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/lit/ - Literature

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7118795 No.7118795 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/ survey

education:(middleschool/highschool/uni/college etc..)
single:(single/gf/married/divorced etc..)
living at home:(yes/no)
state of parents:(divorced/one parent deceased/never knew one of the parents/raised by grandparents etc..)
daily routine:
currently reading:
Favorite book:
at what age did you start reading a lot:

>> No.7118804

age: 23
education: University, third year
single: Single
virgin: No
living at home: Yes
state of parents: Divorced, Deceased, remarried.
daily routine: Depends. Today was just reading and games, tomorrow will be gym, uni, reading, football practice
Employed: yes, mailman
currently reading: Mark Twain short stories and uni textbooks, waiting for my order to arrive.
Favorite book: None. I like Woolf and Dostoyevsky a lot, though.
at what age did you start reading a lot: 21/22

>> No.7118811

I wonder how much single motherhood has contributed to NEETdom.

>> No.7118820

just turned 25, feels good
In college now, cuz college is way cheaper if you waste a couple of years first
Newly single, just got out of a shitty 4 plus year deal with a narcissistic semen demon, feels good man
>living at home:
not since I was 17
>state of parents:
still married but live in different houses, hardly can be in the same room together
>daily routine:
wake up, coffee, yoga and a walk, shower, then whatever I gotta do for the day
not anymore, feels good man
>currently reading:
some book on ISIS, A Thousand Plateaus, children of dune
>Favorite book:
naked lunch, probably, I dunno, this changes
>at what age did you start reading a lot:
as far as I can remember I've been reading, feels good man

>> No.7118837

>junior at college
>living at home: yes, but it's my home, not my parents.
>state of parents: married
>daily routine: school for nine hours, or school for a couple hours then work.
>Employed: work in pharmacy
>currently reading: confederacy of dunces, on the shortness of life.
>Favorite book: tale of two cities or moby dick
>at what age did you start reading a lot: 12/13, but it was all gene trash.

>> No.7118838

education: High School
single: Single
virgin: No
living at home: Yes
state of parents: Married
daily routine: Shower, smoke some pot, and coffee while I take a walk
Employed: Yes
currently reading: The Wind Through the Keyhole by Stephen King, and The Hobbit
Favorite book: The Count of Monte Cristo or The Stranger
at what age did you start reading a lot: 14

>> No.7118845

Forgot the rest of routine. Afterward I read, have lunch, do chores/spend time with friends, have dinner, smoke a cigar, read/write, and go to bed

>> No.7118859

age: 19
education: Uni, Sophomore. CS
relationship: Single
virgin: duh, did you see my education?
living at home: got my own apartment
parents: happily married for 27 yrs
daily routine: get up, get ready for the day, go to class, study in the library, go to clubs, go home, make dinner, read
Employed: nope
Currently reading: Hemingway's Short Stories. Finished Blood Meridian a week ago
Favorite book: I don't really have one.
Started reading a lot: Probably around 3. I've read constantly for most of my life. In high school I stopped for a while and just played vidya, but I started again around junior year.

>> No.7118880

>education:(middleschool/highschool/uni/college etc..)
>single:(single/gf/married/divorced etc..)
In the middle of a divorce
I've probably repristinated by this time
>living at home:(yes/no)
No and no
>state of parents:(divorced/one parent deceased/never knew one of the parents/raised by grandparents etc..)
Divorced; mother remarried; father re-divorced, deceased
>currently reading:
Short stories and biography
>Favorite book:
The Brothers Karamazov, or Ficciones
>at what age did you start reading a lot:
From childhood

>> No.7118886

>education:(middleschool/highschool/uni/college etc..)
In freshman year uni
>single:(single/gf/married/divorced etc..)
>living at home:(yes/no)
>state of parents:(divorced/one parent deceased/never knew one of the parents/raised by grandparents etc..)
>daily routine:
Wake up, shower, breakfast and coffee, classes, lunch, reading, evening meal, reading, sleep.
If I'm partying that day I usually skip reading and the evening meal.
>currently reading:
Lots for classes, but I'm reading the Aeneid for pleasure
>Favorite book:
Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
>at what age did you start reading a lot:

>> No.7118913

Ok i guess:
Nearly graduated from college, aiming for a master's degree
>living at home:
>state of parents:
>daily routine:
Hit the gym, play vydia, read books for my gradutaion paper, listen to some album/watch a movie, read for pleasure
currently reading:
It by Stephen King
Favorite book:
The Name of the Rose
at what age did you start reading a lot:

>> No.7118918

age: 21
education: in college
single: have gf w/ stable relationship
virgin:(yes/no) no
living at home:(yes/no) yes
state of parents: divorced a few years ago, live with mom
daily routine: browse 4chan, do schoolwork, play vidya, read books, write, browse 4chan
Employed: yes, lowly Starbucks worker
currently reading: Cosmos, Fellowship of the Ring
Favorite book: A Clockwork Orange
at what age did you start reading a lot: when I was young but it wasn't until last year that my love for reading has been reignited

>> No.7118932

age: 20
education: second year community college
single: Mormon gf that I converted
virgin: no
living at home: yes
state of parents: biological parents were never married, mom had me when she was 16, father is a delinquent
daily routine: wake up and talk to long distance gf over the phone, going to dirty Skype shower with her and then continue reading confederacy of dunces and then get some schoolwork done and repeat the last two indefinitely
Employed: never
currently reading: confederacy of dunces
Favorite book: probably this book
at what age did you start reading a lot: literally 2 weeks ago

>> No.7118941

uni, third year
>living at home:
>state of parents:
>daily routine:
wake up, /lit/,/tv/,/tg/,/a/, get depressed, sleep
>current reading: The dark tower by Stephen King
>favourite book:
I like dostoevkij, celine and borges, but I haven't read that much
>at what age did you start reading a lot:
6, since one year tho my depression has become so crippling that i read a lot less.

>> No.7118965
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last year of college



>living at home

>state of parents

>daily routine
Study. That's all I do until get it done with my thesis.
Some weekends I watch a movie.


