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/lit/ - Literature

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7118818 No.7118818 [Reply] [Original]

If you had to recommend one self-improvement book, what would it be?

>> No.7119084
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>> No.7119090

fight club because it shows how society is literally shit

>> No.7119107

thus spoke zarathustra

>> No.7119116

Meditations by Marcus Aurelius

Hays translation

>> No.7119118

Capital vol. 1

>> No.7119127

Read some great literature, start working out, study some intellectual field of your choice, pick up a sport, learn to draw/paint/write/play an instrument, do ANYTHING other than shitpost on 4chan.

There's your self-improvement book cumdumpster

>> No.7119140

The book of Mormon

>> No.7119204

Add meditation and socialising then that's top advice

>> No.7119208

Anna kerenina. Model yourself after obolonsky

>> No.7119216


>working out
>hobbies for the sake of hobbling

you guys are embarrassing magazine-readers

>> No.7119225

Fuck off back to /r9k/ you disgusting worm

>> No.7119232

a personal matter.

a guy has to give up the fantasies of his youth for the reality/acceptance he has been putting off with his new son.

>> No.7119251


this is the only board I visit, pal

you should post pictures of your gel-bubble Nikes

>> No.7119274

>proven to get you out of your head and thereby stop feeding negative thought patterns
>we are social animals, we respond emotionally and intellectually to positive interaction
>builds confidence, improves health
>channels passions and desires into creative outlets instead of consuming the works of others for the rest of your life like an invalid piss baby

Oh yeah and kill yourself faggot

>> No.7119279


you really are a whore for contemporary lifestyle ideology, aren't you

show under-armour socks

>> No.7119295

>contemporary lifestyle
>doesnt know meditation and physical health were requisites for a good life since the greeks and before them

>tfw u keep replying to bait

>> No.7119299

what do you suggest?

>> No.7119301


>> No.7119307
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>> No.7119308


>contemporary lifestyle ideologies are built on traditional lifestyle ideologies

is a whore still a whore if she swipes your visa?

>> No.7119310


I suggest you stop being so susceptible to suggestion

>> No.7119322

The fact you think mental and physical health is an 'ideology' just screams 'cucked pomo faggot who thinks he's above it all cause we have iphones noe heh' to me. Fuck off cat lady

>> No.7119331


now that I know you don't know what 'ideology' is, I'll gladly leave you to your hemp sandals and your kale salad

>> No.7119340

Meditation isnt an ideology you stupid faggot fuck

>> No.7119343

And you should stop projecting.
>inb4 heh well you projected that I'm a robot
Nah, you just fit the character well; you contrarian trash.

>> No.7119349


show The North Face windbreaker


pure ideology

>> No.7119350




Second second.

>> No.7119351
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I bet you watch MDE

>> No.7119355

it's not your fault

>> No.7119357

Heart of darkness, it lets you realize the darkness in yourself, meaning you can control it, maybe.

>> No.7119358



>> No.7119365


not yet

>> No.7119372 [DELETED] 

This would be my persona recommendation.

>> No.7119376
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>> No.7119377

le great painter, arimite?

>> No.7119384

Yeah that tbh.

For me, reading Nietzsche, picking up jogging joining some clubs and starting to make money was the best therapy there was.
Though I´m not done yet, so maybe it´s too early to say that.

>> No.7119389


>> No.7119392

is /lit/ the best board for projection-posting?

>> No.7119396
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Can't recommend this highly enough. It gets speculative towards the end, but the first 75% of the book will change your life if you approach it with an open mind.


>> No.7119404





>> No.7119415

I should have posted this instead of london, it's more appealing. Damn, I need to work in my persuasion skills.

>> No.7119420

no it won't. that shit is retarded. i spent like 3 hours trying to find a fucking quarter after i read that book. also most of it is common sense

>> No.7119430

Yes, yes you should have. Get with the maymay times, Anon.

>> No.7119460

Hi! few things to start off with =] 1. yes I've replied to you because you're a female reader, 'tis an awesome thing to see! 2. I'm Brian. 3. Don't be intimidated, but I'm not a stereotypical guy. If anything, I'll be the one in the kitchen.

>> No.7119474

Do what you like.

>> No.7119565


>> No.7120583
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>> No.7120599

>spending three continuous hours looking for a quarter because of that exercise
Pretty sure that's not what it suggest you do. Maybe reading comprehension is your problem.

>> No.7120688
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>insults are projection

Found the redditor

>> No.7120692 [DELETED] 

My diary, tbh

>> No.7120829

And what if I "like" to spend my days in bed and on the internet but I am unhappy?

