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7119068 No.7119068 [Reply] [Original]

Why hasn't lit discovered this book yet?

>> No.7119083

Not read yet. Author continually gets pushed back down the list for sounding like faux-aristocratic poultry.

>> No.7119104

What'as the appeal? I have rea the collector and didn't like that. Why should this be any different?

>> No.7119139

I loved The collector, but i haven't read his other books.
What did you like about this one, and what is it about?

>> No.7119162

I read it quite some time ago and I liked it, my mother recommended it to me because I really liked Master and Margarita at the time. Can't say there's much similarity though. The old dude was pretty awesome the protagonist was a pain in the bum.

>> No.7119218

I have tried to read this book, but it's incredibly boring( nothing happens for 400pages), so I didn't finished it

>> No.7119223

if nothing happens, then what is it about?

>> No.7119705

I thought it was really exciting in a page-turning sort of way (after 150 pages or so of total slog through the introduction) but that's really all it was. It wanted to be taken seriously philosophically or whatever but I just felt like I was being jerked around a lot. Definitely not a book that would stand up to re-reading.

>> No.7119711

I think 4chin would like the Magus
there is a cuck scene

>> No.7119722
File: 247 KB, 283x427, cluckedmulligan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7119749

Cause it's not THAT good, suffers a bit from first novel syndrome. It's pretty good if you approach it as something of a literary thriller.

>> No.7119754

If you liked the "hey everyone I've read the tempest, remember that one?" feel of the collector you'll enjoy this one. In fact this one has more to do with the tempest than the other.

>> No.7119809

For people asking, the novel is about the typical young apathetic womanizing english teacher who meets a rich old dude who yanks him around for fun and to be all "oo reality is like subjective man, what's the lie and what's the truth? maybe like the lie is the truth and the truth is the lie man"

>> No.7119828

We have, check the archive. It's been "discussed" a few times.

>> No.7119869

a callow young bong gets mindfucked in pay denbtsland

>> No.7119871

It's a decent read, I particularly like the dynamics of the characters, and that "last session" scene blew me away. At any rate, I enjoyed it more than The Collector.
The plot's concept is kind of trite with all the modern cinema and all the 'TWAS BUT A TWIST shit, but it's OK.

Btw, this book is pretty great at dialogues. There's only like 3 or 4 "he/she said" throughout the novel.

>> No.7119915


I read it over the summer and found it to be incredibly entertaining. John Fowles has an immense ability to keep the reader engaged by creating fascinating and believable characters. He also offers a few interesting insights along the way that may resonate with younger readers.

As for your question, it probably isn't discussed heavily on /lit/ for many of the reasons already mentioned itt: it walks the line too thinly between literary masterpiece and pulpish airport novel. I.e. it would make a great movie, the type to be considered for an Oscar.

>> No.7120327

>fascinating and believable characters
there's the cliche disaffected tail chasing english teacher trying to get published, there's the manic pixie girlfriend, there's the unattainable damaged goods love interest, there's nigger mcnigger, and there's le epic ruseman. And isn't the whole point of the novel that none of them are "believable"?

>> No.7121442
File: 180 KB, 1347x1067, Magus 1968-20088_5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I.e. it would make a great movie

There was a movie version made in the 1960s, starring Michael Caine as Nicholas and Anthony Quinn as Conchis.

>> No.7121494

not sure what you mean about the tempest?

>> No.7121527
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As a matter of fact my grandma gave me her 1978 copy. It's pretty tattered and I haven't started it yet but I will
I love that cover you posted

>> No.7121926

>A Revised Version

I hate it when authors do this with already-published books. I've previously read the revised Magus (it's the easiest to get hold off) and I've now got a pre-revised edition to read.

>> No.7122033
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Can someone explain to me what God game is and why is the main character such a Mary Stu?

>> No.7122034

nigger dostoevsky pulled pages out of printing press to revise them on spot

>> No.7122253

It's one of my favs OP
Not my fault meme novels(which are great too) get more attention

>> No.7122353

>"oo reality is like subjective man, what's the lie and what's the truth? maybe like the lie is the truth and the truth is the lie man"

>> No.7122371
File: 36 KB, 640x480, Giovanni-Happy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked it, but yeah it's a slog at times. I found the best bits to be those short stories recounted by Conchis.

>> No.7122476

It's ripped straight from the concept of the magician deceiving the chatacters as commentary on authorial intent. But unlike the tempest, in here that idea is dragged out to the nth degree.

>> No.7123986

Michael Caine actually said The Magus was the worst movie he'd been in.