>currently reading
On Certainty - Wittgenstein
Gothic Art - Camille
Confessions - Augustine
Kant's Construction of Nature - Friedmann

>Favorite book
I don't have a favourite book.

>at what age did you start reading a lot

>> No.7118968
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College, senior
sort of. broke up with gf of ~2 years but we're still going on dates.
definitely not
>living at home:
>state of parents:
married. prob should've divorced for happiness sake. Catholism LOL
>daily routine:
wake up, computer, lunch, book, school (maybe), smoke (maybe), computer, book (maybe), dinner
was. walked off the job one morning.
>currently reading:
The Brothers Karamazov. Up next, Don Quixote in Spanish
>Favorite book:
>at what age did you start reading a lot:
sometime between pre-school and first grade

>> No.7118969

age: 24
education: Some college; drop-out.
single: Yes.
virgin: No.
living at home: Yes.
state of parents: Divorced. Live with father, who is re-married.
daily routine: No set routine. Usually involves several hours or reading, and several hours of internet. Also cook and clean for the family.
Employed: No; seeking employment.
currently reading: Three Tall Women, Middlemarch.
Favorite book: Disgrace
at what age did you start reading a lot: started reading a book a week at 23, would read a few a month before.

>> No.7118985


Just turned 21
>education:(middleschool/highschool/uni/college etc..)
Entering 2nd year law school with 12-20/60 ECTS from it
>single:(single/gf/married/divorced etc..)
Single. Think two grills fancy me, but autismo.
>living at home:(yes/no)
N, studying away from home
>state of parents:(divorced/one parent deceased/never knew one of the parents/raised by grandparents etc..)
Happily married and alive
>daily routine:
Pray, shitpost, eat, study, listen to Nick Cave, study, read, video game, study, meet with friends
>currently reading:
Exodus of the Long Sun
>Favorite book:
Book of the New Sun
>at what age did you start reading a lot:

>> No.7119072 [DELETED] 

age: 34
education: bachelors in poli sci/English. associates in sociology
living at home:no
state of parents: still married
daily routine: eatshitshaveshowerworkeatshitshaveshowerworkeatshitshaveshowerwork
currently reading: hear the wind sing
Favorite book: don quixote
at what age did you start reading a lot: fantasy 14. literature 20.

>> No.7119093

Age: 21
Education: fourth year at uni, changed Subject, so actually going into my 2nd year
Single: gf
Living at home: no
State of parents: divorced
Daily routine: do nothing all day, sometime get drunk
Employed: no
Currently reading:Re-reading Moby dick
Favourite book: Blood meridian
Started reading a lot at: 12

>> No.7119102
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>/lit/ survey
>education:(middleschool/highschool/uni/college etc..)
Freshman at uni
>single:(single/gf/married/divorced etc..)
Of courshe
>living at home:(yes/no)
No, dorm
>state of parents:(divorced/one parent deceased/never knew one of the parents/raised by grandparents etc..)
Divorced a few years back. Little contact with father ever since
>daily routine:
9-10: wake up, shower, etc.
10-2: Go to class
2-10: Try to be a normie
10-?: Study
Usually sleep around 1 or 2
I read sporadically throughout the day
>currently reading:
Moby Dick
>Favorite book:
The sound and the fury for prose, Prufrock for verse
>at what age did you start reading a lot:
15 or 16

>> No.7119108

sophomore at university
officially, I guess so
>living at home
on holidays and over the summer, yeah
>state of parents
wed, but both rely on drugs to distract each other from their loveless marriage
>daily routine
wake up in my dorm, shower, go to my classes, hang out with my buddy/roommate, go and find our friends, i'm in love with one of them, we drink, we smoke, i do my homework, i go to bed.
>currently reading
The Soft Machine by William S. Burroughs
>favorite book
not well-versed enough to say, maybe Big Sur by Keroac
>what age did you start reading a lot
14, i guess, whenever i was a freshman in high school

why did i do this

>> No.7119120
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Reading, sleeping, typing, illustrating, playing chess, constructing games for rainy days, drinking cloudy apple juiceand going to the bathroom.

>> No.7119125

there should be a space between "juice" and "and".

>> No.7119126
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>>literally noone over 25.

>> No.7119128

how are people not employed and not living with there parents someone needs to teach me ASAP

>> No.7119136

>education:(middleschool/highschool/uni/college etc..)
Dropped out of a state school in junior year.
>single:(single/gf/married/divorced etc..)
>living at home:(yes/no)
>state of parents:(divorced/one parent deceased/never knew one of the parents/raised by grandparents etc..)
Separated shortly after I was born. Father has been in prison since I was 12.
>daily routine:
Play video games, watch films, read books, get wasted, sleep.
>currently reading:
Blood Meridian
>Favorite book:
Butcher's Crossing
>at what age did you start reading a lot:

>> No.7119137

how come no one here is a virgin, are you all just lying?

>> No.7119141

quite literally literally smhttbh

>> No.7119143

it's not that easy

>> No.7119146

some college
not a virgin
live at home
parents together
daily: wake, smoke a bowl, work, read, go home, smoke weed, drink, pass out to pop music or Netflix
reading capital vol. 1 and going through the works of Gaddis, PKD, Philip Roth and Jonathan Swift
favorite books: Absalom, Absalom!, Gravity's Rainbow, Don Quixote, The Trial
started reading serious lit around age 11

>> No.7119152

/lit/ survey

age: 19
education:(middleschool/highschool/uni/college etc..) college in UK
single:(single/gf/married/divorced etc..) in a relationship
virgin:(yes/no) no
living at home:(yes/no) yes
state of parents:(divorced/one parent deceased/never knew one of the parents/raised by grandparents etc..) divorced
daily routine: wake up at 6, have coffee, take a shower, go to work/college, play games. read and watch stuff
Employed:(yes/no) yes
currently reading: 19Q4 by Murakami
Favorite book: Cat's Cradle by Kurt Vonnegut
at what age did you start reading a lot: For as long as I can remember

