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/lit/ - Literature

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7117893 No.7117893 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone on /lit/ adjusted their lifestyle to accommodate their literary pursuits?

I'm talking about choosing to work-part time, moving to a cheaper town/ city, and so on. College kids need not respond.

>> No.7117905

>he isn't NEET

>> No.7117980

>moved from sydney to the blue mountains
>work three doubles friday to sunday
>monday to thursday off for writing
>been doing this 12 months
>write less than i did on the train working 6 days a week

I am become /lit/, lord of the shitpost

>> No.7117983

I work part-time. I was a NEET but it was honestly more of a hassle dealing with the job centre than just getting a part-time job with short hours that pays me over double what i was getting on bennies.

Still leaves me with a lot of time to read and write.

>> No.7117987

How old are you, where do you live, and what job is it?

>> No.7117991

Supermarket monkey

>> No.7117995

Where in England.

How long do you plan on working this way?

Do you live with your parents?

>> No.7117998


I think most people here are unemployed or work minimum wage. I can't really adjust my lifestyle at all. Can't for the life of me find a new job amd my current job is shit, pays me fuck all and makes me think about painting my ceiling with my brains

>> No.7118000


Stopped reading there.

>> No.7118005


I don't know. As long as i can i guess or something significant changes in my life.

Yeah, i live with my mother.

>> No.7118336


>work 6 times a week, nights
>do almost nothing at work
>have 5-6 hours to myself out of every 8 hour shift
>air conditioning
>computers and internet connection
>big desk
>am there right now posting crap on 4chan, finishing The republic audiobook(yeah yeah) and reading deleuze
>only drawback is obvious low pay that is just a bit over minimum wage

>> No.7118344

How do you people get these jobs? Why can't i find a job where i don't actually have to work?

>> No.7118352

Well I work at a security company.
It installs security and monitoring systems and is a contractor of security guards for buisnesses.
My job involves sending vehicles to check alarms when the sysem is triggered b one of the detectors at a buisness we are responsible for.
Im sure something liek this exists where you live if you live in the city.
I dont know if it will be as leisurely though.

>> No.7118669

>not moving back in with parents after college

Every day:
>mom makes me breakfast
>read after showering
>drive to favorite coffee shop
>read for 4 hours
>drive home
>read for an hour
>go to gym
>eat dinner
>go to sleep at 4; wake up around noon
>rinse and repeat

NEET is best.

>> No.7118674
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>and so on

>> No.7118684

>not having your rich parents support you
proles gtfo

>> No.7118749

But why do you hate your mother? Are you not ashamed to have her toil for you and waste her life away cause her son WONT take care of himself?

>> No.7118765
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Get stuffed, newfag. Your world should change fluidly around you as you write. I've repeatedly written 500 page books in six month increments while working a full time job and putting myself through college.
Stop whining and write. I once asked Neil gaiman what I could do to get noticed by agents and publishers. He replied: "create a body of work that can't be ignored"
All the shitty apartments, goodwill clothes and glasses of red wine at 2 in the morning won't create that work for you. Stop romanticising the process and write something. Stop trying to impress people and write. I never told people what I did with my spare time but when I show the work their fucking eyes get big and say holy shit. Stop trying to needlessly suffer for your art. The only thing that should suffer is the time you spend trying to impress people in conversation BECAUSE YOURE ALWAYS WRITING!

>> No.7119379

My family is Polish. We have none of this "grow up and get out of the house" thinking. I've offered to get a job, and she prefers that I live at home and read; she doesn't want me to move out.

Silly Americans.