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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 82 KB, 919x426, trigger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7119614 No.7119614 [Reply] [Original]

Go to the NaNoWriMo forums (http://nanowrimo.org/forums)) and bring something back. I'll start with pic related

>> No.7119640

kill me

>> No.7119651
File: 65 KB, 1060x183, itsaprettyinterestingfilenameichosetousebecausethereaintnothingallthewayoverheremotherfucker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go to /lit/ and find a really shitty thread

>> No.7119657

testing post

>> No.7119661

cmon nanowrimo is funny

>> No.7119696

I"m going to make a thread on there for finding shitty things people wrote here and making fun of them

>> No.7119720
File: 274 KB, 457x584, dfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, the kids in creative writing classes who talk about Nanowrimo are always the absolute worst, even lower than the girls whose stories are just chronicles of the emotional forces within a college-aged "friend group."

>> No.7119733

I'll outline a few reasons the premise of this thread is unfunny:

Nanowrimo is composed mainly of teens, many of them young teens. Whatever you think of about them, striving to write a novel is an admirable goal even if it's pure garbage.

Making fun of these teens reveals your own insecurity. Especially if you go for the "I'm so angry at social justice warriors, let's laugh at them" angle, you look pathetic.

Nanowrimo really isn't a good target for laughs, since their posts are generally level-headed and sincere. It's like a grown man laughing at a 7-year-old at Best Buy for buying a kiddy game.

>> No.7119746

4chan is composed mianly of teens as well
SJW suck lol
The funniest things in the world are totally sincere

>> No.7119753

Here's an actually good reason this thread won't be funny: the shit that people here write is literally no better than anything you'll find on that site, LOL

>> No.7119760

man it's not like making fun of NaNoWriMo is the most original thing but OP's post is way funnier than any of the whining in response to it

>> No.7119775

I don't think OP's post is that funny. I think it actually sounds kind of depressing

>> No.7119778

she said trigger warning, and that gets my goat

>> No.7119801

>there won't be SUPER explicit scenes
>it's not going to "look away" from lots of harshness

>thinking a book about sexual/physical/emotional abuse would be banned

And with that kind of format (interesting but done before) she's not going to hit 50,000 lol.

also gotta love how that secondary character seems relevant only because they're gay or something

tumblr the book

>> No.7119807


A book that will be banned that will contain nothing edgy? I mean 'a child called it' was published

>> No.7119845

omg ffs kys tbh fam. smh.

>> No.7119846

Books have been banned from certain places even recently for less than that tbh

>> No.7119856

What's with the small-minded nastiness between this and the 'lol cringeworthy poetry' thread

>> No.7119862

all the threads are shitty

>> No.7119867

I love the concept of NaNoWriMo and intend to partake this year again, but god damn if it doesn't have the worst writing community outside a women's center book club.