>> No.7119158
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age: 21
education:middleschool,highschool,technical school
single:In A relationship
living at home:no
state of parents:(divorced
daily routine: Wake up ,shit, leave for work
currently reading: The alchemist, cats cradle, metro 2034,Kafka on the shore,A life less ordinary,Safarion order,The road to bedlam, dance of cloaks, etc
Favorite book: Captain bluebears 13 and 1/2 lives
at what age did you start reading a lot: About 5 years old

>> No.7119178



>> No.7119185

>education: (middleschool/highschool/uni/college etc..)
BA in English and Math
>single:(single/gf/married/divorced etc..)
longtime (almost 5 years?) gf
im waiting until marriage to answer this question
>living at home:(yes/no)
>state of parents:(divorced/one parent deceased/never knew one of the parents/raised by grandparents etc..)
extremely well adjusted upper middle class family
>daily routine:
posteing from work
>currently reading:
>Favorite book:
could say a lot of things but maybe Pale Fire
>at what age did you start reading a lot:
very young if we're counting like Animorphs/Redwall. for most of HS/college I read a book or two a month outside of studies, more since then

>> No.7119193

>education:(middleschool/highschool/uni/college etc..)
Med School
>single:(single/gf/married/divorced etc..)
Single, child with my Danish childhood gf.
>living at home:(yes/no)
>state of parents:(divorced/one parent deceased/never knew one of the parents/raised by grandparents etc..)
Dad died after early onset dementia.
>daily routine:
Wake up, coffee with cigarette on balcony, make some breakfast, offer breakfast to naked slut in my bed, have a casual tug if I feel like it, read on balcony whilst smoking, go to hospital.
>currently reading:
A la recherche du temps perdu
>Favorite book:
>At what age did you start reading a lot:
6-14 then 23 till now.

>> No.7119194

How is middlemarch? I bought it but have been procrastinating.

>> No.7119209


not him but it's legitimately good

>> No.7119217
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>University, final year
Living at home
State of parents
>married and starting to get sick
Daily routine
>read, class, cycle, write, shitpost, work
>yes, almost head chef
Currently reading
Fav book
What age did you start reading a lot:

>> No.7119241

22, finishing BA, gray area (kind of broken up w/ someone but we still talk, fucking someone else), not a virgin, don't live at home, parents are divorced, routine = wake up, shower, cigarette, go to cafe or class, read & write until evening, get high as fuck, repeat. Unemployed, currently reading The Bell Jar (holy shit fuck Sylvia Plath), favorite novel = Underworld, started reading a lot at 16

>> No.7119290


Am him.

Very good. A little over half way through.

I suggest you read it like me, something like 100 pages at a time for ten days so your reading sort of mimics the sweep of time, lets you take in the rich prose in slices instead of slabs, while being quick enough that you retain the cast.

>> No.7119333

Uni freshman
Happily married parents
Daily routine: wake, class, lunch, read, dinner, homework, lift mwf
Reading: the tin drum
Favorite: catch 22
Started really reading at 15 or 16

>> No.7119341
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-age: 23
-education:Master's degree at Oxford University
-living at home
- state of parents: married
- daily routine: get up early, do some work out, read a few chapters, then watch a series or a movie before I go to bed, academic year starts in 2 weeks so I live like a NEET
- Not employed
- currently reading: For Whom the bell tolls and the Sixth Extinction
- Favorite book: Iliad
- at what age did you start reading a lot: 13, started with Lord of the Rings

>> No.7119394
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last year of college
>living at home
>state of parents
Married for 26 years
>daily routine
coffee while reading news or a book, school & work throughout the day, go for a run/rock climb in the evening, then read until bed
Yes. Software developer at a startup
>currently reading
>favorite book
either Blood Meridian or 100 Years of Solitude
>age what age did I start reading a lot
15 or 16.

>> No.7119416

math major 300k starting
>living at home:
>state of parents:
>daily routine:
depends, if I have class that day I'll go to class and then lay in fetal position trying to figure out what I'm doing wrong with my life.

If not I just lay in fetal position wondering what I'm doing wrong with my life,
>math major
>currently reading:
>Favorite book:
100 years of solitude
>at what age did you start reading a lot:

>> No.7119422

age: 25
education: uni
single: gf
virgin: no
living at home: no
state of parents: complicated
daily routine: nothing special
Employed: yes
currently reading: the brothers karamazov by dostojekswij
Favorite book: the process by kafka
at what age did you start reading a lot: can not answer this. i always liked to read but there is no point when it went "a lot". sometimes it is, sometimes it is not

>> No.7119453

-Uni degree, honors in phil
-yes atm, had to move back in its hell at this age but very temporary. I'd been out of the country before, and will be again soon.
-wake up, run, write, workout, read, write some incomplete thoughts, wind down usually watch some youtube. I tutor english so if i have anything scheduled during the day I do that.
-yes, but job starts October so neet for now.
-Blood Meridian
-I read a lot of bad shit since 10~ years old. Only recently fell in love with literature.

>> No.7119456
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Gonna go ahead and rate your lives here.

Pretty good, well rounded, good taste. Minus points for state of parents though. 7/10

Seems to have it pretty together, but overall pretty boring. 6/10

>married at 23
>living with parents

4/10 Best I can do, sorry.

Young but working and not a virgin, pretty good. Careful with that pot addiction though 7/10

Not too much to complain about here, you're still pretty young though so there's still time to fuck up. 6/10

Good education but not much else. Sorry about the divorce. 5/10

Average I guess, not bad. 6/10

25 is the absolute cut off age for still living with your parents, bro. Better get on that. Plus points for Gf though. 7/10

Slightly above average, plus points for Gf. 7/10

Pretty interesting. Zero points for Gf though because of long distance relationship. 6/10

Hang in there, bro. You should probably stop browsing boards like /tv/, /tg/ and /a/ though, they're probably not helping your depression (neither is /lit/ for that matter, in fact you should probably get off 4chan all together, but that goes for everyone really. I've tried myself. Literally the only board I browse is /lit/ and I've still tried to quit this shit.) Sorry, I can only give you 4/10 right now.

