sorority girls
I'm pretty sure he went to the door and then just beta'd out when nobody let him.

100% nature 0% nurture, duh.

>> No.7121070
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damn you're just really salty about something, aren't you?

>> No.7121076

I'm not the racist guy tho.

>> No.7121088

ghost of eliot rodgers pls go

>> No.7121092

I agree he was fucking evil, but why all the salt?

>> No.7121098

depends how religious she is. does she keep kosher? celebrate shabbat every week? celebrate any important jewish holidays? i none of those chances are shed' marry you. As a jew it sucks tbh. American jewish community is imploding because most ppl intermarry nowadays... On the other hand every jew I meet really has nothing that distinguished them as jewish except looks. Personality wise they act like fucking spoiled american children and have nothing distinctly jewish about them in their cultural practice and an unfounded ethnic pride (which doesn't make sense if you don't have traditions and sense of community to bind you against the other)

>tfw jewish gf to show off to mother

>> No.7121101

>On the other hand every jew I meet really has nothing that distinguished them as jewish except looks. Personality wise they act like fucking spoiled american children and have nothing distinctly jewish about them in their cultural practice and an unfounded ethnic pride
you mean besides the conspiracy to destroy western civilization, right?

>> No.7121105

kikes go back to middle east pls

>> No.7121114

back to /pol/ I'm busy plotting the downfall of western civ on /lit/ ayyy lmao

>> No.7121129

Why do they act like spoiled children?

>> No.7121200

Well it's just my take on it. I'm coming from a very biased perspective tbh cause I'm a social outcast like many people on 4chan.
But anyway, the Jews of the babyboomer generation struck it rich and so were able to provide a lot for their children. There is more to the story though. The generation before the 1950s were very cheap. They lived during the Great Depression and so became miserly. Then there was the fact that Jews already had a reputation for cheapness, greed etc. etc. So in order to rebel against their parents and go against cultural type, the baby boomer Jews (at least in my parents' case) were lavished a lot on their children. Unfortunately this created a lot of spoiled children. My sister, for example, has lived a pathetic life. To be fair, she's bipolar, but her whole life she has gotten everything she's wanted and hasn't appreciated how hard my parents work. They've spent thousands of dollars of horses and clothes and other shit on her (and me to tbh) but still she became a degenerate who smokes crack and is tatted and pierced up and who has fucked hundred of people...

>> No.7121202

All the hot Jews are secular tbh

>> No.7121235

Interesting. Sure it's not just from being rich enough to afford all that stuff in the first place? I'm well off but the super-duper rich kids I know are all a little off in the head because their parents either spend money on them to show off, to buy their affection, or just because it doesn't mean anything to them and they figure they might as well.

>> No.7121242

To add, my parents' friends also have fucked up drug addict children too. I have another (adopted) cousin who is also a junky.

More generally, the Jewish kids I grew up with in school were americanized. Honestly, though, my parents probably deluded me when I was younger. They are very private people who live in a very isolated piece of property, so I was badly socialized as a kid. It didn't help that they filled my head with a bunch of nonsense about Jews being special and about the special bond between jews. Yes, it sounds like /pol/'s worse nightmare. But to me it wasn't about Jews being nepotistic or plotting against outsiders, it was rather that Jews were a special people who were smarter than everyone else (e.g. my parents talked about how many nobel prizes went to jews and always praised accomplishments of jews). But honestly this set me up for social failure. I had this very skewed sense of the world which many other Jewish kids seemed to lack. In retrospect they were probably more normal than me....

>> No.7121245

hey cockboy you gunna respond

>> No.7121251

I feel you on growing up in the country. I blame a lot of my social problems growing up on that, plus my parents drilling a similarly silly version of Christianity into my head (I took it way seriously when for most people it's just a cultural thing).

It's weird to me that Hillel at my old college seemed to be trying to instill what your parents taught you into everyone who comes through there.

>> No.7121265

Well its good to hear that it wasn't just me. Maybe it's just an American thing. Because of the stress on individual freedom here, people with strong beliefs can isolate themselves in their own world. Their houses quite literally become their castles.

You're right, it's not a problem unique to Jews but wealthy people in general.