>> No.7121136

idk man. it's not our responsibility to decide for you. maybe those things are as fulfilling as you imagine them to be. maybe those things are fulfilling as you indeed imagine them to be but there is something else that you crave. maybe you're just an unhappy person most of the time. maybe something you watch on the internet turns you unhappy. there are many maybes in your scenario. figure it out, or don't. it's up to you really.

>> No.7121205

My point is that I would default to laying in bed all day on 4chan and jerking off. This is easiest, most "natural," so it must be that I'm doing what I like, right?

But doing this quickly became old, I realized that I was unhappy and discontent with my life, yet I continued this behavior. It was only when I forced myself to do things that I didn't "like" that, I didn't want to do, that I became happier. Things like exercising, socializing, and working on a project.

It's not always the case that we should do what we like. The ability to delay gratification and do things that are difficult is important for anyone who wants to live a fulfilling life.

>> No.7121246

>but I am unhappy
Then you are not doing what you like. Sorry friend, but there is not magic pill.

>> No.7121266
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>ctrl F "bible"
>0 results
Y'all niggas going to hell

>> No.7121298

I think you just had a confusion of self-interest. What is about socializing that made you happy? There must be something within socializing or the results of socializing itself that makes you happy, so in a sense you -do- like it, your past-self just hadn't realized.
There are certainly some people who would've been made more unhappy ultimately by being forced to do activities of a "fulfilling" life. The key to achieving a fulfilling life is self-interest, and that can't be universally defined.

>> No.7121309

You gotta find something you like that you have to work at. You can't be unhappy sitting around on the internet because you can always find something entertaining. But finding something fulfilling to do is important for everyone and you'll never get that unless you put effort in.

>> No.7121829

>What is about socializing that made you happy?
Probably just the feeling of connecting with someone. Pretty universal imo; we're all human.

>There must be something within socializing or the results of socializing itself that makes you happy, so in a sense you -do- like it, your past-self just hadn't realized.
I had lots of social anxiety, which made me not want to try to get to know people. But I forced myself to do something that I didn't want to do and was rewarded for it as my social anxiety diminished. I stand by my claim that forcing yourself to do something can be beneficial; you will not "like" everything that is good for you to do. If I ate what I like all the time I would die of a heart attack.

>> No.7122064
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>> No.7122082
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>> No.7122084
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>> No.7122085
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>> No.7122088


"Neither need you tell me, said Candide, that we must take care of our garden."

>> No.7122317

Franz Kafka - The Trial

>> No.7122439
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>he doesnt think they're projecting
>frogposter calls me a redditor

>> No.7122521
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Something teaching meditation or contemplative prayer, along with a general background of mysticism. It's actually the most practical way to break free of your shell, even though it seems utterly pointless and stupid. Who cares what these know nothing anons say; if you seek to "know thyself," that's precisely how you do so.

Immersing yourself in Stoic philosophers isn't really very profitable. It's good to have those ideas and those reserves, but practically speaking it doesn't actually teach you anything. You'll be better off than 99% percent of the populace if you learn how to cultivate silence, OP. The benefits are invisible to you until you actually spend time working with yourself.

>> No.7122653
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Is it really a self-help book if it's written by someone other than yourself?

>> No.7122789

Seconding this.

pls be in my location in all caps horizontally and vertically

>> No.7122817

The Game by Neil Strauss. Forget all the Feng Shui philosophy bollocks posted by everyone else.

>> No.7123714

Mindfullness in Plain English

>> No.7123751

underrated post

>> No.7123762

The Book of Five Rings, for me.

>> No.7123773

Dianetics by LRH

>> No.7123786

how to stop eating shit

>> No.7124257

The Odyssey

>> No.7124762

beyond good and evil

>> No.7124862

Any recs for a general background of mysticism?

>> No.7124867

also interested

>> No.7124871

The Kybalion

>> No.7124881

Uncle Tom's Cabin.

>> No.7124918
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The Power of Now

>> No.7124945

if you wanna skip all that outdated mysticism and metaphysics crap go straight to Human, all too Human 1&2

>> No.7125559

Man, it's weird but this post kind of affected me. Thanks anon

>> No.7126019

>Human, all too Human
How does it help?

>> No.7126288

thus spoke zarathustra

>> No.7126315
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>> No.7126319

The Very Hungry Caterpillar, by Eric Carle.

>> No.7126791



>> No.7126862

nietzsche wrote it after coping with all the problems which culminated in his big crisis during second half of 1870s and it contains many brutal psychologic self-observations. during that phase he kinda emulated rochefoucauld, lichtenberg and montaigne. most online versions of english translations which are public domain are butchered and only contain the first three parts where he wrote about epistemology and religion (about 20% of the whole book). when i read the more psychologic parts i kept revisiting incidents in my own memory and often it helped me view them in a new light. and as a bonus for c/lit/s he also gives writing tips.

>> No.7127922

Computer must be broke bro. I saw it up there