Good and organised, focusing on studies, good. Minus points for being a virgin at age 23, sorry bro I know it hurts. 6/10

Your life seems complicated and unpredictable although it's probably just me. 6/10

That's all I can bother doing right now.

>> No.7119480

18. M
2nd year of Engineering college
>Living at home
>State of parents
>Daily routine
Wake up either at 8:30 for 9am class or 10:30 for 11am class, read and review, go to work or browse 4chin/Youtoob or write in evenings.
>Currently Reading
Nothing because am pleb
>Favorite book
Nothing that won't get me hate.
>What age
5? 6?

>> No.7119488
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>reads thread
>reminded of being 23 year old virgin

>> No.7119494
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Are you me?

>> No.7119502

I never cared too much about it.
Should I be worried or something?

>> No.7119507

Thanks, I'll never do this again.

>> No.7119517
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>first year of uni
>divorced, both alive
>wake up, eat breakfast, go to class, lunch, study, read, masturbate, take a shower, go to bed
>'The Mismeasure of Man', 'The Snows of Kilimanjaro', 'The History of Western Philosophy', 'On the Road'
>The Odyssey

>> No.7119519

Well I appreciated it and I'm not one of them.

>> No.7119523 [DELETED] 


age: 20
education:(middleschool/highschool/uni/college etc..) Changing careers in university, trying to get back in
single:(single/gf/married/divorced etc..) Single
virgin:(yes/no) yes
living at home:(yes/no) yes
state of parents:(divorced/one parent/deceased/never knew one of the parents/raised by grandparents etc..) Normal, they break up years ago though, my father keeps living in my house because he doesn't have money
daily routine: See tinder in the morning, see whatsapp, ponder about how shitty i am, shower, sometimes a walk to get a better mood, convince myself that i'm not a failure through constant repetition.

then i start my day studying, reading, listening to hipster music, drinking tea

evening i do calisthenics with extra weight, and sometimes i go to the cinema alone

sometimes i have some dates, sometimes they flake and i never hear about them (this always depresses me, why im so beta), sometimes i work for a month or so, i'm preparing some exams for entering uni so i can't have full time job.

Employed:(yes/no) no
currently reading: A book about psychedelics and medicine, and History of madness by foucault
Favorite book: Genealogy of the morals
at what age did you start reading a lot: I don't read a lot, just 50 pages a day or so

>> No.7119543

You appreciate it *because* you're not one of them.

>> No.7119551
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Age: 18
education: Highschool
single: yea, bro
virgin: yes
living at home: yes
state of parents: married
daily routine: read, watch movies, gym, anything else of interest at time
Employed: no
currently reading: rereading Bros K, Augustine's Confessions, Bleak House, Typee, and the Bible
Favorite book: So far Brothers K, probably. Maybe the collected fictions of Borges or this one book of Melville's short stories.
at what age did you start reading a lot: 15

>> No.7119556

>education:(middleschool/highschool/uni/college etc..)
PhD. Biochemistry.
>single:(single/gf/married/divorced etc..)
married, for about 2 years now
>living at home:(yes/no)
no. well, not at my parents' home, which is what you mean. i have my own home now.
>state of parents:(divorced/one parent deceased/never knew one of the parents/raised by grandparents etc..)
still happily married
>daily routine:
get up, eat quick breakfast, walk to work, work, walk home, read/tv/4chan/jerk it/sleep
yes. biology professor.
>currently reading:
The Count of Monte Cristo, for the first time. seems pretty padded-out (I know that the author was paid by the line) but not what I would call boring. A little confused at the moment though because I could have sworn that Villefort was stabbed to death by one of the count's servants but now he seems to be alive and prosperous...
>Favorite book:
Catch-22. I really like absurdity and gallows humor.
>at what age did you start reading a lot:
elementary school through high school and i just started again after finishing my PhD.

>> No.7119560

/lit/ survey

> education:
pursuing phd in stereotypical stem field (cs)
of course
>living at home:
>state of parents:
>daily routine:
get up, go to work, read papers/research all day. go to local coffee shop in evening, mire qts, read some lits or paps. end the day with wine + lit or movie. lifting thrown in 3 times a week
i guess? it's marginally better than min wage
>currently reading:
a bunch of calvino, currently 'If on a winter's night a traveler'
>favorite book:
the glass bead game
>at what age did you start reading a lot:
my dad got me addicted to this abridged classics series that was probably acquired from costo at around age 10. he had to wean me off of them at 11 or 12 and get me onto more patrish shit, but after that I had no trouble constantly reading. I think it really helps if your parents read to you a shitton as a kid.

>> No.7119563

>education:(middleschool/highschool/uni/college etc..)
Just started the last year of high school, I hope to study medicine at university
>single:(single/gf/married/divorced etc..)
>living at home:(yes/no)
>state of parents:(divorced/one parent deceased/never knew one of the parents/raised by grandparents etc..)
>daily routine:
wake up at 7, go to school, finish at 2:10, lunch, play vidya or watch tv till dinner, read/study/do some programming/browse 4chan, sleep
>currently reading:
Germinal and The Interpretation of Dreams
>Favorite book:
I don't have one, but I like Freud, Marx and Popper
>at what age did you start reading a lot:
Idk, I've always like reading

>> No.7119567


>> No.7119573

age: 22
education:(middleschool/highschool/uni/college etc..) in college now
single:(single/gf/married/divorced etc..) gf
virgin:(yes/no) no
living at home:(yes/no) no
state of parents:(divorced/one parent/deceased/never knew one of the parents/raised by grandparents etc..) together, but they divorced when i was 8 and got back together when i was 14
daily routine: i don't really have one other than smoking weed and the occasional long distance run
Employed:(yes/no) yes - i work for the media school lab renting out camera equipment and the like
currently reading: sirens of titan by vonnegut
Favorite book: lolita (i have yet to read much of the hip literature discussed here)
at what age did you start reading a lot: i don't really read a lot

>> No.7119584

>education:(middleschool/highschool/uni/college etc..)
Working on a PhD in Physics
>single:(single/gf/married/divorced etc..)
gf for about 4 months
>living at home:(yes/no)
no. apartment
>state of parents:
still married
>daily routine:
get up, bike to work, work, bike home, ride bike for ~1 hour, read/play vidya/ hang out with gf
yes. grad student in physics (i get paid for this shit)
>currently reading:
Purity by Franzen not sure what I think about it yet
>Favorite book:
White Noise
>at what age did you start reading a lot:
Some time in elementary school (I didn't really have video games growing up)

>> No.7119589

age: 18
education: 2nd year A levels (so last year of high school)
single: gf
virgin: no
living at home: yes
state of parents: unhappily married
daily routine: school, get home and read, maybe play a game of league/hearthstone if friends are on, see if there's anything interesting on /lit/
employed: no
current reading: Dubliners
favourite book: slaughterhouse five
at what age did you start reading a lot: from 6-14 initially then 16-present

>> No.7119592

age: 21
education: college
single: single
virgin: no
living at home: you mean with parents; no
state of parents: normal parents
daily routine: wake up around 7 AM; wash face, have breakfast, brush teeth, shave if i need to; go to college; endure; get back home; eat; study; read or shitpost; sleep
Employed: no
currently reading: The Years Eaten By The Locust III by Borislav Pekic (his prison life during tito yugoslavia)
Favorite book: varies; sometimes it's El Tunel by Ernesto Sabato, Chlorophilia by Andrei Rubanov.
at what age did you start reading a lot: a lot at around 18

>> No.7119608


my school pays me $4000 a semester to attend, so i just use that to cover all my expenses

also my parents help out when i need - they're not particularly wealthy, but they're retired so they don't mind

>> No.7119664

Same here, I get paid to attend (low income background and really good grades) and get help from my (grand)parents.

>> No.7119701

age: 28
education: some community college
single: it's complicated
virgin: no
living at home: no
state of parents: it's complicated
daily routine: battling PTSD and going through cognitive therapies at home
Employed: no
currently reading: The Dark Eidolong Clark Ashton Smith, Aurorarama Jean-Christophe Valtat
Favorite book: Les Miserables
at what age did you start reading a lot: 6

>> No.7119768

>college (M.A. in French)
>both deceased now, kept married
>swim twice a week, consume insane amount of coffee
>yes (teaching)
>F. Dostoyevsky, “Poor Folk”
>J.-K. Huysmans, “Saint Lydwine of Schiedam”
>15, maybe 16

>> No.7119792

age: 20
education: Some college
single: no
virgin: yes
living at home:yes
state of parents:Married
daily routine:Get up, either go to work, school, sit on the computer, play music or read depending on the day, maybe go outside, sleep.
currently reading: The Punic Wars by Adrian Goldsworthy
Favorite book: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
at what age did you start reading a lot: 16

>> No.7120369
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>living at home
>state of parents
>daily routine
apply for jobs, wank, vidya, walk/work out, read, write, shitpost
>currently reading
Peloponnesian War
>Favorite book
as a kid, Ender's Game. don't have one now
>at what age did you start reading a lot
8 or 9

>> No.7120387

age: 20
education: college, 2nd year
single: yes
virgin: yes, abstinent
living at home: when I'm not at school
state of parents: together
daily routine: go to class, cardio, maybe a walk, internet or vidya, read
Employed: over the summer
currently reading: Grendel
Favorite book: The Confidence Man
at what age did you start reading a lot: Kinda vague question. Around 15, maybe?

>> No.7120474
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>education:(middleschool/highschool/uni/college etc..)
taking a year out of university. Going back to do my third year next September
>single:(single/gf/married/divorced etc..)
Yes. I've had social anxiety since I was a teenager and I have a very low sex drive. Thought I was asexual for a while. Pls no virgin shame.
>living at home:(yes/no)
>state of parents:(divorced/one parent deceased/never knew one of the >parents/raised by grandparents etc..)
>daily routine:
wake up late, mill about, read, learn some German, go to work in the evenings
yes, part-time
>currently reading:
Just finished the Culture of Narcissism. Going to start reading Manufacturing Consent tonight
>Favorite book:
Sons and Lovers by DH Lawrence
>at what age did you start reading a lot:
I've always read a lot, but between the ages of 12-17 I hardly read at all. Smoking weed in college rekindled my interest but I never smoke now since it turns my anxiety up to 11.

>> No.7120489

age: 20
education:at uni
single:gf for just over a year
living at home:yes
state of parents:still married
daily routine: uni, work, beers with friends
Employed: yes
currently reading: breece d'j pancake
Favorite book: winesburg, ohio
at what age did you start reading a lot: 17

>> No.7120501

vapor af fam

>> No.7120526

dank aesthetics is all I have left tbh

>> No.7120544

age: 21
education: 2nd yr uni
single: in poly relationship
living at home: no
state of parents: divorced
daily routine: run, meditate, read, uni, vidya, hangout
Employed: no
currently reading: blood meridian
Favorite book: women
at what age did you start reading a lot: 17

>> No.7120558
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>in poly relationship

>> No.7120560
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>poly relationship
You mean you're a cuck?

>> No.7120572
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age: 21
education: Didn't finish high-school.
single: yes
virgin: no
living at home: yes
state of parents: divorced
daily routine: get up at 4pm, go to work, get home at 2am, study till morning, go to sleep.
Employed: Yes
currently reading: THE JEST.
Favorite book: none really, I'm really into Evelyn Waugh at the moment.
at what age did you start reading a lot: 12

>> No.7120609

age: 24
education: i was about 9 credits away from graduating but had a benzo induced breakdown last year
single: yes. last relationship i had was with a 20 year old over this past summer, but she's gone and back at college now
living at home: yes
state of parents: married, though probably not for long. dad is going to jail soon
daily routine: wake up at 8, go to work, home at 3 or 6, drink daily (i work at a liquor store), fall asleep, wake up at 12, stay up till 3-4, sleep, repeat.
Employed: yes
currently reading: honeymoon by patrick modiano
Favorite book: tender is the night
at what age did you start reading a lot: idk what constitutes a lot. i've always been reading. not the classics, but reading nonetheless.

>> No.7120610

>education:(middleschool/highschool/uni/college etc..)
University, Bachelor of science (honours) in chemistry
>single:(single/gf/married/divorced etc..)
Recently single but sleeping with 2-3 girls regularly and talking to my ex on and off
>living at home:(yes/no)
Just moved back home
>state of parents:(divorced/one parent deceased/never knew one of the parents/raised by grandparents etc..)
>daily routine:
Wake up 6:30-7am, go to uni and do research until 5pm, go to the gym, read for 45-60 mins a day, write articles etc.
Have research scholarship/casual job
>currently reading:
The iliad, just finished Memoirs of a Geisha, which I surprisingly enjoyed.
>Favorite book:
Don't have one, I feel like I need to read so much more before deciding.
>at what age did you start reading a lot:

>> No.7120646

>Willingly being cucked

>> No.7121425

The older people are tired of surveys

>Threesomes every night

>> No.7121608
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> Being proud of degeneracy

>> No.7121617
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>Believing sex and love are degeneracy
>2015 BCE

>> No.7121626

Welcome to America. (You're in for a shock.)

>> No.7121633

pick one

>> No.7121641


>> No.7121644

That's not fair, it can be done. In all likelihood a university student with divorced parents can't achieve it but it's not impossible, though probably not ideal.

>> No.7121651

mr pancake is real good, I particularly liked Trilobites

>> No.7121653
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Three people can love each other.
I'd recommend a closed relationship, but some people don't mind and get off on the whole "cuck" thing and have multiple partners. But that's not even a guarantied loveless situation.

These people have multiple wives and husbands. Works for them.

>> No.7121661

just find some ugly girl with bad self esteem if you actually care

or be reasonable and don't give a shit

>> No.7121667

niga u srs

>> No.7121680
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>> No.7121714

is this some sorta meme

>> No.7121728



>education:(middleschool/highschool/uni/college etc..)

High school so far. Applying to extremely selective liberal arts colleges (10%~ acceptance rate).

>single:(single/gf/married/divorced etc..)




>living at home:(yes/no)


>state of parents:(divorced/one parent deceased/never knew one of the parents/raised by grandparents etc..)

Married, but their relationship is fucked up. My mom lost interest in sex because she didn't feel intimate with my dad, who recently requested her permission to cuck her. My mom pretended not to care that he was slamming some MILF nurse (he's an anesthesiologist) and recently had a breakdown, as she'd been internalizing all her feelings ever since they married -- my dad's kind of an autist at times and she's incredibly patient. Anywho, my dad'll probably move out of the house soon while they get their shit figured out.

>daily routine:

Go to school, go to an afterschool humanities program. Go home, fuck around on 4chan and do a lot of homework since my school's on an accelerated semester system. Read news/magazines like the New Inquiry/rare good /lit/ threads/books if it isn't past 1 AM. Play vidya, party, and hang out with friends on the weekends, plus keep myself to a stict 50 page a day schedule.


No. Probably will tutor autists in how to write coherently once college apps are over with. Career-wise I'm considering alpine mountain guide, teaching English in high school, or orthopedic surgery. My plan for the latter if I go down that path is to sell my soul to the army so they'll pay for my education.

>currently reading:

Infinite Jest. Almost done with this bastard. I like the themes but the maximalist style means I could have read a lot of other books in shorter amounts of time.

>Favorite book:

Love in the Time of Cholera.

>at what age did you start reading a lot:

16. My mom's secretly patrician (majored in philosophy in college) and so is my dad to a lesser extent. They were members of the underground intellgensia in the USSR and read a lot of banned books. For some reason they didn't see too much of a reason to raise me well-read, but I'll make up for it.

>> No.7121729

I am beginning to like you now, Butterfly. You have shown taste with Sebastio Salgado.

>> No.7121730
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being this spooked

>> No.7121737

Sex without emotion/passion is horrible imo. Find a girl who you genuinely love.

>> No.7121750


age: 25
education: B.A.
single: unhappily live with girlfriend
virgin: No
living at home: No live in after terrible apartment cheap not up to health codes
state of parents: They are married and into being respectable
daily routine:
Employed: yes
currently reading: Ghost Stories For Darwin
Favorite book: God Bless You Mr.Rosewater (pleb)
at what age did you start reading a lot: at different ages I read a lot

>> No.7121754

>get rated 7/10
>only reason for lower points is my parents
>not my fault anyways

>> No.7121781
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education:done with high school
living at home:yes
state of parents:married
daily routine:get up around noon, get ready for work, if no work I read listen to music all day, sometimes run
currently reading: The Orchard Keeper, The Sleepwalkers
Favorite book:Suttree, The Freeloader(Nescio)
at what age did you start reading a lot:17

>> No.7121801

Age: 21
Education: In uni
Single: yes, I go on dates every now and then but no gf
Virgin: no
Living at Home: No
State of Parents: Married, alive, happy
Daily Routine:
>Wake Up
>Decide to skip class
>Play League of Legends
>Feel bad about not writing
>Write a couple sentences
>Listen to some music
>Go to a class or two
>Hang with friends
>Stay up to 1-2am
Currently Reading: Nothing, just finished a book
Favorite Book: The Catcher in the Rye
When I Started Reading: 5th grade?

>> No.7121811

age: 18
education: last year high school
single: single
living at home: yes
state of parents: divorced
daily routine: school, homework, work out, video games, read
employed: yes
currently reading: a brief history of secret societies
favorite book: dont really have one
what age did you start reading a lot: 16

>> No.7121920

age: 28
education: finished my bachelors ages ago
single: married actually
virgin: no
living at home: yes, but not the home with my parents, home with my husband
state of parents: both parents still married and alive
daily routine:
>do chores
>cook stuff
>read books
>make sure hubby is happy
Employed: no, am housewife
currently reading: The Garden of Eden - Hemingway
Favorite book: In Search of Lost Time
at what age did you start reading a lot: 14.

>> No.7121925

Where to find a wife like you?

>> No.7121968

graduated highschool
not a virgin
living at home
parents are together
im on here just like you, what do you think?
not employed
currently reading food of the gods
favorite book a clockwork orange
reading is for plebs

>> No.7121977


Yeah I like his work. I've read like six of his stories, particularly like the one about the hooker that killed herself, I forget what it's called.

>> No.7121987

drop out
nihil unbound
the unbearable lightness of being
always did sorta

>> No.7122002

single: yes
virgin: no
living at home: yes
state of parents: married
daily routine: wake up around 6-7pm, play guitar and listen to music, drink coffee, browse 4chan, play vidya
Employed: no
currently reading: V.
Favorite book: Against the Day
at what age did you start reading a lot: 10 maybe

>> No.7122004

>education:(middleschool/highschool/uni/college etc..)
GED/Dropped out of college after being put on academic probation
>single:(single/gf/married/divorced etc..)
>living at home:(yes/no)
>state of parents:(divorced/one parent deceased/never knew one of the parents/raised by grandparents etc..)
Mother divorced 3 times and currently separated from husband. Biological father deceased when I was 13, I don't recall how old he was.
>daily routine:
After dropping out of college I did nothing for close to over a year and a half. My routine varied, as of now I've been spending most all my waking hours situated in front of a computer and started eating junk food again. I fap a lot. I think about suicide. I post on 4chan. I do chores my mom orders me to do. I endure and indulge at the same time.
>currently reading:
The Anabasis of Alexander
>Favorite book:
Don't have one
>at what age did you start reading a lot:
I never did.

>> No.7122012

5 year uni program to get a psych license
no, living with two girls i've known since forever
divorced when i was 17
go to class and study for half a day, spend a few hours alone reading lit/news/articles, watching an occasional movie and browsing. run every other day. hang out with gf and friends the rest of my time when i dont feel like being by myself anymore
i worked throughout all summer
moby dick
unsure, cider house rules or stoner
been reading a lot in periods since i was a kid

>> No.7122013

age: 24
education: Bachelor's (working on Master's)
single: GF
virgin: No
living at home: No
state of parents:Still married to each other
daily routine: Wake up, work, come home, hit the gym, shower, do homework while cooking dinner, peruse 4chins, fap, sleep
Employed: Yes
currently reading: DRINK: The Cultural History of Alcohol
Favorite book: Captain Underpants
at what age did you start reading a lot: 8

>> No.7122018

gonna start Uni in a few days, International Studies course
>living at home:
yes, but going in an apartment when Uni starts
>state of parents:
>daily routine:
read a bit, exercise, meditate, browse internet, cry about my life choices
yes, until Uni starts
>currently reading:
Story of philosophy, an introduction
>Favorite book:
Moby Dick
>at what age did you start reading a lot:
whn I was a child, then I pretty much stoopped, restarting now, trying to get my shit together in life

>> No.7122036

age: 19
education: 2nd year EE degree
single: single
virgin: yes
living at home: yes
state of parents: Alive and well, still married.
daily routine: Sleep in, class if I make it, pursue hobbies and get uni work done.
Employed: No, but I'm genuinely ready to start doing something about it, so I'm optimistic.
currently reading: Child of God
Favorite book: Grapes of Wrath
at what age did you start reading a lot: I read a lot as a teenager but I've only really picked the hobby back up now

>> No.7122135
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I'm bored so I'm going to rate some more lives.

Not too bad considering the age. 6/10

Good taste in books, I can see you're getting your life organised, good daily routine (except the crying thing of course). You're still young and I think you have a lot to look forward to. Cheer up. 7/10

Nothing much to complain about here, seems like an all round good life. Keep it up. 8/10

Again, nothing much to complain about. Seems like you've got it pretty sweet all around. Good job. 8/10

I'm sorry but this doesn't look very good at all. Only positive I can see is that you're still relatively young and still have the chance to turn your life around. For now though I'll have to give you a 4/10. Sorry, best I can do. Cheer up.

You seem pretty organised and together, good taste in books too. 8/10

It's good that you're working, and you're still very young so not that much to complain about except that you seem pretty indifferent. 7/10

Pretty good. 7/10

You seem happy and content, nothing to complain about really. All you need now is a few kids. 9/10

Slightly above average I suppose. 6/10

Pretty good, only real minus I can see is League of Legends. 7/10

Not too bad I suppose, average. 6/10

Minus points for being in an unhappy relationship and bad housing. There are some positives here and there though. Personally I thought that Mr Rosewater was one of Vonneguts weaker efforts btw. 5/10

Kind of a weird and awkward family situation but you yourself seem to have your shit together and seem to know what you want to do in life. 7/10

That's all for now, folks.

>> No.7122146

>education:(middleschool/highschool/uni/college etc..)
College student
>single:(single/gf/married/divorced etc..)
>living at home:(yes/no)
>state of parents:(divorced/one parent
deceased/never knew one of the parents/raised by grandparents etc..)
>daily routine:
Do math all day
>currently reading:
Godel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid
>Favorite book:
Mason & Dixon
>at what age did you start reading a lot:

>> No.7122150

hey /soc/ xDDDD

>> No.7122154

>age: 20
>education: high school
>single: single
>virgin: yes
>living at home: no
>state of parents: married
>daily routine: freelance work, go for a walk/run, read, study, travel
>Employed: yes, freelance
>currently reading: The Crying of Lot 49
>Favorite book: Hard to say.
>at what age did you start reading a lot: 19

>> No.7122168

I'm 19 years old.

I am handsome, smart, athletic and virile.

I have a novel that is in it's final editing stage, and a creative writing professor at my college has read the first draft and thinks it's saleable.

I have a girlfriend who is confident, articulate, playful and spontaneous.

I have a small group of interesting friends from different social and academic backgrounds, and I also have many other acquaintances who see me as a reliable source of humour and good company.

Both my parents are alive and in good health.

I have no regrets.

I have already experienced three existential crises, the latter of which was described as having the depth and profundity of a man twice my age.

I am a passionate lover, a sharp thinker, and a trader of witty repartee.

I am not self-pitying, meek or needlessly humble.

I will live a good life at your expense.

>> No.7122171


>> No.7122181

You are a massive faggot.

>> No.7122196

>age: 24
>education:(middleschool/highschool/uni/college etc..) Masters in Accounting
>single:(single/gf/married/divorced etc..) Single
>virgin:(yes/no) No
>living at home:(yes/no) No
>state of parents:(divorced/one parent deceased/never knew one of the parents/raised by grandparents etc..) Married; raised by parents.
>daily routine: Get up around 6, cook breakfast, check the news, go to work, depending on length of the day it could be from 9-9, 9-7, but normally 9-7, and then commute on back home.

Read as much as I can on the train.
>Employed:(yes/no) Yes.
>currently reading: About to move on to Napoleon by Markham as my travel book and Caesar for my at home book
>Favorite book: Les Miserables or Count
>at what age did you start reading a lot:
22. Read a good amount as a child, switched to video games for a while, and then my senior year of university a course on Romanticism (started with the Aeneid) reintroduced me into my love in reading.

>> No.7122209

final year of highschool, starting bachelor of science adv next year
parents are fine

Daily routine:
full time student, took off part time job for year 12
in between books, i'm starting cat's cradle soon
I read a lot when i was younger, put it off for a bunch of years and picked it up again this year.

>> No.7122214

forgot: the odyssey would probably be my favourite text

>> No.7122215
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He was my high school sweetheart, so we'll, in class. Not much of a where but how. And how? I don't know. I think every girl is potential wifey material, whether she's the wife for you or not is a different question. If you keep communication open and voice your concerns everything will turn out the way it should.

I don't think that answers your question but I'm half asleep so that's my excuse.

Thank you anon!
>All you need now is a few kids.
One is on its way. I'm excited but a part of me is still unsure what to think since I was always the kind of person who didn't really want kids of my own. But I'll adjust.

>> No.7122218


>> No.7122228

education: high school
living at home
divorced parents
employed: translating some university work due to being poly lingual
currently reading: The Wealth of Nations
Catcher in the Rye

>> No.7122295

>/lit/ survey
>education:(middleschool/highschool/uni/college etc..)
Studying for university degree, second year
>single:(single/gf/married/divorced etc..)
>living at home:(yes/no)
>state of parents:(divorced/one parent deceased/never knew one of the parents/raised by grandparents etc..)
Divorced when I was four, mother remarried when I was nine or ten
>daily routine:
Wake up, waste time until about mid day, read/practise music, walk around town aimlessly, maybe some daytime TV, kill the evening reading/practise music/watching movies or documentaries or playing games, eat, read, sleep
This is only for the summer though, in term time I'm more active and productive
I wish
>currently reading:
The Castle, Birdsong and Gerald of Wales' Journey through Wales
>Favorite book:
I love the Time Traveler's Wife for no real reason, also Great Expectations or House of Leaves
>At what age did you start reading a lot:
All the time as a child but only got back into it at about 18

Also something I've wondering about, I'm a fan of Bukowski and that era of American literature so I've recently picked up the Bandini Quartet in one fat book by John Fante, someone told me to read Ask the Dust a while ago but is it a good idea to start with that one or do I need to read them in order?

>> No.7122344


age: 26

education: bachelor in psych early last year, since then on continued education in Analytical Psychology since it's my theory/area of choice

single: engaged and living together since June, dating for a long time before that

virgin: no

living at home: no

state of parents: married and quite better to deal with ever since I moved out

daily routine: wake up too early for work (hospital 45h/week from 7 to 16h); listen to lectures/podcasts while enjoying commute; turn off brain as best as possible while not doing actual work so as to not think on everything I'd want to be doing if I wasn't here; try to enjoy commute back home and or go to my private practice or C.E. every other day; early evening get home and hang out with SO while trying to pursue hobbies and loathe about not writing; not enough sleep til next weekday; weekends go by far too fast

Employed: yes, but on a contract with no benefits until next year that's also non-renewable on top of being stressful as shit; I don't count private practice here since I don't make enough to pay taxes on it but it's what I like to do and intend on keep on doing

currently reading: trying to do Wuthering Heights for the 3rd time with a much better progress, with Dune Messiah on hold because of it; also trying to start Psychology and Alchemy while reading Psychogenesis of Mental Illness, both by Jung for C.E.

Favorite book: White Fang and Siddartha, probably; I don't like doing absolute favorites much

at what age did you start reading a lot: comics when I was 4ish and stopped at around 9 when I transitioned into abridged versions of classics pretty much; then a break for a couple of years til I found out about Harry Potter and Artemis Fowl which made me get out of only reading school-mandatory reading and having fun with it again; from then on I remembered the classics and slowly went through their original versions

Stay strong man. I hope therapy's working out well for you.

>> No.7122361

How are you not banned yet?

>> No.7122368

It's copy pasta

>> No.7122408

age: 21
education: Uni, second year
single: Single
virgin: No
living at home: Yes
state of parents: Alrite
daily routine: Wake up, have breakfast, play vidya/read/go to the swimming pool/write if I feel inspired/shitpost on le 4chin/go to sleep again if in a bad mood, have lunch, play vidya/read/write if I feel inspired/shitpost on le 4chin, have dinner, watch a film/tv series/animu or go out with friends if it's Saturday, go to sleep.
All of this will end when uni starts again, removing the whole afternoon part
Employed: No
currently reading: Freud's Introduction to Psychoanalysis, mostly for university purposes, I'm getting a break from reading fiction after reading Ulysses
Favorite book: Dostoevsky's Idiot
at what age did you start reading a lot: 19, dropped out of med school in order to recover when I realized how far I was from being as well-read as I wanted to be

>> No.7122448

age: 27 in a week
education: University, dropped out in fourth year but still got an ordinary degree
single: no but we only see each other at the weekend.
virgin: no
living at home: no
state of parents: divorced when I was 18. Haven't seen them together in the same room since.
daily routine: work mon-fri, alternate between gym, swimming and golf throughout the week.
employed: Design Engineer
currently reading: Utopia by Thomas More
favourite book: either Forever War by Joe Haldeman or The Once and Future King by T.H. White.
at what age did you start reading a lot: about 14